"Lord Imu. The

five old stars all knelt on the ground in respect of Imu's back.

"What's the matter?" Im

, who was shrouded in black robes, stretched out his right hand and caught a colorful butterfly that flew in front of him, he didn't look back, but the voice that couldn't distinguish between men and women, without the slightest emotion, clearly sounded in the minds of the five old stars.

The long-bearded Five Old Stars, dressed in a dark blue suit, said respectfully, "Lord Yimu, the coordinates of the silver-haired pirates are already available. "

Silver-haired pirates?"

Im's slender eyes narrowed slightly, and a hint of murder appeared in his blood-red pupils.

He shook his hand slightly, letting go of the butterfly in his hand, and then turned to look at the long-bearded Five Old Stars who held the map in both hands.

At his feet were a few bounty orders, on which were the heads of Kuta and Guina, as well as Robin.

Without seeing him make any moves, the map flew to him of its own accord, and he reached out to take it, and then calmly said, "All right, I see, you can go down."

The five old stars hurriedly moved their bodies, took a few steps back, and then stood up, and did not dare to look directly at Yimu, but lowered their heads, turned around, and quickly walked out of this room.

Imu waited until the five old stars walked out of the room and disappeared completely into the dim hallway, then looked down at the map.

I saw that on the map, there was a big red dot on an island near the windless zone where the new world began, and the name on it was written Coco Ludo.

"Coco Ludo.

Im looked at the map with no emotion in his eyes, and then he didn't know where he took a pen, then raised his hand and put a big cross on the map of the island of Coco Rodo.

"Those who attempt to challenge the authority of the world government, to uncover history, and to peep at me will be ruthlessly erased and completely disappear from history. "

Indifference, full of murderous voices, resounded throughout the room.


Time goes back to Coco Ludo.

Although the number of pirates was large, after all, all of them fell to the ground, and Charles and the others, as well as the soldiers who came down from the city wall in the back, added up to dozens of people.

They just went over to mend the knives, one by one, one by one, and quickly sent all the pirates to hell in ten minutes.

And after they killed the pirates, they glanced at the three Ah Hua who were still fighting, and they did not stay, and under the order of Charles, they quickly rushed into the city to inform them of this victory.

After all, the people in the city, blocked by the city wall, did not know the situation outside, and were wandering and hiding in the houses.

After a while, the city erupted in a monstrous cheer.

The civilians who were close to the city wall even rushed out of the city wall and cast an incomparable sense of gaze at the Liberty.

And at this very moment.

aboard the Liberty.

Kuta suddenly raised his head sharply, his pupils constricting rapidly, and looked at the end of the sky.

He felt a palpitation, as if a great danger was coming.

"What is it?"

he wondered.

This feeling, he has never appeared since he came into this world, it is not that he feels that he is in danger, but that he feels...

People around you are in danger.

At this moment, Guina also seemed to have discovered an anomaly.

She also looked up at the sky, and the smile on her face disappeared and turned solemn.

Retracting his gaze, Kuta and Guina glanced at each other.

Guina was the first to speak.

"Sota, there's something strange in the sky.

Although she didn't know what it was, the palpitations that made her heart contract violently like a pinprick were something she had never felt before.

Even when she was still very weak, she did not feel this way when she faced the meteorite of the golden lion that seemed to be about to destroy the world for the first time.

Even though the thing on it hadn't yet appeared, she knew it could threaten her life.

"There's me.

Seeing Guina's concern, Kuta reached out and touched her head.

That's when it happened.

The originally clear sky suddenly surged, and at the end of that sky, a small fiery red dot was rapidly falling towards Coco Ludo.

As the distance shortened, a sense of oppression that made everyone on the island feel palpitations hit, making the cheers on the island disappear in an instant.

Countless people stopped their movements and looked up at the sky in unison.

I saw that the sky was covered by thick clouds at some point.

The clouds were churning and swirling, and in the center there was a fiery red light shining brightly, reflecting the entire cloud as the sunset of the sunset.

It's beautiful, it's spectacular, but it's full of murderous intrigue.

Before anyone could admire it, there seemed to be a behemoth in the center of the cloud, opening its mouth below.

The dazzling white light replaced the sun in the sky, and then the white light shrank sharply, turning into a small cluster of light.

From the fall of the fireball, to the cloud cover, to this ball of light, it was actually only a matter of a dozen seconds.

In such a short period of time, even if Sota discovers the danger, I can actually do it.

More than ten seconds ago.

As soon as he spotted the fireball, Kuta took out a necklace from his pocket.

The necklace is nothing special, but the gemstone at the top of the necklace is not ordinary.

He is a Devil Fruit weapon that Sota researches.

I saw him pinching the necklace and swiping it lightly in front of him.

In ——! creaky

empty space, a door opened.

"Get in.

Kuta turned his head to look at Guina, Robin, and the others, his face gloomy as never before.

At this time, everyone could feel the earth-destroying aura above their heads, and without any hesitation, they quickly rushed into the door of space.

Only Guina remained outside.

Kuta glanced at Guina, and before she had time to say anything, her figure disappeared in place and appeared in the place where Ah Hua and the three of them were fighting, and they also felt the danger at the moment, standing in place and looking up at the sky.

Kong Tai appeared, also holding the necklace, and opened a door in front of him, and the three Ah Hua and Brooke, who was originally standing on the sidelines watching the play, did not hesitate and quickly rushed into the door.

In the next few seconds, Kutai's figure flickered, appeared on the battlefield, and collected Charles and the others into the alien space where the door fruit opened.

By the time he reappeared aboard the Liberty, the light above it had already taken shape.

In this short period of time, it is impossible for him to take away all the people of Breits, as for their lives and deaths...

Kuta raised his head and looked at the light cluster above, he could feel the earth-destroying energy in the light cluster.

"Is this the hidden power of the world government, is this the power controlled by that guy Imu?"

This light group gave him the feeling that even if he was a general and a figure of the level of the Four Emperors, he would definitely not be able to resist if he was unlucky.

Not to say that you will die, but you will definitely be seriously injured.

Sota narrowed his eyes, and in his pale blue pupils, the nebula spun rapidly.

He could see through the gaps in the clouds and see the faint silver behemoth above the clouds.

A monster bigger than the Kraken.

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