For the most part, Uta is actually a very cheerful and optimistic person.

After gradually accepting the identity of the god of the sky and the adventurer.

Getting along with Kong Tai and the others again, she didn't feel much awkward, and she gradually felt the real difference between Guina and the others, just like in the red-haired pirates, which made her very relaxed, and even showed nostalgia from time to time.

Guina and the others didn't have any opinion on Uta just now for their gang.

After all, the identity of the pirates, along the way, let them meet the malice of the civilians, I don't know much, so I don't care about Uta this time.


In the sunset, there is actually a rare broken beauty.

And those who can appreciate this broken beauty are not in the mood to appreciate it.

The Liberty docked.

Seeing that it was almost evening, the group decided to wait until tomorrow morning to explore this island with hidden legends.

Later, the pot of pots, the fire of the fire, the processing of the ingredients, the processing of the ingredients, there were outsiders to join, so Kuta and the others prepared to hold a banquet on this beach.

What followed was a bonfire.

The protagonist of the party is not Sota, but Brooke, a musician from the Freedom Adventure Group.

Orange-yellow flames illuminated.

In the afterglow of the setting sun.

The Exploding Head Skeleton pulled out his violin and played the familiar first note.

Then Brooke's voice rang out with vicissitudes.

"Yo ho ho!!

!" the crowd looked at Brooke, grinned, put down the meat and wine in their hands, and sang aloud.

"Yo ho ho

! Yo ho ho!!" Just then, an old piano flew automatically from the cabin and landed gently on the beach.

Seeing the silver-haired boy standing up and sitting gracefully in front of the piano, Uta asked Guina next to him strangely, "Does Mr. Kuta still play the piano?" "

Hmm!" Guina looked at Kuta with a smile on her face, her eyes full of love that could not be hidden.

"Kuta can not only play, but also sing!"


slender fingers, like a ballerina dancing on stage, gracefully spin and jump on the keys.

Follow Brooke's piano sound, the ancient piano sound, accompanied by the precipitation of the years, plus the voice with the same sense of vicissitudes in the immaturity of the air.

A song "Binks' Wine" sounded.

looked at Ah Hua and the others who followed the boy and the sound of the piano with the exploding head skeleton, and sang loudly together.

Uta's eyes couldn't help but show a hint of envy.

She used to be so happy when she was on the redhead boat.

Binks' wine, this song is a pirate song, but also a song of yearning for freedom, and happiness.

It is also the song of faith of countless wanderers on this sea.

Using this song as the beginning of a banquet is the default tradition of countless people in this world.

At the end of the song, Kuta looked up, looked at Brooke, and then laughed out loud at the same time.


As if thinking of something, Kuta stopped laughing and turned his head to wake up Uta, who had spoken.

"What's wrong?" Uta

looked up confusedly.

"Would you like to play a song?" Kuta

stood up and gave up his position in front of the piano.

"Come on, come on, come on.

Hearing Kong Tai say this, Ah Hua and the others next to him also raised their hands and made a loud noise.

Brooke put down his violin, looked at Uta, and said with a smile: "Miss Uta, your singing voice is like the voice of God, it can bring joy to people, such a beautiful voice, you should not be trapped on this island." As

he spoke, Brooke stretched out his hand, clicked, and under Uta's surprised gaze, opened his head, and took out a phone bug from his head.

"What is this?"

Uta must have seen the phone bug, but she hadn't seen the phone bug that came out of Brooke's head.


this this?" Brooke explained with a smile at Uta holding up the phone bug, "This is the latest video phone bug that can transmit the images of this place to the world. Hearing

Brooke say this, Uta's eyes lit up suddenly, and at this moment she looked at the phone bug in Brooke's hand, as if she had seen a rare treasure in the world.

Wasn't this phone bug exactly what she wanted, and the best key to what Gordon expected her to achieve?

, Brooke smiled as he looked at Uta, who was visibly agitated.

Then turn on the phone bug, then put it on a large rock on the side, and face them.

At the same time, at this time, Kuta next to him also flew out of the cabin with the ability to control a large video phone bug, and hit the image on the wall of the Liberty on the side.

The picture flickered for a moment, and then in the snowflakes, Brooke's figure appeared.

Around the screen, small frames are also emerging.

It was a person, a person in front of a screen, looking forward to it, and of course there was a place like a bar lobby.

"Alright, guys, miss me?" When

everything was ready, Brooke wore a gentleman's top hat, diamond-shaped sunglasses on his eyes, and a fleece coat on his body.

At this moment he was no longer an elegant musician, but a raging rock singer.

"It's Brooke, it's Mr. Brooke who is online. In

the huge phone bug, the moment they saw Brooke's figure, everyone was obviously excited.

"Yo ho ho ho!!" Zheng


Brooke bent down slightly, laughed at the phone bug, and then violently changed the violin and hung up the strings of the electric guitar.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the protagonist of today is not me, but the beautiful young lady behind me.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to Uta and said in a loud voice, "Please, Miss Utta." I

don't know where Ah Hua got the spotlight, and as soon as Brooke's words fell, it hit Uta who was a little dazed.

The dazzling white light brought Uta back to his senses in an instant.

To be honest, she was indeed a little confused at this moment.

Brooke, who was an elegant musician a moment ago, feels like a completely different person at this moment.

In fact, it's not that Brooke has changed, but that he is the way he is.

This guy is actually a rock singer, and his favorite song is also rock, as you can tell from his exploding head.

After getting this latest phone bug from Vegapunk, Brooke silently started his live stream on the ship.

Although it took more than a week to get the live broadcast equipment, because this novel live broadcast has just begun, coupled with Brooke's unique musical charm, he has accumulated a large number of fans in a short period of time, and in this more than a week, he has become famous all over the world.

Today, Brooke, due to its unique musical charm, has a tendency to gradually transform into the king of souls.

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