
Saulo also obviously noticed that something was wrong, he wanted to stop Ah Hua and the others, but he couldn't find any reason.

Seeing that the fighting spirit on Ah Hua and the others was getting stronger and stronger.

A voice that resounded through everyone's souls instantly made them relax and calm down.

"You don't need to come up, you guys go to yours, I'll end it here soon, it's just an unexpected exchange. "

It's Mr. Kuta. "

It's Sota. Hearing

Kongtai's voice, the appearance of Kongtai appeared in the minds of several people at the same time.

"Yo ho ho ho!! It turned out to be a sparring! scared me to death.

Brooke stretched out his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead, then laughed out loud and said another sneer, "Although I am dead, I am dead to the point that only

skeletons remain, yo! ho

He was temporarily on the empty plane's ship, and after getting along with this group of young people for a while, he had actually become very good friends with the empty Tai group.

Although he mostly acts as a bystander, he will also chat and play cards with this group of young people in his spare time, and tell about his various experiences in the world, and this group of young people are also willing to listen to his stories and listen to his good and evil.

And although Mr. Kuta has nothing to do with the pirates he said "don't kill rotten", he can still see in his life that this group of people is really different from ordinary pirates.

How different is that?

It should be said that it is similar to the adventure group they often mention! It is

not so much a pirate, but a group of "adventurers" who have experienced all kinds of ups and downs in order to travel this world.


"Slow, too slow.

Kuta stared at Kratos, his right hand seemed to be slow, but it seemed to have pierced through the space, and every time Kratos stabbed the tip of the spear, it seemed to be directly stabbed in front of Kuta's fingers, rather than Kuta using his fingers to pick it up.

He stretched out his left hand, yawned, and notified Ah Hua and the others by the way, telling them not to act rashly.

It was indeed an unexpected battle.

If the guy in front of him is just fighting for the throne of Fabuti, he will not interfere, after all, this is his own business within the kingdom of others.

But this guy is so immortal, as soon as he comes up, he arrogantly wants to dominate the world, and wants to use Kongtai's head as a stepping stone.

"Why do you have to use my head?

Is it true that I am the strongest in the world, and I am the strongest in the world, did I blow it myself?" Kuta complained silently in his heart, then stretched out his right hand, leaned forward, and grabbed the spear that Credos stabbed again.

The fingers were slender, like twigs on a tree compared to the tips of huge spears, but the white fingers were like five sharp swords, easily piercing the spear's defense, grabbing it, and causing the spear to stop suddenly.

"I said you're endless! Is this the power you rely on to dominate the world?"

Kuta leaned forward, staring at Krados's resolute face that was hard to see red, and sneered, "It's so weak! so weak that it can't pierce my defenses."

With that, Kuta jerked his right hand, instantly lifting Krados with the gun, and then slammed it down.


like a giant hammer on a stone.

The ground seemed to concave downward, and then instantly bounced upward, and the flat ground was like a wave on the sea, rippling from the point of striking to the surroundings.

All of a sudden, the entire royal city trembled violently with Kongtai's warp.

"Uh... It's over, it's over. Letting

go of the spear, Kuta turned to Fabuti and apologized.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty Fabuti, I may have gone a little too far, hahaha!!"

At this moment, behind him, Credos, who had been stuck into the ground like a turnip, could no longer bear the humiliation that Kuta had shown him with contempt for him.

"Silver... Hair...... Empty...... Too.

He let go of his spear and stared at Kuta's back, grimacing his face as he pronounced Kuta's name word by word.

Then he propped his hands on his sides and pulled himself off the ground little by little.

It looked like a beast about to come out of the cage, and it looked like a demon from hell.

As his body elevated, the surface of his body, a layer of ink-black power came from nowhere, gradually covering the surface of his body.

With the blessing of black ability, Credos at this moment is like a real demon, and on that hideous face, mysterious bloodshot lines appear at this moment, and on his head, two demonic horns that also have bloodshot lines are also manifested at this moment.

"What is this?"

Stopping laughing, Kuta turned around and stared at the greatly changed Credos, a little more surprise on his face.


Although it is different from the trace of real demonic power that Quinn has obtained, and the real demonic power that has been drawn from the other side's body, there is no doubt that the power that emerges from Credos's body at this time can indeed be called demonic power.


?" "What demon?"

Fabuti looked at Credos with a surprised face, even he had never seen this state, with the blessing of this black power, the strength of Credos at this time had been raised to a point where he couldn't even see through it.

He turned to Guina and asked, "Miss Guina knows what the state of Krados is at this time?" Gouna

didn't look at Buti, but organized her words before she spoke.

"Since you know the existence of Elbaf, you should know that this world is not as simple as it seems, there are 'gods' like Elbaf, and of course there are also 'demons' corresponding to them, representing darkness.

"You're saying that Credos gave up his faith in Elbaf and instead believed in that demon?"

was all Fabuti could think of.

Because the strength they have grown stronger comes from Elbaf.

If Elbaf can make them stronger, demons can obviously too.


hesitated for a moment, Guina was really difficult to explain, and could only nod, "It can be understood in this way."

"How dare he give up his faith in the great Elbaf?"

Fabuti was clearly angry at Krados's conversion.

The great Elbaf is the ancestor of the entire Giant Race, the god of the entire Giant Clan, and the true supreme faith.

And Credos was born and raised in the Giant Clan, and as he accepted the Elbaf inheritance, how dare he give up his faith and believe in that demon!

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