Pirate Kingship

Chapter 22 Anchor Bay, force is better than hard work!

In a blink of an eye, time came to a few days later.

[The Man-eating Shark] went northwards across half of the North Sea, against the cold current and northeast wind along the coast of the ice field, in the direction of two compass points north and west.

The sea breeze in late October was getting colder, but the sunshine was very good.

Ding Ding Ding.

On the rear deck, Byron was fighting one against two, with the carpenter Hans and [Eight Fingers] Jon, who had two fingers bitten off by Salman.

Even though they were using real swords, the gap in swordsmanship between the two sides was too big, and no one would worry about causing accidental injuries.

In terms of the power system of [Silver Law] in this world, fighting alone has no future at all.

No matter how powerful the extraordinary person is, he must have a guard army that is absolutely loyal to him, so as not to capsize in the gutter.

Although compared with the guardian knights and guards trained by his uncle and father at a high price, most of the pirates on this ship are rotten sweet potatoes and stinky bird eggs.

But these two guys who were not contaminated by [Transmutation Blood] at least had the potential for spiritual awakening, so it was not impossible to cultivate them and use them.

Thomas and Perry, the trainee pilots under his management, were similar to them.

Basically, there was no hope for self-awakening, it was just a matter of how much resources would be needed to cultivate them in the later stage.

After a short while of sparring, the two were panting and their footwork was messy, but they couldn't even touch the corner of Byron's clothes.

Seeing the two trainee pilots lying on the ground and sticking out their tongues, Byron also felt that he seemed to be a little too hasty, shook his head and sheathed his sword:

"You guys have a poor foundation, you haven't learned swordsmanship systematically at all, at most you are at the level of ordinary militia.

Let's put aside the [Fisher Sword Slashing] that pirates must learn, and start learning from holding the sword.

The same goes for others."

Turned his head and asked the other young people in the small circle who were not so qualified to come closer.

Teach them how to hold the sword step by step.

"Hold the sword firmly, but not too tightly, or your arm will tire quickly.

You only need to exert force when slashing and blocking.

After completing an action, how to relax your hands is a very important skill, which sword masters call: soft hands.

This is a necessary introduction to learning any sword skills, which can make your hands more agile without fatigue and stiffness."

"The essence of the fierce [Fischer Swordsmanship] is to attack, attack, and attack again.

Beginners must firmly hold their "attack line", that is, the trajectory that the weapon must pass through to hit the opponent.

Remember the key points of the offensive moves:

When attacking, never let your front foot land before the sword reaches the target, and never let the tip of the sword leave the best attack line of attack!

Only in this way can you stab the opponent faster than the opponent and save your life."

A group of young people listened very seriously.

They may be naive, but they are definitely not stupid. Everyone knows that every word Byron says now may change their destiny in the future.

Unlike the navy with a systematic training system, the pirate group adheres to the principle of "the last one standing is the king".

Countless sailors who couldn't survive boarded the pirate ship. After experiencing bloody battles again and again, as long as they were still alive, they would definitely become strong between life and death.

Now learning one more point can increase their chances of becoming "survivors".

This is the right way to cultivate extraordinary people.

Compared with the so-called [Blood of Battle], it is not so mysterious, but it is really for their own good.

Therefore, in the minds of the small group that already worshipped Byron, he added a label of kindness in addition to being powerful, knowledgeable, and humble.

Especially [Eight Fingers] was extremely grateful to him.

With Byron, the chef, standing in front, he no longer needed a small kitchen helper to serve the terrifying captain.

It even gave him a glimmer of hope for transcendence.

Compared with some people on the ship, the perfect knights who played the leading role in the legendary stories were just like this.

In the continuous [Cognitive Correction], it seemed that he had forgotten how the "chef" boarded the ship in the first place.

Feeling the fiery gaze of [Eight Fingers], Byron glanced at the [Ship Log] and smiled knowingly at the new content on it.

"Time: October 22, 1471, Silver Age.

Sunny weather, northeast wind level 4.

Route: North Sea, Evernight Peninsula offshore route, starboard tack-wind sailing

Supplies: Pirate ship Man-eating Shark (small Galen)


Chef Jon, 19 years old, a Northland Bay citizen, a fisherman from the Kingdom of Hattings, only received three months of militia training, with a clean background and honest to the point of being cowardly.

Title: [Eight Fingers]

With the title of ridicule and contempt from his companions, he engraved the most helpless moment in his sailor career.

Because he was honest and easy to bully, he was sent to the most dangerous position by his sinister companions.

Since the The ship always lives in fear.

The two fingers bitten off by the captain are the helpless tears of the weak, and the helplessness of an honest man in the face of misfortune.

But this humiliation has been deeply buried in his heart.

After breaking through the threshold, even a trivial fuse may completely break through the bottom line of the honest man and usher in an explosive and terrifying backlash!

(Don't bully those honest people casually, otherwise, until you fall, you may find that your life is only worth .5 yuan.)

Loyalty: 91 (full value 100, below 60 may betray at any time)

Knowledge: Fisher Sword Slashing (beginner)

Note: This ordinary passerby is the one person on this ship who most hopes you will replace Captain [Blood Eyes] Salman! "

[Echoes of History] The records of your own crew members are more detailed than those of the enemy, and there is also an additional reminder of "loyalty".

Even if you have never served as an officer on a ship, as long as you have played strategy games, you will know the significance of loyalty to an organization.

Just having it means that Byron knows the status of his crew at a glance.

Not only can it keep out hidden dangers, but even if one of your own is suddenly incited to rebel, you can detect abnormalities immediately.

And now he only lacks the title of captain.

The corner of his eye glanced past the door of the captain's cabin, and his face looked completely normal, as if he had never seen the horrific scene that night.

At this time, the lookout who had been guarding the mainmast suddenly shouted:

"Look, the buoy on the sea, Iron Anchor Bay is here!"

No matter what they were doing, the pirates on the ship were all in high spirits and rushed to the deck one after another.

During the previous escape, in order to break the hook of the warship, the extremely dangerous "anchor steering" was used to shake the whole ship.

Comprehensive repairs had to be carried out in a large dry dock.

Only Anchor Bay, the largest pirate port in the North Sea, could meet the demand.

Moreover, they have lost more than half of their personnel. Even if they see merchant ships, they can only stare blankly, hoping to recruit a group of elites from Anchor Bay who can fight and dare to attack.

More importantly, [Man-eating Shark] usually only needed to "sacrifice" the chef every now and then.

But catalyzed by Byron's never-the-same gout package.

In this "darkness before dawn", Salman's attacks became more and more frequent, more and more painful, and more and more crazy.

Several people have disappeared on the ship in the past few days, which makes everyone feel insecure and want to get off the ship as soon as possible.

"Huh? Why are there only buoys here, and what about the port?"

Most of them came to Iron Anchor Bay for the first time, and they were a little confused when they saw the scene in front of them.

Not far from the bow, there was only a simple barrel buoy tied with an anchor rope, with a skull pierced by a spear.

A short distance behind the buoy is a wall of white mist.

There was no sign of a pirate port at all.

Although Byron was well-informed, he had never been to Anchor Bay, which only pirates could enter. He had only heard many legends about it.

Just when the pirates were getting restless.

"Anchor Bay is right here."

The door to the captain's cabin suddenly opened, and Salman [Blood Eyes] limped out.

The cycle of good food - serious illness - cannibalism - relief - good food - serious illness - cannibalism was repeated in him.

His stomach was gradually conquered by Byron's cooking skills, and he could not do without his delicious food for five meals a day.

Especially after bringing out the hot pot, which can be used to cook everything, and the wise saying that "all nutrition is in the soup", Salman must eat the bottom of the seafood pot before giving up.

I'm afraid this day is almost over.

It depends on which of the two of them can hold on first.

He took out the "Ten Commandments of Pirates" written on parchment and covered with bloody fingerprints from his arms, and placed it solemnly on the steering wheel.

A bloody spiritual glow spread over his eyes.

Slowly read out the lighthouse sequence, also known as the pirate ship sequence, the motto that all extraordinary people abide by:

"Strength is better than hard work!"


In Byron's [Spiritual Vision], a secondary legal net that was different from the [Silver Law] instantly emerged, perfectly matching the [Ten Commandments of Pirates].

That is the iron law of royal power belonging to the pirate emperor - [Pirate Code].

The bloody spiritual glow overflowed from the French net, dyeing the white mist in front of his eyes red, forming a pirate emblem exclusive to the shark-riding skeleton of the Man-eating Shark.

Suddenly rushed into the depths of the mist.

Soon, a "crashing" sound of paddling came from the depths of the white mist.

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