However, it is too late to find out.

If she hadn't let Kuta and Guina discover the terrifying three-masted galleon, maybe they would have been hiding in this foggy sea, and it would have taken some time for Kuta to find them, but now...

"Let's go! Let's go straight over.

Kuta retracted his gaze and walked towards the Liberty first, and behind him, the piano was like a hand dragging it, floating in the sky, silently following him.

Everyone was already surprised by Kuta's ability, so they followed him towards the Freedom.

But Brooke saw Kuta's ability for the first time, so the pale skeleton's face showed a look of shock again.

"Brooke, if you want to reclaim the shadow, come with me, and as for not getting on my ship, don't be my companion, we'll talk later.

Just as Brooke was stunned, the voice of Sota came from the Freedom.

Brooke was stunned for a moment, then picked up the violin case on the round table, and his cane, glanced at the ship again, at the many skeletons in the cabin, and turned and jumped onto the Liberty.


The moment he jumped down, Brooke set his eyes on Kuta, and said embarrassedly: "Mr. Kongtai, can you pull my boat away, although the boat is broken, but my partners are still on it, I don't want to leave them, even if I want to leave, I have to find a place for them to settle down." "


Kuta nodded, turning his head to look at Tao.

"No problem at all.

Ah Tao made an "ok" gesture, and then said: "With the power of our ship, if you want to pull this giant ship, as long as you use the power system, it will be no problem at all."

"No problem.

In an instant, two huge chains rose from the cabins on either side of the Liberty, levitating like a giant snake in the sky, and then danced left and right to hook the bow of the giant sailing ship next to it.

After finishing the matter, Kuta retracted his gaze, turned his head to look at Brooke, and chuckled, "Now rest assured!" "

Don't worry, Yo ho ho ho ho 'Mr. Kuta, it's amazing!"

At this moment, Ah Tao in the cab pressed the switch of the motor, and suddenly the huge propeller behind the Liberty turned rapidly.

While stirring up the current, it also provided the impetus for the Liberty to move forward, allowing the Liberty to move forward quickly.


sound of iron chains rubbing, and then the chains straightened, pulling the giant sailboat, and moving forward together.

After a while, everyone on the bow of the Liberty saw a long black shadow in the dense fog in front of them, revealing it, and the distance was close, and everyone saw that this black shadow turned out to be a moving island!

Walk to the teeth of the island's mouth.

Seeing that the island did not open its mouth.

Sora knew that Moria's guy had already spotted them.

Now that he knows who he is, looking at the way he is now, it is obvious that the guy doesn't want him to land on the island.

"If you don't let me, won't you go up?"

staring at the huge tooth gate in front of him, a cold light flashed in Kuta's eyes.

The ——!

and the knife sounded.

The crisp sound of the sword, in the silent dark sea under this thick fog, seemed to be particularly penetrating, as if it resounded throughout the whole world.

Accompanied by the cold sword light, two huge silver-gray slashes in the shape of a crescent, with a buzz, one left and one right, penetrated the air, crossed the space, and instantly appeared in front of the giant mouth.

In the giant mouth will not react at all, the slash "poof" sounds, as if it is cut on tofu, directly through the teeth of the giant mouth.


After the sword light, the middle part of the giant gate fell directly into the sea.

Obviously, this gate can't stop them.

The Liberty continued forward, breaking through the falling waves of the giant gate, and stopped behind the giant gate, in a U-shaped harbor like a human choking on the mouth.

"Moria, come out to me. "

Kongtai is not Wang Luffy, he will not go to Moria slowly, so after the ship stopped, he shouted as soon as possible.

The sound was not loud, but it was clear throughout the island, and of course, to the ears of Moria in the highest castle in the middle of the island, and to the ears of his three men.

"It's coming, it's really coming. The

pink-haired girl, Perona, looked at Moria with fear.

Perona, one of Moria's three eccentrics, is the commander of the Animal Zombie and the Scary Zombie.

Also known as "Princess Mononoke", she is a person who eats the fruit of ghosts, and can separate her soul from her body, but the body will also lose her soul and become a shell that cannot move and is unconscious, and the body is extremely vulnerable to attack at this time.

When Kuta looked at the Liberty earlier, he found Perona's ghost.

Her ghost doesn't know what it is, but it can cross such a long distance, and in the original book, it seems that Luffy and the others saw Moria's trap treasure chest before they entered the Devil's Triangle.

At such a distance, Perona's ghost can fly, which is really amazing.

And his ghost can also make the person who is in contact lose his combat effectiveness in an instant, if he hadn't met the nemesis, the desperate Usopp in the original book, I'm afraid Luffy and others, here in Moria, would have to be completely destroyed.

However, it is also possible that the development of the Perona fruit is not up to the mark.

The god-level fruit, when he met someone who couldn't develop, only revealed the initial appearance of the fruit, just like Fox.

If Perona develops the fruit well, maybe Luffy and the others will really be wiped out.


It's not that it's going to be wiped out.

Without the restrained Perona, none of Luffy and the others can stop it, unless Luffy awakens to be armed and domineering.

The other two people standing next to Moria were the other two of the Three Strangers.

A person with a pointed nose who wears mesh clothes and small sunglasses is named "Hogubak".

Although this guy is not a commander, he can pick the zombie he wants from his master Moria to command.

He had miraculously saved many patients and gained the fame and status that a doctor deserves.

In fact, this guy is a bad doctor who thinks money is better than saving lives.

Ten years ago, Sindori's death had devastated him, and he later became Moonlight Moria's companion on the condition of resurrecting Sindori.

Although he resurrected Sindoli with the corpse of Sindori, the shadow of Gamoria.

But at this time, Sindoli is no longer the Sindoli in his memory, but a zombie, but he is not outside, this guy just likes Sindoli's appearance, in essence, he is a villain, a pervert.

The other man in a black leather coat, with a lion-like face, long blond hair, and a white hat is the last of the three monsters, "Absalom".

This guy is the commander of the island, zombie soldier and zombie general.

It's a transparent person who eats Sanji's most desired fruit.

Be able to make your body transparent, and be able to make people and things that come into contact with your body equally transparent.

This guy is very, and often runs to inspect the goods in order to find his ideal bride.

Well...... A complete villain, it's not too much to die ten times.

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