
The battle between Guina and Charlotte Lingling is still deadlocked.

In terms of strength, although Gu Yina is not as strong as Charlotte Lingling, she is much faster than her, so if they want to divide the winner and lose, they can really only fight for consumption.

This is also the way in which most of the battles between the strong in this world are won or lost.

Of course, in the current situation, there is no one to help, and after a long time, Guina will definitely lose.

After all, Charlotte Lingling is a real monster.


Isn't this a free sea


A huge giant sailing ship.

"Captain Jack, in front of me is Dressrosa, I saw the warship of the Navy, it should be the highest-ranking warship, and I saw BOG· MOM Pirates' Pirate Ship, Shall We Go Right Now?"


huge, oppressive, strong physique, blond hair, tied into a ponytail and two braids hanging down his cheeks, with a metal mask on his mouth, a fur coat on his body, a shawl full of spiked rivets on his shoulders, and two ivory-like ornaments on his head and shoulders.

This is Jack, one of the "Three Disasters" of the Hundred Beast Pirates, "Drought" Jack.

This guy is actually a fish-man, a grouper with a saddle.

Jack stepped forward, tilted his head to the bow of the ship with the binoculars, looked back at his men, and spoke loudly.

"What stupid words, who do you think Lao Tzu is? Boss Kaido and Big Brother Ember are in Dressrosa, of course we have to go over.

"Don't talk about the Navy and BIG· MOM Pirates, even if God comes, we have to go over.

"Hurry up, bring the boat over for me." "

Yes, Captain Jack. The

little brother with the telescope quickly nodded and retreated to the middle of the boat, and then loudly instructed the little brothers to hurry up.

"Captain Jack, there seems to be a man in the sea ahead. "

No, he's coming. On

the other side of the bow, another little brother with a telescope suddenly took a step back, turned his head to look at Jack, and shouted.

"People?" said

Jack, who looked up at the surface of the sea.


he looked left and right, and there was nothing on the sea.

"Right, right. The

little brother with the telescope pointed to the right side of the boat with a look of horror.

"Hmm!" Jack

looked in the direction of his brother's finger, and saw a silver-haired imp sitting on the guardrail to the right of the bow.

At this time, the silver-haired imp was holding a wine gourd and drinking wine, while looking at him interestingly.

And his characteristic pale blue pupils made Jack recognize who this little imp was at a glance.

"Silverhair?" If

he's not mistaken, Boss Kaido came to Dressrosa to find this guy!

So what is this guy doing here now?"

Jack's eyes lit up.

It must have been an escape, this little ghost should not be able to defeat Kaido Boss, so he ran away and landed on his boat.

Now it's okay, the opportunity to make meritorious service has come.

Thinking of this, Jack raised his head and roared, raised his hands, tore off the huge tusks on his shoulders, and pulled out two huge weapons with a straight knife on the lower body and a sickle-shaped on the upper body.

"Little ghost, since you fled to me, then you have already reached the end of the road, so let's just tie your hands and arrest it!"


When Jack was acting, many pirates rushed out of the cabin.

The pirates also raised their weapons, their guns pointed at Kuta, their faces full of cruelty.


Sora paused for a moment, then turned his head to stare at the excited Boat King with a puzzled expression.

He's a little baffled.

Run, what is he running away

?" This thing thinks I'm running away now?" "

Hmm... Yes, in his cognition, I definitely can't be Kaido's opponent, and it's understandable that I will run away.

"But even if I run away from Kaido, won't you see me unharmed?"

Kuta complained loudly in his heart.

"And I can fight Kaido and escape unscathed, can you deal with it?"


At this moment, Jack couldn't wait, he raised his huge scythe-like weapon, stepped on the deck with both feet, and rushed straight towards Kuta.

This guy has a very irritable personality, and since he believes that Kongta is the enemy, in his eyes, he will completely tear it apart by force, so that he can be happy.

Rushing in front of Kongtai, Jack stared at the little dot in front of him, his eyes glared angrily, the green tendons of the arm holding the scythe appeared, and he swelled straight in a circle, and then the pitch-black armed color domineering instantly wrapped around the sickle, and then slashed at Kongtai fiercely.

"Die, little ghost. "

He's irritable, he's reckless, but that doesn't mean he's stupid.

In the past year, he has often seen this little ghost in the newspaper, and he has heard Boss Kaido mention the power of this little ghost.

So he didn't treat Sota as an ordinary pirate, and as soon as he made his move, he used all his strength.

Sota raised his head and stared at Jack, a strange glint flashing in his eyes.

This guy doesn't seem to be as brainless as he thinks.

At least I know that I have to use all my strength to face him.


"That's not enough!" Kuta

withdrew his gaze and threw his head back to drink, ignoring Jack's slash.

Bang ——!

huge scythe, and when it reached a distance of half a meter in front of Kongtai, it was like slashing at an indestructible space wall, and it was no longer able to move forward in the slightest.

Although this guy is also very strong, he has not yet reached the level of a general.

So Sota didn't even bother to move his hands on this guy, and directly used the domain to block his slash outside.

"So strong?" Jack

stared at Kuta, who was leisurely drinking, his pupils shrinking suddenly.

Then he lifted his scythe, and his arms turned brown like stones, and his head turned into a giant brown elephant's head.

This made his whole body swell in a circle.

He was already very tall, but this time he became a man and beast, and he became a real giant.

This guy is a Devil Fruit Capable of "Animal Series, Elephant Fruit, Ancient Species, Mammoth Form".

It can transform into an ancient giant beast, the mammoth, with extremely powerful brute strength.

He looked down at Kuta, the arm that had turned into an elephant's leg, and he held the scythe tightly, and then with blood-red eyes, he slashed at Kuta fiercely.

"Die, little ghost. Bang


slashed vigorously and slashed in front of Kongtai, bursting out with an extremely powerful shockwave.

And that huge force, as if acting in space, made the bow of the ship sink a little lower.

In front of Sota, the space revealed a cobweb-like crack under Jack's excited eyes.

"Sure enough, it is impossible to defend absolutely. At

this moment, Jack was more excited and pushed harder.

"Okay, I'm not going to play with you. Just

as the space was about to shatter, Kuta's figure disappeared and appeared in front of Jack's head.

Sota stared at Jack, and in his pale blue pupils, a murderous intent emerged.

Then he didn't talk nonsense with Jack and drew his knife.


cold sword light of the ——! slashed through a semicircle in the air.

Then the silver-white slash turned into a crescent moon and slashed straight through Jack's neck.


huge head soared into the sky.

Without any obstacle or resistance, Jack, one of the three plagues, was directly separated.


huge head landed on the deck with a low thud.

On the back face, the eyes that were glaring angrily until death seemed to be in disbelief and unwillingness.

This moment.

Giant ships.


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