Of course.

Unlike the happiness of Shanks and others, the mood of the five old stars, no, now it is the four old stars, it is much more complicated.

On the one hand, it was the complexity that Sota saved them, and on the other hand, of course, the shock of Imu's body, and the horror that even wiped them out together.

But shock is shock, and the fight will not stop.

Looking at Shanks and the others who came again, the four old men, and the CP organization behind them, as well as the Knights of the Gods, also proudly cheered up and fought again.

There is no fluke here, there is no begging for mercy, the war is doomed from the beginning, and it will not stop until one side completely falls.

Therefore, even if they knew that they should be counted now, at a disadvantage, an absolute disadvantage, the four old men had no intention of stopping.

After all, both sides started with the goal of killing each other.

This emotion will not end because of the two people above, but will be more intense.

Now that the five old stars are at a disadvantage, Shanks and the others will not stop.

When the five old stars are the advantage, they will not stop.

That's the brutality of this war.

"Take control of the space."

Imu looked at the shrinking sun above the sky, racking his brains to figure out how to fight.

Why did she attack the ground, not at Kongtai himself, of course, because, even if it was her, there was no way to take Kongtai's teleportation!

Only by attacking the planet below can the boy who cares about the world below block it, and can he really attack the boy.

But now...

The dragon shrank and instantly turned into a small dot, not in a black robe, but in a red suit.

The red hair fluttering in the wind, like a roll of silk, coupled with the beautiful face that does not look like a human being, makes Yimu exude an amazing charm at this moment.

But on this battlefield in the sky, no matter how beautiful she is, no one appreciates it.

The huge body brings innate power oppression, but it also has the disadvantage of not reacting fast enough and can only be used as a target.

So, after a moment of contemplation, Im reverted back to the body in which her spirit body manifested outwardly.

She stretched out her right hand from her red robe and shook it lightly into the void, only to see a long sword burning with blazing white flames appear in her hand out of thin air.

Without giving the boy and the world below a chance to react, Im held his sword in both hands and raised it above his head.

With a bang, the long sword swelled violently, bursting into the sky with flames that soared into the sky, like a line of fire, all the way to outer space above the atmosphere.

"The attack range is still not large enough for you to take it, I'll see how you take my sword."

Looking at the boy, Imu's eyes were always cold.


With a loud roar, the greatsword slashed downward.

As it fell, the greatsword arced, dragging a long tail flame and shattered Void Silver Light into a scythe of death that was about to slash through the world below.

The fiery red sword light instantly shattered the clouds, and the orange light replaced the sun, making all the people who were close to the Red Earth Continent feel the power of the world-destroying heaven from above at this moment.

And under this heavenly power, the silver-haired young man raised his head with a solemn face, and in the pale blue pupils, the nebula rotated rapidly, and a special wave instantly expanded from his body to the surroundings.

"Does this guy really want to destroy the world?"

Looking at Imu, Kongtai's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"The attack is indeed powerful and widespread, but it has not exceeded the limits of my field."

At this time, the diameter of his field can cover a radius of several hundred kilometers.

Within this circular realm, he could take on any attack, even if it was from an all-out attack from a powerhouse of the Star Realm who had transcended this world, surpassed him, and could destroy the world below.


It's like a watermelon knife, cutting a watermelon, and the realm of the empty space is easily cut by the giant knife, but it doesn't matter, his realm is an infinite overlap of space.

And the space is cut, which does not necessarily mean that the void inside is also cut.

Therefore, at the moment when the giant sword landed on the Kongtai Domain, the previous situation of the sun setting reappeared, from falling rapidly to being fixed in the sky, but it was only an instantaneous matter.

"Open it for me!"

Imu gripped the hilt of his sword and slashed down with both hands.

She could feel that the sword was still downward, but on the outside, it seemed to be frozen in place, and no matter how hard she tried, the blade did not fall in the slightest.

Looking at the silver-haired young man under the light of the sword, Yimu's heart at the moment, like the sword in her hand, has a kind of frozen coldness.

"No, no, I won't just come out and be sealed again!"

She has self-confidence, confident that the boy can't kill her, but this weird space can seal her, and even she thinks of another possibility.

The boy's attack really couldn't kill her, but after the void, it could kill her!

With the boy's control over the space, it is not a matter of minutes to get her into the dark world behind the void.

The more I thought about Imu's heart, the heavier it became.

"No, we have to leave."

Shaking his head, Imu's cold eyes showed a backward look for the first time.

"Want to go?"

As if sensing Imu's thoughts, Sota's gaze retracted from the knife and landed on Imu's body.

At this moment, the corners of the boy's mouth hooked up with a sneer, mocking Imu's ignorance and overconfidence in his own strength.

"Don't you think it's too late to leave now?"

Kuta took a step, and his figure instantly appeared in the middle of the giant knife.

He stretched out his hand and touched it lightly, although it was burning with fire, it was cold and abnormally cold, and his eyes froze suddenly.

I saw that the space around me was shrinking rapidly at this moment, and along with the giant knife that spanned the entire sky, of course, Yimu's body.

Feeling the pulling force of the space around his body, Yimu didn't think about it, he let go of the hilt of his sword, then turned around, and smashed the void behind him with a strong punch, just wanting to leave from this broken void hole.

At her speed, as long as she leaves this strange space, it won't be long before she reaches the moon.

Wherever there is the void wormhole where she came to this world, as long as she enters, she can quickly return to the starry sky where she used to be.

As long as she returns to her hometown, she believes that no matter how weird the silver-haired boy is, it will be impossible to treat her again.


Through the shattered space, Im lowered his head suddenly, looked at his feet suspiciously, dark red pupils, as if he had seen something very terrible, instantly shrunk into a point.

"It's not moving

forward, it's going backwards," and then she smashed the void in front of her with another punch, and then walked over without hesitation, "It's still the same, it's still the same, it's not going forward at all."

"Impossible, impossible, how can there be such a monster in this world."

Shaking his head, Imu looked up sharply as if he had thought of something, and his face showed a look of extreme shock as his eyes swept around.

"This, this, this, this is not a layer of space at all, but an overlap of countless spaces."

At this moment, she knew why the boy was able to take her attack so easily.

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