Pirate Kingship

Chapter 10 Byron's suggestion: Raise the sail!

Byron's sword does not have any fancy or distinctive sword moves, only the most basic and ultimate speed.

The secret is just one word: Hurry!

In this life, he practiced various sword skills regardless of whether it was cold or hot, starting from the time he could hold a sword.

From the most basic [Military Swordsmanship], the church's secret [Silver Cross Swordsmanship], to the most widely spread among pirates [Fisher's Swordsmanship].

All the way to the [Storm Swordsmanship] unique to the Kingdom of Hetings.

Although he has not yet stepped onto the [Ladder of Glory] to officially take office, he is not a true transcendent.

But relying on their solid swordsmanship skills and the tricks of many palace swordsman masters, they can definitely be regarded as the first echelon of extraordinary people.

"The newcomer's sword is so fast!"

"During this period, the Kingdom of Hetings was in violent turmoil. It seemed that many masters had fled overseas, and there was obviously a lot of chaos on the sea.

Is this newcomer so strong? ! "

"I heard that the cooks are the most powerful characters in an army. Could it be that this newcomer who once served a great noble is like this?"

The surrounding pirates were full of amazement. Although the first mate's main function is to be a quartermaster and an auxiliary captain, he is not necessarily the most capable among ordinary pirates.

But they asked themselves, if they changed their positions, they might not be able to block Byron's sword.

Before signing the Ten Commandments of Pirates, Byron was a prisoner.

After signing the "Ten Commandments of Pirates", he is a pirate recognized by the "Pirate Code", that is, one of his own who abides by the "rules of the game".

This sharp-edged style did not arouse the hostility of other pirates.

Humility and courtesy are the least useful qualities on a pirate ship.

A person cannot stand firmly if he is not ruthless.

If you want to gain a foothold on a pirate ship, you must never let others think you are weak and can be bullied.

He must be tougher and more ruthless than other pirates.

Turn yourself into an elusive mystery that makes people unable to guess and see through. Once you show any malice towards yourself, you will receive the most painful thunderous counterattack!

This is the way for pirates to survive, and it is also the instinct deeply hidden in the bones of the people of Northland Bay.

Byron's behavior was not only caused by little Hans, the carpenter who originally had a great liking for him.

Even many pirates who had not even said a word smiled at him.

Except for the ugly-faced first mate [Bone Broken] Miles and his supporters on the ship.

"That's enough, now is not the time for internal strife.

I declare that from now on Chef Byron Tudor will hold the position of Warehouse Manager in addition to his official duties.

At the same time, wartime regulations are implemented and everything is focused on victory. Whether chefs or carpenters, all are incorporated into the combat echelon.

If we don’t want our Man-eating Shark to be sunk, we can take a gamble on the slim chance of escaping by jumping into the sea.

Just show the courage to defeat all enemies! "

[Blood Eyes] Salman finally spoke and gave the final word.

Although Byron didn't really replace the first mate, he was given the power that a chef should have.

On a normal pirate ship, in addition to normal cooking, the chef also has another job as a warehouse manager.

Byron obtained this position, which was equivalent to being promoted to the official officer class.

It is no longer on the same level as those poor consumable cooks who could die at the hands of the captain at any time.

Of course, the premise of all this is that everyone can survive today!

Just when the pirates thought that an unexpected episode would come to an end.

But seeing that Byron, who had successfully established his power and gained the right to speak, suddenly saluted Salman with his breasts raised, pointing to the half-reduced sails on the foremast and mainmast and said:

"Mr. Captain, when I served under Lord Crawford, I had contact with many shipwrights from the Royal Dockyard and their secretive shipbuilding skills.

I have heard of a method that is still being tested, which may reduce the 'burrowing' effect of the high-rise sails and allow the [Man-Eater Shark] to further increase its speed."

At this time, no one would ignore his words casually.

The danger on the sea caused all pirate ships that did not abide by pragmatism and the "Ten Commandments of Pirates" to disappear on the sea.

Those who are capable have privileges!

Even Salman, the only transcendent [Blood Eyes], couldn't help but calm down and listen carefully to Byron's transformation plan.

Immediately, under Byron's guidance, he took matters into his own hands and climbed onto the tall mast that swayed left and right to carry out modifications.

Not much time was wasted.

He hung a hastily cut-out triangular sail on each of the three forestays that tightened the foremast and bowsprit.

When the sails of the three longitudinal sails were tightened by the sailors, they gradually caught the strong wind on the sea.


Everyone standing on the forecastle felt the bow of the ship suddenly tilt upward.

[Shipbuilder] Old Hans, who was helping next to him, grabbed the tight sail rope beside him to stabilize his body, raised his head and exclaimed:

"The effect is immediate? What's the principle of this?"

The original [Man-Eater Shark], like other Clarks and Galen of this era, was equipped with horizontal sails.

Only a trapezoidal sail hung on the mizzenmast, which acted as an air rudder.

Since the center of gravity of the battleship is very low, near the waterline, and the high-level sail on the bow mast has a large thrust and moment arm, it generates the force to press the bow of the ship into the water.

Naturally, the battleship lowered its head and its speed dropped.

It is common sense among navigators that high-level sails must be lowered in strong winds and high sea conditions.

Of course, the current royal shipyard has no solution, otherwise the warship would have been equipped first, but Byron's previous life had a solution.

That is to use the multi-faceted triangular sail to produce a lifting effect to counter the sailboat's head-down, so they are also called "lifting sails"!

So when [Blood Eye] Salman ordered to untie the reefed sails and let the upper sails sail completely, [The Man-eating Shark] no longer bury its head.

The speed of the ship increased significantly.

At least with the help of the "lifting sails", the level 6 wind did not force them to drop the sails to avoid danger.

When the ferocious pirates looked at Byron again, they could not help but stand in awe.

The powerful force and profound knowledge made the image of the "chef" at the beginning completely new, and there was no doubt about the identity of "noble butler" that Byron repeatedly emphasized.

He even actively cooperated with Byron's [Cognitive Correction] to brainwash himself.

"You are indeed an elite who has served the nobles.

When I retire, I will wash the blood off my hands, buy a title, put on a formal dress, and become a respectable master.

Maybe I can make friends with Mr. Byron now?"

Byron had just boarded the ship and had already won the trust of the pirates.

Salman continued to give orders:

"Throw down the speed rope. I need to know our speed and the relative position of the enemy ship clearly."


A group of pirates worked together to throw down a pile of ropes and floating barrels at the stern.

In this era, there was only a piece of blue waves on the sea, and there were few reference objects. In addition, there were no advanced equipment, so it was not easy to accurately calculate the speed of the ship.

But experienced sailors invented the "speed rope measurement method".

The specific method is to throw a floating body with a rope towed to the sea surface when the ship is sailing, and then calculate the speed of the ship according to the length of the rope pulled out in a certain period of time.

In order to reduce the error, the rope may be very long, and many knots are tied at equal distances on the rope, so that the entire speed rope is divided into several sections.

As long as the number of knots of the rope being pulled in the same unit of time is measured, the corresponding speed can be measured.

This is also the origin of "knot" as a unit of measurement for the speed of sea vessels.

In other words, 1 knot is equal to 1 nautical mile/hour, which is 1.85 kilometers/hour.

Generally, the bulky sail-powered battleships only average 2 or 3 knots in normal weather, and cruisers are slightly faster.

Only when there is a stable airflow with suitable wind speed and direction, and the full sail is opened, can the speed be pushed to a maximum of 10 knots, but this situation is very rare.

Under the current level 6 wind, they sailed with a tail wind (sailing downwind) and barely ran out of an unprecedented high speed of 7 knots.

That is 13 kilometers per hour, about the same speed as a bicycle.

Unfortunately, when sailing downwind, the advantage of large cross sails is too great.

Even though the encounter between the two sides was delayed, after two and a half hours of extremely tense, they were still caught up by the [Severe] within the range of artillery fire.

The fifth-level cruiser, which had opened its gun ports, crashed into everyone's sight.

The atmosphere on the pirate ship suddenly became tense.

Many pirates looked at the strongest [Blood Eye] Salman on the ship, and quite a few of them subconsciously looked at Byron.

Facing a battle with a huge disparity in strength, they needed a backbone.

The latter stood on the rear deck with the best view, feeling the sea breeze blowing through his hair.

[Weather Intuition] continuously sent various information about the elements of the sea to his five senses, allowing him to see the upcoming level 7 wind tunnel.

"The sails bought half an hour for the [Man-eating Shark]. We only need to hold on for another half an hour or so to win a turnaround!"

He whispered the news to Captain Salman, using the excuse that he had learned navigation.

Let him announce it to the crew in person, giving the pirates a hope that they would have a chance to survive as long as they fought hard, which greatly boosted morale.

Drawing out his sword, he roared loudly with the pirates who had been forced into a desperate situation and could only gamble everything on their lives:

"I am invincible, let's fight--!!!"

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