"You threaten me?"

Imu's plan, Kuta instantly understood.

As Kongtai's words fell, an inexplicable fluctuation instantly swept through this space.

Then Imu discovered that the space around her body, at this moment, actually appeared from the invisible illusion.

Turned into ice, freezing her and Ouranos in an instant.

But Im didn't panic in the slightest, this was something he had known for a long time.

He raised his hand, his arm was like a reflection under the water, ignoring the freezing of space, gently swinging through the space, his dark red pupils reflected the ripples in the space in front of him, and the corners of his mouth hooked up a touch of amusement.

After she looked at the ripples in the space, the young man with a hint of anger still spoke calmly, even with a hint of teasing.

"No, no, no, I'm not a threat, I'm just a deal."

Putting down her hand, she stepped out, and her figure appeared in front of Kong Tai in an instant like a ghost.

The two face each other, just like outside the mirror, and inside the mirror, all they can see clearly is each other's eyes.

"For me, this world is just a passing stop in my wandering career, I don't care about this world, I don't care about the people or things on it."

"If it weren't for the fact that I was in the cold universe, drifting for a long time, and rarely meeting a living planet, do you think that Joy Boy threw me into the center of the earth, I wouldn't be able to get out?"

"No, I can come out, of course I can, if I want to, I can easily destroy this planet."

"Who told that guy to throw me into the most vulnerable place on this planet!"


With that, Imu took a step back and withdrew his gaze from Kuta's body.

She raised her head, looked at the morning sun on the horizon, and said in a mocking tone: "That guy thinks he is the sun god, but in fact he is just a pseudo-god who has obtained the power of the god, I really want to use his power to break free from the seal."

"This matter is a win-win situation from the beginning, I help him improve the technology of this world and give him unlimited knowledge, and he only needs to help me break through the seal and give me freedom after reaching the top."

"But in the end, that guy didn't give me the freedom I was promised, and threw me into the center of the earth."

Imu shook his head, the mockery on his lips even worse.

"A stupid person, even the decisions he makes are stupid, otherwise, with my help, he could have reached the top of the gods, and he would not have ended up like that."

Sota looked at Im quietly and didn't bother.

He wanted to know from Im why Joey Boy didn't help Im out of trouble in the end.

It's a pity that Imu didn't say anything about it here.

Obviously, she didn't know herself, she didn't know why Joey Boy broke the contract in the end.

However, although Imu didn't know, Kuta guessed a reason.

It's just that Imu is too strong, Joey Boy has no confidence, and after releasing Imu, if Imu doesn't leave, he wants to enslave this world, and he doesn't have the strength to stop it.

This fear for the future led Joey Boy to break the contract and make him make the stupid decision to throw Im into the center of the earth.

The people inside the well will never know how great the world outside the well is.

In Joey Boy's era, although there has been earth-shaking progress due to the arrival of Imu, the vision of the one trapped on this planet has not improved much.

The worry about Yimu has become inevitable.

After all, human beings, compared to Imu, who brought about the explosion of knowledge, are too small and too fragile, so Joey Boe, even if he broke the contract, did not let Im out.

Looking at Imu, the trace of anger in Kuta's eyes dissipated with the wind.

As this trace of anger dissipated, the surrounding space was instantly smoothed out, and the void that appeared outside retreated to its original track, like a world of flowing water, and at this moment it returned to its usual appearance.

"I can promise you a deal."

"But after you come out, I want you to leave as soon as possible, I don't want my world to have such a threat as you."

"Don't worry."

Seeing that Kong Tai agreed, a trace of excitement flashed in Yimu's eyes.

Then she said with an inexplicable smile on the corner of her mouth: "As I said before, I don't care about this world, after all, this world is too small for me. "

Hmm!" Sota nodded, "I hope so." The

two had different thoughts, but after thinking about the deal that let Yimu out, Kuta agreed to it.

Imu doesn't care about this world, but Sora cares too much!

After all, in this world, there are his lovers, his relatives, his masters, and his friends.

Im gave the boy a deep look, then turned around and looked up to meet Ouranos' eyes.

I saw that Ouranos melted rapidly under her eyes, and her huge body turned into the silver ionic shape that she had seen at the beginning.

"There was supposed to be a passage to the underground, but that guy from Joey Boy filled it in after he threw me in."

She said as she waved down at the garden in front of her.

Then I saw the silver ions floating in the air, and instantly turned into a huge drill.

The moment the drill bit appeared, it began to rotate, and then it landed suddenly, and with a boom, it quickly drilled down.

"Is the technology of your world the pinnacle of this point?"

Standing at the edge of the abyss hole that Ouranos turned into a drill bit and drilled out, Kuta looked at the pitch-black figure and asked Ima, who was beside him, curiously.


Yimu glanced at Kongtai, with a hint of superiority in his eyes, "This is just the most basic technology, when you really step into the starry sky, you will find how small this world is."

Speaking of this, she once again mocked Joey Boy, "That guy's short-sightedness has ruined this world, the opportunity to contact a real high civilization, and also ruined this world, the biggest opportunity."


Sora was noncommittal about Imu's taunts.

Whether it's a chance or not, Sota doesn't know.

But there is one thing he still knows, that is, this world, this universe, there can be no peace, and there is no such thing as pie from heaven.

The law of the jungle is the basic law of the world.

This is not only true in the animal kingdom, in humans, and in this world, but also in the universal rules of the universe.

It is very likely that Yimu will not care about this world and leave directly, but it is more likely that he will occupy this world, enslave this world, and make this place completely her private territory.

After all, gods are also creatures, but this creature is a little too powerful compared to humans.

And as long as it is a living being, it has desires, and if it has desires, it will not let go of this beautiful planet, and even if it is not enslaved, it will be a lot of money to sell, isn't it?

Joey Boy doesn't believe in Im, and Sota certainly understands.

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