Just when everyone didn't know how to talk.

As if discovering a new world, the skeleton looked at Robin and Guina in the middle of the crowd.

Then he laughed and took a few steps forward, standing a few steps away from the crowd.

He said to Guina and Robin, "What two beautiful young ladies, well... Beautiful。 "


Robin chuckled, covering her mouth, and Guina curled her eyes.

Seeing that Robin and Guina were happy, the skeleton continued, "When I saw the beauty, I smiled happily, even though the skeleton had no eyes.

"Yo ho ho ho ho~"

Kuta looked at the skeleton, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This guy is worthy of being one of the four yellows, and I don't know if he was like this when he was a human a few decades ago, or if he became a skeleton and floated in this thick fog for decades, and he had mental problems and became like this.


that moment, the skeleton put down the coffee cup and the cane on his wrist, pulled the handkerchief from his pocket, bent down to polish his shoes, and then walked up to Guina and Robin, and spoke solemnly.

"Fat, can you let me appreciate your fatness?"


As soon as these words came out, the smiles on everyone's faces immediately stopped, especially Ah Hua and the three of them, who silently retreated, looking at the skeleton with a look of horror and admiration.

Sure enough, without disappointing the three of Ahua, Guina stared at the skeleton, her smile froze, and then her eyes were cold, and she opened her mouth and shouted, "Dream!" and then

kicked directly on the skeleton's head, kicking the skeleton away with one kick.

Robin, on the other hand, opened his mouth and laughed.


Although he knew that this guy was joking, it still made Kong Tai feel slightly unhappy, but after thinking about it, this guy has been staying here alone for decades, maybe he has really been left crazy, and the trace of unhappiness in his heart has gradually faded.

Besides, this guy's real age is completely enough to be everyone's grandfather.

So what's the point of thinking about so much? It's

just a joke that doesn't hurt.

Although this guy is said to be four yellows, he is the most gentlemanly one of the four yellows, and he has never done anything out of the ordinary.


Even the four yellows are actually just jokes by everyone.

With a thud, the skeleton slammed to the ground, and a large red bulge emerged from the place where Guina had been kicked.

Apparently Guina didn't use her strength, and the skeleton didn't dodge.

The skeleton fell to the ground, looked at Guina, and laughed: "Yo ho ho ho ho ~ It's really rough! It hurts to my bones, although I only have bones, yo ho ho ho ho~"

This guy is actually a master of cold jokes, and every sentence is like telling a bad joke.

When everyone heard this, they all laughed.


the laughter dispelled, and the loneliness that swirled around this ship brought a long-lost liveliness to the place.

The skeleton lay on the ground, looking at the laughing crowd, and a trace of memory appeared in its dark eyes.

He looked at Kong Tai and the others, as if he had returned to decades ago, back to when his partners were still there, and unconsciously, two lines of tears flowed from his dark eyes.

As if sensing something, the laughter of the crowd gradually stopped.

Guina stepped forward, stood in front of the skeleton, and said solemnly, "No kidding, let's talk about it!" "

What the hell are you?" The

skeleton looked at everyone, and with a click, it stood up straight.

He first went to the table next to him to pick up his coffee cup, and then hung the cane back on his left wrist, then turned around and walked back, looked at the crowd, and took a small sip of the coffee cup in his hand unhurriedly, for decades, I don't know if it's coffee, it's still steaming coffee.

Only then did he put down his hand and said to everyone, "Have you ever heard

of the Yellow Spring Fruit?" "Yellow Spring Fruit?" "Is it really the fruit ability?"

Robin stepped forward, stood beside Guina, and said to the skeleton: "You mean to say that your current state is the ability of the Yellow Spring Fruit

, a special state conferred. "

Hmm!" the

skeleton nodded, and continued, "Actually, I died decades ago, and now I am a resurrected person.

"Resurrect people?"

"Hmmm! resurrect people.

"Actually, decades ago, I was a pirate who followed a group of friends from the Western Sea to the Great Voyage, and after entering this demonic sea, we were attacked by a group of peers, and then all of us were wiped out.

"Before, I ate the Yellow Spring Fruit, and it only turned me into a landlubber, but not long after I died, the fruit power was activated, and my soul was pulled out of the cold Yellow Spring again. "


Ah Hua pushed the frame of the glass, stepped forward and said, "Since your soul came out of the Yellow Spring not long after death, how did you become the skeleton you are now?"

The skeleton picked up the coffee and took a sip gently, "This is going to be a matter of resentment about this demon sea."

"It is true that I came out of the Yellow Spring not long after I died, but when I came out, I found that I could not find my ship, and that I was lost in this sea of magic shrouded in thick fog. "


everyone looked at the skeleton, their faces stiffened.

I didn't expect it to be such a lame reason, but when I thought of the strange fog in this sea area, and the visibility here, I was relieved.

It's really easy to get lost, and if you don't have a record pointer, no one will enter the sea.

Even if there is a record pointer, almost 100 ships get lost in this sea area every year, never to get out again.

The ship they met along the way, the people on the second ship were captured by something, and the first ship, apparently lost here a long time ago, completely became what others called a ghost ship.

"Hmm!" the

skeleton nodded, shrugged helplessly, "It's really lost." "

And what's next?"

Arlo glanced over at the skull on the tattered sail, and at the horns on the skull, a flash of thought in his eyes.

"Where do I seem to have seen this skull flag?"

shook his head, maybe the pirates had seen a lot of them during this time, and they seemed to have seen all the skeletons they saw.

Retracting his gaze, smiling, he returned his gaze to the skeleton.

"Next. The

skeleton looked down at the skeleton that appeared on his chest, and said in a slightly low voice, "By the time I find the ship and find my body, it will be a year later." "

Well, needless to say, everyone guessed it.

One year is enough time for a person to turn from a corpse into a skeleton.

At this moment, the skeleton suddenly looked up at the sky and laughed loudly: "Yo ho ho ho ho ho ~ Today is really a good day!

Then he lowered his head, and an inexplicable light flashed in his dark eyes, "In this dark sea area that does not know the alternation of day and night, and the fog is filled, all the partners are dead, and they have been wandering alone on a large ship with a broken rudder for decades. "

I'm so lonely!"

"I'm so lonely and scared, and sometimes I really want to die." Everyone

looked at the skeleton as if they had seen it for decades, constantly moving around the ship, remembering his dead companion and waiting to see the others again.

But day after day, year after year, the sea was too big, and the rudder of his ship was broken, so he had to resign himself to fate.

And so on, decades have passed, and no one else has been seen.

This kind of loneliness, everyone shuddered just thinking about it.

"It's going to drive people crazy!" everyone

looked at the skeleton with a little more in their eyes.


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