Pirate Kingship

Chapter 313: I hope my father will become a successful person: My cabin is connected to the financia

On one side are his father, uncle, and a group of uncles and brothers of the same clan, and on the other side are his people who love him sincerely. When they are trapped by the other side at the same time, it is difficult for either to give up.

But if they really continue to pull, once they succeed in dragging the other side out, the prediction of the old man will most likely become a reality.

At that time, including them and everyone in the whole city, I am afraid they will go to the shipwreck graveyard to accompany the old man.

This situation is indeed a difficult choice for the two siblings.

And this dilemma disappeared in an instant just because Byron snapped his fingers casually.


Many residents who were deeply trapped in dreams and confused suddenly had a tall figure wearing a white robe and emitting pure holy light.

"You are."

The figure waved gently, and a large piece of pure white light fell, and the parasitic barnacles that gradually grew on their bodies immediately became inactive and fell to the ground.

The originally irresistible sleepiness also quickly dissipated from their bodies, and the hazy dream world gradually moved away.

The eyeballs under the eyelids of the flesh rolled rapidly, and then suddenly opened their eyes, completely escaping from the nightmare-like Luoyan City.

Only a name engraved in the depths of the soul remained in his ears-"Father of Medicine".

In fact, it was the six maids attached to the "Faust Contract" who made the move.

They could change their appearance at will according to the inclination of the human heart. Under the leadership of the head maid Shirley, they all disguised themselves as another "god" vest of Byron.

While spreading the coral disease vaccine on a large scale in the city, they also strengthened their thinking stamp again, and also paved the way for solving the sleepers and parasitic corals in other places later.

Byron has always been like this. When making plans, he always considers defeat before victory.

Prepare a retreat for yourself in advance, so that you can withdraw at any time and stop losses in time.

Now vaccinating everyone with the coral disease vaccine is to cut off the firewood from the bottom of the pot and completely cut off the connection between dreams and reality.

No matter how powerful your dream power is, you can't do anything to them in reality.

If it weren't for the unexpected arrival of the [Blue Dragon King], their primary goal would have changed from preventing the disaster to implementing rescue.

This disaster caused by the birth of the gods could have been eliminated at the embryonic stage on the spot.

As the collective dream disintegrated and dissipated, the anchor chains from all the residents of the International Port naturally disappeared one by one.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

The dream anchor chains that were pulled to the limit broke one after another, and Byron and Catherine finally let go of the two anchor chains in their hands.

"Dad, when we are ready next time, we will go to the New World to find you soon!"

[Mithril Dragon] retreated by inertia, and gradually walked away from Edmund Lancaster, who showed a relieved smile.

But the summoned blue dragon soul suddenly rushed forward, plunged into the city of Luoyan, passed by the Blue Dragon King, and rushed into the queue of other ghost battleships to wreak havoc.

Neither Jörmungandr nor the other ghost captains noticed that the blue dragon soul had achieved a spiritual interaction when it passed by Edmund.

The young man from the Bay just stared at the clear sky and the dissipated fog in front of him, gritting his teeth:

"This is impossible! How can a mortal return to reality after coming to the dream of our Lord? Do you also have dream power comparable to the sixth level?!"

No one answered his question.

Without the collective dream of all residents of the entire International Port as a breeding ground.

The real world began to resist the advent of the "Touch of the Kraken", the descendant of the old god.

The advent ceremony was almost completed, but it was blocked at the last moment.

Even the entire dream city, Luoyan City, was forcibly separated from the real world, and the god's birth ceremony was completely declared a failure.

Jörmungandr could not accept that the "blood disaster" that he had been planning since the corruption of the May Wind ended in such a bizarre way.

Subconsciously, he took out the "Faust Contract" with red letters on a black background, and kept drawing the Philosopher's Stone to supply the tentacle to continue the ritual, but it was just a drop in the bucket.

Reality and dreams are still moving further and further apart.

The [Contract Devil] transformed by the great pirate Flint emerged, changed the content of the contract in time and reminded him:

"The current loan amount is equivalent to 4,500 [Philosopher's Stones].

The normal repayment date is tomorrow, and an additional 10% interest will be paid for each day of delay.

If you cannot repay within ten days, or the contractor breaks the contract, your soul will be eaten by this contract."

Jörmungandr's action of lavishly swaying the Philosopher's Stone froze a little bit.

Byron, who was outside the dream, naturally saw the one-third of the "Faust Contract" in his hand, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Huh? This thing actually fell into his hands?

You come to my bowl too."

The blue dragon soul, which was about to return to the Silver Law after wreaking havoc, immediately turned its head and rushed towards Jörmungandr, exploding a huge ball of light, and a trace of spiritual light also interacted with it.

At this point, the two connected "battleships" of dream and reality were completely separated.

The tentacle that instantly lost all anchors also loosened from the battleship and slowly retracted into the follicle in the deepest part of the dream.

Waiting for the next advent ceremony.

The [Blue Dragon King] filled its sails and landed lightly on the sea again.

Jörmungandr, who avoided the explosion with the power of dreams, was just a little embarrassed, and looked at the dragon knight outside with a cold look:

"Earl Greenville [Mithril Dragon] Catherine, Governor of the Royal Port of Hastings [Sea Hunter] Byron Tudor, I will remember you.

One day I will come back."

Then he turned his head to look at the [Blue Dragon King] who landed safely as if nothing had happened and continued his boring life of "eating, sleeping, and fighting ghost ships", and said hatefully:

"Let's start with you.

I may not be able to do anything to you directly, but the life of undead creatures ends after death, and they can no longer continue to progress and grow.

I will restrict other heavy artillery warships from engaging in battle, cut off your logistical supplies, and prevent you from fighting to support the war.

When will the spirituality in your body, the weapons on the ship, and the 32-pound shells be used?

When the time comes, I will go to the edge of the world to open a channel, and let the ghost ships there swarm into the shipwreck graveyard. How will you deal with it?

I will kill you bit by bit, starve you to death, and the treasures of the Bay people will eventually belong to me, Jörmungandr! "

Whether it is Byron's undead servants or undead creatures born normally.

When a human dies, the autonomous changes almost stop, and it can no longer continue to progress, let alone continue to advance on the route of the Ladder of Glory.

Henry VI and Edmund Lancaster were fourth-level heroes when they died, and they will always be fourth-level heroes.

Even if they return successfully, the [Silver Law] and [Iron Law of Kingship] will no longer recognize their thrones and anchors.

Even if there is progress based on the rules of the shipwreck graveyard, the progress rate will only be one thousandth of that of normal humans.

Just like Andrew Lancaster has been on the Treasure Island where the time flow is abnormal for more than a hundred years, but the long time has not given him power far beyond others.

Instead, he is much weaker than when he was alive.

Unless these undead can constantly supplement "change" from the outside world, such as other humans, or treasures like transmutation blood and philosopher's stone.

Or through the taboo knowledge of the corresponding path, completely transform themselves into undead mythical creatures such as [Undead Knight] and [Stitched Monster].

Only then can the dead extraordinary road be reactivated.

This is also the root of Jörmungandr's confidence in controlling the [Blue Dragon King].

Byron naturally knew that part of the other party's words were deliberately said to him, just to make him regret and feel uneasy.


He looked at the two unremarkable doors that quietly appeared in his online trading platform Financial Street, and he was not panicked:

"You want to fortify the walls and clear the fields?

Then how should you deal with me taking out this Financial Street?"

The spiritual interaction just now has successfully established a connection between the two parties.

Byron can use this first-level holy relic to achieve instant airdrops, and the resources of the Financial Street and even the entire material world will be infinitely supplied to the [Blue Dragon King].

Especially the Torrent Fortress, which is about to seize the world's first arms supplier in terms of steel, military and industrial production capacity, needless to say.

Cannonballs, muskets, alchemical explosives, spices, and transmuted blood will be available.

As long as the old man asks, paper maids, housekeepers, and beautiful dancers can be burned for him at any time. I just don't know if there is such a service in the world of the dead here.

Even from time to time, you can pass through this portal and throw in some "good stuff" from other old gods or beings of the same level, such as the [Golden Big Ghost Card] from the Joker.

If you can make Kraken indigestion, the possibility of rescue can be increased a lot.

Moreover, although spiritual things cannot be taken out, there should be countless antiques that have been deposited in the stomach of the old gods for two thousand years, which are the favorites of the [Historians] of the High Tower Sequence.

Opening an antique shop in the Financial Street can immediately form a positive cycle!

"Roll in the belly of the old gods, dad.

I want to see the shipwreck graveyard and the edge of the world become rivers of blood!

The "King of the Undead" that the [Two-Faced] Smith brothers are obsessed with until they die must be you.

If you can take me directly to the spot when you escape in the future, and then pass on the throne to your son, it would be great."

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