However, just when Smogg cursed Motobu in his heart.

Motobu is also having a headache for Sora Tai.

Half a day was enough time for Borusalino and the lieutenant generals and major generals who followed him to the Golden Lion Floating Island to find out whether the Golden Lion died or fled.

The bottom of the giant pit in the center of the island where the Kutai and the Golden Lion fight.

At this time, a burst of golden light flashed, and the figure of the yellow ape gradually condensed and appeared at the bottom of the pit.

"This should be the place where the silver hair and the golden lion will finally fight!"

The yellow ape stood in place casually, his hands in his trouser pockets, and looked left and right.

"It's terrible!"

Then a red light appeared in his eyes, and he saw that the color swept over the entire giant pit in an instant.


Nothing was found, and then outward, sweeping across the entire island, except for the ferocious beast, there was no other breath.

Although he could not find any trace of the golden lion, his feelings told him.

The golden lion must be here, but he didn't find it.

He swept back and forth at the bottom of the pit, and finally stopped at a crack.

The crack was not filled, it was artificial, and his sight swept down the gap in the dirt.

"Hmm..." In

his perception, there were two auras below that emitted endless edges, and if he could perceive it, it must not be an ordinary knife.

He touched his chin and thought about it, and then suddenly realized.

"Famous sword 'Sakura Ju' and famous knife 'Kiku'

" "Two sabers of the golden lion."

In this way, the golden lion is indeed completely dead.

Just as Kuta guessed, the yellow ape did not bother the golden lion, even though there were two very powerful famous knives underneath.

After all, people are dead, aren't they?

At this time, the headquarters of the Navy was in a large conference room where major matters were discussed.

As long as they were in the headquarters and had nothing particularly important to do, the lieutenant generals and major generals were basically all concentrated in this large conference room.

Even the "naval hero Vice Admiral Karp", who was in the new world, returned.

When he heard the news that the old guy of the golden lion had appeared again after 18 years, Karp was urgently summoned back by the navy.

After all, the golden lion has a history of attacking the navy headquarters.

At that time, it was still Sengoku and Karp who joined forces to catch the old guy of the golden lion and imprison him in the "Advance City".

Who knew that the golden lion was actually able to cut off his legs, thus becoming the first pirate to escape from the Advance City.

The disappearance of the golden lion is 18 years, and he must be planning some earth-shattering plan this time.

Most of the generals sitting here had experienced the Golden Lion invasion of the headquarters 18 years ago.

They knew very well what a terrifying ability this old guy of the Golden Lion possessed.

So for this meeting about the golden lion, the navy is full of seriousness from top to bottom.

At this time, everyone in the conference room was sitting quietly cross-kneeled on both sides of the conference room, waiting for the news from the Marshal of the Warring States who was sitting in the center of the head, and the phone worm in front of him.

They had already learned from the yellow ape that Kong Tai had left safely, and now they were waiting for news from the golden lion.

Just when everyone had a serious expression, waiting for the news from the phone worm.

On the top right of the large conference room, there was an untimely "click, click" sound.

When it became clear who was making the sound, everyone looked indifferent.

Only Sengoku's brow furrowed slightly.




Listening to Karp is getting more and more excessive, like the sound of a rat stealing food.

Sengoku finally couldn't help it.

He stared at Karp and yelled loudly.

"Karp, pay attention to the occasion."

Karp heard the shout, raised his head, looked at Sengoku, and asked suspiciously.

"What's wrong?"

Then he clenched his right hand into a fist and pounded it on the palm of his left hand, with an expression of sudden realization.

"Sengoku, do you want to eat too? If you want to eat it, ask me for it, and I don't give it to you.

He reluctantly took out a senbei from the bag in front of him and handed it to the Warring States.

"Just one ha, more gone."

Saying that, he put the bag containing senbei in front of him into his arms.

Like a hamster hiding food, it seems that he is afraid that others will rob him of senbei.

Looking at the senbei handed in front of him, Sengoku finally couldn't help it, his forehead was bruised, and he roared angrily at Karp.

"Karp... If you don't want to have a good meeting, just get me out. The

huge sound made the whole building seem to tremble.

Inside and outside the building, the navies who heard the roar of the Warring States all had an indifferent expression.

In the entire naval headquarters, only Karp can make the Marshal of the Warring States roar out in anger.

Anyway, once or twice a month.

They are all used to it.

Karp looked at the angry Sengoku.

Indifferently, he dug his ears with his little finger and then laughed out loud.


Smiling, he quickly took back the senbei he handed out, ate it in one bite, and then stretched out his hand to pat Sengoku's shoulder and said.

"Sengoku, don't be so petty! Isn't it just a bag of senbei? You'll be right next time. "


Sengoku thought for a moment, then furious.

"You guy steals my senbei again."


Tilting his head, he poured all the senbei in the bag into his mouth.

"My senbei, return me..."

Karp snatched the already empty senbei bag from the hands of the Warring States, and everyone was stupid.

He pouted at Sengoku.

"Don't you want to be so petty!"

"Okay, how long are you two going to fight."

At this moment, sitting opposite Karp, the crane chief of staff, could not stand it.

He looked at Sengoku and Karp like two children, fooling around on such an important occasion, and couldn't help but open his mouth to stop the two.

Sengoku glanced at Karp with a smug look in his eyes.

"Obviously it's my senbei, and I said my own, next time, next time even your donuts will be snatched for you."

He sat up straight, straightened his clothes, glanced at the generals in the conference room, saw that the generals all had serious expressions, he nodded with satisfaction, and restored the majesty of the marshal.

"Bulu Bru!"

"Bulu Bru!"

At this moment, the phone worm in front of Sengoku rang.

Sengoku's expression froze, and he quickly reached out and picked up the microphone on the phone worm.

"This is the headquarters of the Navy Sengoku, who is opposite, please answer when you hear it."

When the Warring States picked up the microphone to speak, the head of the telephone worm suddenly turned into a head shaped like a yellow ape.

The phone worm said obscenely, "Yo! It's Lord Marshal! This is Borusalino. Everyone

in the conference room heard the voice of the yellow ape, and their faces were solemn.

Whether it is heard that the golden lion is dead or not, it is actually a big trouble for the Navy.

Death proves that the strength of the silver-haired Kutai can already rank among the top in the world.

If he hadn't died, the golden lion could have caused more trouble for the navy.

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