Green Dragon.

This is a move he created, and it can burst out in an instant with a speed that seems to transcend time, and the melee slash can be slashed.

Originally, with his strength, he couldn't use this kind of move at all, and this kind of move, if you want to achieve the fastest speed, there is a prerequisite, that is, to open the way with thunder.

After Guina ate the Thunder Fruit, it was very compatible with this trick.

At this time, if she used this trick, even if it was him, it would be difficult to dodge, so she could only carry it.

And he, at the moment of the domineering promotion of the overlord color, comprehended the entanglement.

And the overlord color entanglement, the void thunder and lightning brought by it, although it does not have the power of real thunder and lightning, and it does not have the power of the thunder and lightning of the thunder fruit of Gu Yina, but it can allow him to use the real green dragon.

So the moment he comprehended, he naturally used it.


——! as if cutting through space, a flash of blue light, and Kuta's figure disappeared in place, appearing directly in front of Cartles.

The knife in his hand, from top to bottom, slashed directly at Cartles' chest.


shocking explosion ——! the sound of the explosion, and the powerful shock wave made Kuzan and Guina have to squint their eyes at the same time, and their bodies are pushed out of the church.

The space around the church is like a windmill spinning in time and space, constantly twisting, and then the ground is like a wave, centered on the collision of the two people, rushing towards the surroundings.

With a bang, the whole church, the whole high ground, collapsed directly from the top of the hill, and then the rubble and sawdust flew into the sky with the hurricane formed by the shock wave, and continued to fall towards the town below the mountain.



It's really cracked.

This time it wasn't a thick fog, but a real crack in the sky above the thick fog.

The real orange-yellow clouds were like cracked canyons, and the clouds, like water, were pouring upwards through the cracks.

"Is it all this far?"

Kuzan's eyes flashed with amazement as he looked at the sky, then looked down at the former church, now completely in ruins.

I saw two figures, in the distorted space around them, one holding a long knife, from top to bottom, and one holding a fist, from bottom to top, wrestling in the air.

"Little ghost, don't think that if you can be invincible in the world if you are entangled in overlord color, this thing, the old man would have been 100 years ago!" staring

at Kongtai's eyes, Cartles's eyes, I don't know when they turned orange-yellow, the black in the pupils shrank into a dot, and around the black, there was a circle of crimson.

It is very similar to Ah Hua's transformed eyes, but the aura revealed is more ferocious.

Of course....

Looking at Cartles' pupils, Kuta suddenly found that he seemed to have returned to his previous life, back to his 120-square-meter flat floor, and the familiar ringtone of his mobile phone was still ringing in his ears.

When you open your eyes, everything in the One Piece world is like a phantom.

And all this in front of you is real.

He shook his head, picked up the phone on the bedside, subconsciously turned off the alarm clock, and then looked at the time.

"Oh no, I'm going to be late.

Shaking his somewhat drowsy head, he put down his phone, lifted the quilt on his body, then put on his slippers, walked out of the door, and entered the bathroom.

He remembered that he seemed to be drunk last night, no wonder his face was so haggard, and his head was groggy.

Looking at the one in the mirror, after being beaten by society, he no longer saw the handsome face of his youth, he couldn't help touching the top of his head, put down his hand, and looked at a few black threads on his hand.

Stunned, he couldn't help but sigh.

"This damn social animal career, one day, will boil off my full hair. Shaking

his head, he picked up toothpaste and toothbrush.


At this moment, a yellow orange cat seemed to sense that the owner got up, quickly twisted its fat body, walked into the toilet, and then raised its head and screamed loudly at the one in front of the washstand, which was as fat as it.

It's as if to say, "Shovel officer, the emperor is hungry, so don't hurry up and prepare breakfast for the emperor."

When Li Xiaokong heard this familiar voice, he immediately stopped brushing his teeth.

"Cat?" looked

down, looking at the orange cat's orange pupils, he felt that the world around him suddenly seemed to be far away from him, this feeling that the whole world was cut off from him, made his head feel like it had been hit by a car, and the pain of the explosion hit.

Distorted, the face distorted, the body distorted, even the soul seemed to be distorted.

"Who am I?"

"I'm Li Xiaokong, a programmer in his thirties, raised in an orphanage, and a senior second-dimensional fat boy.


"I'm Kuta, a pinnacle powerhouse in the One Piece world, I have a fiancée, a very beautiful and powerful fiancée, and a master, as well as playmates who grew up together, and a team that goes to sea. "

No, you're Li Xiaokong, Kongtai is just your dream.

At this moment, a warm whisper like a mother resounded in the entire Kuta's mind, and his tangled soul seemed to be comforted, and it was gradually falling asleep.


Just when Li Xiaokong came back to his senses, his head didn't hurt anymore, thinking that all this was just a dream, and he was about to prepare breakfast for his big cat.

An incomparably familiar sound, full of concern for him, containing the unique roar of thunder, suddenly resounded throughout the space.

"Who is it?"

The movement of raising his head stopped, and the space around him also stopped, and the cat under his feet also stopped, and even the air.


, no, no..." His eyes became brighter and brighter, brighter and brighter, and finally there was a blue light in the silver mist, and the pupils became pale blue like a starry sky.

"I'm Li Xiaokong, I'm also Kongtai, I'm a time-traveler, and both worlds are me. "

When I think about it, everything comes to mind.

Turning his head and looking at everything around him, a trace of reluctance flashed in Kuta's eyes.

Although he has lived in this place for a short time, it is his first home in the true sense of the word in his previous life.

Before he saved enough money, he rented a house near the company.

When he had saved enough money to buy a house in full, he bought a house.

Because in his concept, paying in installments is no less than working for a real estate company and a bank in an alternative way, so he will not be so stupid.

He wanted to have a home that belonged to him.

But he will not be in a hurry for that moment, after all, with his salary and bonuses, he can leave a lot in a year.

After all, isn't it a person?

He leaned down and looked at the cat that was staring at him with haughty eyes, as if he had traveled through time and space, and slowly crouched down.

He knew that everything here was an illusion, and it was the thing he remembered the most.

"Fat boy, I don't know what you'll do after I'm gone?" he

reached out to touch, but stopped halfway, paused for a moment, and then shrank back.

He was afraid that if he touched it, the yellow figure in front of him would disappear in an instant.

Looking at the yellow orange cat, Kuta's eyes flashed with deep longing.

The fat boy graduated from college and went to the orphanage to visit the old dean, and the old dean gave it to him, saying that he was afraid that he would be lonely, so that he could have a companion.

Since then, Fat Boy has become his closest in this world except for the old dean... Cat.

"Before you know it, more than 10 years have passed!" he

looked up, looking at the crumbling space around him, and he knew it was time for him to leave.

After all, no matter how nostalgic he is, no matter how reluctant he is, this is just a cage compiled for him by others through their abilities to evoke his memory.

It's all illusions here, and outside, there are friends, and Guina, who are still waiting for him!

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