Pirate Kingship

Chapter 3: Logbook, Silver Law


As the last character fell, layers of silvery white water waves spread across the cover of [Ship Log], and instantly rushed into Byron's body.

The warm power healed the scars left in his consciousness like a mother's hands.

The spring breeze and rain nourished his soul rapidly.

Originally, some invisible things that only flowed in the mind suddenly broke the boundary between the spiritual world and the material world.

After a thunder, Byron suddenly heard someone singing the ancient epic of the Beidiwan people in his ear with a voice as rough as sea salt:

"The sails encountered a strong wind;

Flapping and spinning non-stop;

"Death" is the roar of the helmsman;

Never spare the enemy's life!

We use iron keels;

Hit the enemy ship hard;

The hull is shaking;

Sinking into the dark sea."

In the deepest part of his heart, a seed began to take root, sprout, and grow.

It also lifted his consciousness from the brain to rise rapidly until it bloomed and bore fruit.

At this moment, Byron's breathing, heartbeat, touch, and perception all reached the most ideal state for mortals.

He was like an experienced sailor, holding the ropes of the sails tightly and letting the sea breeze blow his hair.

Feeling the joy of the ship breaking through the waves - at this time, the sails, the ship, the wind, and the sea produced a harmonious resonance in the sailor's blood vessels.

It seemed like a long time had passed, and it seemed like only a moment had passed.

The epic chanting suddenly became louder:

"In this way, I got a body of scars;

I broke open the door of the prison;

My soul ascended to heaven;

I climbed the stars of my homeland!

The soul of the warrior raised the cup;

I drank the overflowing wine;

I wish you well!

Northland! I wish you well!"


The sound of the stone door above the head being pushed open suddenly exploded.

A "swimming fish" trapped in the deep sea and never seeing the sun finally jumped out of the sea.

Just like the ancestors of terrestrial creatures billions of years ago, they took the first step on land and saw the magnificent world of the outside world.

It also made Byron find the fulcrum in his heart, supporting his entire life and character, and never falling into the mundane world again.

[Spirituality] awakened at this moment!

At this moment.

Byron clearly felt that he seemed to have an invisible third eye, which could see the wonders that the naked eye could not see through [spiritual vision];

He had an invisible and intangible, yet extremely flexible third hand, and he easily untied the rope tied to his body with just a thought.

And it was different from the civilian class in this world, where at least 90% of the population was illiterate.

As a descendant of a royal noble family, he was able to be exposed to complete basic education and extraordinary knowledge since childhood.

He knew his current state very well, and adapted to this new experience in just a blink of an eye.

"Spiritual awakening is like having an invisible and intangible magical organ in the body.

This 'organ' cannot be seen or touched, but it is the beginning of all extraordinary powers and the prerequisite for every mysterious profession!"

At the same time, Byron was also very clear that spiritual awakening was not over yet.

"In this world, human beings are just ordinary creatures that have risen from the dust, and have never been the masters of the extraordinary world.

Every time [spiritual] sublimation is a 'transgression' in status, it bears unpredictable risks.

At this time, it is necessary to communicate with the source of human extraordinary power and thoroughly complete the final anchoring, so as to truly master this great power that does not belong to human beings!"

The first time the spiritual vision was fully opened, he immediately saw the silver giant net that covered the entire world, boundless and omnipresent.

That is the [Silver Law] that protects the human countries and serves as the source of all orthodox extraordinary powers!

And a series of extraordinary promotion systems derived from the law - [Ladder of Glory]!

However, just as he was about to complete the anchoring according to the extraordinary knowledge he had learned before,

The awakening process, which had been going very smoothly, had problems.

Theoretically, there are seven layers of [Silver Law], but the first layer of the law that he could sense at present seemed to be thousands of miles away and could not be touched at all.

"Is the law resisting me?"

Byron (Luo Yi), who was essentially an outsider, soon realized the problem from that incompatibility.

A blessing came to his mind, and he said silently in his heart:

"I am Byron Lancaster!"

He clarified himself, accepted his fate and responsibilities, and also threw down his first [anchor] in this world!

The obstacles between him and [Silver Law] dissipated instantly.

The pure white spiritual glow suddenly turned into a light-like anchor, easily hooking the first layer of the law, and completely stabilizing his own existence.

It also made him a node in this huge network.

The "knowledge" and "experience" flowing in the law network fed back and gave him real extraordinary power.

Sublimation completed!

The long transformation of the spiritual world took only a short moment in the real world.

The reborn Byron exhaled deeply and watched the air turn into bubbles and rise to the surface.

A pair of blue eyes shone with a cold blue spiritual glow, and locked onto the group of red-eyed sharks in front of him again.

In his [spiritual vision], the group of man-eating sharks, which originally only had glowing eyes, immediately showed a different appearance.

The whole body was covered with miserable and wailing red ghosts, their hands and feet like tentacles deeply pierced into the shark's body, like deformed tumors.

There were only a few at a time, and dozens at a time.

This was obviously the "sacrifice" eaten by the man-eating shark, and it was also part of some control-type supernatural ability.

"The innate abilities obtained during spiritual awakening are mostly based on a person's strongest wishes and needs.

It may not be a combat ability, but it has the magical power of risking one's life.

For example, my. [Cognitive Correction]!"

Byron did not dodge again, but according to the knowledge received from the law, he suddenly stimulated the ability he had just acquired.

The spirituality resonated with the flesh, and the invisible ripples echoed in his blood vessels, and overflowed from his blue eyes like the sea, bursting out in an instant.

"Get out!!!"


In an instant.

The man-eating shark, which had already opened its mouth to bite Byron, seemed to have encountered a street kid in the sea that it could not afford to provoke at all - "Killer Whale".

All turned and ran away like crazy.

Taking this opportunity, Byron used his hands and feet to find the back of the pirate ship's poop, the blind spot of the pirates' sight, and successfully rushed out of the sea.

He wiped the seawater off his face and turned his head to look in the direction of the Channel Islands of the Kingdom of Hastings.

After a flash of cold eyes, he finally suppressed the urge to secretly go back to take revenge on the White Rose York Family.

The two lives before and after merged into one, and the personality was neutralized.

Let the originally carefree young people become more mature and experienced, and bend and stretch.

Knowing that the most useless thing in the world is unrealistic dream talk.

Although he longed for a magnificent life in which he could pursue freedom and even die in the stormy waves.

But rushing around without a mind is not bravery.

Unless he can figure out what the disaster was, and has the power to challenge a country!

Thinking of this, Byron subconsciously looked at the [Ship Log] parasitic in his right eye.

He has learned about the ability of this diary - the echo of history:

[It allows the "Captain" to record and trace the history of related things or experience an event in person, and glimpse the hidden unknowns and secrets.

And according to those hidden "historical influences", he can gain spiritual improvement or be given an exclusive entry.

No matter how absurd the entry is, as long as it is written in the diary, it will interfere with reality and bring him real power.

Influence: (0-10] From one person to a village or town; (10-20] From a city or a place to an entire region; (20-30] From a certain region to a country; If it is greater than 30, it will begin to affect the continent and even the entire world.

Secret: The shadow of the Red and White Rose War, the historical influence of 31% means that it is enough to produce a continent-wide influence, and the feedback given is also particularly rich. 】

Under Byron's gaze, there was a dark blue ink on the ancient cover of the diary, slowly writing a line of seemingly true and false hieroglyphs.

"Write truthfully, never lie!"

It looks like the character of an ancient historian, but he has confirmed that the diary itself has no intelligence, cannot communicate, and can only rigidly enforce the rules.

With Byron's spiritual awakening, this diary also opened up the memory range of Luo Yi in his previous life.

All those words were transformed into the Chinese characters that he was most familiar with and only he could understand.

According to his reading habits, the style of the diary also changed suddenly.

Captain: Byron Lancaster

Bloodline: Beidiwanmin (direct descendants of Reinhardt, the founder of the ancient North Sea Empire [Dragon Blood Bather] and [King Title·Blue Dragon King])

Motto: Revenge!

Title: The Last Lancaster

Son of Prince Edmund Lancaster of Sorenburg, the seventh heir to the throne of Hastings, and now the avenger who has nothing.

This title may make you experience the kingdom of Hastings, Beidiwanmin, dragons, Lancaster

(Some people are born as cattle and horses, but you were born in Rome. Every step you take is further away from Rome. It's a pity that your great Rome is dead!

Title effect: Enemy of York, permanent pursuit, no end!

The closer you are to the sphere of influence of Hastings, the stronger the effect.)

Legend degree: [12]

(This is an extraordinary world with various prophecies. The news that you are not dead has obviously spread in a small area of ​​Hastings. Please give up your fantasy and run for your life!)

Spirit: [1]

(Already awakened. Although at the age of seventeen, it is not an incredible genius to achieve spiritual sublimation on his own without [Spiritual Awakening Potion] or spices.

But compared to those people who have no hope of transcending in their lifetime, and another avenger who saw his entire family being wiped out and opened a magatama in anger, he is already much stronger. )

Occupation: Unemployed

Rank: None

Crew: None

Talented Abilities:

[Cognitive Modification] Awakening based on the strongest desires and needs during spiritual sublimation.

Can simulate other creatures or the same species from a cognitive level, can pretend to be a predator, the same species, the prey, and can even perfectly replace another person (a life-saving skill).

[Weather Intuition] Many animals have senses far beyond humans, especially extremely sensitive to weather changes, and you are the same now.

(Additional ability, from the blue dragon blood of the royal family, which is still becoming increasingly thin after nearly a thousand years of inbreeding.

Even if you fish out a fishtail from the sea, it smells worse than you. Don't fantasize about returning to your ancestral lineage and reaching the pinnacle of life in one step.

You don't have that fate. )


Storm Swordsmanship (The knight training you received in the Kingdom Knights has laid a good foundation for you);

Navigation, artillery, musketry, warship combat (an outstanding graduate of the Royal Naval Academy, proficient in the job responsibilities of every sailor, but lacking experience);

Law and Natural History (Your background gives you a vision far beyond that of ordinary people, and the opportunity to access various precious knowledge, and to avoid various dangers of the extraordinary world to the greatest extent.

You should be glad that you are not a curly-haired baboon in hell);

Hittite sun script and rune script (knowledge is the source of the extraordinary, and ancient script is the key to open the extraordinary);

Each kind of knowledge corresponds to a certain extraordinary sequence under the [Ladder of Glory].

Obviously, even if your family is destroyed, you still have more choices in your life than ordinary people!

Secret: Shadow of the Red and White Rose War (You have discovered part of the truth of this world, historical influence 31%, decryption density 11%.)

Additional entry: [Historical Corrector] (not activated)

Special Tip:

In this dangerous world, no human can cross the sea with only the flesh.

Captain, please get a ship as soon as possible, or become a crew member on a ship, and officially start writing your [Ship Log]!

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