On the deck of the Iron King, it was as quiet as time had stopped.

The eyes of everyone looking at Kong Tai were full of fear, and they didn't even dare to let out the atmosphere.

"This guy... How dare you? How dare you... How dare you kill their king so easily!

On the warship, Kedo looked at Valpo's headless corpse, his brow furrowed.

"I'm in trouble."

He didn't expect that his first mission as a major general would fail in such a way.

Sota stared at Valpo's body, which was still spurting blood in front of him, his eyes full of disgust, he stretched out his left hand and pushed forward through the air.

Bang ——!

Quickly bounced the corpse in front of him away, and then the space field instantly expanded.

I saw that the deck below suddenly fell apart with a piercing creak, and the long planks of wood waved like noodles one by one, each of which was like a rope, precisely wrapped around a person's neck, and then gradually tightened.

The people in the space realm all struggled violently, trying to make a sound, but there was no sound.

In a burst of "pop" sounds, everyone on the deck was separated.

And, of course, the archer Jace.

He lowered his head and looked at the twenty doctors in their uniforms, but did not speak.

Retracting his gaze, he waved his right hand to shake off the blood stains on the blade, then put the knife into its sheath, and the figure disappeared in its place.

Tick ——!

Tick ——!

Tick tock....

Blood kept dripping down the broken deck, and the sound in the quiet cabin was extremely loud, as if it was dripping into the hearts of many doctors in the cabin, so that their minds that had just been taken away by Kongtai's eyes quickly returned.

The emotionless eyes that came over just now made them think they were dead!

Now that I came back to my senses and looked at the purgatory-like scene around me, even if they were all doctors, accustomed to seeing patients, and even more accustomed to seeing death in the past few years, I couldn't help but feel a convulsion in my heart.

Knock ——!

At that moment, a head tumbled off the shattered deck.

It attracted everyone's attention.

When they saw the skull, they didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

It's complicated anyway.

Although this guy is a brutal dictatorship, but... After all, it was the king of their Magnetic Drum Kingdom, and it was the object of their allegiance, and this sudden death made their hearts confused.

"Next, what should the Drum Kingdom do?"

At this moment, Kedo jumped onto the White Iron King, he was indifferent to the corpses around him, and when he saw Kuta leave, he felt the breath of a living person on the White Iron King, so he skipped over to take a look.

Let's see if his mission can still be saved.

"Hey! You are the royal physician of Valpo, that is, the royal physician of the kingdom, and you should be the ones who know the Drum Kingdom best.

"Now that Valpo is dead, do you know who can inherit Valpo's throne on Magnetic Drum Island at this time?"

That's what he's for, and since Valpo is dead, find another king.

Anyway, the world government doesn't care who is the king of a small country.

As long as the country pays the heavenly gold every year as scheduled.

Not to mention changing the king, it is the name of the country, you can change it if you want.

All he needed to do was bring the king of a convincing country to the Holy Land of Mary Joya to attend the World Conference.

Hearing the voice, the doctors hurriedly looked up, and when they saw that it was the navy, they breathed a sigh of relief.

They looked down in thought, and then everyone's eyes lit up.

Then they looked up, turned their heads, looked at each other, and nodded.

They thought of one person at the same time at the moment.

One of the doctors looked up at Khdow and spoke.

"If there is anyone else on Magnetic Drum Island who is up to the task of king at this time, there is... And there is only one.


"That's the former Captain of the Kingdom Guard, Dalton."


Keduo thought about it and realized that he hadn't heard of this person, so he looked down and spoke directly.

"And where's this Dalton?"

"Lord Dalton was imprisoned in the Grand Prison of the Royal Palace Castle by Valpo a few years ago."


Keduo nodded, "It turned out to be a prisoner!" "


Keduo paused, stared at the doctor and asked suspiciously: "Since you are a prisoner, how can you be a king!" The

doctors looked at each other, then looked up at Kedo, and said loudly with firm eyes: "Because only Dalton can lead the Drum Kingdom again, and only he can be qualified for the position of king, because he is the only king on the island at this time who can be loved and accepted by the people of the whole country." "


Kordo nodded, and asked no more.

If he can be loved and accepted by the people of the whole country, he must be a good king.

"Then hurry up! Let's go and rescue your king sooner, and I'll finish the mission sooner! When

the doctors heard this, they hurriedly climbed up the stairs, ignoring the hellish scene around them, and followed Kedo to the shore.

They were convinced that the new Drum Kingdom, led by Dalton, would surely return to its former glory.

Looking at the Magnetic Drum Mountain in the distance, their eyes were full of hope.

For the actions of the Navy and the Twenty Doctors, Sota didn't pay much attention to it.

As for Dalton's decision to be king by the doctors, he had an estimate from the beginning.

So don't be surprised.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that at the urging of Kedo, Dalton could become king so quickly.

In order to complete the task, this guy rescued Dalton in less than an hour.

And the palace guards, when they heard that their king Valpo was dead, instead of stopping the navy and the doctors, acted as a leader with excitement on their faces.

It can also be seen from here that the status of Valpo and Dalton in the hearts of the people is completely different.

Sota went ashore and walked straight towards his companions.

When passing by Mihawk, reach out your hand, a hand, put it on his shoulder, and let him go with him.

Mihawk and he are about the same height, so they walk together in a fairly harmonious way.

"Mihawk, I'll call you that, no problem!"

Being hugged by Sota's shoulders, Mihawk felt uncomfortable for a moment, but he still followed Sota and walked forward.

"Whatever you want."

He shrugged his shoulders, his face full of indifference.

"Well! Then I'll call you that from now on. "


Kong Tai ripped off the wine gourd, took a sip, and continued, "You're not even forty years old!" I don't want to call you uncle, so I'd better just call you by name to get closer.

With that, he exhaled a breath of wine, turned his head to look at Mihawk, withdrew his right hand, stopped, turned around, and stretched out his right hand to Mihawk.

"Mihawk, my name is Kongtai, Kongtai, Kongtai, we are friends now! Please advise.

The corners of Mihawk's mouth twitched, but he still stretched out his hand and shook it with Kuta, "Kuta, please advise." "


Kong Tai laughed, withdrew his right hand, turned around and walked towards his partners, "Let's go, I'll introduce you to my partners, as for the two of us, let's talk about it later!"

"Besides, if we want to fight with all our might, we can't be on this island!"

"You say, right?"

Mihawk glanced at the snow-covered mountains in the distance and nodded.

If they fight here, they can cause an avalanche at any time, and it is a big avalanche, which is a natural disaster that the creatures of this island and the inhabitants of this island are completely irresistible!

Although he is a pirate and indeed a sword idiot, he has not yet reached the point where he does not care about the lives of countless civilians in order to fight.

And there is an uninhabited island not far from here.

I'll take them there later, and it's not too late to talk about it.

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