Pirate Kingship

Chapter 300 Astral Travel (4200)

As expected, it rained heavily again over the Bantaan Islands.

This is the weather that is most conducive to Octopus Battleship combat. Byron would be surprised if it did not choose such a weather to stage the return of the king.


The five rare artifact/holy relic warships lined up in a single column, drawing a long white line on the water, and headed towards the Windward Strait three hundred kilometers away.

No one knows better than Byron how difficult it is to kill the half-hearted Octopus Battleship. In order to grab the head of the May Wind, they almost all mobilized this time.

Affected by the holy relic's effect of "seeing ships quickly," the [Golden Deer] had to serve as the flagship and lead ship of the fleet;

The former Seventh Fleet flagship fourth-level ship [Support] commanded by [Enemy Preemption] Beretania;

Then there are the three adventure ships that rushed back from the celestial circulation zone to support:

[Eagle Eye] James Kent’s [Jackdaw]; [Magic Boar] Clegane’s [Boar Warrior];

There is also the last female pirate captain [Ice Witch] Jeanne Saida, who is extremely rare on the sea, and the [Butterfly Fish] she commands.

The combat effectiveness of these five strange warships is at least comparable to a standard fourth-level nominal battleship with fifty guns.

Such a luxurious lineup can completely fight or even go head-to-head with the "May Wind" and its escort fleet.

There is no need to worry about being like the original privateer fleet, which did not dare to confront them directly except for ambushes.

Uncle Andrew Lancaster is still stationed in the privateer fleet at the base camp, ready to deliver deep sea water at any time and launch the final fleet salvo.

In order to prevent the large fleet from being rushed into the formation by the opponent after setting up the formation, it uses its superior maneuverability to start unparalleled mowing.

The Golden Deer alone has three third-level transcendent beings, Byron himself, Violet, and Jacqueline, and they are not afraid at all in a boarding battle.

To put it another way, even if the opponent escapes from the encirclement again and escapes their pursuit to retaliate, the defenses of several lairs are all well arranged.

The Port of Rapids is defended by [Unbreakable Fortress] Sam Leopold, while the International Port is guarded by his sister Catherine, who has obtained the legion's relics and is ready for a big job.

As for the last of the three major ports, the seemingly empty Jamestown Port Royal would be attacked.

Hey, that's not a coincidence.

After a battle is over, you ask the soldiers why there is only so much left?

"Oh, the original total number of soldiers was indeed more than 3,000, but now we have only 300 left in one fell swoop, and there is nothing I can do about it?

You ask where the extra sailors from the Vanguard Colonial Trading Company came from?

I don’t know what you are talking about. I don’t know what it means to raise your own soldiers with empty pay. "

"You asked the Governor's Palace, the royal warehouse that paid tribute to His Majesty the King, why was it burned down together with the ledger?

People are prone to misfortunes and fortunes, and the sky is unpredictable.

Everyone is working hard for the kingdom. You won’t worry about something as trivial as not putting out the fire in time, right? "

"You ask how the May Wind was able to cross the mountains and plunder all the wild spice forests on the island?

You have to ask the infinite evolver about this, how do I know?"

If it really went to Port Royal, what kind of bloody disaster would it cause? You are clearly the dearest debt-settling sage in my "backdoor listing plan"!

Byron, who was fully prepared in all aspects, was in a good mood.

There is no rush to immediately launch a deep sea jump to deliver to the battlefield.

Instead, he held the steering wheel and activated [Ride] to sail the ship himself, while seizing the time to experiment with the [Dream Execution] he had just loaded into his spirituality.

It's useless to sharpen your weapon before the battle. It's better to practice in advance now than to be in a hurry when you are attacked by a dream.

Referring to the knowledge he has received, the executioner will usually set up an activation sentence that can exert hints on himself when he is not yet proficient.

Byron’s setting: “Out of body!”

As the ability is activated, a brilliant line of colorful aura shoots out from the top of the head, turning into a hazy colorful light above the head.

As soon as his mind moved, the light energy immediately changed.

Sometimes there are swimming fish, sometimes there are galloping horses, and sometimes there are jellyfish and octopuses wandering freely in the air.

All are lifelike and exactly the same as the real thing.

Moreover, octopuses and cuttlefish appear the most often, accounting for almost 80% of the images. This also reflects Byron’s innermost tendency that is most difficult to conceal.

Violet, who was watching him silently without blinking her eyes, didn't know what she thought when she saw this scene. A slight blush appeared on her white jade cheeks:

"Why do you feel that Byron seems to have a soft spot for sticky things like tentacles?

This was the case with the last sensory communication. After seeing the indescribable octopus battleship, my desire to eat and love to eat was very clear.

I have never asked him about forbidden knowledge. Isn't this some unexplainable side effect?

What if I really randomly end up in that form after completing the 'Deep Sea Traceability' ritual? What if he wants to eat me? "

Byron was immersed in the wonderful experience of spiritual travel and did not notice Violet's random thoughts at all.

“Only by breaking away from the heavy body and traveling in the astral body can you feel true freedom.

This feeling is so wonderful. "

This colorful mass of light actually has its own name, and is one of the seven components of the human soul: the "astral body."

As a bridge between the material and spiritual worlds, this human spirit can connect them to everyone in the world.

Even all the interactive energy relationships between people, animals, plants, minerals and planets are within the scope of this astral body.

In other words, the extraordinary can realize the interconnection of all things through the astral body and the spiritual world!

Therefore, [Executioner], [Medium], [Gravekeeper], [Coffin Carrier] and other professions can achieve astral body travel after mastering the corresponding skills.

If you have reached the state of "heart and breath interdependence" and perfectly control your physical body and spiritual "heart flow".

You can even release your astral body to travel while keeping yourself awake, or walk out of your body, or kill people in dreams.

If the spirituality is strong enough, you can travel thousands of miles in an instant.

Of course, it is best to have related treasures such as [Royal Treasure Ball] to protect and avoid damage to the fragile spirit.

After mastering this ability, not only can one enter dreams to kill people, but also after successfully invading dreams, one can forcibly seize the bodies of humans or animals of lower realms.

It is similar to ghost possession.

But one must also pay attention to the taboos of using this ability:

"Human dreams are heavily guarded, and it is one of the places where a person's spiritual power is the strongest.

Unless one can crush the other party in terms of strength, or find a way to make them take the initiative to open the door to thieves, otherwise the defensive power in the mind will automatically form overlapping mazes, castles, and all forms of fortifications.

Only by breaking these defenses can one truly hurt the other party's soul.

When there is no powerful prop to help, one must be cautious when entering dreams when facing extraordinary people of the same level."

Keeping the taboo in mind, Byron's astral body suddenly turned into a rainbow light and sank into the water, drilling into the body of a man-eating shark.

These man-eating sharks were fed by him with transmuted blood and his own blood. There was a natural master-servant relationship between the two. They had no resistance to him as the master, and their bodies were easily taken away.

Byron, who turned into a shark, felt that he could precisely control his body to do anything.

He immediately swung his tail to speed up, feeling the cool sea water flowing through his gills and body surface, and then turned into a vortex at the tail, pushing his streamlined body forward at high speed.

Compared with flying with [Storm Wings], it was another novel experience.

He swam around the fleet twice, and then turned into a line of colorful light and rushed into the body of a petrel above his head. After falling slightly, he fluttered his wings again and soared into the sky.

Fighting the wind and rain in the sky.

Then, all the nearby marine creatures became Byron's toys, and he could go anywhere in the sky and sea, free and comfortable.

He seemed to be able to change into thousands of forms and experience the senses and ways of survival of different creatures.

He had a deeper experience in the matter of "not being a human".

It took a while before he got out of the body of an underwater octopus and returned to the boat, and manifested into another identical "Byron" opposite his original body.

Touching his chin, he muttered to himself:

"This ability is very good in other aspects, the only flaw is that the body cannot enter the dream.

It cannot be used as a means of escape.

This is mainly due to the restrictions of the orthodox Glory Ladder route, which does not involve the qualitative change of the body.

Only by obtaining the forbidden knowledge related to dreams can the body complete the sublimation of blood and freely transform between material and spiritual bodies.

Unfortunately, this is not my main focus.

Compared with the [Eternal Blood] of the Night Demon route, the various magics in the dream are not particularly remarkable abilities.

Comparing the two routes, I still prefer immortality.

However, this ability is really useful for equipping secret execution troops and secret agencies. I still have to work harder on the Star Chamber Court in the future."

The second executioner of the Star Chamber Court, who was trapped like Theresa, is really named Rayleigh Mark.

From the main functions of this agency, it can be seen that it is very similar to the secret agency, and its main targets are the powerful class, bureaucrats, and parliamentarians in the country.

Since Byron's grandfather Henry V established this institution, most of the people selected were civilians who had no conflicts of interest with the powerful.

It is still the same now that they have joined the York family.

The biggest difference between these people and the land nobles is that one is propertyless and the other is property-rich.

After becoming obsessed with stock speculation, Rayleigh Mark, like Theresa, also embarked on a road of public funds stock speculation and borrowing chickens to lay eggs.

Unfortunately, in the end, the chickens and eggs were lost, and even the ability to guard the house was lost.

After one of the core abilities was taken away by Byron, he could only use the excuse that his astral body was damaged and leave the field post to become an [Executioner] in the real world.

"Don't be impatient, you must take it slowly.

Let Rayleigh Mark slowly drag his colleagues into the water, and then have a chance to wipe out the entire Star Chamber Court!

As long as I use the "big leverage technique", I don't worry that they won't obey obediently."

At this time, Jacqueline, who had been watching from the side, came over with some curiosity.

This [Chameleon] finally changed into a white dress, put on black stockings on her slender legs, and stepped on black high heels, looking a bit playful like a girl.

He stretched out a slender finger and curiously poked Byron's astral body.


It was like popping a bubble, and his whole body turned into light gas and flowed back into Byron's body and spirit to become one.

Whether it is Jacqueline's own [Shadow Robe] or this [Dream Execution], they are all from Byron's fraud.

While enjoying the benefits, she also became more cautious about the outside world.

She couldn't help but ask the expert in this field sincerely:

"Cousin, the world outside is dangerous now, and there are all kinds of traps that are hard to guard against. If you are not careful, you will meet bad people.

What should we do when innocent little girls like us interact with strangers?"

Byron looked his cousin up and down, and he couldn't figure out where this guy who was so good at picking up girls was innocent?

You have stolen more hearts from girls than I have cheated with supernatural powers!

Afraid of meeting bad people? You are the arsonist of hearts, okay?

But in the end, I decided to give her some advice from my professional perspective:

"Well, let my cousin, who is an expert who likes to set up traps and trick others, teach you a lesson.

People can never make money outside of their own cognitive field. When there are huge benefits outside of their cognitive field that tempt you, you must be careful.

Especially in the extraordinary world where various abilities emerge in an endless stream, if Lao Deng asks you to consider the overall situation, then 80% of them are the overall situation, and you are not in this game at all;

If you are asked to do whatever it takes, you are often the price;

And those who never publicize it to the outside world and work hard and fast in silence may have benefits but are reluctant to share them with you;

Finally, if you promote it as vigorously as the pig-killing plate I opened, there is a high probability that there is a pit that needs you to fill.

As a simple and honest person, remembering these rules is impossible It can make people soar to the sky, but it won't make you lose all your hard work in your life. "

Just as she nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, Byron changed the subject again:

"Of course, if there is another major premise, all the things I said before will be invalid.

That is, the person who asked you to do these things is not a bad person, but a person with excellent reputation, so you can really rest assured and completely rely on him.

Everything he asked you to do is probably really for your own good.

For example, me!

Foolish sister, you are still young and can't grasp money, which is a thing that disturbs people's hearts.

Why don't you save all your pocket money with your cousin and save a sum every year? This is called financial insurance. I will give you an annualized percentage.

Hey, why are you running? I haven't finished talking yet. Do you think I am so unreliable in your eyes? "

Jacqueline gave him the answer with her actual actions.

She covered her small wallet and ran away. In order to protect her wallet that had been targeted by the big bad wolf, she waved her hand to open a round black hole and disappeared in an instant.

She only left a sentence on the deck of the Golden Deer:

"Cousin, I will go to the battlefield to scout ahead of time and give you the coordinates later."

After completing the blood sublimation, [Shadow Robe] had already become the instinct of this shadow dragon body, and all kinds of shadow spells were at her fingertips.

It was much more convenient than the pawnbroker borrowing the power of ability cards.

The next moment, she jumped out of the shadow and followed her mother's coordinates to the sky above the Windward Strait.

A fierce naval battle had already started here.

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