Usopp in Desperate Situation

“It’s a ruins.” Robin looked into the distance and said happily.

Sammy also ran over and stood beside her.

On the ground not far away, the ruins of an ancient city were lying quietly.

The ruined walls hum in the wind, and the carved beams and painted buildings are silent in the sunshine.

This ancient city is like a giant beast slowly rising from the sea, revealing its surprising true face.

Sami wiped his sweat and said with a smile: “Finally found it, it’s not easy.”

After parting ways with Luffy and the others, Sami and Robin first took the Vagonal on the Cloud River and went deep into the jungle.

After a while, we abandoned the boat and walked all the way through the vast virgin forest.

Now we are finally almost reaching our destination.

Robin had a heartfelt smile on his face, looking like a goddess statue in the golden sunlight.

Sammy was stunned.

Not noticing anything strange about Sami, Robin, who was already immersed in joy, quickly ran away.

Her mind was already completely focused on the ruins of the city in the distance.

Sammy calmed down and followed closely.

“Really, you forgot about your husband as soon as you found something fun, this girl.”

Sami said shamelessly, without the slightest bit of shame.

“Sammy, come on!” Robin turned to him and shouted.

“What’s wrong?”

“Come and see this!” Robin said excitedly to Sami, pointing to the relief on a broken wall in front of him.

“This is a pure Sandia-style work of art.”

“This?” Sami looked at it and felt that there was nothing strange about it, so he asked casually, “Does it feel no different from the ones seen in Cloud Shadow Village?”

“Hmm~ It’s very different.” Robin took the trouble to popularize the science. “Look at the carving technique and the modeling style of the characters. They are all 100% Sandia style.” ”

The ones in Yunying Village are from recent years. It has been made for ten years and already has a strong Sky Island style.”

Robin pointed at it again and again, and Sami could easily spot the difference.

“As expected.” Sami nodded and said, “Although the Sandians have been at war with the Sky Islanders for 400 years.” ”

But they still unknowingly received the influence of Sky Island culture, and many artistic creation styles They’ve all been invaded.”

“Yes, when a nation’s culture is invaded, the nation will also die.” Robin sighed.

As an archaeologist, she has seen too many such things.

There are usually two ways for a civilization to die.

One is material. Once all the people die, they will naturally perish.

The other is cultural. People are still there, but traditions are lost and civilization no longer exists.

Sammy and Robin looked at each other.

They all know that even if this war finally defeats Enelu and liberates the entire sky island.

There is no way to save the Sandians from their imminent demise.

Maybe the bloodline will still exist, but that will be another story.

Robin walked forward silently, touching these moments that had gone through thousands of years of vicissitudes, with silent tears in his eyes.

This is an archaeologist’s lament about history.

Sammy thought it was okay.

Even if he has never experienced such stories, he has heard many stories.

Looking at the history of the Sandians, as well as those artworks, stories and legends, isn’t this just another Indian?

He took a few steps forward and whispered in Robin’s ear.

“There are people around.”

Robin was startled. He was about to move but suddenly realized something was wrong and immediately stopped.

“Is it an enemy?”


“When did it appear?”

“It was already ambush.”

“Then why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“I just want to accompany you today, not fight.” Sammy said evilly smiled.

Robin rolled her eyes at him and said, “Don’t let them destroy the ruins.”

“Three minutes.”

As soon as he said these words, Sami flashed and disappeared immediately.

This sudden change immediately startled the enemies who had been ambushing around them for a long time. They could no longer hide and rushed out one after another.

It turned out to be more than a dozen members of Enero’s Divine Guards.

These ugly things that looked like goat-headed monsters instantly surrounded Robin.

The leader asked loudly: “Where is that man? Where has he gone?”

“Which man are you talking about?”

“It’s your adulterer! He was hooking up with you just now, why…”


As soon as the man finished speaking, his neck was broken by hands that suddenly grew out of his body.

Robin lowered his eyes, his cheeks flushed.

The enemy was immediately startled and took a few steps back in unison.

“Bold, dare to hurt the guard of God, find…”

He was suddenly interrupted again, Sammy was standing behind him, taking his hand out of his chest.

“He showed up!”

“Kill him!”

The Divine Guards swarmed up and were about to surround Sami.

But Sami was faster, and almost finished them all in just a few breaths.

Not challenging at all.

Sammy even yawned out of boredom.

Obviously, these guys are carefully selected as the Divine Guards, and their strength is at least 10 to 20 million in Qinghai.

If it was Sammy who just went to sea, he might have to go through a hard battle.

But now, for Sami, it was no different than squeezing an ant to death.

This shows how strong Sami is now.

Sammy clapped his hands, walked to Robin with a smile and said, “Let’s go, do you want to go somewhere else?”

Robin looked at the swaying corpse on the ground, frowned and said, “It’s disgusting, there’s blood everywhere. It’s all.”

Sami scratched his head and said, “I’m careless, do you want to burn it?”

“It will burn the ruins, so forget it.”

The two people asked and answered questions, discussing without any fluctuations the method of destroying corpses and eradicating traces. matter.

If Usopp were here, he would definitely faint from fear.

Fortunately he’s not here.

At this time, Usopp, Chopper, and several Sandia guerrillas were confronting a large group of God Guards.

It can be said that except for the few who were killed just now, everyone else is here.

“Come on!”

I don’t know who gave the order, and the two sides who were still facing each other immediately roared.

Like two trains starting at full speed, crashing into each other.

There was a bloody storm for a while, with ghosts crying and wolves howling.

“Quick! Run for your life! Joe, Chopper!” Usopp shouted and ran away.

“Usopp! Be careful!”

Chopper had quick eyes and quick hands. When he saw two people rushing towards Usopp, he immediately ran to save him without thinking.



Usopp, who was still running, was knocked away by Chopper. The slash completely hit Chopper, and blood immediately flowed out.

“Chopper!” Usopp exclaimed. He was so frightened that he immediately hugged the little reindeer and said urgently, “Are you okay, Chopper?”

“No, it’s okay.” Chopper smiled hard at Usopp, ” Are you okay, Usopp?”

“I’m okay. You’re bleeding, Chopper. You need to bandage it quickly. Where’s the bandage? Where’s the first aid kit?”

Usopp hurriedly rummaged through the first aid kit to treat Chopper, but the enemy obviously didn’t. Give him a chance.

“Fire shell!”

A violent pillar of fire spurted out, and Usopp was so frightened that he immediately rolled away with Chopper in his arms.

“Assholes! Who are you? How dare you hurt Chopper!”

“Hoho, my name is Zhongwu.”

“My name is Xiaowu.”

“Our brother is Dawu! We are triplets. !Hoho.”

“Who asked you this?!”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t ask, Hoho.”

“We’ll tell you for free, Hoho.”

“Our brother Dawu is massacring your companions on this island. ”

And now, we are going to kill both of you! Ho ho.”

“Ho ho ho!”

The two guys said while dancing. They had the same potato figure as their brother Dawu, and looked quite funny. .

“Damn it, what happened to the attack of these two guys just now? Why can they cut people and breathe fire?”

Usopp ignored the two fools who were still jumping around and took the opportunity to think deeply.

“I heard from Sammy that all kinds of shells with magical functions will be produced on the empty island. Did they just use the shell power?”

“Both of them were wearing gloves. Could it be that they hid the shells in their gloves?”

I don’t know if it’s a result of careful reasoning, or if it’s just a blind cat encountering a dead mouse.

Usopp’s current guess is actually correct.

“No, Chopper is injured, you bandage it immediately.”

Usopp looked at Chopper lying on the ground in pain, with an anxious expression on his face.

He knew clearly that he would definitely not be able to escape this battle.

Usopp swallowed and slowly took out his slingshot from his backpack.

On the other side, Zhongwu and Xiaowu also stopped their funny dance and looked at Usopp coldly.

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