Pirate Kingship

Chapter 319 You plot against me, I plot against you

The celebration banquet ended late at night.

Byron was just a projection, he didn't eat a single bite of food or drink a single sip of wine, but except for those requests to promote his sisters' daughters and purchase female slaves, he accepted all other business cooperation.

In his eyes, these guys were just leeks that came to his doorstep to be cut.

At best, he would form a group sooner or later and throw them and the three thousand dead men into it.

He thought the name "New World Development, Tourism, Fishing Crowdfunding Project" was very good.

It would be even better if Edward IV could get involved.

When Byron walked out of the banquet hall and saw the starry sky outside again, he had already put all these leeks behind his mind, and only Edward IV's secret order sent through the legal network was in his mind.

The previous words of appreciation, respect, worthy of entrustment, and loyal confidant were all the usual clichés of drawing cakes for him.

For a professional cake eater like Byron, there was no ripple in his heart.

The following content is summarized, and the core is only three points.

First, make money! Make money in the colonial territories of Royal Port and Arawak Island!

Although the autonomy of tax collection has been successfully retained and the accounts can be flexibly kept, the tithe of the church must still be collected without a cent less.

Then only 70% is given to the church, and 30% goes into the royal treasury.

This does not include the tax burden of the kingdom itself.

The first one made Byron curl his lips:

"Norwich York, who controlled the 'Kraken's Touch' to kill people, was your uncle. In the end, you threw him out as a scapegoat and even stripped him of his title.

You said nice things, but in fact, you treated me as a black glove?

I heard your calculations in the Bantaan Islands.

As long as I collect taxes diligently, I can't win people's hearts. Even if I have fiefs in the colonies, it is impossible to be too big to be eliminated.

Once the accounts are checked by the monastic priests stationed in the colonies, I am afraid that I will also end up as a scapegoat, just like Norwich.

The money is yours, and the bad reputation is mine. The monarch's skills are really good.

If I hadn't been prepared and had the skill of 'Miss Nun, you don't want people to know that you speculated in stocks with public funds, right?', I would have been caught if I wasn't careful."

Second, continue to eliminate the Lancaster Party.

We must see results before the end of the year, at least get a body or head that can be checked to prove our achievements.

Byron didn't care about this task, as he could take as many bodies of the "Lancaster Party" as he wanted.

The third point was also a particularly important task.

As a member of the Bloodthirsty Cult and a quasi-third-level black wizard who is about to start the promotion ceremony.

You must always pay attention to the progress of the Bloodthirsty Cult's research on [Eternal Blood] and report to the kingdom at any time through the encrypted network.

When Byron saw this, he realized why Edward IV gave him a baron title.

"I said that even if you spend a fortune on horse bones, you can't buy such a coincidence.

I need a title, so I will be rewarded with one immediately.

The 'Giant Insect Book Sect' obviously shared the promotion ceremony of the [Blood Feast Holy Grail] with the York family.

Edward IV obviously wants me to take the opportunity to infiltrate the top of the Bloodthirsty Cult.

In addition, since this mission can promote the decryption of [The Shadow Behind the Red and White Rose War], it means that the decryption direction is correct.

Edward IV and the church's deep plans are all related to the 'Eternal Blood'. I must take time to visit the Bloodthirsty Cult.


Byron was about to cancel the projection and return to the Royal Port thousands of kilometers away, when he suddenly found a man and a woman walking hand in hand and talking and laughing in the nearby garden.

Although the two figures disappeared in the blooming white roses in a flash, Byron still saw their appearance clearly.

One was a pretty and lovely beautiful girl with a pure temperament.

Long chestnut hair, emerald eyes, although not very old, but already revealed some breathtaking beauty.

It seems to be Isabel, the daughter of the [King Maker] Earl of Warwick.

The nobles fought each other to death in secret, but on the surface they were still socializing and it was normal, so it was not strange for Isabel to appear here.

But the identity of the other person holding hands with her was strange.

It turned out to be the Duke of Clarence who had just joked with him in the banquet hall, George, the younger brother of Edward IV.

The core members of the political enemy families of both sides, who were as hostile as fire and water, seemed to be having an underground love affair!

"One of the 'three phantom suns' that symbolize the destiny of the York family actually flirted with the daughter of the Earl's party? This is very interesting.

The otherworldly version of Romeo and Juliet?"

Byron had already heard that before the final battle last year, the magical scene of the "three phantom suns" suddenly appeared above the York family.

That is, three suns appeared in the sky.

Edward claimed that the three suns in the sky were a symbol of the Creator's blessing on the York family.

It not only represents the Trinity of the Creator in the church, but also represents the three heirs of the House of York: Edward, George, and Richard.

The church did not deny their claims, and the Archbishop of Canterbury personally supported them, and even acquiesced to the use of the "Touch of the Kraken".

Finally, the dynasty was changed.

Therefore, whether in the royal party or the earl party, all noble gentlemen firmly believe that the "Three Phantom Suns" and the three brothers are proof of the Creator's favor.

It is also the core symbol that unites people's hearts.

Even the personal emblem created by Edward IV himself is a sundog.

This shows the importance of the three sundogs and the three brothers to this political group.

Looking at the place where the young man and woman disappeared, Byron's eyes were meaningful:

"Compared to the prosperous York family, we have fewer Lancasters now, but it is not completely without advantages.

I am the only one who has the right of inheritance, which means there is no competitor.

All the Lancastrian party, the centrists, and the opposition of the York family want to do something, and they can only support me.

The York family relied on the gimmick of the 'three sundogs' to unite the people and win, but they must also bear the corresponding price.

The best strategy is to attack the enemy's strategy, and I may be able to do something about it."

Byron touched his chin and had a strong sense of déjà vu about the situation in front of him.

"The son is still young, and the two uncles are young and have the aura of a king.

Once the wise and brave Edward IV dies early, there will be a good show of the regent, the sister-in-law and the young king. The Ganquan Palace will be really lively.

And looking at the looks of Miss Isabel Warwick and George York, the [Kingmaker] Earl Warwick obviously wants to get involved.

Perhaps within a few years, the domestic situation will usher in unexpected changes."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind him:

"Baron Stromgarde, what are you looking at?"

Byron's body trembled and he slowly turned his head.

In front of him was a middle-aged man with gray hair and wearing a naval marshal's uniform.

It was the [Kingmaker] Earl Warwick who could compete with Edward IV!

After being startled for a moment, Byron immediately saluted:

"Your Excellency the Marshal."

Not only was he the kingmaker, he was also Byron's immediate superior, like Edward IV, a behemoth that he could not afford to offend for the time being.

When she found that he had been staring at her, she answered his question seriously:

"I just think Miss Isabel and the Duke of Clarence are a perfect match, and I couldn't help but look at them for a while longer.

I believe that in the future they will definitely become the right-hand man to assist His Majesty in governing the country."

The Earl of Warwick forced a smile on his face and asked meaningfully:

"Do you, a loyal minister of the York family, think so too?"

Byron pretended to be a political novice, answering as if he understood but not completely:

"Your Excellency the Duke is young and handsome, and the Earl's daughter is beautiful and generous. The marriage can not only consolidate the relationship between the upper classes of the kingdom and is conducive to the stability of the kingdom, but they are obviously in love.

It is good for the country, the two families, and themselves. Isn't this good?"

When the Earl of Warwick heard his "heartfelt words", he was stunned for a moment and then laughed:

"Hahaha, not bad, not bad.

It is very good, the baron has a good eye."

He patted Byron on the shoulder, turned around and strode away.

But he sneered in his heart:

"Although he is smart, capable and loyal enough, how can a mere country boy understand the upper-level game of the kingdom?

What I want is not to mend the relationship, but to create a second king!

I am just a target set up by the York family, and I am complacently criticizing the upper echelons, not knowing that I am in big trouble.

A lucky man born in a commoner family still wants to be a trend-setter in the political whirlpool? It's ridiculous.

Go back and enjoy the remaining time of your life, which is not much. Calculating the time, the assassin should be here soon."

At the same time.

Edward IV, who had returned to the bedroom, also used the legal network to see the scene of the man and woman meeting in the small garden, but he had no intention of stopping it.

"Kingmaker? Ha, let me see how many nobles in the kingdom oppose me and support you."

In the Kingdom of Hastings, no matter which family the king came to power, the first thing to do was to take back the royal power from the nobles and the parliament.

The struggle for power was about to enter a white-hot stage.

【King Maker】Warwick's actions obviously gave him a chance to eliminate all dissidents in one go.

As for who will win, it depends on whose means are more sophisticated.

Then Edward IV looked at the place where Byron's projection disappeared, and muttered to himself:

"The Bloodthirsty Order! The blood of immortality!

I want to be immortal and become the eternal king, while several saints of the church are not satisfied with the supreme power and take turns to be the boss. They also want their blood to sublimate and transform into the real heaven."

He paused suddenly and looked around to see that there was no one around. After a long time, he sighed again:

"The Baron of Stromgarde, a loyal minister who is willing to sacrifice his life for the sake of the overall situation, is the best test subject for the "Eternal Life Plan"!

Byron wanted to see Warwick and Edward IV fight each other; Warwick was calculating Edward IV and preparing to use Byron's head to establish his authority;

Edward IV not only wanted to use Warwick's hand to eliminate dissidents and consolidate the royal power, but also wanted to use Byron, a loyal minister, as a test subject.

These three men who were competing for the throne of Hastings, even though they didn't know that they had malicious intentions towards each other, all of them had no good intentions.

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