"Captain, are we going straight to the capital of the seven waters, or to Gaya Island. "

On the bow of the Liberty, Sora was lying on his back on the guardrail, lazily basking in the sun.

Now he likes to lie on the bow railing in the sun, or on the windmill at the bow.

Because this allows him to feel the breath of the sea and the wind more closely.

He likes it.

Early this morning, they left Aska Island.

There is nothing to be reluctant to, whether it is Saka, or Maya, who has just become friends and relatives with everyone, they understand everyone's ideals very well.

So when I sent them to sea, in addition to silently blessings, I also gave them a lot of delicious ingredients from Askar Island.

And, of course, alcohol.

For example, the juice they are holding in their hands at the moment is a kind of juice that Ahua made through the fruits of Sky Island and the unique spices of Askar Island, which is similar to the milk tea that Kong Tai drank in his previous life.

I have to say, it's delicious.

Kong Tai took a sip of the juice in his hand through the straw, turned his head to look at Robin, and then looked at Arlo, "Allo, how long will it take us to get to the capital of seven waters." "

Hmm!" Arlo

touched his chin and thought for a moment, then looked up and said, "At this speed, probably... Three or four days!

" "Actually, if we float down from the empty island and the direction doesn't change, it will be practical for one day, and we will be able to reach the capital of seven waters, but now..."

he shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of juice, not saying the rest of the word.


"It's not a bad thing, after all, I've seen old friends I haven't seen in years, haven't I


The corners of Arlo's mouth rose and a smile appeared on his face, "If it weren't for us, Saka's guy would have been uncomfortable for a long time!"

He didn't say that Saka would die, because he knew that although Saka's personality would change greatly after he came into contact with the Seven Star Sword, his strength would also be relatively improved.

I don't know what came to mind, the corners of his mouth became wider and wider, and he laughed out loud at the end.

Kuta shook his head, retracted his gaze, and looked at the adjacent place in front of him, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.


"Pirates?" The

laughter stopped abruptly, Arlo put down the juice, hurriedly stepped forward, took out the binoculars on his waist, and leaned on the guardrail, looking ahead.

His eyesight is not as good as Kongtai, so he can only use a telescope.

"Well, it's really a pirate!" "

Look at the flag on that ship, I think I've seen it somewhere."

Arlo put down his binoculars, touched his chin and thought about it, and then his eyes lit up.

"Remember, what kind of pirates are they?" Kuta

turned his head to look at Arlo, and a hint of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

Generally, the bounty newspapers sent to the ship are read by Arlo, and the newspapers he reads are mainly some entertainment news and some big news that shocked the world, and he is not interested in the bounty of other pirates at all.

After all, in the first half of this paradise, no matter how high he is, can he still be higher than them,

and he can be said to know more about the world's famous pirates than most people.

Arlo didn't speak, but walked over to the coffee table, put down the binoculars, and pulled out a bounty order from under the coffee table.

"yes, that's it.

Looking at the bounty order, he smiled slightly, turned around and walked to Kuta's side, and handed it to him, "Na!

look!" "I won't look at it!"

Kuta didn't take it, took a sip of juice, and then said, "You just say it." "

Alright!" Arlo

shrugged, withdrew his hand, and looked at the large sailing ship in front of him, which could now be roughly outlined, a cold light appeared in his pupils, and his tone was disgusted.

"The ship on the other side is a ship with a bounty of 90 million berry, 'Hart Bud Mai', and their pirate group, called the Bud Mai Pirates, is a murderous and heinous group of pirates.

At this, he paused for a moment, and then said, "I read the news about this guy in the newspapers, and this guy is said to like to slaughter the town, just like the gang of pirates we met on Askar Island.

"The only difference is that the pirates we met on Askar Island are basically small minions, and even their captains are just little pirates we don't know, while Hart Malt is different. "


Kutai moved, the empty cup in his hand flew to the coffee table behind him, glanced at Guina, smiled slightly, and turned his head to look at Arlo, "What's the difference?"

The sea is boring, except for the sea, it's still the sea, if there's any fun, it's all kinds of pirates.

So every time they meet a pirate, for better or worse, they get excited.

Arlo retracted his gaze, turned his head to Kongtai and said, "It is said that that guy used to be a navy. "


As soon as this point came out, Kuta became more interested.


Arlo nodded, "I can't know what this guy defected to the Navy for, and there is no news on the news, but after this guy became a pirate, he was even more a pirate than a real pirate, and if the pirate didn't do it, he would do it more thoroughly."

"And every time this guy loots the town..."

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, took a deep breath, as if he was pressing down something, with a cold light in his eyes, and said: "The towns that this guy has been to are basically chickens and dogs, and not a single civilian is spared. "


Sota stiffened, then relaxed.

He didn't criticize this guy named Hart Malt, who used to be a righteous navy and is now an extremely evil pirate.

Because no matter how he got into this way, it has nothing to do with him.

What has something to do with him is that the other party is about to report to hell.

He was absolutely sure of that.

"Want to run?" At

this moment, Arlo suddenly noticed something, suddenly raised his head and stared ahead, his right hand touched the handle of the dog of the underworld, and a killing intent rose from his body.

I saw that the ship in front of me suddenly turned around, apparently discovering them, knowing them, and trying to escape.

"There's no hurry, you can't run away.

Kuta reached out and patted Arlo's shoulder, then turned to look at Guina and said with a smile, "Guina, do you want to try your new abilities, you just have a good target."

Hearing Kuta call Guina, Arlo's tense body instantly relaxed, and his right hand also left the handle of the Grey Dog, and then turned his head to look at Guina with a curious expression.

He also wanted to know what Guina's new abilities were?

During the two days in the Sky Island, Kutai and Guina spent the rest of the time in the space realm of the Empty Tai, except for looking for the Golden Bell and the Golden City Shandora, and they didn't know what they were doing.

However, although it is mysterious, everyone has some speculation, but the speculation has not been confirmed.

After all, at that time, Guina, Kongta, and the god Anilu had been in Kongtai's space realm for a long time!

Now I heard that I can see Guina's new abilities.

Ah Hua in the galley, Indigo in the infirmary, and Ah Tao in the wheelhouse all walked out of their respective rooms together as if they had made an appointment, walked quickly to the bow deck, and then all looked at Guina with a curious expression.

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