Pirate Kingship

Chapter 332 Boys should protect themselves when they go out

Of course, this blood sublimation is not entirely without positive aspects.

Only after drinking the "blood of immortality" in the third ritual and becoming a true mythical creature [Night Demon], can the divinity and animality be completely neutralized and all side effects be eliminated.

You must add before you can subtract.

Now the second blood sublimation of [Blood Feast Holy Grail] is still a process of addition.

The side effects of his "tentacle fetish" were indeed slightly alleviated after the new balance was achieved, but another new side effect was also added.

The last line of the logbook then appeared.

Side effects: Boys must protect themselves when they go out.

"The transmuted blood from the [Mother of Creation] and the otherworldly life essence of the [Prince of Night Demon] make you represent absolute 'change' at this moment.

It will have a strong appeal to certain humans, non-humans, freaks, and evil spirits.

Normal people will feel healthy if they smell it, and will be free of all diseases if they eat it, and will live longer if they chew it.

Swallowing it whole may even induce the monsters to evolve on the spot, allowing the fallen evil spirits and freaks to regain clear consciousness like the [Zhi Shen].

Especially be careful of those beings whose spirituality is unbalanced and whose animality is greater than their divinity. In, as long as you meet, you may be attacked first.

The attraction to the opposite sex is also huge.

It is equivalent to the reverse succubus physique. When interacting closely with a partner of the opposite sex, the life essence of the other party will gradually grow.

A series of magical effects such as eternal youth, physical strengthening, and spiritual growth appear.

If your partner is not strong in self-control, it is very likely to demand too much and have the urge to drain you completely.

In short, the smell on your body is very nourishing!

It smells so good, it smells so good! "

Byron closed the logbook silently with a complicated expression.

"No matter who catches me, I will be squeezed dry. The only difference is the way I am eaten and squeezed dry.

What's the difference between this and the innate cowherd holy body?

I originally just liked to eat tentacles, but now all kinds of monsters like to eat me? Is it the cycle of justice?

I should really light up the military technology tree and let Violet get more big and strong firepower to protect me.

However, this side effect is at least much better than the side effect of ordinary [Midnight Demon], 'photophobia', and the weakness is much smaller. It should be fine as long as you are careful when going out."

He also activated the previously unactivated entry [Immune to All Diseases] (Chapter 148):

"At the cost of randomly activating a hidden genetic disease, you will be immune to all diseases and toxins in the outside world and stay healthy forever.

You can choose to activate or not."

At the beginning, Byron was worried about the hereditary madness in his family, so he didn't dare to activate it.

Now, not only the pathogenic gene of "glass delusion" has disappeared, but also the common hidden pathogenic factors such as hemophilia, red-green color blindness, hypertension, cleft lip, etc. in normal humans have been wiped out.

At this time, there will be no side effects when activated.

By the way, the defect of "immune blood", the title ability of "Father of Immunology", which can only produce antibodies within 24 hours, is also completely supplemented.

Whether it is a disease or a toxin, as long as it is hit, it can be solved on the spot.

This is truly a solid block inside and out, leaving no weaknesses and dead ends.

It is much stronger than the "Dragon Blood Bather" Siegfried in history who left a fatal flaw because of a linden leaf falling on his back.

This also makes Byron's appeal soar.

Take a bite, it will definitely cure diseases if there are diseases, and strengthen the body if there are no diseases.

The death of the living may be a bit exaggerated, but the name of "Father of Medicine" in the mouth of the natives is completely worthy of the name.

Combined with [Entry: Saint Halo], it should be no problem to play a guest role of the Holy Spirit.

Even if a most devout saint were to judge the authenticity, it would be impossible to say that he is a bad person.

"Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing.

Since some clergymen have committed the great sin of blasphemy and nothing happened, then I can naturally take a bigger step.

With Theresa, the Archbishop of the Colony, and the youngest son of the Creator and the younger brother of the Son of God, I can start to build momentum.

Once I have this halo, it will be enough for me to get a share of the religious wars in the foreseeable future in the Old World.

I just don't know what kind of expression they will have when they find that the innermost layer of the vest of the [Father of Medicine] is a [Night Demon] after they peel off the layers of vest.

It must be very interesting."


After Byron slightly adapted to his current abilities, he took out the spare clothes in the snakeskin bag, transformed into a bat and went inside, and dressed in a second.

It was the tall and upright commodore again.

Just as he was about to walk out, he looked back and saw that it was Violet who had quietly pulled the corner of his clothes.

The moment they looked back, the girl blushed and subconsciously let go of his clothes.

Obviously, whether it was out of reason, emotion or instinctive desire, it was difficult for her to resist the attraction of Byron.

But she couldn't figure out why she suddenly made such a bold move.

At this time, Byron finally barely resisted the driving force of his instinct and took her soft little hand.

His heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

‘Tentacle girls are certainly good. But the beautiful silver-haired girl who is light and soft and can dance in the palm of her hand is actually quite good.

Although there is a little bit of regret, how can life be perfect everywhere?

Liking Tentacle Girl comes from my instinctive desire, while liking Violet is completely based on the choice of a free soul.

Yes, that must be the case. ’

Of course, Byron would never admit that under the "phobia of insufficient firepower", he instinctively felt that he felt particularly safe when he was close to Violet, the "gunpowder artist".

It is true that the two souls are attracted to each other.

It's just that in addition to "like", no one can tell whether there are some other impurities such as "appetite" mixed in.

Another girl not far from them, [Chameleon] Jacqueline, was perfectly resistant to Byron's attraction and didn't take another look after getting dressed.

Not a girl, no black stockings, bad review!



Byron saw that some of the low-level beast shifters on the other side of the world rift behind him were approaching in groups again.

I know that no matter how hard I kill these things, I can’t kill them all.

This time, we will clean up the Bloodborne Secret Realm, so that when we come back next time, it will be filled with all kinds of monsters.

Although Byron has the ability to [control lower servants], even if the number is smaller than the opponent, these beast shifters will not attack him.

Even he, the Night Demon Prince, can forcibly command these lower-level grotesques under the same system to execute his will.

But when he thought that there were a bunch of "colleagues" waiting for him outside to stab him in the back, he lost interest in continuing the experiment.

With a wave of his hand, he ordered the pirates under his command:

"Let's go, there will be many opportunities for us to come to the Bloodborne Secret Realm in the future.

You can just treat this place as your home from now on. "

When he turned his head, he took a meaningful look at the dim figure on the side of the black church door that no one else could see except him.

His face was pale, and he was wearing a blood-red high-collar cloak.

This is none other than Tsepes, the lord of this city back then.

To be more precise, it is the reverberation he left in history.

There are only broken memories, deep-rooted instincts, and part of the stress response, and there is no self-awareness.

The principle is similar to that of Guardian Knight Bruch's [Sworn Heroic Spirit].

[Sun Knight] Gawain's heroic spirit projection often possesses his body, allowing him to learn from the opponent's experience and gain extraordinary abilities.

[Piercing Lord] Even if Tsepesh is a powerful night demon lord, he must have reached the level of immortality long ago, but since even Lilith is dead, he will not be spared.

In this city that is a projection of the Night Demon Kingdom in history, it is normal to retain a trace of the other party's reverberation.

Byron couldn't help but sigh:

"Looking at his condition, you can see that even if he gets the 'blood of immortality', he is no longer limited by his lifespan, and he will still die if he is killed.

Only those true gods can resurrect from the long history after death.

My road to transcendence still has a long way to go. "

The Bloodthirsty Order has obviously not known about the existence of this [Piercing Master] for many years.

Only when a night devil with a higher title than Tzepesh himself comes, will he take the initiative to show up in front of people.

After spiritual communication, Byron learned that he could indirectly control the Bloodborne Secret Realm through him and some weirdos, and even modify the killing rules in the Secret Realm to a certain extent.

Just by controlling this secret realm, his share of the Bloodthirsty Order soared to more than 20%.

The strategy of technology investment and then forced acquisition is promising.

When the group of people walked out of the cave again, several of the third-level great wizards left behind on the island had all appeared, waiting collectively to greet them.

The leader was none other than the charming and sultry [Ms. Leech] who was wearing a bold red dress.

There was no hint of guilt on her face that she had been behind the scenes, and she nodded to Byron with a smile:

"Your Excellency Baron, congratulations on your successful promotion and becoming one of us."

Byron responded with a smile on his face, but in his heart he knew what she, Edward IV, and the church cardinals behind her really couldn't wait for:

‘Now that you have the key to the divine realm in my hand, you still want to get the true scripture? There are no doors! ’

He put on a fake smile and took two steps forward, ready to just wait for the other party to ask about the harvest, and then follow the flow and send out the "Genetics" prepared in advance.

But he never expected that after he approached, the tip of the leech lady's nose moved slightly and her eyes became a little blurry.

He couldn't help but take a step forward, took Byron's hand, looked directly into his eyes fiercely, and breathed out:

"Your Excellency Baron, I heard that you don't seem to be married yet, oh, it doesn't actually matter whether you are married or not.

Do you want a lover?

As long as you open Chrysostom, you can stay in my room tonight!

I have a lot of 'toys' there, and I want to play with you slowly. "

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