

"Kong Tai, don't these guys have long brains? It's very different from our strength, why do you still want to be like a moth to a fire, come up to find death!"

Putting down the book, Kong Tai looked up at Ah Luo, and said with a light smile: "The world is very big and vast enough, but the spread of news can only rely on newspapers and other people's oral transmission, so many people actually live in the world they know."

"In addition, whether it is the world government or the world's news agencies, the report will only say that so-and-so is strong, but it will not say where he is strong.

"This leads to the fact that the perception of the strong by people in this world does not come from newspapers, but from their own personal experience.

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, and then said: "This leads to the fact that most people's cognitive ceiling has not been raised, and only after experiencing it will they recognize the gap between themselves and the strong."

"This is also the reason why most of the pirates are arrogant, because in their cognition, they are the strongest.

"And the pirates who can sail here, sail to this sea area that is only a short voyage away from the New World, will have the idea that Lao Tzu is the best in the world, because they are the people who came here from countless pirates.


Arlo nodded, "I see!" "

I'll just say that these guys are all arrogant, as if they are the center of the universe, and no one is afraid.

"Hey, that's not right.

Ah Hua suddenly thought of something, and looked up at

Kong Tai, "Isn't there still a bounty?" "Bounty..."

Kong Tai took the juice on the coffee table next to him, took a sip gently, and then smiled: "Do you think this thing can really stop those arrogant people?" "Do

you want to know what they are going to sea for

?" "Isn't it fame and fortune?"

"And our heads, isn't it that name and fortune." Putting

down the juice, Kuta looked at Ah Luo, who was thinking with his head down, and smiled: "Do you understand?"


nodded, Ah Luo straightened up, and the doubts in his eyes were gone, "Understood."


At this moment, a big slap suddenly slapped Arlo's side and slapped him heavily on the shoulder.

Ah Hua turned around, pushed the frame, and sneered at Ah Luo: "I still have to ask Kong Tai such a simple question, I have already figured it out, you guy is really stupid!" "Do you

want to fight?"

As soon as Ah Hua's hand was slapped away, Ah Luo slowly turned around and stared at Ah Hua with angry eyes.

Ah Hua didn't seem to feel Ah Luo's anger, and said contemptuously: "Come on! Anyway, I haven't done it for a long time, and watching you fight the pirates, my hands have long been itchy."

As he spoke, his eyes met Arlo's, and in an instant, the air around him suddenly froze, and between the eyes of the two, there seemed to be a flash of lightning.


As if sensing something, the two of them put away the momentum on their bodies at the same time, turned their heads and took a cautious look, sitting cross-legged on the cushion on the side, Gu Yina, who was cultivating.

Looking at the more cyan arcs on her body than before, she quickly withdrew her gaze and glanced at each other, while turning her head to look at both sides.

Sota glanced at the two of them, shook his head, put down the cup, picked up the book and continued reading.

After Robin got on the boat, he spent most of his time reading the books Robin had brought with him.

He doesn't like history books, although they are books to understand the world, but in his case, they don't have any effect, so most of the time he is reading novels.

"Yo ho ho ho ho ho

~" "Mr. Kuta, the island, I see the island."

On the lookout, Brooke put down his binoculars, leaned on the guardrail, and shouted down to the bow of the ship.

Brooke spent most of his time on the ship with the rest of the ship, probably lonely for a long time!

But he can't cook, and he often breaks the dishes even when washing them, so Ah Hua generally doesn't let him help, and Ah Tao basically has nothing to do there, so he doesn't want him, as for Indigo...

Although Indigo was interested in Brooke's skeletal body, he didn't have the idea of using his companion's body for experiments, so Brooke couldn't help much.

As for Kuta and Guina and Robin, the three of them are the most idle people on the ship, Kuta is a book except for eating and drinking, Robin is reading, and Guina is cultivating, so Brooke can't help anything either.

And among them, only Arlo's work he can help, so when he is bored, he always goes to the lookout and takes over Arlo's work.

On the one hand, he really wants to do something for everyone, and on the other hand, he has been in the Devil's Triangle for too long, so he is full of freshness to the world, especially the world under the sun, as if he can't see enough.

"Got it.

Kuta put down the book, turned his head and stretched out his hand, and made an "OK" gesture to Brooke on the lookout.

"Where's the island?"

Hearing Brooke's voice, Arlo quickly turned his head and looked ahead, looking for a while before he saw it.

"It's really an island!" Because

the distance is too far, only one black dot can be seen, and this black dot cannot be seen unless you look closely.

This, combined with the undulations of the sea, makes the black dots look looming.

Of course, standing on a high place, Brooke, holding a telescope, should be able to see very clearly!"

Ah Hua turned and looked at the lookout.

"I don't know, I've never been to the Chambord Islands, but depending on the size of the islands, I guess!"

Even Guina, who was cultivating, put away the electricity in her body, opened her eyes, and a trace of electric arc flashed under her eyes, and then stood up.

In anticipation of everyone, the Liberty gradually moved forward.

And the ships around them gradually increased, and they, like the Liberty, were like a confluence of rivers, heading towards the island in front of them.

And among these ships, they also saw other pirates, but these pirates didn't know what was wrong, and they were no longer like the pirates they had met before, as soon as they saw them, they were like predatory beasts, and they quickly pounced on them.

On the contrary, as if he was very afraid of them, when he saw their flag, he turned away from them.

This made his hands grip on the handle of the dog, and Ah Hua, who was about to shoot, couldn't help but show a puzzled expression.

"What's wrong with these guys?"

he retracted the hound, turning his head to look at Kuta.

"What else could happen?"

"I'm afraid of us!" Before

Kuta could reply, Ah Hua spoke first.

He lifted his glasses, with an unfathomable look, and then looked at Arlo with a condescending look, "We have killed so many pirates, there will always be a few who are lucky enough to survive, and those who know us, if they dare to go up and send them to death, are real idiots."

"And idiots, it's impossible to sail here alive. "

Understood?" Arlo

frowned, staring at Ah Hua, "I don't need you to teach me a lesson.

Although he knew in his heart that Ah Hua was right, the words that came out of his mouth were raising the bar.


Ah Hua chuckled, a look of disdain to you, and then turned his head to look at the island that was becoming clearer in front of him.

What awaits them in the first half of the Great Voyage, the last island of Paradise?"

And at this moment, a large number of seagulls gradually appeared in the sky, following the ship forward.

The island ahead is where they can rest for a while!

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