Ever since Hiluluk's death, she hasn't been here except Chopper.

While the people on the island know where she is, they don't know where she is.

And the villagers wouldn't come here to look for her, because that would attract Valpo.

Valpo has been looking for her all along!

That's why she was full of vigilance at the sudden knock on the door.

She was thinking that if Valpo's escort really found this place, then she and Chopper would have to abandon this place and move somewhere else.


As if feeling the nervousness of the house, one old and one young, Kuta withdrew his right hand, touched his chin and thought about it, and then said: "We are travelers from other islands, and we came here just to be curious about why there is a treehouse of this style in such a remote place, so we take the liberty to bother."

"From other islands?"

Kuhaare looked at the door, thought for a moment, and walked over.


The old wooden door of the treehouse opened from the inside out, and the wooden door was too old to be too flexible, making a piercing screech.

The wooden door opened wide, and the warm air in the room poured out, blowing away the cold around the two of them who were standing at the door.

Kuta rubbed her hands, looked up at Kureha, and said softly, "This mother-in-law, you are the master here!" Can we go in and rest for a while? "

Kureha has a very pointed nose and chin, and if she wears a canopy and is a witch, it is no wonder that everyone calls her a witch.

Kureha reached out and lifted the sunglasses in front of her up and hung them on her forehead.


When she looked down and saw the appearance of Kuta and Guina thoroughly, her face suddenly changed slightly, and her body stiffened slightly.

Although Drum Island is a winter island, there are not many people, so there is no special port open for passing pirate ships and merchant ships.

Therefore, the exchange of news can only rely on news birds.

A few months ago, the news of Kutai was sent to the world by Morgaons, including Magnetic Drum Island, of course, so Kureha had seen Kuta and Guina in the newspapers.

But when I think of such a sea thief and being so polite to her, I don't think I will be a vicious pirate.

And the newspaper also said that the Kutai gang fought the world government and navy in order to save Bass.

Thinking of this, her face quickly returned to normal.

Said calmly to Kuta, "I've seen you in the newspaper, your name is Kuta!" "


Kuta nodded.

"You just called me an old woman, didn't you?"


Kuta continued to nod.

Then he looked up and stared at Kuhare, "What's wrong?" Mother-in-law.

Kureha frowned, raised the axe in his hand and threw it at Kuta.

"Die! Imp, pay attention to what you say! "


Sota was stunned, red light flashed in his eyes, and his head swayed from side to side, easily dodging the axe that Kureha threw at him.

Then he raised his head and stared at Kureha, who was suddenly angry for some reason, full of question marks.

"What's wrong?"

Kureha took the bottle from the table next to him and took a few sips.


" Then he looked at Kong Tai and said seriously: "I'm still a young and beautiful person in my hundred and thirty years!" "


"Quack...??? On

Kuta's head, a flock of crows flew by, and there were more question marks.

He stared at Kureha, the corners of his mouth twitching.

"Because of this, you are angry."

"Or else?"

Kureha looked at Sota, the corners of her mouth turned up, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!! I'm still so young! Gremlin. "


Sota shrugged helplessly, looked up at Kureha and said, "You win, I'll call you a beautiful woman!"

He straightened up his appearance and looked at Kureha with a serious face, "Hello beauty, can you let us go into the house and rest for a while?"

With that, he opened his mouth and grinned at Kureha, his face as sincere as he could, as if Kureha was really a beauty.


Guina looked at Kuta and Kureha and couldn't help laughing out loud any longer.

The crisp laughter like wind chimes is like a pleasant music played in the depths of this lonely forest, so that the mountains, the giant trees, and the snowflakes are no longer lonely.

Kureha stared at Kuta and laughed.

"What a funny little ghost!"

Putting away her laughter, Kureha leaned over and moved out of the way.

"Come in! It's weird to stand outside!

It's okay if she doesn't say it, but when she says this, Guina's laughter immediately stops, and her body can't help but shiver.

The indoor heating is not comparable to the cold outside!

Even if the heating prevails the moment the door opens, the cold that follows is mixed with snowflakes, like pouring flowing water, constantly pouring into the room.

Kuta glanced at Guina, quickly took her hand, and walked quickly past Kureha and entered the wooden door.


Seeing that Kong Tai and the two entered the house, Kureha hurriedly closed the wooden door, blocking out all the boundless wind and snow outside.

Sure enough, as soon as I entered the house, the cold disappeared immediately.

Kuta let go of Guina's hand and looked left and right, finally stopping at the large fireplace on the right wall, a hint of curiosity flashing in her eyes.

Not only did they hollow out the trees, but they also lit a fire in them to keep them warm, and the trees on this island are amazing enough.

Thinking about it, he reached out and touched the wall next to him.

Not cold.

It's actually warm.

The tree is still warm.

That's kind of incredible!

I just don't know if I can take a boat.

Thinking of this, he turned his head, looked at Kureha sitting on the sofa, and asked curiously, "Hey! "


Kureha looked at Kong Tai amusedly, stretched out her hand to interrupt him, and said, "Don't keep calling me a beauty, I know I'm young and beautiful, but I don't need you to keep calling me!" As

he spoke, he held up the bottle and took a few more sips.

At first glance, you know that he is an old drunkard.

She exhaled a breath of wine, stared at Kuta and Guina and smiled, "Little ghost, do you want to know the secret of my eternal youth?" Hey, hey, hey, hey!!

"I don't want to."

Guina looked at Kureha and replied coldly, "I'm only sixteen years old, and it's too early to worry about my appearance.

Sota shrugged and nodded, agreeing with Guina's words.


Kureha's hand holding the bottle stiffened, and then he tilted his head as if nothing had happened.

Goo go

After a few gulps, a blush flashed across Kureha's face, then quickly vanished.


Then she put the wine bottle in her hand heavily on the coffee table in front of her, and looked up at the two of them.

"That's the joke! I know you're pirates, you're pirates, and I think there's something going on here! "

She's almost a hundred and fourteen people, who hasn't seen anyone before!

Although she didn't feel malicious intent on the two of them, she knew that it was impossible for Kuta to come here unintentionally.

That lame reason, as soon as Sota opened her mouth, she knew it was fake.



Kuta nodded helplessly, "We're here specifically to see you and a blue-nosed reindeer." "

Blue-nosed reindeer."

Kureha was startled and stared up at Kuta.

"The villagers told you that!"

Sota hesitated slightly.


" he looked up at Kureha and chuckled, "If I say that I was in a dream and I dreamed that there was a blue-nosed reindeer here, I don't know..."

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