Pirate Kingship

Chapter 315: The Gun of Taming Opens: Sea Monster Ammonite

The white mist on the sea surface became thicker, and the nose was filled with a pungent fishy smell.

Violet returned to Byron's side as soon as possible, holding his hand to complete the sensory sharing.

After a burst of stimulation like an electric shock to the soul, Byron's vision instantly expanded to the bottom of the water, and he saw a huge figure stirring the water and rushing towards the [Golden Deer].

The first thing that came into view was a brown and yellow spiral shell with smooth enamel, like a huge chrysanthemum in full bloom.

Then there was a large cluster of dense red tentacles behind the shell.

The tentacles swung and set off a high-speed rapids, forming a spindle-shaped water film on it.

It seemed to be flying in the water, not only without any resistance, but also faster and faster.

Even if there were protruding reefs on the seabed blocking its way forward, it would be smashed to pieces like a heavy battering ram.

There is no doubt that this is a sea monster.

The diameter of the giant shell with chrysanthemum pattern alone is more than 20 meters, and the total length of the tentacles is as long as 40 meters.

Byron immediately identified its prototype through its distinctive biological characteristics, which should be the ancient species of ammonite, and it is a close relative of the small nautilus, which is a very common communication tool now.

The most important thing is that it has 60 tentacles!

This mollusk looks similar to squid and octopus, but it has an extra shell, but the number of its tentacles far exceeds the sum of the latter two.

The male has 60 tentacles, and the female has an astonishing number of 90.

In Byron's eyes, this is simply a perfect creation in the hands of God.

Yes, this creature is simply too perfect!

There is no way to finish the fried squid flowers, dry fried squid rings, grilled squid, steamed squid, and cream seafood soup.


This time, Violet, who had long noticed something was wrong, was attentive and could not only clearly sense Byron's strong appetite, but could even hear him swallowing his saliva.

"That's right, the feeling last time was definitely not my illusion."

She seemed to have imagined Byron biting her feet in the future. Fortunately, he seemed to have enough willpower to control his appetite.

The girl's jade-like cheeks were still stained with an attractive blush.

Of course, Violet did not forget to give a reminder to the crew members at the first time:

"It's a large sea monster [Ammonite] with a combat power equivalent to that of a fourth-level ship. All units should be prepared for battle."

"Yes, sir."

The battle-hardened crew members responded immediately, and like precision-operated machines, they took their positions at the first time, staring at the foggy sea.

Whether it is terrestrial creatures, birds, or marine creatures, for some reason, they may be affected by the tide of the source material, or they may have swallowed some treasures, or they may have been polluted in an indescribable way.

When they accidentally break through their own racial limits, they will receive special status blessings just like humans get titles.

At the top of the food chain in the ocean are various huge [sea monsters].

The most notable feature of being blessed with status is the rapid growth of their body size. Even the smallest sea monster is more than 30 meters long.

Relying solely on brute force, they are far superior to high-sequence human transcendents.

The only ones who can fight against them are the collective of humans, not individuals.

The Lighthouse Federation divides sea monsters into three levels according to their size: small species, large species, and giant species.

The challenge level is also linked to six levels of warships, and the rough standard is about the one-to-one correspondence between the body length of the sea monster and the length of the gun deck.

For example: small species correspond to level 6 and level 5 ships; large species correspond to level 4 and level 3 ships (40 meters, 50 meters);

When it reaches the giant species level, it cannot be defeated unless it is a level 2 or level 1 battleship with about 100 guns or an equivalent exotic warship.

This does not include their additional extraordinary abilities, such as fog, phantom sound, mental suggestion, water flow control, deep sea jump, etc.

Usually, when sailing ships meet them on the route, they mainly expel them, and it is extremely difficult to kill or capture them.

At the beginning, Byron relied on killing the small sea monster [Double-gun Squid] in front of the ocean-going fleet to get the title of [Sea Hunter], which shows the legendary nature of this deed.

What appeared in front of them now was a large sea monster with a combat power about equal to that of a level 4 ship and [Golden Deer].

At this time

"Report to the captain, our fish poison has been used up in the previous battle with the octopus warship."

The octopus man Xiaoba, the cattle and sheep trainer, warehouse manager and chef on the ship, reported a bad news to Byron.

Without the fish poison potion, the opponent cannot be forced out of the water, and the battle will inevitably suffer a great loss.

Xiaoba looked at Byron's eyes and volunteered:

"Captain, how about I use [Wild Ally] to try to make it give up the attack?

But I may need some cattle and sheep as sacrifices to feed it."

Although Xiaoba's ambition is to be a great swordsman who created the Eight Swords Style, he has not given up his job as a trainer.

Perhaps the second-level [Wild Ally] is far inferior to the third-level [Domination Seal] and the fourth-level [Heart of the Beast King], but he thinks it should work if combined with food bribes.

Opening up a new route is like escorting a caravan. If you kill all the way, even the strongest escort agency can't bear such a loss.

"No need for that. This time I will take action myself and take down this sucking, tentacle monster."

Byron rejected Xiaoba's proposal with a wave of his hand.

Feed it? Then who will feed me?

Today, Byron not only drank a glass of third-level blood brew, but also experienced the arrival of Kraken's Touch. He obviously felt hungry again.

The desire for tentacles is also particularly strong.

Such a large ammonite with sixty tentacles on one end is simply Byron's dream pet, a natural food reserve body!

But Xiaoba, who also had only eight tentacles as a food reserve, didn't know that he had fallen out of favor instantly.

[The sure-hit gun: Gangnir] fell into Byron's hands again, aiming at the sea monster on the opposite side.

On the side of the blue transparent crystal-like gun head, a rune lit up.

The tip of the gun is [Hunting Spear], and he has always relied on this ability before.

The [Tame Gun] on the other side has never been used.

Effect: "Limited to use on non-human creatures. After hitting the target, it will enter the spiritual world on its own. Only by subduing the prey with your own will can you truly conquer the opponent.

If you are forced to break away or suppressed by the other party, it may cause mental trauma.

The more objects you tame, the heavier the burden will be, so please do what you can. "


The gas explosion ring in front of him suddenly exploded, and the sure-hit gun instantly turned into an invisible and shapeless shadow and sank into the body of the ammonite under the water.


The sea monster made a cry like a baby crying from its mouth, and immediately stopped its forward momentum.

It was like being entangled by an invisible chain. Even if he kept rolling and struggling, he couldn't break free no matter what.

Byron also closed his eyes and entered a spiritual world where only he and the ammonite were alone. He saw a mini ammonite that was ten times smaller than reality and only about three meters long.

This is the strength of human beings!

Compared to those giant monsters whose brains are not much bigger than an apple, they are far from comparable in terms of intelligence and mental strength.

If you can't compare with physical strength, then let's compare with brains.

Byron was wrapped in the strong wind and rushed forward in one stride.

Avoiding the sweeping red tentacles, he ducked and rode to the boundary between its shell and tentacles, which was also the nerve center between the eyes of this soft-bodied creature.

The spiritual light burst out all over his body, he picked up his iron fist and hit him hard.




"Are you convinced?"





Taming a sea monster is almost like taming a dragon.

Especially after Byron had finished the Battle of International Port, his astral body had already returned, along with the strong aura of dragon soul on his body.

It is also a dual version of Mithril Dragon and Blue Dragon Soul.

The sea monster is even afraid of the imitation dragon dung potion, let alone a real dragon?

Although this ammonite was a large sea monster, it was retreating steadily under Byron's iron fist, whining again and again.

After rolling back and forth for half an hour, he finally let out a whimper and stopped struggling.

The rune symbol representing tameness also appeared on the soul's forehead.

Byron also felt his spirit sinking, as if he was suddenly burdened with something.

Today, he killed two fourth-level people in a row to prevent the arrival of the old gods. Although he used a tricky method, he still fully complied with the professional motto "I am a pioneer."

Coupled with the responsibility of [Lamp Holder], he is growing rapidly every moment.

Now the spirituality has rapidly increased from 11 points when he was just promoted to the third level to 12.5.

Meeting the load of this large ammonite was no problem.

Of course, for the time being, I can only afford this large species and cannot continue to hunt other sea monsters.

Byron spat out a mouthful of the fascia attached to the octopus "sashimi", patted his stomach and burped with great satisfaction.

He stepped forward and stroked Ammonite, who was covered in bruises and was huddled in the corner of his consciousness space, holding his body with his incomplete tentacles and crying.

"Don't cry, I will treat you well in the future.

How about you let me give you a name?

Since your cry is ‘嘤嘤嘤’, why not just call you Xiaowo.

Xiaowo, that's great. My talent in naming is still as good as ever. "

After completing the taming ceremony, both parties can now communicate spiritually.

Byron also made the sea monster accurately understand his fighting intentions and cooperate with the battleship to fight together.

Unlike the fiddler crab controlled by a conch, it can basically only be used as a means of transportation.

When he opened his eyes again, feeling the waves of admiration coming from the water on the other side, he nodded with great satisfaction:

"In the future, we will have double insurance when exploring the windless zone, and the harvest will be good. We will return to Port Royal."

As soon as he finished speaking, the mark of the lantern holder on the back of his hand began to flash rapidly. It was a communication request from the Lighthouse Federation.

Byron immediately realized that after eliminating the "Blood Scourge", the real highlight and the most valuable reward was finally coming.

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