This is not a previous life, this is a world where force reigns supreme.

Here, with power, you have everything.

Power corrupts a person's heart.

Because human beings who used to be the same as you in your eyes, after you gain power, they will no longer be like you.

If you think about it, they will die, if you get angry, they will be afraid, and everything you do will be taken for granted in their eyes.

Over time, after gaining strength, this swollen heart can no longer keep people's original intention.

So, gradually, gradually, you change, you become indifferent to life, you become more cruel than the people who have hurt you.

That's human nature.

If, just if, instead of eating the Flower Fruit as a child, Robin ate a natural Devil Fruit after going to sea, what would have become of her?

Sota didn't want to think about this, he only knew that Robin was now his partner, and her heart, which had been dark several times but was still bright, was her most valuable quality, and that's right.

Retracting his feet, Kuta turned and walked to the rooftop, not looking at Doflamingo or the Don Quixote family again.

These are all small roles, even in the Seven Martial Seas, Doflamingo, who is not a weak person, is a small role in his eyes at this time.

A small character who can be crushed at any time.

Don't worry, he left Doflamingo, who could give Ah Hua and the three of them a training exercise.

No matter what, this guy is also a strong person who has developed a three-color domineering to a very high level, and he is also a strong person whose fruit ability has awakened.

If it weren't for the congenital restriction of him, if it weren't for the thread fruit restricting him, with this guy's genius, he would have become a figure at the level of a general long ago.

But there are gains and losses!

If there was no thread fruit, this guy would not have developed so smoothly, and he would not have easily become the king of Dressrosa.

Moreover, maybe with another fruit, this guy won't be able to wake up, and maybe.

No one can tell.

Bang dang——!

At this moment, the elevator opened, and Ah Hua and the three took the lead, followed by Robin, Brooke, and Indigo.

Looking at the scene on the rooftop, everyone had no surprises.

It's just that when they looked at Doflamingo lying on the ground, there was a hint of surprise in the eyes of several people.

Of course they knew about Doflamingo, even if they hadn't seen it, but the will and the pink coat still made them recognize it.

But at this time, Doflamingo's embarrassed appearance made them a little curious, curious about what was going on here?

It seems that Sota should have humiliated Doflamingo, otherwise, it would be impossible for everyone to feel the hatred of Doflamingo's father.

And he, even if he was lying on the ground, he had to tilt his head and stare at Kong Tai deadly, as if he was about to eat people, which made them secretly surprised.

What a humiliation it would be to make Doflamingo like this!

"It's miserable!"

The six shook their heads with a smile and walked towards Sota.

"Kongtai, the Lilliputians have all been rescued."

Ah Tao took a cigarette in her mouth, walked to the edge of the rooftop, leaned forward and looked down, only to see that on the street below, countless people were hugging and crying loudly with countless men who came out of the second floor.

In front of the crowd, King Liku was holding a big bullhorn and roaring loudly, saying something?

The distance was so far that everyone couldn't hear what he was saying.

But it's not hard to guess what.

After all, the seriousness of the matter, Kuta had already made it clear to King Riku.

With the help of the people who have been turned into toys and the Lilliputies, I believe that it will not be long before they can sort out the chaos and evacuate Dressrosa.

"Kuta, these people..."

Ah Hua patted his stomach, turned around and leaned his back against the guardrail, raised his chin, and stared at the cadres of the Don Quixote family who were kneeling on the rooftop, licking their lips with a look of ill will.

Kong Tai raised the wine gourd, took a big sip, turned to look at the three of Ahua with anticipation in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's all yours." "

Ah Hua, the three of them, have been trapped in this realm for a long time.

In the first half of the paradise, there was no life-and-death battle, and the battle with Kuta and Guina, because the gap was too large, it didn't have the effect of training, so there was no progress.

But when they entered the new world, they saw hope.

Of course, Kuta also knows this.

So these cadres were left.

Doflamingo was also left behind.

With the strength of the three of them, even if they are not Doflamingo's opponents, as long as they can't be killed by Doflamingo, with the excellent effect of the radish made by Ahua, they can hover infinitely on the edge of death and get real exercise.

After this breakthrough, the strength of the three of them will usher in a big improvement, but their future life should be at the top.

After all, there is really no comparison between people.

The three of them have no monster physique, no amazing will, and no absolute talent.

To get to the point where it is today, if it weren't for Kongtai, I'm afraid that no one in this world would be able to bring the three of them to this point, let alone go further.

But if you can go further, you have actually surpassed the vast majority of people in this world.

Even in the new world where the strong are like clouds, it can be said that he is a strong man in his own right.

After the breakthrough, the three of them joined forces, according to his estimates, even if they can't be compared with the general, but with the bonus of radish, and the general Zhou Xuan, they can still do it.

It's a pity that the radish can have an effect on the three of Ahua, including Robin and the others, but it can't have an effect on Kuta and the current Guina.

After a period of exercise, Guina's body has completely deformed.

Before the transformation, the radish could still replenish a small amount of physical strength for Guina, but after the transformation, it had no effect.

It can't be said that it has no effect, but it is only a little stronger than ordinary meat.

For a strong man like them, there is equal to nothing.

After all, radishes are not eaten in quantity, mainly eaten inside, the special energy given by the devil fruit.

Without the blessing of special energy, with the volume of a radish, it is not as good as a large piece of meat.

Therefore, the world government is worried that he will carry the radish and go to Mary Joy's Wushuang, and there is no possibility of realizing it.

That's right, if the radish really has an effect on a monster like him, whose body clearly surpasses most humans in the world, then it's really perverted.

It won't stay in obscurity until Ah Hua eats it.

But even so, the radish is also a shocking BUG ability, as long as it is used by someone with unparalleled talent, that person can cross the foundation stage in a short time.

Imagine, if Luffy had the help of radish, I am afraid it would not take two years, maybe a few months to master the tricolor domineering.

If Zoro uses radish, he can be like Guina, and he can cross the realm of swordsmen in a short time and become a real swordsman who shocks the sea.

But now Zoro is different from the original book, there is a foundation laid for him by Kongtai, he only lacks fighting with the strong, and under countless battles, his strength can naturally improve rapidly.

Thinking of Zoro, a trace of remembrance appeared in Kuta's eyes.

I don't know if this guy is in that place now, I haven't heard from him for a long time, so he won't get lost somewhere!


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