Pirate Kingship

Chapter 17 Bloody Mary's Delicious Recipe

When it got completely dark, the level 7 wind on the sea still showed no intention of stopping.

The [Man-eating Shark], which was preparing to go to the pirate port "Iron Anchor Bay" for repairs, did not dare to risk capsizing and continued sailing at night.

Instead, it was led by Salman, an old captain, and they docked at a remote island far away from the normal route.

Successfully anchored in the sheltered harbor using the spare anchor in the bilge.

[Blood Eyes] did not give Byron any chance to perform, but personally demonstrated his above-average sailing ability in front of the crew.

Let them know that in addition to his powerful force, he is also an excellent pirate captain.

Byron was also very conscious not to steal his limelight.

In fact, as an outstanding graduate of the Royal Naval Academy and a core royal member of the Kingdom of Hattings.

He holds in his mind the most precious nautical charts collected by Hattings, and knows many secret supply points, ocean routes, private pirate ports, and rare mineral deposits.

At least ten years ahead of lower-class adventurers and ordinary private explorers.

This valuable knowledge is also his only wealth now.

Just wait for him to realize it one by one on the road of growth in the future.

However, after becoming the acting navigator, Byron gained the qualification to enter and exit the captain's cabin, read nautical charts, and use the compass, navigational clock, and sextant.

Of course, if there is a lighthouse sequence [Navigator] or [Navigator] on board, none of these tools are needed.

They themselves are the most powerful human navigators and will never get lost at sea.

"Pull! One, two! One, two!."

A group of pirates drove several small boats and dragged huge fishing nets up from the sea.

The lively sea fish and crustacean ingredients collected from the island were processed on the spot and sent to the kitchen of the "Man-eating Shark".

Gudu, Gudu.

The milky white thick fish soup in the big pot is filled with bubbles. The freshest sea fish and carefully matched spices make the originally ordinary ingredients gorgeously transform.

Byron, who had already entered his role, wore a chef's hat, took a sip of the delicious fish soup, and nodded with satisfaction:

"Yes, although there are differences in the spices between the two worlds, the degree of restoration is at least 90% thanks to the ability of the [Navigation Log] to spy on secrets.

This pot of purine soup is considered qualified!

Later I can find bamboo to make a few more steamers.

The thermal efficiency of the steamer is much higher than that of ovens and pots. It can cook the most food with the least fuel, making it very suitable for use on sailing boats.

It can also be steamed to retain the most delicious taste of the finest ingredients, making even the pickiest foodies want it. "

[Spirituality] After awakening, Byron's senses and control over his body skyrocketed, and his hands-on ability was directly maximized.

It is easy to pretend to be a star chef by relying on the various gourmet recipes that you have seen and eaten.

Just plucking a hair can crush an entire food desert!

Soon, Byron prepared three dishes and one soup using the pirates' captures near the island and the inventory on the ship.

Put the best parts on several silver plates, hold them up on a huge wooden plate, and prepare to personally deliver them to his "most beloved" Mr. Captain.

The two pirates who were helping the kitchen also carried out all the remaining food.

The very unique and tempting aroma made the pirates who were already hungry cheer.

At this time, not to mention carefully prepared delicacies, even sailing biscuits that have become damp and infested with maggots are delivered to them, and they will eat them with gusto.

Byron knocked on the door of the captain's cabin on the top floor of the stern.

"Come in!"

I heard a voice that was obviously impatient.

In order to prevent the bad water in his stomach from accidentally flowing out from the corner of his mouth, Byron restrained all the expressions on his face and pushed open the door like a meticulous aristocratic deacon.

The tall stern is far away from the moisture and salt spray of the sea, and the conditions are much better than those in the lower cabins.

There are bright windows and red velvet curtains.

Shiny brass and silver utensils, locked treasure chests, and a variety of fine hot and cold weapons gleaming on the weapon racks.

There is also the sweet smell of honey, maple sugar, cane sugar, etc. mixed together in the air. It is obvious that the captain is also an avid sweet tooth.

[Blood Eyes] Salman, who had changed his clothes and regained his gentlemanly posture, was sitting at his desk.

But under the slightly dim light of the whale oil lamp, what was placed on the teak wood desk was not a nautical chart, but a somewhat strange book.

On the open page, there was a short paragraph of common language written in some kind of bright red handwriting.

——Porpoise pudding.

Add porpoise blood and fat, oats, salt, pepper, and ginger. Stir the above ingredients evenly, stuff them into the porpoise intestines, and cook for a long time until soft and glutinous, not too hard.

Then take it out, bake it briefly, and serve.

Obviously, this is a recipe.

It's just that the "pudding" in this recipe is very different from the pudding in Byron's impression. It's more like the blood sausage in Byron's impression.

Meat, animal blood and other accessories are stuffed into the intestines and cooked before eating.

Moreover, he had never even heard of such a crude recipe, let alone seeing it.

Can you believe that there are recipes in the world that don’t even have the metaphysical measurement unit of “a little”? ? ?

However, Byron, who had a solid reserve of extraordinary knowledge and was proficient in many kinds of extraordinary texts, felt that there seemed to be something hidden in the complicated decorative patterns on the pages of the book.

Just as he was about to get closer to take a closer look at the [Logbook], driven by his strong desire to solve the puzzle.


[Blood Eyes] Salman closed the page and put it aside.

This also let Byron see the name of the book - "Bloody Mary's Gourmet Recipe".

I don't know why.

Seeing the burnt yellow pages and scarlet handwriting, Byron inexplicably thought of human scorched skin, burnt fat and flowing blood.

Along with it came a terrifying strong appetite!

It seemed that those things were delicious.

If it were an ordinary chef, he would probably have been unable to control his inner desire at this time and reached out to touch it.

But Byron suddenly shuddered and realized what this thing was.

"This is... forbidden knowledge!"

Humans themselves are just a group of mortals who have risen from the mud and dust, and have never been the masters of the extraordinary world.

Every time [spirituality] sublimates, it is a "transgression" in status, bearing unpredictable risks.

In the perception of the extraordinary people about this world.

The whole world is filled with violent, chaotic, and full of unknown dangerous source tides.

Outside the seemingly peaceful known human world, there are countless dark creatures, fallen people, evil spirits, and even extremely evil and weird things hidden.

The [Silver Law] created by the [Creator] has a basic ability to serve as a spiritual dam to protect the entire human race!

It connects the spirituality of all humans from ancient times to the present.

In the seven-layer law network from shallow to deep, all the history, knowledge, and even the experience that can only be understood but not expressed in words of the human race are deposited.

Most of these extraordinary knowledge and abilities that have been passed down from ancient times are passive abilities that are not gorgeous at all and have very ordinary power.

For example: [Weather Intuition], [Encyclopedic Memory], [Long Sword Mastery], [Poison Identification], [Mountain Goat Footsteps], [Extraordinary Endurance].

The highest principle to follow is: stability! Stability! Stability!

From the first step of the [Ladder of Glory], you can see the end at a glance.

As long as they work in the same profession, the extraordinary abilities gained by two people after each job promotion are almost the same.

The advantage is that all these knowledge and abilities have been tested for hundreds and thousands of years, and will never cause inexplicable side effects to the user.

And as long as you touch the law network of the corresponding level, you can master the corresponding professional knowledge in a very short time.

To become the top existence in the corresponding industry, there is no need to learn extra.

But [taboo knowledge] is different.

Dangerous, mysterious, powerful, no matter what profession the extraordinary person is, can obtain strange abilities outside the sequence through acquired learning.

But it has never been accepted by the representatives of order such as [Silver Law].

The church even denounced them as: the knowledge of the devil - black witchcraft!

Not only strictly prohibited, but also spared no effort to hunt down practitioners.

It was at this time.

[Secret: Salman's unspeakable secret] The deciphering density jumped from 40% to 66%.

Obviously, people have the intention to kill the tiger, and the tiger also has the intention to hurt people. Before Baron offered his "delicious food", Salman was ready to attack him first!

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