Pirate Kingship

Chapter 26 Storm Seal Ring

Of course, Byron’s accounts are fake!

It is said that we are not afraid of no good things, but we are afraid of no good people.

Mr. Byron, who has climbed to a key position, not only knows how to make false accounts, but also knows the cost of ship repairs and the amount of pensions.

He also holds the key to the warehouse and has personally visited Salman’s captain’s room. He knows very well how much wealth the Shark and Salman have.

Not even a copper coin can escape his palm.

It has to be said that the gold and dollar sequence is bright on the surface, and the real financial situation is very bad most of the time.

Grasp both the income and the output, and hold it tightly!

After meeting the needs of ship repair, it is not too easy to fabricate a reasonable funding gap.

Perhaps many pirates don’t care whether the ship can be repaired in time, but they are more anxious than anyone else about whether the money they are given is less or not.

Don’t talk to me about ideals when you are short of money. My ideal is not to work and still have a lot of money.

When Byron took this opportunity to firmly grasp human nature.

Salman, the second-level [Gourmet] who was invincible in force, fell into his calculations without any surprise.

After repeatedly counting his property, Salman had to take off the ten rings on his hands that were used to cover the gout stones with a gloomy face, and took a few more from the captain's room.

Let Byron go ashore quickly to exchange the missing pension.

At this critical moment, the elite crew members who have drunk [Transmutation Blood] and started to transform into secondary ghouls must not have any problems.

As long as they wait a few more days, they will no longer have such a vulgar desire as "love money".

The money distributed at that time will still be his.

"The quality of the chefs before was not good.

But this time, this one will definitely be brewed into the highest quality [Transmutation Blood] by Bloody Mary's Gourmet Recipe.

Using it to hold a ceremony, it can not only cure my "curse" and let me complete the transformation, but also gain an extra ghoul guard.

You are even qualified to participate in the Captain's Council of Anchor Bay and compete with those big pirates!"

When [Blood Eye] Salman was daydreaming.

Byron had already declined others to follow him, and only set foot on the land of Anchor Bay with the kitchen helper [Eight Fingers] whose loyalty was almost full.

The first time he left the sight of others, he couldn't hold back his excitement.

Put the gold ring, which was really ordinary except for the large ring face, on the index finger of his left hand.

The azure spiritual glow flashed by.

Silently reciting the Lancaster family motto in the heart, which is also the [Judgment Inscription] of this wonder ring: "I am the pioneer!"

A circle of blue-green rune characters lit up inside the gold ring, and the appearance changed greatly as the light flowed.

In particular, the gold ring surface showed the appearance of a seal.

The main body is a storm dragon surrounded by thorns and roses, surrounded by a circle of letters - I am the pioneer!

[Level 1 Wonder·Storm Seal Ring:

Represents the position of the chief leader of the Storm Knights and the royal inheritance of the Lancaster family.


When worn on Lancaster in any of the three sequences of employment: Lighthouse, Court of Inquisition, and Tower, it will automatically connect to the Silver Law and obtain the protection of the law.

Trigger effect: Born noble, the king cannot be peeped.

Immune to prophecy-type abilities, immune to curses, and shielding from the prying of "spiritual vision".

If you have the right to inherit the throne, you will automatically obtain the legal authority second only to the king.

Except for the king, other law mages, prison officers, punishment knights, etc. shall not be convicted! 】

The third, second, and first levels of the wonders (holy relics) correspond to the low, medium, and high sequences of the extraordinary.

It is said that there is a zero level above, and even Byron has never seen the real thing.

Although this first-level [Storm Seal Ring] has little attack power, it has no side effects and also gives him a mysterious blessing of extremely high status.

With a thought in his mind, the seal ring suddenly turned into a circle of blue-green tattoos and hid it, which would not hinder his use of weapons.

The stronger the wonders, the higher the requirements for the user.

If he had completed the spiritual sublimation before, he would not have been taken away by others.

Looking at this treasure, Byron felt much more at ease.

"I got the seal ring back today. As long as I find another opportunity to hold the promotion ceremony, I don't have to worry about being tracked by prophecy.

The upper limit of [Cognitive Correction] can also be greatly increased, so I have the capital to attack or defend.

I can arrange my future plans with ease."

The three prerequisites for becoming a transcendent: spiritual sublimation, prerequisite knowledge, and inauguration ceremony.

He had already completed spiritual sublimation.

The rest is nothing more than choosing which sequence to step onto the [Ladder of Glory].

Storm swordsmanship (Fisher's slashing swordsmanship, silver cross swordsmanship, military swordsmanship) can make him work as [Storm Knight], [Pirate], [Paladin], [Fortress Guard];

Navigation, artillery, and musketeership can make him work as [Navigator], [Navigator], [Artillery Expert], [Musketeer];

Law and natural history can make him work as [Lawyer], [Naturalist];

Hittite sun script and rune script are the basis of the tower sequence, which are common knowledge;

The royal elite education since childhood has given him the right to choose far more than most people under the strict extraordinary system of [Silver Law].

After meeting all the prerequisites, you only need to consider your own practical needs.

But Byron had a plan for his upcoming career since he woke up.

"I am a pirate now and need real-time combat capabilities.

For example, [Navigator], [Navigator], [Naturalist] and other auxiliary professions with their own advantages and disadvantages are fine.

Just look at the thrilling escape from the cruiser before.

The [Lawyer] of the Inquisition sequence is indeed ridiculously strong. My uncle, the Mad King, is a high-sequence Lawyer.

The seal ring is also one of the highest-level power rings in the Inquisition sequence, and there is no need to find another medium for promotion.

But the prerequisite is that you must have the power of law enforcement, only for internal and not external.

I don't have the protection of elite guards. If I choose this profession, I am afraid that I will be killed by an unknown person outside my own system."

"Artillery experts and musketeers are good at equipment and rear The requirements for work are too high, and it is not suitable for a fugitive like me who is ready to escape at any time.

Among the remaining professions, the easiest one to get a job is [Pirate], as long as you have a copy of [Pirate Ten Commandments] as a medium.

The ritual mediums of other professions are different.

[Paladin] needs a knight's sword that has been worshipped at the altar for at least seven days, and [Fortress Guard] needs a warrant of enthronement from a lord of at least the baron level.

The only thing I can use immediately is [Storm Seal Ring].

For others, it may be debatable.

But for me, [Storm Knight], which is the upper profession of [Pirate] among the three sequences, is the best choice at this stage! "

Byron remembered the inauguration ceremony of [Storm Knight] clearly.

1. Survive a storm-level natural disaster;

The scholars of the Tower Sequence divide the wind force level at sea into 17 levels, and above level 11 is the storm level.

Byron had achieved it on the stormy night when Lancaster exterminated the clan.

2. All knight-like professions need their own mottos outside of a sequence;

Most knights choose one or more of the eight virtues and achieve spiritual sublimation in the process of continuous practice.

Humility, honesty, mercy, bravery, justice, sacrifice, honor, faith.

Although the more stringent the motto, the more restrictions, the stronger the power, but 99.9% of knights cannot achieve all eight virtues.

Especially those nobles with titles, who have nothing to do with these virtues.

Most of them only choose one of them: [Faith], and not faith in God, but faith in power, strength, and money, and they are determined.

It is jokingly called: ambiguous justice by other professions.

And knights with a long family heritage can also choose their own family motto.

For example, the motto of the Lancaster family: I am the pioneer!

All family members can use it. The longer the inheritance of this motto, the stronger the power.

3. Finally, the emblem of the seal ring is branded on the body, and sublimation is achieved in a blood fight centered on "plunder".

The stronger the target, the better the effect, and there is even a certain probability that some of the opponent's abilities can be directly inherited.

Now everything is ready, only an opportunity to hold a blood fight ceremony is missing.

After completing the interpretation of [Secret: Salman's Unspeakable Secret] and obtaining the second entry [Heartache], he already has a target.

At this time.

The [Eight Fingers] who had been looking around and had not noticed Byron's abnormality at all suddenly pointed to a sign on the dock and shouted excitedly:

"Mr. Byron, look, there is a [Devil's Son] on the wanted list for 5,000 pounds, which is exactly the same as your name.

5,000 pounds is more expensive than the captain of 4,300 pounds. At least he must be a second-level extraordinary person, right?

When can we be so majestic!"

There was no fear or hatred of the good people for the wanted criminals in his words, only deep envy.

At the same time, in the port not far behind them, another pirate ship named [White Crystal] slowly docked at the berth.

Looking at the flag hanging on the mast, it was obviously a privateering pirate ship belonging to the Kingdom of Hastings.

Under the escort of a group of elite pirates carrying knives and guns, a figure wearing a white cloak, so clean that it was out of place in this port, hurriedly stepped onto the wooden plank road.

While observing the spotless silver mirror in his hand, he scanned the port and murmured excitedly:

"Where is it? Let me see where the person is?

When I just passed through the maze of Anchor Bay, my [Mirror Spirit] found a familiar breath.

That [Devil's Son] must be hiding on this island!

The York family has publicly issued the excessive bounty order to all privateering captains and bounty hunters.

Unexpectedly, this overwhelming wealth will fall on the head of my [Magic Mirror] West."

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