In front of the big turntable.

In the same way, Indigo determined the girl's physical condition.

He put down the girl's hand, turned his head to look at Kuta behind him, and shook his head, a trace of sadness flashing in his eyes.

He is not a god, and he really can't do anything about these two girls whose bodies have been severely damaged and can be said to have run out of oil.

"It's fine."

Kuta patted Indigo on the shoulder and walked past him, standing in front of the big turntable.

He quietly looked at the girl in front of him with a weak breath, and said softly: "Girl, do you still have any wishes?" Say it, maybe I can help you make it happen. "

This girl is the only one in the room, and she is clothed.

Although her body was tied to the big turntable, although she was covered in bruises, but... But she didn't say a word.

Kuta knew that she was still alive and awake at this time, but he couldn't let her go, because for the girl's physical condition, as long as she let her go, maybe she would die immediately.

Hearing Sora's gentle voice, the girl raised her head, her bloodshot eyes hazy.

Then gradually return to clarity.

There was no hatred in her eyes, not even pain, like other girls.

Her eyes calmly swept around the room, a hint of pleasure in her eyes as she swept over the man kneeling on the ground wearing a crown, and then quickly moved away, finally stopping at Kuta's face.

She stared at Kuta, staring at Kuta's eyes, first dazed, and then suddenly her eyes lit up.

She licked her cracked lips and opened her mouth hoarsely.

"Silver-haired Kuta?"


Kuta nodded, "You know me." "


The girl stared at Kuta, her eyes fluctuating, "Can you please save my father?" "


Kongta stared at the girl, his eyes paused slightly, and then he ripped off the wine gourd on his waist and raised his head.



"What the hell is this!"

At this moment, even with his firm heart, he couldn't help but moisten his eyes.

The father endures a slave life like a dog in anticipation of another meeting with his only daughter.

The daughter endured physical torture and mental pain, and refused to swallow that last breath, and when she saw someone who could save her, the first thing she said was to let him save her father.

Sota didn't know what mood he should use to face the strong man outside the door at this time.

Putting down the wine gourd, Sora bowed his head, met the girl's expectant eyes, turned around, and walked out.

"Come in!"

He didn't let the strong man in at the beginning, because he was afraid that there would be his daughter in the room.


What a damn fate!

Outside the door.

The strong man stared at the half-open door, rubbing his hands, and the whole person looked very nervous.

Hearing Kuta's voice, he hurriedly stepped forward, but he hesitated as he stepped through the door.

He was afraid....

He was afraid to enter this door and see the scene he least wanted to see.

But no matter how afraid he is, he will go in.

Without long hesitation, he stared at the door, raised his feet firmly, and walked in.

The moment he entered, he saw the scene in the room clearly, and when he saw the girl on the chair and the ground, his pupils shrank, and the whole person stopped in place in shock.

Although I didn't see the characteristics of my daughter in these girls, but...

This hellish sight still made his heart tremble.

At that moment, a shadow blocked his view.

Kong Tai looked at the strong man, and there was a trace of unbearability in his eyes, but he still let go of his body and patted the strong man's shoulder.

Walked past him and out of the room.

Everyone, following Kongtai, walked out of the room one after another.

The last Ah Tao glanced at the strong man and closed the door.

In the aisle, everyone stood calmly, only Kuta leaned against the wall, looking up and drinking.

Goo Go

The sound of the drink sliding down his throat was unusually harsh in this quiet, oppressive aisle.

At this moment, a roar of extreme pain came from the room, which made Kuta pause.

"This damn world is really dark enough!"

He wants to laugh too!

He also wants to have a carefree adventure!

He wants to enjoy the beautiful scenery of this world!


Counting the islands he has visited since he went to sea, there is no tragedy that has not happened, and there is a tragedy.

When they arrived at the Great Voyage, they met one after another.

This is what he encountered, and more tragedies were happening in places he couldn't see.

He just wants to have a good adventure, how can he encounter all these disgusting things?


"Do you want him to save the world?"

But he knows what he's capable of!

Is it possible to save the world or something?

If that's really the case, that's good.

That's the sum of all the factors.

If you want to save the world, you must not only liberate people, but also liberate people's minds!

He is not a saint, he was an ordinary person in his previous life, and in this life, he is an ordinary person who is a little stronger.

But there are no such great minds that can save the world!

Kuta put down the wine gourd, leaned his head against the wall, and looked up at the scorching light overhead.

"All these tragedies are the damned slavery, and without slavery, the tragedy of this world would be at least half less."


Kuta lifted the wine gourd, opened his mouth, and took a sip.

Stand up straight, turn around, and walk towards the innermost door in the hallway.

"Let's go!"

He can't save the world, but he can do away with the damn slavery.

As long as his strength can reach the point of true invincibility in the world, he believes that whether it is the Tianlong people or the revolutionary army that overthrows the world government in the future.

The system he has formulated will be strictly observed.


At this moment, he set another goal since he went to sea.

That is to be the real strongest in the world, and then go and kill all the disgusting Draconians.

This thing was so disgusting to him who was in the era of peace in his previous life, and in this life, he had always lived in a safe and worry-free one-minded dojo.

So he's going to have to abolish that damn slavery.

And the roots of slavery are in the Tianlong people and the nobles.

The Draconians can be handed over to him, nobles....

It can only be handed over to the revolutionary army.

Who's telling them to do this!


Squeak ——!

Kutai pushed open the door in front of him and walked in.

This room was completely different from the previous one, the room was dark and damp, except for a lamp on the roof, which was emitting a faint light.

There was nothing else in the room, only two rows of iron cages.

The cages are divided into small cages that can only accommodate one person.

Some of the cages were empty, while many more were filled with people in ragged clothes with chains bound to their hands and feet.

The people in the cage were both men and women, the men were all young and middle-aged, and the women were all girls.

Obviously, this is where the ship held slaves.

When the slaves heard the sound of the door opening and footsteps, they moved, and their eyes were gray and numb.

"It's the guards who are coming to get one of them, go and play with that bastard king!"

Imprisoned here, they already understand their fate.

They don't expect to leave here alive, they just hope that they will be less tortured.

That's when it happened.

Bang dang——!

The sound of chains falling to the ground caught their attention.

They raised their heads and stared at the strange figures outside the chain, staring at the cage door that had been opened at some point.

A ripple flashed in his eyes.

"Come out! You are free.


The slaves looked up and stared at Kuta with disbelief on their faces.

"Really free?"


Kuta nodded, his gaze swept over the various torture instruments on the walls around him, turned around, and walked towards the outside of the room.

As he walked, he said, "Freedom is given to you, all the guards on the ship are dizzy, you can have grievances and revenge, and no one can stop you." With

that, he walked out of the room.

Until Kuta and a few others left.

The slaves came to their senses, and they waited for a while, and when they saw that no one had come in, their eyes flickered, and they cautiously walked out of the iron cage.

When he looked through the door and saw the two guards who really fainted on the ground.

Their eyes changed suddenly.

Became blood-red and became ferocious.

They first found the key, opened the chains on their hands and feet, then removed the torture equipment from the wall and slowly walked to the guard.

And then....

Screams rang out.

And so on.

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