Pirate Kingship

Chapter 302: Lift your head up, Dr. Byron is going to give you an injection

The assault team led by Meganila did not sit back and wait for help.

Looking at the strange-looking coral people constantly pouring out of the flesh and blood channel in the battleship, they have realized that it is difficult for them to kill the [Sea Spider] in a short time.

Even if they can kill it, it will definitely take time and fall into the siege of the May Wind and other three frigates, which is definitely not worth the loss.

By then, even if the support troops arrive, it will be difficult to do anything unless another wave of fleet fire is launched regardless of friend or foe.

So while they quickly withdrew their flagship [Lady Lily of the Valley], Meganila sang loudly:

"Ask the wind, thunder, rain and hurricanes, can't you roar more violently? Push down the mountains and sweep across the vast land"

The bell-like lily of the valley held in the hands of the battleship figurehead resonates pleasantly with the singing, and also doubles the singer's extraordinary ability.

A song of "Storm Song" resounding through the battlefield shook the atmosphere, commanding the strong wind, rainstorm, and ocean current.

The northeasterly sea breeze of the Bantaan Islands and the ocean current flowing through the Windward Strait adjusted their directions according to her wishes.

The warships that were originally close together and in a melee were immediately blown by the strong wind and began to quickly separate from the [Sea Spider].

What a pity.

A strange warship [May Wind] plus eight armed civilian ships is completely different from a strange warship [May Wind] plus eight strange warships.

The combat effectiveness of the former is still within the hunting range of the "top three" countries among the six major maritime powers such as Iris and Hastings.

But even with this lineup, it was only with Byron's command that the privateering fleet was able to be repelled with difficulty.

If it weren't for the three fiddler crabs that could move freely, they would have almost been counterattacked by the fleet, which backfired.

When the latter's nine strange warships gathered, they were enough to randomly massacre cities and destroy countries throughout the Bantaan Islands.

In particular, the strange equipment they were equipped with did not fail, making the already powerful octopus warships even more powerful.

[Sea Spider] had been pushed to the opposite direction of the fleet by the changing wind and sea current, but now densely packed oars like spider legs stretched out from the oar holes on both sides of the hull.

The oars carrying extraordinary auras just swung lightly, and the water surface immediately rippled and flickered, efficiently transmitting thrust.

With the eight octopus tentacles dancing at the stern, the warship immediately rushed forward again.

The Sea Spider turned out to be a paddle boat that should have been eliminated in the ocean voyage.

It has to be said that these strange warships have their own unique designs for dealing with the doldrums, but they are always so unexpected.

At the same time, [May Wind], [Resolution], [Sword and Shield Guardian], and [Blue Smurf] behind the fleet also used their own means to kill.

"Maneuver! Maneuver!

Adventure ships are not good at group combat. The battle line is disbanded. Each ship leaves the team and sails on its own."

Although these strange adventure ships are comparable to battleships, they were not originally designed to be used in battle lines.

In the face of a melee, it is better to play to their own strengths rather than act as a jack of all trades.

Just when the two sides were about to engage in close combat again, the support troops led by Byron finally arrived on the battlefield.


In the silver-white rain curtain, a three-dimensional water ring opened, first reflecting the shimmering water light.

Then, in a golden sunlight flash, the five strange warships led by the Golden Deer suddenly fell behind the octopus warships.

With Violet, a quasi-witch who also mastered the "deep sea jump" technique, and with the positioning of the [Golden Law], the position of the blue hole opening was more accurate.


The strange warships that had completed the loading of ammunition in advance immediately opened fire.

The storm elves, who were everywhere in the stormy weather, drove manual guided shells, drew perfect trajectories in the air, and accurately fell on each octopus warship.

Even on the turbulent sea, the positions and speeds of the targets were all different, and the hit rate was as high as 80%.

And Byron stood at the bow of the [Golden Deer] like a straight javelin, and summoned [Guaranteed Gun Gungnir] again.

But this time he injected into the gun body no longer spirituality, undead or transmuted blood, but coral disease vaccine!

This is also the secret weapon he prepared to use against a group of octopus frigates-immunity gun.

In theory, those warships built of wood with nails, tar, bronze, and steel artillery became monster warships.

It is because the sailors, parasitic barnacles and warships on the ship are integrated into one.

As long as this mysterious connection and biomass balance are broken, the frigates separated by the May Wind will most likely turn back into an ordinary broken ship full of sailor corpses.

Byron shouted at the battlefield:

"Be good, stick your butt up, Doctor Byron is going to give you an injection."


The right foot in the shiny military boots suddenly stepped on the ground, a circle of air exploded in the rain, and then the Gungnir in his hand was thrown out with force.

A line of blue lightning cut through the sea, tearing through the wind and rain.

Caught off guard, it suddenly pierced into the Sea Spider that had already pounced in front of the Lady Lily of the Valley.

Byron did not inject much spirituality, and the transparent crystal-like spear head only pierced through the thick barnacle shell and could not go any further.

But the vaccine carried on the gun has been successfully injected into the body of the Sea Spider, and gradually circulated to the whole body of the warship with the blood.

This thing is a good medicine for others, but it is a deadly poison for these infected monster warships.

Of course, it is rogue to talk about toxicity without talking about dosage.

It is definitely unrealistic to poison a warship with a displacement of at least several hundred tons in a short period of time.

But there is no problem in weakening their combat effectiveness.

As the vaccine enters the body of the Sea Spider, it spreads out little by little with the blood circulation, and the flesh, barnacles, corals, and scales all become weak quickly.

Then, like skin ulcers, blood and pus ooze out.

Even the eight thick octopus tentacles became weak, as if they had some serious illness, and no longer had the momentum at the beginning.

The combat effectiveness obviously plummeted.

Meganila naturally knew the principle of hitting a drowning dog. Seeing that the flesh and blood channel that she had blown up at the beginning did not heal, but became more and more rotten, she was overjoyed.

She quickly ordered a counterattack:

"Boarding, boarding! Let's fight back!"

Jacqueline in the sky also flew down, followed her mother back to the flesh and blood channel, and rushed straight to the lower deck.

While Meganila blocked the adventure captain [medium] Gilbert who had also been transformed into a marine creature.

A large shadow flowed out under Jacqueline's feet like mercury without any reflection.

The protruding triangular arrows swam quickly in the gaps of the deck like a venomous snake, and switched freely between two-dimensional and three-dimensional.

Then it stabbed suddenly at the position where the heartbeat came from in the perception.

Shadow spell·Shadow Snake Breath!

Bright blue blood splattered.


The eight tentacles behind the Sea Spider instantly straightened, and then fell down powerlessly as if all the muscles and bones were pulled out, and then there was no sound.

At this time, the battle power comparison between the two sides immediately changed from the original five to four to the current four to nine.

After a successful attack, Gungnir immediately flew back to Byron's hand automatically, and after being "poisoned" by him, it was thrown out again.

This was the doctor's highlight moment.

Determination, Sword and Shield Guard, Smurf, and May Wind were all killed.

But compared to those frigates, the vaccine was obviously not effective for May Wind.

Because its birth mechanism is completely different from that of the frigate, the spiritual pollution from the [Sleeping God Kraken] is not something that a small vaccine can save.

And with the help of Gungnir, Byron can clearly feel that the armor of this ship has been targeted again.

The spiritual power consumed by the gun that must hit when breaking the armor is at least twice as high as last time.

If we can't take it down in this battle, the same trick may not work again the next time we meet, which is really dangerous.

The other Allied warships also knew that they couldn't take down these monster warships by simply relying on artillery bombardment for several hours, so they simply used their superior forces to rush forward.

After leaving the team and sailing on their own, the [Boar Warrior] was the first pig to rush forward and slammed into the [Sword and Shield Guard] that had been entangled by the Allied Iris warship.

"Brothers, kill with me!"

A monster with a pig head and a human body, fangs in its mouth, and dense black hair like steel needles all over its body, holding two heavy battle axes, jumped on the opponent's deck like a cannonball.

Waving the two axes, a piece of broken limbs and arms was raised, and there was a bloody storm.

[Magic Pig] Clegane, who was originally a third-level Bay People Berserker, also worked part-time as a native boar warrior.

Although the level of forbidden knowledge was only level two, it also greatly enhanced his physical strength on the basis of his original Berserker.

He also gained a series of extraordinary melee abilities such as beast instinct, tempered skin, and boar brute force.

With a piece of strange heavy armor, he can kill gods and demons.

The [Butterflyfish] on the other side was not to be outdone and accelerated towards the [Smurf] on the opposite side.

[Ice Witch] Jeanna Sayida is obviously a woman, but her height is taller than Byron, who is 190 cm, reaching an astonishing 220 cm.

And she has a rare long blue hair, and her skin is so white that it is almost transparent. All kinds of unusual appearance characteristics show that she is an inhuman third-level wizard.

Perhaps her route in the "Bloodline Original" is somewhat related to the mythical creature Frost Giant.

Opening her mouth, a frost-white breath spurted out, and the heavy rain above her head and the deck of the [Smurf] were completely frozen.

Even the barnacle armor on her body was frozen and fell off piece by piece.

The last ship, the Resolution, was given to the allies of Iris.

Byron commanded the Golden Deer, Jackdaw, and Support to attack the May Wind together, and Jacqueline returned to the Golden Deer for support as soon as possible.

They were determined to get this head.

At this moment, the inner layer of the bay was yellow-green, the dragon dung potion for sea monsters, and the outer layer was the fish poison potion they had just cast, targeting the gills.

Taking advantage of the location of this pocket-shaped bay, ensure that the other party has no escape.

However, just when the three warships surrounded it and rushed to its side.

This octopus warship unexpectedly swung its tail and dived into the polluted water.

It seemed to be completely unaffected by the two potions.

"How is it possible? This can also evolve in a targeted manner?!"

Byron already knew last time that after being contaminated, the heroic adventurer Balboa accidentally traced his ancestors too far and degenerated into a sea creature again.

It has long since become a terrifying monster that is not only unkillable by ordinary means, but also continues to evolve in response to the characteristics of the attacks it receives.

It relies on the adaptive evolution of infinite evolvers. As long as it survives a catastrophe, it can transform step by step in the tribulation, becoming increasingly difficult to kill.

At this time, [May Wind] has clearly evolved again!

[Anthropomorphic Will] evolved to fight against dragon dung potions, because even the weakest humans are not afraid of dragon dung potions.

In order to fight against the [fish poison] targeting fish gills, it has evolved lungs similar to those of mammals.

This time, we can no longer deal with it the same way we deal with sea monsters.

For an infinite evolver, this is the true meaning:

You can't use the same move on me a second time!

At this time, Violet hurriedly reminded:

"Byron, it's not running away, it's under our boat!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dense mass of red tentacles emerged from under the Golden Deer and rolled towards the sail cables, masts and every sailor on the deck.

Byron showed no fear and shouted loudly:

"Enter the battle!"

However, they did not notice that during the heavy rain, several ravens, which were not common on the sea, circled around the battlefield and then quietly flew in the direction of Castile.

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