Cocoa Road is more.

The Great Voyage New World begins in the sea, near a beautiful island in the windless zone.

The island is full of greenery and flowers.

It is a rare spring island.



" "The pirates are here again, run." "

King's Army, King's Army, Run, Run, Run, Ah~"

On the coast, on a huge pirate ship, a large number of pirates with weapons in their hands and vicious faces continue to emerge.


a pirate and slashed at a civilian's back.

The civilians fell to the ground, blood-red blood spraying on the bluestone pavement, spraying on the pink petals of the peach trees fluttering down on both sides.

Extraordinarily harsh.

"Hahaha!!" A

tall-looking man with a machete on his shoulder and a shirtless body pushed away the pirates in front of him and stood at the front of the crowd of pirates.

Staring at the panicked civilians who kept running into the depths of the street, their faces filled with bloodthirsty hideousness.

Raising his sword, he took the lead and rushed forward, "Little ones, rob everything you see, but the kingdom of Keludo can't pay the heavenly gold, and has been removed from the world government member states, and the nearby navy will not care about their life or death."


a while, corpses lay down on the beautiful streets, and the surrounding houses were on fire.

By the time the King's Army arrived, led by a tall, armoured middle-aged man, the group of pirates had already left the place and set sail on the pirate ship.

Something like this has been happening every day for months.

Coco Ludo was originally a very prosperous island, surrounded by many villages and towns.

But in recent months, most of the towns on the edge of the island have been completely ruined.

Coco Ludo is not as big as the big islands, but it is not small.

The middle-aged man got the news that it would take time to get from the palace to the village and town, and these pirates did not entangle with him, and ran away after grabbing things and people.

In the past few months, he has been like a firefighter, surrounding Coco Ludo and constantly extinguishing fires.

And pirates are like sharks that smell fishy, repelling wave after wave, endlessly.

However, he knew that the pirates in the past few months were still small shrimps.

When they have almost robbed it, the pirates who are more powerful will come here and rob him of everything that the king has.

That's right, he is the king of Coco Ludo, "Coco Ludo Charles".

Don't look at how prosperous Keke Road is, in fact, all the money earned every year is paid to the sky.

In fact, a few years ago, he had a premonition that this day would come in the future.

But he didn't have any way, the heavenly gold was paid more and more year by year, and the way to get money from Coco Road was developed by him to the extreme, or the last time the heavenly gold was handed over a few months ago, he didn't hand it in full.

He searched everywhere for a way, and even gave up his dignity as a king and went to the Holy Land of Mary Joya to ask for the Five Old Stars, but what he got was that he was not even allowed to enter the door, and he was driven out.

Thinking of "Gus", who was not far from here and had now completely become a pirate base, a hint of gloom flashed across his face.

Gathering his troops and pacifying the townspeople, Charles returned with his guards to Brest, a city built in the central basin of the island.

This is the safest place for Coco Ludo right now, guarded by tens of thousands of royal troops, but because there are too many civilians to gather recently, Brest seems to be a lot more crowded.

"Hello Your Majesty!"

Along the way, the surrounding civilians all bowed to Charles, and Charles nodded to the civilians from time to time.

Obviously, Charles has a high prestige in the hearts of the common people.

When he returned to the palace, Charles hurried towards the hall of the council.

On the way back, he received news that his eldest son had returned.

Half a month ago, a group of pirates sneaked into Brest and kidnapped their youngest daughter Sophie, who was playing outside, and it was at that time that his eldest son, "Coco Ludo Donald", went out to sea to find the pirates.

Half a month has passed, and he thinks that the eldest son has encountered an accident, after all, this is a new world, a pirate land, and his strength is not low.

I didn't expect to be back now.


open the door to the council chamber, Charles walked in with two old men dressed as butlers.

At a glance, I saw a handsome young man, in the midst of a group of generals in armor, bowing his head, telling something?

I haven't seen him for half a month, and the handsome young man's body has a little more solemnity and maturity, and a little less casualness, which makes Charles's eyes have a touch of relief.

But he didn't see his youngest daughter Sophie, so worry and distress appeared in his eyes again.

You must know that Sophie can be said to be the princess of Coco Ludo, who is loved by the whole country, and she has never suffered at all since she was a child, and she doesn't know what will happen after being taken away for half a month.

Will you not be hungry, will you be beaten, will you be...

The thought of that terrible scene made his heart feel like it had been stabbed by something, and it hurt deeply.


Charles came in and interrupted the generals' discussion with Donald.

Donald quickly rushed out of the crowd, walked up to Charles, knelt down on one knee, and looked at Charles excitedly, "Father." "

Your Majesty.

Behind him, the generals also bent down and saluted.

"Hmm!" Charles nodded to the generals, then looked down at his eldest son, Donald, with a flash of excitement in his eyes, and bent down to pull Donald up.

Looking at the hard face of his eldest son, he patted his strong shoulder and said with a smile: "It's good to come back, it's good to come back."

Donald looked at Charles, with a hint of guilt on his face, and said in a deep voice: "Father, I'm sorry, I couldn't find my little sister." "

Didn't you find it?" Charles

looked at his eldest son with his head down and guilt on his face, sadness flashed in his eyes, and then patted him on the shoulder, "It's okay, it's good for you to come back, I'm sure Sophie will be auspicious."

After thinking about it, he pulled a smile on his face and comforted: "Maybe when, Sophie will come back by herself." He

comforted his eldest son, Donald, and he comforted himself.

They can't be defeated, because they are not only Sophie's father, Donald's eldest brother, but also the king and eldest prince of Coco Ludo.

Now Coco Ludo is so difficult, if they collapse, then Coco Ludo will really collapse.

Glancing at his eldest son, Donald, Charles suppressed his worries about Sophie and walked to the desk in the middle of the conference room with a resolute face.

"Alright, let's go ahead!"

"Yes, Your Majesty. "

General Zuo, have the pirates in the east repulsed?"

General Zuo hesitated for a moment and said solemnly: "But the casualties are a bit serious, when we passed, the group of pirates was robbing, although the pirates were driven away, but the king's army also suffered heavy casualties." At

this, a trace of sadness appeared on the faces of everyone in the room.

In just a few months, the king's army has grown from nearly 100,000 to less than 70,000 now.

In just a few months, nearly 30,000 royal troops were sacrificed.

Civilians are countless.

And the individual strength of the pirates is already stronger than the king's army, although there are sacrifices, but they have not really annihilated any of the pirate groups in the past few months.

Wait for the truly powerful pirates to come to Coco Ludo.


The meeting in the conference room is still going on, but the road is like a leaky cover, there is wind pouring into it all around, and it can't be blocked, and the battlefield, of course, can't only be in the east.

And the desperation that had been floating over Coco Ludo since a few months ago became even stronger under the siege of more and more pirates.

I don't know who will be the hero who will save Coco

Ludo? Otherwise, if you wait a little longer, Coco Ludo will be the next Gus.

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