"Look at us?"

Issei pondered for a moment and nodded, "I see, Mr. Kuta, I'll get off the ship here!"

Continuing to follow Kuta and the others may be very interesting on the voyage, but it doesn't make any sense, so he made a request to disembark here.

In the future, the world may develop for the better without a world government, but there are some things that can be succeeded by imagination alone.

Overthrowing the world government and eliminating slavery is a matter of emptiness.

And he, as well as countless people who hope that the world will become better, is the protagonist of this future world, so getting off the boat here to realize his ideals is the most correct decision he should make at this moment.

"Decided?" Kong

Tai looked at his life and didn't keep it, after all, the purpose of his life on the ship is very clear, so let's take a good look at how their gang is, this is known from the beginning.


Shengsheng nodded.

He stood at the bow of the boat, his sword in both hands, took a step back, slowly bent down, and saluted to the empty table.

"Thank you, Mr. Kongtai, and your care for me during this time, the experience of this time is enough to make me remember my life, and in the years to come, I wish you a bright future and a smooth journey.

Everyone looked at the whole life and did not speak, and the hustle and bustle of the outside world made the silence on the ship particularly obvious.

After all, although the time spent together is short, everyone really regards this blind uncle as a partner.

The sudden departure of the partner, of course, will be reluctant.

But reluctance is only short-lived, isn't life spent in countless points and combinations?

They are no longer immature when they first went to sea, and they can only silently send blessings for the departure of their lives.

"Haha!!!Mr. Life, we have accepted your blessings, and I am here to wish you all the best in the future.

Arlo was the first to speak, breaking the peace, and stepped forward to hug Shengsheng as a parting.

Then everyone stepped forward one by one and said goodbye to their lives.

At this time, the Liberty landed firmly on the dock in the harbor.

"Alright, everybody, goodbye.

Without the slightest hesitation, he turned straight away, jumped off the Liberty, turned his back to the crowd, waved his hand, stepped on the clogs, and walked into the town with a clattering sound.

"Mr. Life, it's still as free and easy as ever!" Kong

Tai lay on the guardrail, turned his head to look at Fei De and the two, and said with a smile: "You should also get off the boat here, we won't say anything like blessings, you can accept the money."

Straightened up, took a black box from Ah Hua's hand, and handed it to Fei De, "The money in this is enough for you to open a tavern on this island, and enough for you to live your future life in peace."

"How can this be.

Looking at the suitcase, Fei De and the two waved their hands again and again.

"Take it!" "Take it!"

Stepping forward, Kuta stuffed the suitcase into Fei De's arms, "You don't want to see what you are like now, do you really want to live by begging on the island?"

Shaking his head with a smile, Kuta reached out and took a sip of the wine gourd.

"Then we've thanked Mr. Kuta and all of you. The

two of them were not twisters, gritted their teeth, and accepted Sota's kindness.

They do need money, that's indisputable.

After all, although they have the strength, they can't really do the essential work of pirates, they didn't do it decades ago, can they do it when they are old? After

thanking Kong Tai and the others again, the two jumped off the Liberty, and instead of leaving directly as they did in their lives, they stood on the shore and silently looked at the Liberty that didn't stop at all and left directly.

It was not until the cheers on both sides of the strait completely died down, until the shadow of the Liberty could no longer be seen, that the two old men looked at each other, with hope and expectation for the future in their eyes, and turned around and walked into the town with a black suitcase.

In the end, Kuta didn't really kill those pirates, because he didn't care that much anymore.

If you meet him, you can deal with it, but if you want him to chase him, isn't it nothing to look for!

It is also because the people on the island are too enthusiastic that they do not stay on the island.

Two days later.

When they saw the red sky wall towering into the clouds in the distance again, everyone on the ship showed a trace of nostalgia in their eyes.

In the end, Kuta still didn't go to see Whitebeard, but went directly to the intersection of the New World and the Red Earth Continent.

He's going to pass through here, go to the first half, and meet an old friend.

It's time to fulfill the promises made.

In Dressrosa, he promised Sabo that he would go to the city to rescue Ivankov, and this time he went there for this purpose.

"Captain, are we still from Fish-Man Island?" Brooke

asked as he leaned on the bow of the ship, looking at the dark deep sea in front of him, laughing, and turning to Sota.

The last experience on Fish-Man Island, to be honest, was not enough of a surprise.

Although the Dragon Palace, which is 10,000 meters under the sea, is very beautiful, but people everywhere do not welcome them, so everyone on Fish-Man Island does not feel as happy as an empty island.

Hearing Brooke's question, everyone looked at Sota.

"We'll just go over here.

After thinking about it, Kuta still shook his head, and had no intention of going to Fish-Man Island again.

The difference between the two races doomed it to be impossible for fish humans and humans to live in peace.

Although there are good people among humans and fishmen, there are even Otohime who lobby all parties for peace. You can call it a great man.

But the gap between different races is not something that anyone can easily break.

After all, humans are the masters of the land.

And whether it is a fishman or a mermaid, the sea is their home turf.

Different and distinct meridians are the most ideal peace between the two races, not to merge together to achieve the peace that can only be possessed in fantasy.

Listening to what Kong Tai said, the people on the ship were not much disappointed.

turned to look at the red wall that was about to arrive in front of him, and his eyes showed curiosity.

In the past two days, everyone on the ship knew about Kongtai's strength, and unconsciously, it had grown by leaps and bounds again.

And in the past two days, Kong Tai has also told everyone about the space dragon.

In addition to sighing at the magic of the world, everyone also had to sigh at Kongtai's powerful talent.

This is like a monster, beyond the imagination of the strength of the increase, although everyone sighed, but the sense of security in their hearts, but also more.

And only Ah Hua and the three of them, the exercise in the past few days seems to be desperate, they seem to be eager to catch up with something, so that the boat has been a lot less in the past few days because of the laughter of the three people.

Everyone knew why the three of them were like this, so in addition to doing their own things, they naturally also had an urgency.

After all, a long time ago, after meeting the other side, after everyone learned a lot of truths about the world, they knew that one day Sora would definitely rush out of this world and go to the starry sky that everyone could only look up to.

At that time, there was no hurry, but now, it is clear that there is no hurry.

Because they want to go too!

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