"Your Excellency. "

Heaven after earth, like a wall of dense fog in front of all those who pass through this sea.

The lookout, who was standing on the bow of the warship, pointed to the dense fog ahead with a shocked expression, turned his head and shouted to the captain behind him: "Fog, fog, fog is dissipating..."

I saw that the dense fog that seemed to have existed since ancient times, at this moment, it seemed to be free from the shackles of some power, and quickly drifted away in all directions.

From a distance, it looks like a huge white flower.


this, this..." Even with the captain's insight, this moment could not describe the strange scene in front of him.

Turning his head and looking at the CP0 masked man who appeared at the bow of the ship at some point, the captain opened his mouth, thought for a moment, and finally asked, "This lord, look at the scene in front of you, do we retreat." "

The devil knows what this fog is, and if it doesn't dissipate, but expands, then they're the first to bear the brunt.

You must know that this is a forbidden area for life, and if they are swallowed by the fog, they are likely to be like countless ships that have strayed into this sea area, and they will never be able to get out.

The masked man didn't speak, just stared blankly ahead, looking at the shadow of the ship that appeared in the thick fog with wrong shadows.


," the masked man wanted to curse, "Can't you just wait another day before coming out?"

If he was not mistaken, the shadow of the ship should be the ship of the silver-haired pirates, and the bow of the ship, even if it was only the shadow of the ship, was clearly visible.

Seeing Gu Nan didn't answer for a long time, a trace of anxiety appeared on the captain's face.

Just when he wanted to ignore the masked man and turn his head to give the order to retreat behind him, the lookout standing at the bow of the ship suddenly put down the binoculars, turned his head to look at the captain, and said in a hurried tone: "Lord Major, I'm afraid we can't go, the silver-haired, silver-haired pirates are out."


the captain looked up at the lookout as if he had heard something incredible, "What did you say?" "

Lord Admiral, if I'm not mistaken, it's the ship of the Silver Pirates." Following

the direction of the lookout's finger, the captain leaned on the guardrail, looking out.

Sure enough, in the thick fog, he saw the shadow of a ship, the ship had not yet come out of the dense fog that slowly dissipated, but just by the windmill on the bow of the ship, the captain knew that it must be the ship of the silver-haired pirates.

Looking at the masked man, the captain's eyes were full of inquiry.

The main purpose of their coming this time was to escort the masked man to meet the silver hair, and as for the specific task, only the masked man knew.

"Wait... Wait.

There was bitterness in the masked man's tone that everyone could hear, but he didn't run away.

In a world ruled by this world government, he can't escape, and he can't escape, even if he knows that the person he is about to face is a person who treats CP0 to the extreme, he can't escape.

The captain opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but couldn't.

He didn't care, after all, everything about Kongtai's going to sea was justified, and he wasn't the navy like the rat colonel in the East China Sea, nor the navy that followed Spandam, so he didn't have to be afraid of silver hair at all.

Of course, it's useless to be afraid.

In this vast sea, the silver-haired wanted to kill them, but they couldn't escape at all, even if they put on their wings, they couldn't fly out of the silver-haired big hands.

It didn't take long for the fog to reach them, and the fog didn't stop at all, enveloping the warship in an instant.

"It's really dissipating!" Looking

at the fog around him, the captain raised his hand and looked at the mist passing through his fingers, and a hint of surprise flashed across his face.

"Did you do it?" looked

down at the brigs that came with the fog, because it was dissipating, not spreading, so the dense fog was actually only a thin layer here, no longer as thick as in the dense fog.

Therefore, even if they were obscured by the fog, they could clearly see the appearance of the incoming ship, as well as the yellow flag on the red background fluttering on the mast of the ship.

"Yo, Navy, and CP0, are you waiting for us?"

the two ships met, and in the mist, the bow of the Liberty, Sota, and everyone behind him were revealed.

No one spoke on the warship.

CP0 masked man and captain have serious faces.

But the lookout around him, and the sailors on the deck, who came out to watch the bustle, looked at Kongtai's gaze with a hint of fanaticism.

Instead of looking at a vicious pirate, they looked at the faith in their hearts.

This fiery gaze, to be honest.

It's a bit flattering to Sora too.

He didn't know what kind of momentum his song and words in Elegia had set off in the world with the addition of the World Economic News Agency, the tacit approval of the Navy, and the encouragement of the countries he saved and the revolutionary army.

Civilians treat him as a hero.

So, what

is the Navy for? The reason for this is that the silver-haired pirates are about to overthrow the world government and overthrow the voice of the Draco people from nowhere.

The overthrow of the world government has not been thought of by countless navies.

But to overthrow the Tianlong people, a cancer in the world, as long as you have justice in your heart, no one has not thought about it in your heart when you are a young man.

However, this is just a fantasy, and people will eventually face reality.

But at this moment, a world strongest who has obviously surpassed everyone's cognition is actually going to realize the hot-blooded justice that they fantasized about when they were young, how can this not be worshipped!

Since the silver-haired pirates spread all over the world by the World Economic News Agency, what they have done has also been admired by countless low-level navies.

Glancing at the navy on the ship, a trace of inexplicability flashed across Kongta's face.

And Ah Hua and the others looked at Kong Tai with a strange expression.

Shaking it, Kuta ignored the navy's eyes, but raised his eyes to look at the masked man, "Since you're waiting for me

, let's talk quickly!" "If you don't say it, let's go!" "

Silver hair, this is a letter from the five old stars." The

masked man took out a letter from his bosom, "War Book".


staring at the letter in the masked man's hand, a look of amusement appeared in Kuta's eyes.

Then I saw Kong Tai make a move casually, and the letter in the masked man's hand disappeared out of thin air, and while watching, the letter appeared in Kong Tai's hand out of thin air, and was held in front of him by his two fingers.


The masked man's pupils shrank sharply at this moment, and his body tensed up even more in an instant, and the whole person was tense to the extreme.

There is no breath, no fluctuations.

It's even possible to teleport objects....

The two looked at the young man with the letter in his right hand on the bow of the Liberty, and their hearts were full of shock.

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