Pirate Kingship

Chapter 329: Perfect body and conspiracy!

At the same time, it was directly above the secret realm of Blood Origin located underground on Chambord Island.

A black-red crack in the world that is only slightly wider than a human body cuts through the thick mountain and about one-third emerges here.

Through the cracks, you can clearly see the Sea of ​​Origin on the opposite side, the rolling black tides, and a mirror island similar to Chambord Island.

There are all kinds of grotesque beast shifters living up there, the number of which is ten to a hundred times that of the underground city.

The bloodshed when fighting each other is a hundred times greater than that of the Blood Origin Secret Realm.

A team of dark wizards have been waiting here for a long time.

The leader was a tall lady with fair skin, wearing a blood-colored evening dress, holding a carved ivory fan.

This is the current chief priest of the Bloodthirsty Order [Ms. Leech].

She seemed to be in her early twenties, but her sultry and charming aura was far beyond what a girl of this age could compare to.

The explosive figure looks a bit exaggerated. The neckline is extremely low to the navel. The smooth fabric outlines a round hip line under the slender waist that is not too tight.

The high-slit skirt on both sides revealed two beautiful legs as long and thin as jade pillars, making people feel that the high heels on her feet were a bit unnecessary.

Her body was also filled with some kind of special insect pheromone, which normal people might not be able to smell, but all the insect wizards behind her looked at her with fascination in their eyes.

Obviously, neither the [Insect Swarm] who wants to use spores to control bugs, nor this [Leech Lady] believe in people's hearts at all.

Prefer to believe in the black magic of his own control.

At this time, the female dark wizard was facing the direction of the crack in the world, and a blood-red leech emerged from her palm. Her body swayed from side to side, as if conveying a message.

Soon, a smile appeared on her lips:

“It should be almost time.

The leech I left near the Black Church felt the movement of the ritual being activated. Take action now! "

"Yes, ma'am."

A group of dark wizards around her immediately poured bottle after bottle of blood from various wild animals, monsters, sea monsters, grotesques, humans and other creatures into a cauldron.

Finally [Ms. Leech] cut her wrist and added a drop of her own blood.

The crucible that collected the blood of at least a thousand different creatures immediately began to boil on its own, turning into a thick blood mist and getting into the cracks in the world.

The thick smell of blood made the beast-shifters in the chaos feel silent, and then they fell into an even more brutal fight.

[Mother of Creation Lilith] is different from other corpses of old gods.

The sleeping place is not fixed, but has been moving with a periodic ocean current.

At a fixed time every month, the ocean currents of the Ocean of Origin will pass through this third-level world rift.

The Bloodthirsty Order holds a small sacrifice every month, and this is where the tradition of holding a big sacrifice every quarter comes from (Chapter 322).

Although distance and space are of little significance in the Sea of ​​Origin, the closer the distance, the better the effect, and the richer the knowledge gained.

Sacrificing according to the cycle has become the most cost-effective option.

And later, [Ms. Leech] was the first to discover that the name [Mother of Creation], which created thousands of living beings, seemed to have some internal connection with thousands of living beings.

If you use the blood of various creatures to perform sacrificial rituals, you can attract the other party to appear in advance.

The more types of creatures you gather, the stronger the attraction will be to that corpse.

Just like this moment.

As the blood mist rushed into the cracks in the world, the waves in the distance of the Sea of ​​Origin surged rapidly, and a bit of red appeared in an instant.

[Ms. Leech] didn't dare to look any further and quickly looked away at her feet.

As if through the thick rocks, he saw Byron who was undergoing a sublimation ceremony in the black church, his eyes implying expectation:

“According to the experience accumulated by the sect over the years.

Not to mention the lowest level [Ghoul], the middle level [Insect Man], even the most orthodox and closest to Lilith's origin [Midnight Demon].

Once Lilith's true form suddenly appears during promotion, and hears the old god's ravings from the other party all the time, they will be contaminated by the other party without any resistance.

There may not be much abnormality on the surface, but in reality he has turned into a deeply hidden madman!

If you passively listen to each other's 'divine revelations' every moment, you will change from a madman to a real freak within a year or two.

Let this test subject No. 17, who has very good qualifications, become a 'living dependent' who communicates with Lilith when he is promoted, and he will definitely be able to gain a lot of forbidden knowledge in a short period of time!

It would be better if you have the habit of keeping diaries and logbooks.

After he filters and digests the ravings of the old gods, it will be safer for us to read them.

Mr. Baron, this is the common expectation of the Grand Wizard of the Order and your Majesty the King. Don't let us down. "

As the ceremony progresses, Byron's body has become a three-way battlefield:

The forbidden knowledge that represents [Beast Nature] and power; the [Storm Admiral] that represents [Divinity] and stability; the "flow" that represents self and dominance.

To be more precise, the latter two work together to resist the bloodline sublimation ritual and the pull of the animal nature, so that it will not rush into the unknown ravine like a wild horse.

"[Mother of Creation, Lilith] probably controls an extremely terrifying number of inhuman forms.

Even though the [Blood Feast Holy Grail] ritual already has corresponding direction.

But once one's own control ability is insufficient and he cannot hold on and relaxes midway, it is not impossible that his bloodline will drop.

Then you will be too exhausted to cry. "

Just like what the great pirate Flint, who was buried on Treasure Island, said.

The extraordinary people spend their lives struggling to maintain their spiritual balance.

If you want to truly transcend the mundane world and not turn into a pile of yellow earth after a hundred years, you have to struggle with these dangerous existences.

Only the three-way balance of self, id, and superego can be the most stable.

And when the voice in Byron's ear said the word "Prince of the Night Demon", the force of the blood pulling suddenly increased.

It seems that not only the owner of this voice, but even the [Mother of Creation Lilith] who has long fallen into eternal sleep has subconsciously paid attention to him.

Alfred [Blood Red Whiskey], who has witnessed the promotion of the high-level of the cult more than once, couldn't help but gradually widen his eyes and said in a lost voice:

"What's going on? "

Then a translucent "umbilical cord" that had never appeared in any of the previous blood sublimation ceremonies of the Bloodthirsty Cult suddenly extended from the blood moon.

It connected with the golden red extraordinary spiritual light that emanated from Byron's body, and turned into a layer of translucent follicles, wrapping him up.

The body automatically floated up, and it curled up with its knees hugged as if it had returned to the mother's body, imitating the appearance of a fetus.

The energy, spirituality, and information between the two were fully connected.

The clothes on Byron's body melted away in the blood light in an instant, leaving only a series of strange equipment falling to the ground, revealing his burly body with traces of beast transformation.

"Hmph! "

Faced with this sudden change, Byron, who was immersed in his own transformation, also felt a great pressure.

Obviously, being outstanding and brilliant is not always a good thing.

As long as you hear the name, you will know that [Prince of Night Demon] is far more powerful than ordinary Night Demons, and has a higher status in the bloodline system.

But the relationship with Lilith is also closer.

If he can't withstand the pull of the other party and the beast, I'm afraid he will never be a black wizard with an independent personality in the future.

Instead, like that [Nightmare] Jörmungandr, he will become a follower and fanatic of the old gods and fight for their resurrection for the rest of his life.

Byron always keeps in mind the essence of the extraordinary system, and the human mind is the "driver" of his own destiny.

His chariot is pulled by two horses: one is a good horse, leading him upwards towards the pure idea of ​​God; the other is an unruly bad horse, dragging him downwards towards the body.

Man has the ability to ascend to heaven, and even be reborn as a divine being.

But he is constantly tempted by physical desires, leading him downwards to the material world of animality.

Only by holding the reins tightly can you be the master of your own life!

Byron did not want to compromise with animality and become a bloodthirsty beast; nor did he want to be assimilated by rules and become an appendage of the Silver Law.

The idea is always the same, that is freedom!

"If I want to do something, whether it is to be a demon or a saint, it must be out of my own heart, not influenced by anything from the outside world. ”

Relying on “flow” alone is not enough, and the knight’s innate skill [Riding] must be added to barely control the pull of the two horses.

He drove his own “carriage”, rising and falling, and gradually entered a state of extreme concentration.

The “flow” state symbolizing self and control began to improve continuously.

For every point of improvement in the pull from the animal nature, his “flow” state will be higher, and he will be closer to the state of [God’s Vision].

Overcoming oneself is greater than the progress brought by fighting with any master.

Time passed little by little.

Relying on the far superior The foundation of the extraordinary is more solid. After the three of the ego, self and superego have reached a new balance, the stability is far beyond that of others.

They raised the brilliant crown that symbolizes the racial status of the [Night Demon Prince] together, illuminating the entire black church with a golden glow.

The blood transformation is finally on track.

In terms of external manifestation, the degradation has not continued to deepen, and the various traces of beastification on the body have gradually faded, returning to the original normal human appearance.

Deeper changes also began at this time.

The calluses formed by long-term sword practice on the hands have faded one after another, and the blood from the previous battles has gradually faded. The scars on his body gradually disappeared.

The new skin that grew back had a lustrous luster like jade.

The already handsome face seemed to be shining.

The shoulders, chest, waist, hips, thighs and body proportions were also readjusted according to the golden ratio.

Right-angled shoulders, shark muscles, male dog waist, mermaid line, and the cough below, in short, all the characteristics that men dream of, have been corrected to the perfect level one by one.

It has even exceeded the population limit of humans.

At the beginning, when Byron broke through the third level [Storm Admiral], he obtained a spiritual and the holy baptism of the flesh.

His body reached the most perfect psychological and physiological state in theory.

But that was at most to make his body grow to the limit of what his genetic material could express, and there was no way to deal with the recessive genetic diseases in his body.

Now it is different, it seems that even the genetic code is adjusting itself, and the pathogenic factor called "glass delusion" disappears in an instant.

Gradually reaching or even exceeding the most perfect gene combination of the human race, perfectly matching the power of [Mother of Creation Lilith].

Yes, it can only be described as perfect.

Sharp eyes and ears, tall stature, broad shoulders, perfect streamlined muscles, although not eye-catching, but full of the beauty of power like flowing water.

Such a body has risen to the height of aesthetics, even the marble statues of heroes handed down from the mythological era are no more than this.

The translucent follicles cannot block the outside world's sight.

Beside, Violet's sapphire-like eyes were twinkling with stars, her cheeks were slightly red, and she couldn't help but slightly opened her pink lips:

"How can it be so... beautiful?"

Suddenly, the corner of her eye caught a glimpse of Jacqueline standing next to her. Although she covered her eyes with both hands, she left a big gap between her fingers, and her almond eyes didn't blink.

Violet took out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped the crystal from the corner of her mouth.


And wiped it for herself by the way.

This is the spirit of the Taiwanese princess and pirate captain, looking at handsome men without avoiding people.

Well, anyway, she is not looking at others.

Sooner or later, it will be mine. At most, I can be 50% with Catherine. No one else can even think about it!

Just like people of different races and cultures will think the same natural landscape is beautiful, the natural and harmonious is the most beautiful.

This charm seems to have transcended the aesthetic boundaries of the population.

At this time, Byron relied on his own control and the huge anchor prepared in advance to completely stabilize the ceremony.

Finally, he had the leisure to pay attention to the voice that just sounded in his ears.

"Instinctively, it seems that the owner of this city is speaking, [Piercing Prince] Tepash?

Feast of dragons and night demons?

The old continent of the mythological era is also called the Dragon King's Court. Since the night demons under Lilith can be ranked on par with them, there is no reason why there is no old god for the stronger dragons.

And, as he said, whether these two rulers are allies or enemies, they have something in common.

They are all naked rentiers."

After all, most of the ancient heroes who first opened up the kingdom were kings who "bathed in dragon blood".

Reinhardt, the Blue Dragon King who founded the North Sea Empire, was only one of them. In history, there were at least four other kings who made up the Five-Colored Dragon King.

Later, the heroes intermarried with each other, resulting in the entire upper class of the Silver Continent being all relatives.

It is still the same now, two thousand years later.

Are kings, princes, generals, and ministers of different races? Here, they really are of different races.

There has never been a precedent for a commoner to ascend the throne as king.

At this time, Byron could clearly sense that the thin traces of blue dragon blood in his body were also growing rapidly.

This further confirmed the speculation that the two sides had mutual knowledge.

One greedy for flesh and blood and the other greedy for treasure, which just complemented each other.

"I don't know what kind of surprises the combination of the dragon and the night demon will bring in the end?"

But before Byron could carefully experience the series of changes in his body.


There was a sudden explosion in his ears.

A little blood-red light wrapped in a huge figure rudely broke into his perception.

And because of the deep connection of the "umbilical cord", he couldn't even close his eyes and block his perception.


Then came the mumbling and knowledge from the "umbilical cord" side, which was far more violent than at the beginning, and almost destroyed his three-legged balance on the spot.

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