
Cyberpunk Hazard is the only one to do intact research institutes.

Caesar had recently returned here, and now it had become Caesar's own experimental base.

In a laboratory full of human cruelty.

Long black hair, horns on his head, more than 3 meters tall, purple lipstick, eye makeup.

Caesar, dressed in an orange-yellow diagonal striped formal dress and covered with a flowing white robe, was holding a syringe in his hand and looked excitedly at the man who was tied to the test bench and dressed in a prisoner's striped costume.

The prisoner looked at Caesar with horror on his face.

"Rest assured.

As if not feeling the prisoner's panic, Caesar raised the syringe to himself, "This is a muscle relaxant, which can interfere with the nerve conduction at the muscular end of the target's nerves through drugs, reduce the strength of the target's muscles, and make the person weak and rigid and unable to speak on his own." The

more he spoke, the more frightened the prisoner became, and if it weren't for the silence of his mouth, the prisoner would have screamed.

"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't itch, and in a moment you will be able to live forever in a culture vessel like the other prisoners around you.

Caesar looked at the prisoner without hesitation, and plunged the syringe in his hand into the prisoner's arm, slowly injecting the liquid in the syringe.

This prisoner, including the stumps in the surrounding vessels, is the prisoner who was originally held here on this island.

The people of the Navy and the World Government left and did not take the prisoners with them.

Now, these prisoners are all his experimenters.

As the medicine was infused, the prisoner's resistance became lower and lower, and finally he became completely stiff and immobile.

"Haha, that's right!"

Caesar pulled away from the syringe, looked at the prisoner lying quietly on the test bench with satisfaction, and opened his mouth to laugh.


Hello Hello!!" "Hello Hello!!" Now

there is no Vegapunk who is contrary to his philosophy, there is no nasty navy to restrict him, he can experiment as much as he wants, this feeling makes him very satisfied.


"Maybe it's a

hallucination!" The sensation came and went quickly, as if it were really a hallucination.

Caesar shrugged his shoulders unconcernedly, his face full of relief.

Who is he?

He is the genius scientist supported by His Majesty Qiwuhai, Kaido, and Charlotte Lingling.

He didn't believe that there were people in this world who dared to do anything to him.

This is his research room, he....

It's the king here.

Shaking his head, Caesar looked at the prisoner on the test bench, not looking at a fellow human being, but at a brute.

He took out various instruments and potions from behind him, and began to experiment further.


On the beach inside the harbor, Sota was of course arrogant about what Caesar was doing, but he didn't stop it.

The original prisoners on this island were not good people, most of them were pirates, and for them, Kuta had no sympathy for them.

He turned to look at his companions alighting from the Liberty, chuckling and taking a big sip of his drink.


!!!! Guina emerged from the cyan arc of electricity, sitting next to Kuta, her legs rippling on the edge of the tin can.

She reached out and hugged Kuta's arm, tilted her head

and asked, "Kuta, what are these?" He didn't ask who the people lying on the ground were

?Since Kuta made them faint, they were all damned people, and asked them what they were doing? Kuta

glanced back at Guina, then pulled her down the tin can, stood in front of her partners, stretched out her right hand and knocked on the tin in front of her, and said with a smile: " These things are all crazy scientists, and they want experimental machines, and as for the pirates around them, they are all damned people. "

That's right.

Kong Tai turned his head, looked at Ah Hua and the others, and said, "I just stunned them, you guys will remember to mend the knife later." "

Hmm!" Ah

Hua and the three nodded, this kind of thing, they have come all the way, and they can't do it again.

Although these pirates do not pose the slightest threat to them, they are an insurmountable abyss for civilians.

Kill them, they don't have the slightest burden.

Along the way, they met pirates, and they really didn't let go of a single one.

Except, of course, Ace.

That guy is here to fight, not to trouble them.

And that guy's personality is actually pretty good, and they don't feel the malice of a pirate in him.

While on Fish-Man Island, Ace even became their tour guide, making them friends.

Although the relationship may not be too deep, it is also a friend.

"Let's go, let's go see this lab.

Kuta raised his head and looked at the huge laboratory in front of him, and an inexplicable brilliance flashed in his eyes.

Is there a technology that is

500 years ahead of the world in this laboratory? To be honest, he doesn't believe in anything that is 500 years ahead of the world.

Ever since he knew that the technology of this world was a long time ago, not what it is now, he suspected that Vegapunk had obtained ancient knowledge to be so powerful.

No one is born to know unless it comes from the future.

Obviously, Vegapunk can't come from the future, so he can only get ancient knowledge.

He is a genius, yes, but he cannot be a genius who is 500 years ahead of the world.

Shaking his head, Kuta took the lead and walked towards the laboratory.

Behind him, Ah Hua and the three did not follow, but turned around and walked towards the countless pirates who had fallen on the beach.

Robin chuckled and followed, of course she was interested in the lab.

After all, it's the laboratory where Vegapunk stayed in the teleportation array, and maybe there are still very interesting books in it!

Of course, Indigo followed, and as a scientist, although he was a doctor and had been in the sky with the golden lion, he had also heard the legend of Vegapunk.

He is also full of interest in this one.

Brooke didn't follow, but slowly stepped aside, pulled out a teapot, sat down, and slowly brewed coffee.

In fact, he was not a person who jumped out of the way, but he had been lonely for too long, and his personality became like this.

Staying on the Liberty, with the incomparable sense of security given by the world's pinnacle powerhouse, he gradually let go of the loneliness in his heart, sometimes quiet, sometimes humorous, sometimes jumpy, and has become the lubricant on the Freedom.

A knife slashed open the heavy door of the research room.

Kuta and the others walked in.

When you enter, all you see is steel.

The steel aisles, the steel portals, and the automatic white lights on the ceiling all reminded them that this laboratory was not deserted, and the power system inside was still there.

And there are still people inside.

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