East China Sea, Kingdom of Goa.

In a primeval forest, a deafening roar was heard from afar.


Looking over the grass, I saw that in the deep bushes, a huge saber-toothed tiger with a height of more than three meters and a body length of more than six meters pounced fiercely at a slender and sturdy man with a green turban tied on his head with bloodthirsty red eyes.

The man was shirtless, holding a knife in each hand and a handful in his mouth.

Feeling the pressure of the saber-toothed tiger's pounce, he raised his head suddenly, and his sword-like eyes were full of indifference.

Then he bent slightly, and kicked his right leg behind him.

As the ground collapsed, his body seemed to turn into a ray of light, and instantly appeared behind the saber-toothed tiger.

"Three Knife Streams, Ghost Slash!"

the man stood up, waved away the blood stains on the knife, and with a "ding" sound, put the knife into the sheath.

And the saber-toothed tiger behind him who was frozen in place, only then did his body spurt blood, and fell to the ground with a "bang", and his body was instantly divided into several pieces, and the blood stained the entire ground red in an instant.

The man had no surprise at the saber-toothed tiger behind him, he raised his head and looked at the dappled sunlight falling from the sky through the canopy, and his indifferent eyes returned to calm.

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and shouted, "Ah... "

Don't think about it, everyone knows who this costume is, and the person who can't get out of the forest when he enters it! That's

right, he is the famous pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro in the East China Sea during this time.

Since the last time he saw the news of Kongtai, he wanted to go to the Great Voyage, but it was clear that the direction was the Great Voyage, and the ghost knows how he ran to the Goya Kingdom in the opposite direction.

And after going to the island, he went into the forest to find something to eat, but he couldn't go back.

He has been trapped here for half a month.

During this time, he had killed all the powerful beasts in the forest, and the saber-toothed tiger behind him was the last one, but he still couldn't get out, he always felt that he had been to the place where he was standing now, he had been here more than once.

But he won't admit that he is lost.

So you can only look at the sky and roar incompetently.

What he didn't know, however, was that not far from here was a human village, and as long as he walked east, it would take him less than half an hour to get out of this forest.

And yet....

Lowering his head, Sauron sighed, then looked determined towards the west.

"Loneliness is also a kind of cultivation, Kongtai, Guina, wait for me, I will soon be able to come to the Great Voyage. "

During this time, his swordsmanship has improved rapidly, and now he has already passed the realm of cutting iron, and he can almost be regarded as a sword hero.

He had a hunch that it was going to be soon.


Not far from here in the other direction.

On a hillside, there is an old wooden house.

At this time, in the wooden house, a 15 or 6-year-old imp wearing a straw hat, a navy flag shirt printed on his chest, and blue jeans on his lower body, was holding an extra-large roast leg and eating it.

This is the corpse of the beast he saw in the forest yesterday.

He can always pick up such corpses these days.

Each one of them was killed by someone, and I don't know who did it, you must know that these beasts are his sandbags.

Now that he had been killed, he wanted to go over to this person to take revenge, but looking at the corpses all over the ground, he couldn't bear to let them rot here like this, so he could only drag them back to the wooden house with tears, roast them, and eat them with tears.

"Hmm... What is this sound?"

At this moment, the boy who was burying his head in the hard food, as if he heard something, he took a large bite of meat in his mouth, kept chewing, raised his head, and moved his ears lightly.


swallowing the piece of meat in his mouth that was bigger than his neck, the boy shook his head and continued to bury himself in the leg of the meat and eat.

As if he didn't care at all about what he had just heard.

That's right, for boys, where is the sound of the meat on the hands important!

Great Voyage.

Chambord Islands, open sea.

They don't know how much their news will reverberate around the world, but they do expect it.

After all, this incident is a bit big, and the Chambord Islands are not as big as other islands, this is not only the backyard of the Draco people, there are not only many pirates, but also many newspaper reporters.

Such a big thing, even the world government, it is impossible to press it.

As soon as they left the Chambord Islands, these reporters would send their first-hand information back to the company, and it would soon spread throughout the sea.

But these things have nothing to do with them anymore.

Now, on the Liberty, they are slowly sinking into the sea, heading for the strange depths of the sea.

The people on the boat all stood by the side of the boat, raised their heads, and looked at the rare beauty of the deep sea outside.

Glowing jellyfish, countless swimming fish, lobsters the size of a boat, and countless swimming black shadows in the depths...

All this made everyone's eyes excited.

Kuta didn't coat it, but wrapped the ship in his space realm, which had the advantage that they didn't have to find a coater in the Chambord Islands, they didn't have to wait there.

Another benefit is that he has control over the Liberty at will.

Unlike coated ships, if there are no special means, go to the surface of the sea, only to follow the current.

Just like now, they can swim under the sea.

And not far from them is the one that reaches the exclusive current of the Chambord Islands to Fish-Man Island.

The ocean current is silver, like a milky way, connecting the sea surface with the dark deep sea, and when it comes to the deep sea, the current becomes a silver dragon in the bottom of the sea, emitting the only light source.

The Liberty followed the current, like a ship floating on the Milky Way, and it was full of shock when viewed from afar.

100 meters

, 500 meters, 1000 meters, 3000


, to here, the

bottom of the sea has been pitch black, in addition to the silver light brought down by the current, the surrounding is like an eternal night, silent, deep, and there is an inexplicable fear.

At this moment, on ——!the

left side of the Liberty, an orange tentacle, like a whip, stirred the sea water from the darkness and whipped straight towards the Liberty.

The people on the boat, except for the one who came on board with them, Coco Ludo Fiso, all looked at the huge tentacles drawn over as if they were watching a play, and there was no trace of panic on their faces.


At this moment, suddenly from the bow of the ship, there was a hum, and the sound was no less than the bell in the dark shadow at the bottom of the silent sea, instantly resounding throughout the sea.

There was a strong domineering aura in that voice, which made the owner of the tentacle freeze in place instantly.

By the glimmer of the current, to the left of the Liberty, in the darkness, a huge black shadow gradually emerged.

The two eyes of the black shadow the size of the Liberty, with a faint blue light, stared closely at the bow of the Liberty, and the huge body was full of an incomparable sense of oppression in this boundless deep sea.

Seeing that the bow of the ship did not move for a long time, the dark blue pupils gradually revealed a murderous meaning.

Then the tentacles that stopped, along with more tentacles emerging from the darkness, drew straight towards the Liberty.

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