Pirate Kingship

Chapter 123 Sea Dragon, Bloodthirsty Cult

Even in the extraordinary world, basic rules must be followed.

[Blood Red Whiskey] After Alfred drank a lot of high-proof whiskey and achieved a burst of power, his consumption naturally increased sharply.

His heartbeat quickened and his breathing became rapid.

As he chopped the Storm Axe with a knife, his strong breathing immediately sucked a lot of white powder into his body.

Seeing the alcohol smell on his body gradually dissipate, the blood rushing like steam at high speed was also suddenly braked.

His eyes were dazed, trying to focus on Byron, and a finger was raised tremblingly:

"As an upright swordsman, you actually cheated?

You are as unruly as those bastards who robbed Taiman Brak Island.

Asshole, if you don't have a selfless heart that believes you can succeed, you...you will never reach the state of flow."

Then he became weak all over and collapsed to the ground with a plop.

Byron stepped forward with the two people around him, kicked the Fisher Sword in his hand away, and corrected him kindly:

"Wrong, although you have successfully mastered the flow, your swordsmanship level is too low.

How can swordsmanship be so inconvenient?

You have been practicing swordsmanship for so many years, haven't you heard that everything in the world can be a sword?

Since everything can be a sword, why can't muskets, chili powder, lime powder, and drugs be swords?

You are discriminating! It is naked discrimination against us 'musket swordsmen' and 'drug swordsmen'!"

Byron turned his head to look at Catherine and Bruch who were fighting side by side, and asked for their opinions seriously:

"Actually, I think in a swordsmanship duel, in addition to the 'gun drawing technique', using quicklime with a storm axe is also very cost-effective. What do you think?"

It is obvious that after an epiphany, his understanding of swordsmanship has improved a lot.

In addition to the "gun-drawing technique" that is enough to compete for the first fastest gunman, he also learned another set of brilliant sword moves.

"Well, quicklime is cheap and effective, much stronger than chili powder and loess."

Catherine first praised, and then a hint of danger appeared at the corner of her lips:

"But can you explain to me, your sister, where this powerful drug came from, and what do you want to do with it?"

The smile on Byron's face gradually disappeared.

"Well, ah, hahaha."

It was not until Xu Nuo gave her half of his spoils that he was fooled.

Looking at [Blood Red Whiskey] Alfred on the ground, he had already fallen asleep.

But he kept muttering:

"Everything can be a sword, everything can be a sword"

According to the logbook, the powerful drug prepared by the old priest could not even withstand a giant bear, let alone a person?

Byron turned his head to look at the musketeers who had successfully landed at the port, as well as his own pirates and sailors.

And the pirates who dropped their weapons and surrendered after seeing their captain defeated, and huddled together like quails.

Gradually, he put away his smile:

"As my identity changed from a pirate captain to a colonial governor, the endless pirates have become one of the most difficult problems in Greenville.

But we are the only ones who can "collect taxes" in this sea area by violent or non-violent means.

Let's set a small goal first, to become the largest pirate force in the nearby sea area!"


The welcome banquet held by the islanders for them was a bit mediocre, and Byron looked around carefully but didn't find any talent.

Actually, it's normal to think about it.

If there really is such an outstanding person, it is likely that he would have tried his best to escape from the island in these two months.

At the same time, a fierce battle between four extraordinary people had already given the islanders enough deterrence, and no stupid thorn dared to jump out and ask for a fight.

Countess Catherine, the new lord, and Governor Byron encouraged the pioneers, and everything went back to normal.

Those who need to cut trees should cut trees, and those who need to fish should fish.

After a while, we will understand the situation clearly, and then we can make drastic reforms.

Byron reassembled the core armed forces under his command, which is also his biggest reliance for gaining a foothold overseas.

A bloodthirsty dragon head pirate flag was planted beside him and fluttered in the wind.

"Report to the captain, the Golden Deer has a full complement of 102 people, all present."

"Report to the governor, the Osprey has a full complement of 51 people, all present."

"Report to the governor, the Kitty Hawk has a full complement of 49 people, all present."

Gathering around him were not only the Golden Deer, but also the crew of the Greenville family.

In order to carry more goods, the number of sailors on merchant ships is obviously much less than that on pirate ships.

The sailors on the Osprey and Kitty Hawk combined are the same as those on the Golden Deer, but in terms of personnel quality, they are not inferior.

This has a lot to do with the Lancaster family.

In order to catch up with the Age of Exploration and obtain enough ocean-going sailors, the kings of Lancaster issued the "Fish-eating Act".

It stipulates that meat cannot be eaten during Lent and on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays of each week, but fish must be eaten, otherwise a fine of 3 pounds or imprisonment for 3 months will be imposed.

The Fish-eating Act was issued, and the whole nation ate fish, which expanded the development of the fishery industry, trained a large number of sailors, and promoted the development of the shipbuilding industry through the prosperity of the fishery trade.

The strength of the shipbuilding industry promoted the development of the shipping industry, which in turn doubled the military strength of the ocean.

The root of the prosperity of the maritime country lies in these most ordinary sailors.

They did not escape when Catherine was under house arrest for a month, and they never left their young lady during such a long ocean voyage.

All are reliable hands without a doubt.

During this time together, Byron also found out the details of everyone.

The oldest one is not over 35 years old, and they all have the potential to develop.

Byron now wants money, spices, and blood brew. There is absolutely no problem in gathering their strength to build a core team.

There are enough ships, including a Golden Deer, two merchant ships, a ketch snatched from Brak Island, and two pirate ships under the command of Blood Red Whiskey, a total of six sailboats.

Gradually it started to look like a privateer fleet.

Byron took out the 100-page tome "The Ten Commandments of Pirates" and asked every merchant sailor to sign and fingerprint it.

As usual, he used his sharp tongue and drew a round and big cake to the new crew members.

Especially pointing to Article 9 of "Reward for meritorious deeds", he said impassionedly:

"Many people may doubt whether we can become bigger and stronger while being surrounded by wolves such as the old aristocratic forces, old tycoons, and colonial companies.

But you have to know that between the bones and high-quality beef, there are actually parts such as fur, meat scraps, fascia, inferior meat, etc. that the big powers disdain.

It is enough for us to strengthen ourselves in the early stage.

Many of us don't actually realize that in today's turbulent age of navigation, we are actually more friendly to the bottom class than ever before.

Not because it is gentle to the bottom class, but because it is also violent to those descendants of nobles!

During the month-long voyage of the ocean fleet, you should all have heard about the group of nobles who tried to conquer Bantaan ten years ago."

At Jamestown, the Royal Colony of Hattings, 92 descendants of Hattings aristocrats with servants arrived at one time.

They are all second sons or others who have no inheritance rights.

Wearing silk garters, hats with gold rims, and belts embroidered with heraldry, they faced this vast world with complacency.

However, although there are not many absolute wastes under the aristocratic education.

But what they have learned throughout their lives does not seem to adapt to the changes of this era. They are not very good at logging, farming, and robbing.

Soon some people were so embarrassed that they used the starch on the ornate and complicated hard collars of their dresses to make porridge and drink it.

Less than five years later, the grass on the graves of these noble descendants is already three meters high.

After being followed and reported by "Lighthouse Weekly", public opinion was in an uproar.

"Yes, we are no worse than the descendants of noble lords!"

With real examples in front of them, the eyes of the sailors lit up one by one.

“Many people have heard and thought that the life of descendants of nobles is easy, but in fact this is not the case.

The noble heir enjoyed excellent material and educational resources for the first half of his life, but all had a purpose.

That is, one day, they must be able to control everything left by their fathers: reputation, status, territory, wealth, rare objects, and sacred relics

These are the things that everyone craves.

It looks glamorous, but in fact it is full of dangers and is watched by countless ferocious beasts that eat people without spitting out bones.

Including us, the evil dragons of the sea! "

Byron raised the bloodthirsty dragon-headed pirate flag, and his voice became more and more passionate:

"The laws of nature are fair. For nobles and wealthy families, every succession of descendants is a decline.

Look at the nobles in the old continent. After their ancestors made great achievements, how many of the younger generations can surpass their ancestors in their achievements?

Every big change means a reshuffle.

Nobles and powerful men are destined to be inferior to each other from generation to generation. Finally, the crown falls and is picked up by the next trend-setter, starting a new cycle.

The aristocratic fathers are famous, we can conquer the world with our own hands!

Wealth, power, knowledge, honor, fame...all in that sea.

This is the worst of times and the best of times!

The tide of the times is rolling forward, and we are just on the cusp of the wave. Why can't we win this time? "

Of course, the words he said above were all addressed to some worthy like-minded people in the crowd.

What can really conquer ordinary pirates is real money.

When he said this, Byron kicked over a treasure chest next to him.

Countless gold coins poured out of it.

"Let's start dividing the spoils. It will be carried out according to the tenth commandment. The chief mate will preside over it."

Commandment 10: All plunder must not be kept privately. The captain gets 15%, pirate officers and stormtroopers, carpenters, doctors, and cooks get 25%, ordinary crew members get 40%, and the remaining 20% ​​is used as maintenance funds and public savings.

Byron's principles: definition of results, one-on-one responsibility, process inspection, immediate motivation.

If you can divide the spoils on the spot, you will never delay it until the next day.

"Long live! Long live!."

"Sea Hunter!"

"Evil dragon, evil dragon!"

With a feasible vision and huge profits within reach, the enthusiastic crew members were already eager to give him their heart and soul.

Others only draw cakes, but he is really round.

From now on, the warship is my home, don’t treat me like a human being anymore!

Amidst deafening cheers, Byron jumped off the high platform and walked towards the newly filled dungeon in the territory.

There are still a group of people who need to be dealt with personally.

More importantly, the logbook clearly states [Blood Red Whiskey] Alfred’s origin.

That was the source of Byron's forbidden knowledge - the Bloodthirsty Cult!

Recalling the extraordinary theory that the Crystal Skull said could touch the "realm of God".

The "divinity" representing the Ladder of Glory, the "animal nature" representing forbidden knowledge, and the "heart flow" that unified everything all proved the correctness of this theory.

His heart suddenly became more heated.

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