Pirate Kingship

Chapter 336 From now on I will call you sister, and you call me

"Gulp, gulp"

The blood in the girl's body was flowing away as fast as water was pumped.

Catherine felt that she was floating in the air, and even addicted. There was no word to describe the wonderful experience at this moment. She just hoped that this moment would last forever.

The sucking of [Night Devil] is much stronger than the leech that can only play a paralyzing role. It can make the prey addicted to being eaten and take the initiative to deliver to the door.

The longer you are eaten, the more obsessed you will be with this kind of pleasure that penetrates into your bones and is like poisoning.

In her own base camp, Catherine has the strength comparable to the fourth level. If she wanted to resist at the beginning, it was just a matter of thought.

But out of trust in Byron, she never had such an idea from beginning to end.

Until 60% of the blood in her body was sucked away, her body was cold, her heartbeat was close to failure, and she entered a state of near death, and even saw the lich Edward waving at her from a distance.

The whole person was about to turn into a withered rose.

Byron began to reversely inject the [Transmutation Blood] that was deeply branded by himself into her body.

The girl's originally pale face turned rosy in just a breath, and her heartbeat became strong again.

Then everything from the golden hair to the ruby-colored toes began to shine.

Even her own presence was greatly improved.

It seemed that it was only 2 million pixels before, but now it suddenly soared to 20 million, making people notice her at first sight, and even a blind person could hardly ignore her.

The appearance of this [Flower of the North] was already very perfect, but it still belonged to the top level of mortals.

At this time, even the slightest flaws were swept away, and she was completely renewed from the inside out, with skin as bright as snow and shining.

Even the slight myopia caused by long-term desk work disappeared quietly.

The eyes turned from lake green to a piece of red, two cute fangs were revealed between the lips, and a pair of small black wings appeared around the waist.

When Byron pulled out his teeth, the slight bite marks on the soft neck disappeared instantly, and it returned to its flawless white jade appearance, with not even the tiniest pores visible.

"It's done!"

[First Embrace] is equivalent to a simplified blood sublimation ceremony that switches the race template.

You can choose to give the other party the power that matches the class, or you can choose to only give the basic Night Demon race growth template, which is equivalent to a Night Demon infant.

In addition to the substantial increase in the unified lifespan, the blood descendants will have to rely on themselves to advance little by little in the future and continuously unlock the power in the blood.

The [Logbook] shows Catherine's information at this time:

"Catherine Greenville, 20 years old (constant), appearance 18 years old (constant), life span limit: 156 years.

Current abilities [Night Demon Constitution], [Bloody Aura], [Transfiguration], [Domination of Lower Servant].

Side effects: thirsty for blood, needs to replenish fresh blood to maintain its own Night Demon constitution and physical strength, especially loves your blood.

Being alone is risky, be careful!"

Obviously, Catherine has completed the transformation and directly inherited some of Byron's abilities.

Relying on the blessing of a high status, it is not much worse than those [Midnight Demons] who have just transformed.

Next time, when Byron gets the [Eternal Blood], he can be promoted synchronously with him, and there is no need to hold the third-level ceremony by himself.

In addition, Byron also found that the power of Lilith, the Mother of Creation, and the Night Demon does not seem to conflict with any non-human bloodline.

If Catherine has the opportunity to take other powerful non-human routes in the future, she will not miss the opportunity.

"Perfect, too perfect!"

Although Byron consumed a lot of energy and felt empty inside, he was very happy to see the changes in his sister.

Unless he touched the divine realm, not all inhuman routes had a long lifespan.

He didn't know how long it would take to obtain the [Blood of Immortality]. If his sister was gone by then, wouldn't it be too sad even if he got immortality?

It's just that his life essence is not sufficient at present, and he needs to wait for a while before he can continue to use the [First Embrace] ability, and the number at this stage should not exceed five.

Otherwise, it may cause his bloodline to regress, which is not worth the loss.

Carefully appreciating the beautiful face of the girl in his arms, he suddenly grinned with pride:

"Descendant bloodline, descendant bloodline, finally you have fallen into my hands.

As your parent, I will call you sister from now on, and you call me hehehehe!"



A head crashed suddenly on his forehead.

Since the ability of the Night Demon Prince is called [Dominate Lower Servant], it can only be limited to "servants".

Although Byron wanted to be the master of this family, he couldn't really turn Catherine into a puppet who obeyed his orders.

During the [First Embrace], he messed up the genetic code that served as the shackles, and no one could restrain her anymore.

There was no limit on bullying his "eldest relative" in mysticism.

The only restriction was that her bloodline level among the Night Demons could not exceed that of Byron, the [Prince of Night Demons], and at most she could only be on the same level.

Soon, [Midnight Demon] Catherine adapted to her own power and blinked her eyes to return to her original human appearance.

Her vision was enhanced, her breathing was smooth, her body was particularly light, and she felt better than ever.

Seeing Byron still covering his head and grinning exaggeratedly, she smiled at him, as if spring had returned to the earth and all the flowers were blooming.

Stretching out her glowing white arms, she took him into her broad bosom and kissed him gently on the place where he was hit on the forehead.


With a smile on her lips and curved eyebrows:

"Byron, thank you for everything you have done for me."

Byron was stunned by this kiss.

Catherine kissed him again unexpectedly. The soft and moist touch of the "18-year-old" girl's lips made his brain crash on the spot.

Catherine smiled like a little squirrel who had stolen nuts, and her smile was particularly playful and cute:

"What do you want me to call you? One hundred pounds a time, I can call you bankrupt your private money.

Pay first and then deliver the goods, or try one thousand pounds first to see if the service is satisfactory?"

But no one knows that although she seems to be normal on the surface, her heart is actually like a deer beating wildly, and she dares not look at Byron's eyes.

Obviously, this dependent blood is not completely without cost.

Byron was about to launch a counterattack, tickling her, so that Catherine would know the price of teasing herself.

The seal ring of the Governor of Royal Port suddenly flashed, and then the majestic voice of Edward IV came from it:

"Lord Tudor, congratulations on your successful promotion and your contribution to the kingdom."

The two people who were playing around suddenly fell silent.

The previous words were not very nutritious, just a few words of encouragement.

The main reason was that they heard that the crucial [Scarlet Holy Grail] had made progress, and immediately added fuel to the fire for Byron and treated him like a donkey.

"The Kingdom and I are very satisfied with your progress in the 'Eternal Life Plan' and hope you will keep it up.

Among the three tasks I have assigned to you, I have also received the first tithe share.

But don't forget your third main responsibility as the Governor-General - to completely wipe out the Lancasters!

Except for the most difficult Yucatan Islands, most of the other valuable places in the Bantaan Islands have already been taken by their owners.

The Lancaster Party has no territory, no industry, and no endless population. Now it can only shrink in the Bantaan Islands and survive.

Once the New World route is opened, they will flee again, and it is not impossible to create variables in the unknown land with infinite possibilities.

I hope you can completely get rid of this heart of our York Party before the New World route is opened. Big trouble.

Especially, the bodies of the core members of the Storm Knights and others should be placed in front of me.

I think this achievement is enough to make the Tudor family, who have the baron title, go to the next level.

After dealing with all the hidden dangers around you, you and Royal Port can just hit the road and start the exploration of the New World with all your strength.

Even if you can make more achievements in the development of the New World and let the Kingdom of Hastings leave a strong mark in history, the earl position that has just been vacated in the House of Nobles will belong to you!

I will also support you in pursuing the Countess of Greenville [Mithril Dragon] with all your strength, so that the Tudor family, who are of common origin, can completely integrate into the noble blood of the Hastings nobles.

Do you have the confidence to do it? "

Byron knew that Edward IV was drawing a pie in the sky again.

Tyreel of the Newman family is not even a transcendent, and cannot access the [Silver Law], so naturally she cannot inherit the title. Isn't the position of Earl Newman vacant?

The empty title is just a matter of words for Edward IV.

He didn't even have to pay an acre of land, but he wanted Byron to fight to the death. This abacus was about to break his face.

Byron said without hesitation:

"Your Majesty, please rest assured. I have all the information about the Lancaster Party under my control and I will complete the task."

The short call ended.

The earl did sound more suitable for the Night Demon, and in theory it would also be beneficial to the next blood sublimation ceremony.

Edward IV had urged several times on the "suppression of bandits", and time was a bit tight.

After all, everyone knew that the discovery of the New World had entered the countdown.

Even with the precedent of [Infinite Evolutionist] Balboa, others would be more cautious when exploring, and good news could still come at any time.

There was really not much time left for him.

"I have seen the data compiled by the York family. The Lancaster party, including their families, has nearly 2,000 people.

Even if we count the missing and those who were broken in the fierce battle, at least 1,000 bodies should be handed in, right?

Even if my [Black Witchcraft·Blood Hound] changes the appearance of people, it is as simple as eating and drinking water, and no one can see the flaws, and even supports genetic testing.

But where do the bodies come from?

The key is that I am not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately. No matter who I find, it is too rude to kill more than a thousand people for no reason.

Where can I gather corpses of all levels without being condemned by my conscience?"

Pinching his forehead in distress, he suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Why not ask the magical [Desire Compass] at this time?

Come and take out the golden compass snatched from Balboa.

The three-layer compass from top to bottom, one layer corresponds to the material world, one layer corresponds to the edge of the world, and the last layer corresponds to the source sea outside the material world.

As long as it wants, it can go to any layer of space through the world cracks and find what it wants in its heart.

Under normal circumstances, the pointer is always still, and only the strongest desire can drive the golden pointer to move.

Whether it is what you want to find, or the wish you want to realize, even if it is just a simple desire to survive, it can point out a specific direction for you.

As if hearing Byron's wish at this time, the pointer in the [Desire Compass] really began to turn slowly.

Finally, it pointed to a certain direction in the first material world.

Byron immediately put a high-precision nautical chart obtained from the Lighthouse Federation on the table, placed the compass at the location of the International Port, and then searched along the extension line of the golden pointer.

Finally, the exact location where the problem could be solved in theory was locked.

There is... Tayapan!

Byron and Catherine looked at each other, their eyes were stern at the same time, and they had realized that today's attack on the coal ship might not be as simple as it seemed on the surface.

"Sister, what do you think?"

"Tayapan must be strange!"

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