I must find Shantara

The bonfire was burning quietly, occasionally emitting a few “beeps”, which made the surrounding environment seem even quieter.

The Straw Hats and the Aruyama Alliance were sitting on the ground around the fire pit.

Uncle Curiket had already told the story of his ancestor Nolandu under the influence of alcohol.

This tragic and long-lasting story is full of the deep friendship between friends.

The Straw Hats, who always value the bond between partners, were deeply moved.

Sanji was the one who had the strongest reaction.

After all, as a person born in Beihai, he had heard the story of “The Great Liar Nolando” since he was a child.

But in this story, Nolando is just a ridiculous little character who tells lies.

But in Uncle Curiket’s mouth, Nolando’s image took a 180° turn.

He is smart, kind, brave and tenacious, insists on the truth, and would rather die than surrender. He can be called a hero on the sea.

This shocked Sanji.

“It turns out that the real story behind Nolando is like this.” Sanji murmured to himself.

“It’s okay to die unjustly. After his death, he will be made up into a story and laughed at for hundreds of years. He is really a tragic figure!” ”

Yes.” Zoro also said silently, “If a man with such masculinity… Still alive, I really want to have a drink with him.”

Everyone smiled slightly, Zoro still loved drinking so much.

At this time, Luffy suddenly lowered his straw hat, stood up silently, and walked towards the sea.

“What’s wrong with you, Luffy?” Usopp asked strangely.

This guy was very excited when he was listening to the story just now. He was moving around in his seat.

Why did the story end now without saying a word and walking away alone?

Faced with Usopp’s question, Luffy did not answer.

Instead, he walked all the way to the coast, suddenly took a deep breath, raised his head to the sky and shouted: “This is amazing!!!!”

Curiket was slightly stunned by Luffy’s roar, and the Straw Hats Others took it as a matter of course.

After roaring, Luffy seemed to have finished venting. He turned to Curiket and showed a confident smile.

“Uncle, I have decided that I must find the lost golden land of Shandorla and prove to everyone that Nolando is not a liar, but a great hero.”

Curiket opened his mouth in surprise.

Over the years, I don’t know how many people have heard him tell this story.

But most people are either indifferent or just sigh with regret.

Luffy was the only one who actually decided to inherit Lando’s will and go find Shantora.

This obviously has nothing to do with him, but he said it so seriously!

“Boy, are you sure?” Kulikat looked drunk, but in fact his eyes were twinkling.

“Don’t get carried away in a moment of passion, and you won’t know how high the world is. Shantora has disappeared for hundreds of years, and even Nolando himself has not been found. You…” ”

Whatever!” Luffy didn’t listen to Curiket at all. Nagging, interrupt him directly.

“I will definitely find it, because I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King, hehe!”

“Hey! Luffy!” Usopp became anxious as soon as he heard this.

“Where does your confidence come from? No one knows whether Shantara is real or fake, so don’t just swear!”

“Shantora is real! Nolando will not lie!” Luffy He said decisively.

“I told you not to be so confident,” Usopp said angrily.

“It doesn’t matter if you want to daydream, but at least you should consider Uncle Curiket’s feelings.” ”

You vowed to look for it. If you don’t find it in the end, or give up halfway, what do you want Uncle Montblanc to do?”

Urso ? Pu stared at Luffy and said almost word by word: “Don’t give people hope first and then let them down, Luffy! Do you know the despair of dashed hopes?”

Curiket took the last puff of his cigarette. , said to Luffy: “Straw Hat Boy, your long-nosed companion is right, it’s not worth swearing for a stranger.” ”

No one knows whether the legend of Shantora is true or not, except Nolando , don’t waste your efforts.”

“Hehe! No way.” Luffy smiled, “Uncle, haven’t you been pursuing that dream?” ”

I heard Nami say that you have to dive into the sea every day. I went deep to search for the ruins of Shantora, and I didn’t give up even though I got diving sickness. It’s really amazing.”

“Boy, this is my fate as a descendant of Nolandu. There is nothing to be proud of.” Curiket waved his hand. road.

“After Shantora disappeared, Nolando explored the reason many times, and the final explanation was that Shantara sank to the bottom of the sea due to an earthquake.” ”

The city that was once prosperous and gorgeous like a paradise may be quiet now. Lying on the bottom of the sea, this is why I have insisted on diving to the bottom of the sea for so many years.” ”

So, Shantara is somewhere on the bottom of the sea, right?”

Nami listened to Kuriket’s words, Immediately asked in surprise, she immediately ordered: “Chopper, jump down, you must find gold.” ”

Okay…that’s weird! Can I jump down?! Idiot!”

“Sorry, sorry, I forgot. You are a landlubber.” Nami smiled awkwardly, turned to Sanji and ordered, “Sanji, find it for me.” ”

Okay! Miss Nami!” Sanji rushed towards the sea without any hesitation. .

“Wait a minute!” Sammy quickly stopped him.

“What are you doing, Sammy? Let me tell you, I won’t give it to you this chance for Miss Bonami to smile!”

“Who wants to fight with you for this!” Sammy couldn’t help shouting. Said, “I just want to remind you that Shantara is not at the bottom of the sea at all, and

it will be useless for you to jump down.” “Nonsense! Miss Nami said it is at the bottom of the sea, it is at the bottom of the sea, even if we search the entire sea, I We must also find him.” Sanji said firmly.

Nami walked over silently, and Sanji immediately became excited when he saw her: “I will always believe you! Miss Nami!”

Unexpectedly, Nami ignored him at all, but said seriously to Sami: “Sammy , you said Shantara is not at the bottom of the sea, are you sure?”

“If you dare to refute me randomly, you know the consequences.”

“I know, I am sure that Shantara is not at the bottom of the sea.”

Nami glared, invisible overlord The color shocked the whole audience.

Usopp and Chopper screamed and immediately hugged each other. Even Luffy, who was always very nervous, swallowed his saliva.

“Sammy!” Nami whispered.

“What, what’s wrong?” Sami couldn’t help but tremble.

“Please! You must tell me where Shantora is, please, please, okay?”

Nami suddenly clasped her hands together, her eyes full of shiny things, and her body was still twisting and turning.



This map was recorded in Nolando’s logbook and has a history of more than 400 years.

Then, Sami showed the current map of Gaya Island and said: “This is the current map of Gaya Island. What did you find?”

Before the others could react, Nami’s eyes suddenly lit up: “Oh my God! Now! The Gaya Island is just a part of the ancient Gaya Island!”

Sami nodded and said: “Yes, the current Gaya Island is shaped like a pair of sawtooths.” ”

So the cartographers chose to draw it vertically. When painting, intentionally or unintentionally, it fits the shape of the saw teeth.” ”

In fact, when you look at the pair of saw teeth sideways, you will find that they are more like the teeth of a skull.” Sammy said.

“And the ancient Gaya Island is a lifelike skull pattern.”

Sami said, stacking the two maps together and placing them on the bright firelight.

Everyone immediately discovered that the two maps overlapped perfectly.

“You’re amazing! Sammy!” Nami was the first to cheer.

Usopp and Chopper even clapped excitedly.

Luffy laughed and patted Sammy on the shoulder: “It’s really you, Sammy. Is there anything else you don’t know? Hahahaha!”

Everyone looked more or less excited, except Curry. Uncle Kate was indifferent and instead poured a bucket of cold water on her.

“I have discovered this secret a long time ago!” Curiket said lightly.

“No, to be precise, Nolando should have discovered it a long time ago!

” He not only speculated that half of Gaya Island had disappeared, but also speculated that the missing half sank to the bottom of the sea due to crustal movement! “That’s why dad insists on diving every day, just to find the half of the sunken island on the bottom of the sea. ”

The orangutan added, “For decades, Dad is really great! ”

The ape immediately responded: “That’s right! Long live daddy! “Long live! ”

” Luffy shouted.

Nami patted him: “Why are you joining in the fun! “

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