Pirate Kingship

Chapter 102: First meeting, please advise me

Tick ​​tock!

A drop of cold sweat on his forehead also fell to the ground together with the blood beads on his neck.

Even though the cold winter wind was biting, [Royal Hound] Vincent was soaked in cold sweat from his back in an instant.

Since he wanted to rejoin the ranks of the great nobles by marrying this famous Northern noble [Flower of the North], he certainly came prepared.

I have already reviewed all the information on Catherine and carefully studied the countess’ past.

But apart from the fact that she lost her relatives when she was young, grew up in the home of Prince Solenberg, and inherited a large inheritance from the Greenville family.

There is no explanation about her extraordinary class.

Apparently Prince Sorenberg and Lancaster protected her very well.

Until this moment, Vincent's eyes, which were blinded by wealth and power, finally saw the light again.

That was the cold light flashing from the edge of the mithril sword.

"Let go!"

Vincent's body trembled, and he subconsciously obeyed the order and let go of the box in the maid's hand.

The coldness in Catherine's lake-green eyes flickered for a while, and she finally took back the sword in her hand.

What imprisoned her during this period was never just the force of the guards, but also the royal power taken away by the York family.

The extraordinary sequence of [Mithril Knight] is not like Byron's ability to hide, run, or hide.

Even if the guards are killed, not only will they not be able to take away a large amount of property tied to their strength, but they will not be able to run very far before being overtaken by minions all over the place.

If faced with the pursuit of an entire kingdom, the situation could not be better than that of [Guardian Knight] Bruh who was seriously injured, dying and disfigured.

I sighed quietly in my heart;

‘It’s better to wait until we get to the colonies before looking for an opportunity. ’

Vincent was released and staggered back, clutching his neck.


A group of red army soldiers with guns on the nearby warship also rushed over.

But whether it was Catherine's earldom or her somewhat dazzling beauty, these soldiers subconsciously lowered their guns.

Moreover, Vincent did not have any military status.

After being assigned to Catherine as steward and guardian knight by Edward IV, she should be nominally a retainer of the Greenville family.

Naturally, the same goes for their attachés.

It’s just that the [Royal Hound] who was born in a palace noble family obviously doesn’t think so.

"I am the king's envoy, and it is my authority to restrain your words and deeds.

Catherine, how dare you disobey His Majesty Edward? ! "

For such a controlling guy, let alone rebellion, even just not doing what he asked for.

And he knew the attitude of Edward IV best. He said that he was transferring the Bantaan Islands to the Bantayan Islands, but in fact it was a disguised exile.

The purpose is just to take care of the emotions of the nobles in the York party.

When the sky is high, who will care about the quality of an orphan girl's life? This was the confidence that allowed him to take advantage of the situation.

I originally thought that when I was in the Old Continent, my purpose would not be so obvious, and I would use a fig leaf as a civilized person.

Now, he felt that the freedom he had given Catherine had gone too far!

With a cold face, he ordered to his attendants:

"Come on, bring up the shackles of the [Spell Breaking Stone] and ask our countess to learn the rules of York."

The large number of soldiers around him gave Vincent courage.

On the other hand, Catherine was alone.

Except for a few maids, the others were ordinary sailors on two merchant ships.

Any armed private soldiers of the Greenville family had fled in this month, and those who were arrested were arrested, and their wings were completely clipped.

Has anyone ever seen a lord go to his territory to take up a post without any team?

Just like a general going to the battlefield without his personal guards, it cannot be said that he is seeking death, but it is not that different.

Seeing that the situation at the scene was on the verge of breaking out, it gradually slipped out of control.

A steely voice suddenly sounded in their ears:

"Tsk, Mr. Vincent, right?

I heard it clearly from the side.

No matter how noble your status is in the court, you have been assigned by our noble Majesty to this beautiful countess as a guardian knight.

It means that you have become a retainer of the Greenville family.

Before you betrayed your lord, hadn't you heard that an irresistible and terrifying monster was roaming the North Sea, specifically hunting for traitors like you?

As a member of the escort fleet on this trip to the Bantaan Islands, we cannot sit idly by.

If you want to die, forget it. If you want to drag everyone down and be buried with you, we won't agree to it! "

Tap tap tap.

The crowd parted, and a tall figure wearing an old navy uniform and a triangular captain's hat walked in with his hands behind his back.

A large group of attendants behind him also held long muskets. Although their clothes were not uniform, their steps were sonorous and powerful.

The murderous and ferocious aura on his body was no weaker than those of those soldiers, and was even better.


Vincent looked up sharply.

However, he saw a pair of eyes full of oppressive and strong aura suddenly overflowing, condensing into a golden coat of arms in the spiritual realm.

——The golden lion wearing a crown holds a pure gold scale in its arms.

The Executioner's passive ability in the first-level attendant stage is [Legal Majesty]/[Aura of Majesty].

The ability that Byron imitated through [Cognitive Correction] and the Storm Signet is much more decent than the original ability of the Executioner.

Although Vincent is a second-level [Punishment Knight].

It was like being punched in the nose, and he couldn't help but feel a little dizzy, and it was difficult to argue.

The army soldiers around him who were about to obey orders were immediately "buzzed" when Byron reminded them.

"He's right, the traitors may really die!"

"I read the newspaper yesterday. The "natural disaster" is still wandering on the sea and ate another navy cruiser."

They all moved away from Vincent, looking at him as if they were looking at a disaster star.

If you don't keep your promise, you will be punished!

So many days have passed, and there are very few people in the North Sea coastal area who have not heard of the legend.

And from time to time, we hear that someone died at sea, and no bones are left, making that existence even more notorious.

Sometimes it is an exception, a person falls asleep in a dream and never wakes up; sometimes an entire ship disappears quietly on the sea.

It is said that the deeper the degree of betrayal, the greater the probability of being attacked!

Although they are all rumors, most of them believe it.

They are a group of army that will be stationed in Greenville territory with Vincent, unlike the navy, which has no original sin of betrayal from the beginning.

If they are implicated by Vincent, wouldn’t they be wrongly killed?

It must be said that the current "Touch of the Kraken" is like a sword of Damocles hanging over everyone's head.

It has made outstanding contributions to the spiritual civilization construction of the North Sea coast.


There is not only fighting and killing on the sea, but also the rules of conduct within the system.

When the Golden Deer docked, Byron had already heard the conversation between Catherine and the hound clearly.

He also realized the difficult situation of the big sister.

Next to him was a group of fierce [Judge Knights].

He did not use his sword or gun to stir up trouble.

He just used the banner of "Touch of the Kraken" to not only rescue Catherine in a few words, but also pulled the soldiers brought by Vincent to his own camp.

He fought with sharp words, but killed without bloodshed.

This is just the beginning. In the long voyage to the Bantaan Islands, this guy will inevitably be isolated by others.

The probability of "accidental death" will definitely rise sharply.

"Only children will insist on distinguishing right from wrong on the spot.

Adults will only smile with a knife hidden in their hearts, and then find an opportunity to kill him in secret!"

Just like facing a bug that jumped to his feet, Byron did not look at Vincent again.

Turning his head to look at Catherine, who had the highest status at the scene, he saluted meticulously in accordance with the character of the [Executioner] who attached great importance to rules:

"Miss Catherine, your beauty is more dazzling than your wealth.

I believe that the wealth of the Greenville family will one day be comparable to the Ferdinand family of the Holy Silver Empire.

Build your territory in Bantaan into another shining pearl on the sapphire sea."

For the Gold and Yuan Sequence, money is power, power, and everything.

The Holy Silver Empire is a loose political alliance composed of hundreds of small vassal states, which can also be called a bulk empire.

The famous gold and power family Ferdinand, ruling the art center of the entire continent, has the most Hall Sequence Transcendents in Florence.

It has funded various literary and artistic undertakings that are now thriving, and has also cultivated a large number of great artists in the Hall Sequence.

Their family motto is extremely heroic: "Ferdinand gives to the world!"

You can imagine how rich they are.

Praising someone for being as rich as Ferdinand is really a supreme compliment.

With the additional sentence "Beauty is more dazzling than wealth", this little trick has been "obvious" in the eyes of other onlookers.

"Okay, so you are not justice from heaven at all, but you also want to snatch the countess from us?!"

A judge knight who opened his spiritual vision and looked over carefully also breathed a sigh of relief.

One of the duties of the court is to take Catherine back when returning to the capital.

Now York's navy is stretched to the limit, and in order to save manpower, even the guest army has to be used.

Byron saw through all this, as if he was unaware of it, and he struck while the iron was hot to invite the Countess:

"Miss Catherine, perhaps it is really the guidance from the Lord. It just so happens that I have also received the conscription order from His Majesty and will soon join the escort fleet to the Bantaan Islands.

How about we go to Kingston together to meet the fleet?

By the way, it's our first meeting. I am Bill, a privateer captain under the command of the York family."

Catherine stared at his eyes for a while before putting away her [Mithril Hand] and gracefully lifting her skirt to return the greeting:

"With pleasure, Mr. Bill!

I am very happy to meet you today."

I don't know if there was sand in her eyes. When she stood up, she raised her hand and gently wiped the slightly red corners of her eyes.

Then the rosy corners of her lips bloomed with a dazzling and beautiful smile.

While the onlookers were collectively distracted, they also secretly envied this guy's good luck, and were annoyed that it was not themselves who rushed up to rescue the beauty just now?

But they didn't realize it at all.

For two people who are so close that they can discuss anything as long as they don't borrow money, what a complicated communication they have just had in their eyes.

They even greeted each other after dinner today.

The two pretended to be humble and walked side by side to their respective ships.

This attitude of ignoring made Vincent, who had regained his consciousness, furious.

But he didn't have any other associations, but cursed in his heart:

"I knew I should have locked up Catherine earlier. The damn competitor actually showed up so quickly!

How dare you use me as a stepping stone to win Catherine's favor?

You wait, when you get to the fleet, I'll see how I deal with you!"

Byron naturally felt the hateful look.

But he just felt it didn't matter.

'Hate it, hate it, you hate Bill, what does it have to do with me, Byron Tudor?

Besides, a mere bug wants to dig up our cabbage? I'll drown you when there's no one around! '

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