Pirate Kingship

Chapter 310 I will attack as a dragon knight!

Seeing the dream of [Sleeping God Kraken] coming, the ugly murderer in the dream also changed back to his original appearance.

Wearing a formal suit, a top hat, and holding a large magic book open in his hand, he looks like a graceful gentleman from the Old World.

But it also quietly became as hazy as the Luoyan City above the head.

A real dream that exists beyond the standards tore a gap in the still-mature [Golden Law], allowing him, a believer, to gain the protection of the sleeping god.

Even though there was a giant dragon above his head and five bipedal flying dragons covered in silver light, which seemed to be able to be torn into pieces in the next second, his face was full of calmness:

"So what if there are aerial knights composed of giant dragons and flying dragons? I have the protection of my Lord and the ghost fleet in His belly.

Although I do not allow them to pass through the material world and the dream world, and come in and out freely, but long-range attacks alone are enough to beat you to pieces.

Everyone, listen to the order and open fire on me in the name of me [Jormungandr]! "

When she heard the code name of the evil god from the young man's mouth, which obviously came from the mythology of the Bay people, and the battle lines lined up above her head, Catherine suddenly felt like she was facing a formidable enemy.

At this moment, the two cities, one virtual and one real, are like two huge battleships side by side.

Luoyan City, which is located above, has the absolute "advantage". Relying on the distortion characteristics of the dream space, even if it fires at will, it will not be able to hit the international port.

Although the International Port has a strong Seventh Fleet, it is really difficult for them to attack air targets.

This was clearly a one-sided killing.

The next moment, blue-green firelight burst out from the hazy mist above his head, suddenly tearing apart the gloomy sky.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

However, as a dense rumble of artillery sounded, there was no overwhelming cannonball landing as expected.

On the contrary, many broken shipboards, corpses, steering wheels, and even iron cannons fell from the sky like tatters.

Many objects also bear the silver cross belonging to the church, or the white rose emblem belonging to the House of York.

This unexpected development made the winning smile on "Jörmungandr's" face instantly freeze.

"What's going on?!"

He quickly looked up and saw a giant first-class battleship, like a domineering crab or a street kid who didn't like anyone, rampaging all the way through the city soaked in sea water.

The 112 heavy ship-borne guns on both sides of the ship roared endlessly.

After receiving the blessing of ghost fire, those 32-pound heavy cannons can sink a small sloop with just a few shots at close range.

Sometimes I even feel that the shelling is too slow, so I just run over with the steel-like ridge of the ship, easily crushing those small boats.

At the same time, a voice that was full of cold death but still thunderous and domineering even overwhelmed the sound of cannons and echoed repeatedly in the sky:

"Usually, these guys just disappear without a trace, but today they are gathered together for the first time, so I won't be polite.

Come on, teach them how to be ghosts! "

"As you command, Your Majesty the Prince. Roar!"

The ghost sailors on the ship sang a war song together:

“The jackdaws fly across my vast territory;

War songs, legends, everything is destined;

I am a strong shield and a spear;

We share joys and sorrows and plunder our mortal enemies.”

[Blue Dragon King] is worthy of being the first-class battleship in the entire sea, and [Storm Knight] is worthy of being the best ship spirit in the world.

Vertical and horizontal, there is no enemy at all.

The blue-green gun flames flashed, and no warship in the battle line could block the salvo bombing of the 112 heavy artillery clusters. Other warships encountered them as if they encountered natural enemies.

Defeated ghost ships fall into complete silence, sink deeper into the ocean floor, or fall into the real world in a violent explosion.

According to the inherent rules of the shipwreck cemetery, a small part of their spiritual light was absorbed by the [Blue Dragon King], and most of it became nourishment for Kraken.

Seeing that familiar figure, Jörmungandr's face couldn't help but turn slightly blue, and he roared angrily:

“Lancaster, it’s you pricks again!

Even if you have been a royal family for hundreds of years, you bastards still can't change the vulgarity, barbarism, and lawlessness of the people of Beidiwan. You deserve to fall from the throne.

You should be grateful to Our Lord for His mercy, which allows you to have the opportunity to stay in the world after death, instead of causing trouble to the deep-seated church that serves Our Lord! "

Wearing a navy marshal's uniform, the tall and burly Prince Edmund Lancaster of Solenberg stood on the forecastle of the Blue Dragon King.

He didn't take his threat seriously at all, and continued to direct the fire without mercy, while retorting:

“It’s a joke, we can survive until now just because we have the biggest fists.

I'm already dead, what can you do to me?

If you can, let your master bite me again! "

Lancaster has been the royal family for hundreds of years, and it is true that it is still difficult to change the gangster spirit of the pirate ancestors in his heart.

Of course, [Storm Knight] is a high-level pirate profession. Even if you put on a layer of knight's skin, it is difficult to change the essence.

While speaking, an infinitely loving gaze quietly fell on Catherine, who had tears in her eyes after seeing him.

The "Shipwreck Cemetery" has never been isolated from the outside world. Edmund continues to devour the souls of his enemies, and naturally he is also aware of the situation in the Hattings Kingdom after his own family's defeat.

In addition, the dream of the entire International Port is now connected to the dream of the old gods, and the surface information can be read at will.

As a fourth-level hero-level [Storm Knight], he knew whose territory the target of this attack was at the first time.

——Countess Catherine Greenville, and the [Sea Hunter] Byron Tudor who is said to have an ambiguous relationship with her.

"Tudor" is a little-known surname that involves a secret history. Others may not know it, but how could he not know it?

After learning that his children successfully reunited overseas and unexpectedly broke into a vast world, the heavy emotions in his eyes made Catherine clearly feel:

'Dad is very happy to know that you are fine. Leave the next thing to me! '

On the other side.


[Jörmungandr] was so angry that he was fuming.

But as he said at the beginning, each level and each area in Luoyan City has its own inherent rules (Chapter 274).

The Shipwreck Cemetery is not only a cemetery, but also the Kraken's "stomach" in the dream, which is used to slowly digest its prey.

Killing rules:

"Here, living things will be judged as dead at any moment, and then resurrected as undead.

After death, the middle sequence can retain sanity, and those below the middle sequence only retain the killing instinct.

The more the ghost ship kills, the wider the range of the crew's recovery of sanity and the stronger the strength.

Once it becomes the strongest in the cemetery, the whole ship will recover sanity, but it will also attract everyone's instinctive siege until it falls completely."

It is essentially a competition mechanism that encourages mutual killing.

This mechanism was originally no problem, until last year, the Kraken's touch swallowed the thorny big guy [Blue Dragon King], causing some temporary indigestion.

When the sleeping god falls into eternal sleep, the rules are absolute and cannot be changed.

Jörmungandr may be able to guide those brainless ghost ships and let them act according to his own ideas, but [Blue Dragon King] is not afraid of this old god believer at all.

However, this unexpected reunion today was not only a surprise, but also a shock.

"Your Excellency, it's bad, His Majesty is sick again."

Then, Catherine heard another very familiar voice on the ship shouting in fear:

"Fire? Where is the cannon? It's too dangerous.

I am a piece of fragile glass, no one should touch me, let me lie down, wrap me up with a quilt, I'm going to break.

I don't want to go to the battlefield, let me get out of here quickly."

That was her and Byron's uncle, the Mad King Henry VI.

Listen to this shout, it's definitely the crazy talk of a madman.

But Catherine knew that this uncle was not a madman in the general sense.

Henry VI and his grandfather, another Mad King Charles VI, were very similar, both suffering from the same hereditary mental illness "glass delusion".

They believed that they were a piece of glass, and if they were pushed, bumped or fell, they would most likely break on the spot.

Therefore, they will suffer from intermittent mental disorder, sometimes showing extreme depression and lack of vitality, and sometimes showing a furious face.

It is also due to the blood continuation of the Iris [Mad King] Charles VI.

This latent mental illness is hidden in every member of the Lancaster royal family of Hattings and the Valois royal family of Iris, including Byron, Meganella, and Jacqueline are potential carriers.

Not only can they not guarantee that madness will never occur, but this disease will continue to be passed on in their blood.

If these people dare to play any close relatives again.

The madness called "glass delusion" may explode on the spot, creating a third "mad king" who is more fragile than seaweed and breaks at the touch!

Hearing this voice, the young man from the Bay codenamed [Jörmungandr] was overjoyed:

"Hahaha, Henry VI, it is you who are intermittent 'pacifists' who have gradually destroyed the vast territory conquered by Henry V.

Let you be arrogant again, my Lord really favors me.

Quick, attack, fire for me."

He immediately seized the opportunity, commanding the ghost fleet to divide its forces to surround the Blue Dragon King, while continuing to attack the International Port.

But even if the [Blue Dragon King] is temporarily not in its complete form, relying on the great power of Prince Sorenburg, at least half of the ghost warships have been restrained, and only about thirty ships have the opportunity to open fire.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The shells ignited by the ghost will-o'-the-wisp finally poured down, and the [Border Maze Lock] was completely revealed, blocking the entire city.

Deflected and bounced away the flying shells one by one.

The city residents representing the human world, the undead servants representing the underground, and the crystal skulls No. 3, No. 5, No. 6, No. 8, and No. 12 representing the gods, all turned into nodes of the law, providing it with all-round support.

Even places like the Torrent Fortress, the Azik Empire, the Taya Empire, and the Royal Port, which were radiated by the Golden Law, had people's wills continuously gathered through the network.

It seems that it can hold up for the time being.

Catherine did not dare to breathe a sigh of relief at all. As long as the warships in the dreams of the old gods could not be attacked, the International Port could only passively take the beating.

More importantly.

"The previous plans are all invalid. How can we drag the [Blue Dragon King] out?"

Byron had already told her about the situation of the elders and shared his own plan.

But the plan was not as fast as the change. If she missed this golden opportunity, she would never forgive herself.

Just as she secretly made up her mind to use the legion ability that was taboo for every Golden Yuan sequence.

A line of colorful light suddenly broke through the air along the law network of the Golden Law and landed on a dragon saddle on the back of the [Mithril Dragon].

Catherine was surprised:

"Byron, you are back!"

The visitor was Byron who found out that the base camp had an unexpected incident and immediately put down all the finishing work in the Sea of ​​​​Source and rushed back in advance in the astral body.

Under the cover of the dream of the old god, his astral body was completely the same as his real body.

You know, when Byron rushed back from Treasure Island with a large sum of money, Catherine made a solemn promise:

"It doesn't matter whether it's money or not, I'm just worried that you're not safe when flying alone at high altitudes.

Let me, your sister, protect you."

From then on, a dragon saddle appeared on the back of the mithril dragon she transformed into, and this was just the right time.

"Knight" plus "dragon" is the fourth-level [Dragon Knight] of the knight route.

Byron finally realized the ultimate dream of a knight - attacking in the form of a dragon knight!

He reached out and grasped the ancient dragon spear fixed to the dragon saddle, and a brilliant silver light shot straight into the sky.

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