Pirate Kingship

Chapter 348 Treasure of Civilization: Holy Relic Curved Plow

Byron's mind moved, and the huge three-dimensional map in front of him began to change.

Other places shrank, and the area near Tayapan quickly enlarged, and in an instant, a scene of a black farmland outside the city appeared.

Not long ago, this was a forest. After the fire, the ground was covered with a layer of ash.

A group of indigenous farmers came to the edge of the field and made preparations. Their bags were filled with carefully selected corn seeds, iron farm tools, and farmyard manure prepared in advance using composting technology.

Compared with the slash-and-burn farming of indigenous city-states in other places, this is already the "top technology" that is ahead of the entire era.

In particular, they are also surrounded by a novel device pulled by oxen, which is the top technology among the top technologies.

Food is the first thing for the people! If you want to completely win the hearts of the people, let the bulk empire unite as one, and let them have enough food, it is naturally the top priority.

Byron took out this treasure at the bottom of the box without hesitation and carried out a pilot project in his own directly governed area.

Corn on Yucatan Island is generally planted between April and May. In the southern part of the former Taya Empire, planting can be slightly delayed to June.

Tayapan will be used as a pilot project first, and then it will be promoted to the whole territory after success.

As the most cutting-edge reform pioneer, this is the real "Taya standard", not clinging to the old ways and being proud of bloodline.

"Let's get started."

Hearing Catherine's order, the farmers obeyed respectfully and were about to start working.


Suddenly a gust of wind blew, blowing a dark cumulonimbus cloud over the city of Tayapan and the cultivated land.

Then a drizzle of rain fell.


It wet the farmers' clothes and the ground.

It can only be said that the weather is not good. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to sow when it rains.

However, this is not a normal situation.

In the core territory of Tayapan and the current "Holy Golden Empire", he, Byron Lancaster, is the God of Heaven!

Catherine's reaction was faster than Byron's. She grabbed his astral body and swung it towards the sky like waving a scepter.

A golden light that mortals could not see rose up, instantly connecting all seven crystal skulls under their rule, as well as the various guardian spirits who had surrendered.

Crystal skull No. 1 [God of Heaven]; No. 3 [God of Corn]; No. 5 [God of the Sun]; No. 6 [Goddess of the Moon]; No. 8 [Quetzalcoatl]; No. 12 [God of the North Star];

Plus a crystal skull No. 2 [Goddess of Earth] Mano presented to him by the city of Uxmal.

The seven skulls exuded a strong resonance. Since the collapse of the Taya Empire, their connection has never been so close.

And now is different from the past. The [Golden Law] as an extension has integrated them into a whole.

The law is the vein, the seven gods are the nodes, and the guardian spirits are guarding on the side, covering all aspects of this land where all things have spirits.

Catherine, the "Executive Vice Emperor", has the power to instantly cover agriculture, astronomical phenomena, weather, medicine, and other fields.

What she manages is no longer just the human kingdom, but also covers the entire natural world of heaven, earth, and man.

At the same time, she shouted softly:

"Law: Today, Tayapan will be sunny and rainless!"

Suddenly, a strong wind blew, and the cumulonimbus clouds that had not yet fully formed were blown far away to the sea, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

The third-level core ability of the law master [Law] that was "traded" from the three assassins had long been given to Catherine.

In addition, even the supreme "god" was controlled by her at will.

Within the coverage of the golden law, it can be said that she has the law in her mouth and the law follows her words.

"Okay, let's continue."

The farmers naturally heard the decree issued by Catherine. Where have they seen such an amazing scene?

Just one sentence can command the heaven and earth, so how powerful must the [Lord of Heaven] be?

After the mind was enlightened, they couldn't help but kneel down in the direction of the pyramid before continuing to work.


The oxen transported from the old continent took a step forward, dragging the strange device held steady by a native behind them.

This novel scene immediately attracted many city-state residents, as well as extraordinary people and soldiers in the "Church Guards" to watch.

"Is this farming? Why is it completely different from before?"

"Look at the ashes on the ground, it should have been burned once. Shouldn't it be sown directly at this time?"

"Yes, after sowing the seeds, we can find the guardian spirit to sacrifice, that's what we did before"

More and more people gathered, but no one knew what they were doing.

Finally, even the great shaman of Uxmal, Siwatl, came after hearing the news, and used black magic to communicate with his own earth-attributed [Giant Bear Spirit], and only then did he vaguely see a clue.

Theoretically, in the tropical rainforest, it is hot and rainy all year round, the water and heat conditions are very sufficient, and the agricultural production period is long, which can fully meet the three harvests a year.

But the rainforest grows extremely vigorously and absorbs a lot of nutrients from the soil.

In addition to the rainy climate, the leaching effect of the soil is very strong, and most of the nutrients of the entire ecosystem are in the bodies of various vegetation on the surface.

Therefore, the soil in the rainforest is very poor.

In order to make up for this defect, since ancient times, indigenous farmers have adopted an extremely primitive milpa farming method:

“First cut down all the trees, wait for a period of drying, then set them on fire before the rainy season arrives, and use plant ash as fertilizer to cover the barren rainforest soil.

One crop is burned at a time, and then left fallow for 1 to 3 years, or even as long as 6 years in some places, until the vegetation becomes more lush again before burning and planting again. "

It was okay when the population was small, but when civilization prospered and the population increased greatly, the pressure on agriculture increased. The indigenous people destroyed forests on a larger scale to open up wasteland, and at the same time shortened the fallow time as much as possible.

But as a result, rainwater will more easily wash away fertile soil, causing soil fertility to continue to decline and corn yields to decrease.

Coupled with the destruction of vegetation by farming, resulting in a large loss of nutrients in the system, the fragile rainforest system can easily collapse.

Many times they had to abandon their city-state homes where they had lived for hundreds of years and retreat to more primitive mountains and forests.

The current decline of the Taya people, in addition to the surveillance of the old gods, is also closely related to the continued collapse of basic agriculture.

"A little wider, different vegetation requires different furrow widths"

At this time, under the guidance of Byron, the farmers plowed the fields with suitable spacing, one high and one low, after burning the wasteland and carefully clearing away stones, tree roots and other debris.

Then he planted corn seeds on the high ridges of the field, placing three in each pit.

There seems to be nothing magical about this planting method, but it is actually one of the most advanced agricultural technologies today - ridge cultivation.

Ridge cultivation not only solves the problems of farmland lighting, ventilation, irrigation, and traffic, but also saves a lot of labor.

What's even better is that when it rains heavily, the relatively high ridges and crops will not be flooded, and the alternately arranged ditches perfectly complete the task of water storage and drainage.

Ditches can also be used for irrigation during drought.

Unless major droughts, floods and other force majeure occur, farmland production will not be significantly reduced.

This type of planting is particularly suitable for rainy environments like the Yucatan.

The most important thing is that the ridges and furrows are interchanged every year. Every year after the crops are harvested, the farmers will plow the entire land again, and then interchange the ridges and furrows the next year to achieve rotational fallow.

It can ensure that the soil will not become infertile due to continuous cultivation and ensure sustainable production capacity.

It can also monitor and balance the pH level of the soil as a whole to prevent nutritional imbalance.

Plowing year after year can continuously improve the tillability and fertility of the soil, gradually transforming natural soil (raw soil) into fertile cultivated soil (mature soil) suitable for crop growth.

Only in this way can a field gradually transform from wasteland into a high-quality mature field over many years, and the grain yield will become higher and higher.

Instead of repeatedly cycling between burning wasteland and cultivating land.

With just a change in the ridge farming method, it is absolutely not a problem to increase the yield by four or five times on the basis of slash and burn farming!

Ridge plowing is the goal, and the Quyuan plow is currently the best means to achieve this goal.

Moreover, it is better to skip the "straight shaft" and step into the more advanced "curved shaft".

The plow bell can be used to adjust the depth of the plowshare into the soil; equipped with a plowboard, the soil can be freely broken, loosened and ridden for acres;

It can also push the turned-up soil pile to one side, reduce the resistance of the plow, increase the speed of plowing, and the operation is smart and light.

It can be easily operated by only one cow and one person.

Every time this curved shaft plow plows a row, a golden light spot penetrates into its body.

After a total of ten furrows were plowed along the way, it finally looked like a field.

clang! clang! clang!

As expected, as a distant bell rang, a dazzling golden light suddenly shot straight into the sky from the plow.

Then Byron, Catherine and all the onlookers saw the curved shaft plow, which was like pure gold, suddenly breaking free from the constraints of the oxen and farmers.

A translucent golden cow appeared in the front, and a translucent silver horse appeared in the back. The golden cow dragged the plow, and the silver horse held the handle, and ran forward wildly, running very fast.

Every ten times the plow was made, the pair of oxen and horses exchanged positions and continued to pull and support the other.

Row after row, the land was plowed neatly in the blink of an eye, and even the prepared corn seeds were planted.

Everyone was stunned when they saw such a scene.

"Fully automatic plow?"

Byron and Catherine couldn't help but gently applaud its performance.

"Niubi, a mature plowsharer should learn to plow the land by himself."

[Second-level holy relic·Qu Yuanli]:

“As just shown, different farming modes can be activated according to different crop types, automatically breaking soil, loosening soil, ridging, and sowing. Currently, thousands of acres can be cultivated per day.

It can also allow the cultivated fields to reach the most perfect growth state, increasing the basic yield by another 20%.

In addition, as the Quyuan plow becomes widely popularized, its working efficiency will gradually increase, and there will always be a day when it reaches the level of a first-level holy relic. "

After seeing the ability of the Quyuan Plow, Byron immediately thought of its best use:

“The farming time required to cultivate land in a place is very limited every year. If you miss it, you will have to wait another year.

Even if you can cultivate 10,000 acres or 100,000 acres per day, the speed is not enough.

But if I had an empire where the sun never sets, the climate in the north and the south would be different, and the time for planting crops would naturally be different.

In this way, it can be driven from north to south, or from south to north.

If it is harvested three times a year, it only takes three trips back and forth.

This way, we can work all year round and maximize the ability of these oxen, horses, and plowshares.

I am really a good boss who works hard to keep my employees' jobs. "

The great shaman Xiwatl had no idea what he was thinking, nor did he realize that the "street lights" all over the world seemed to be flashing violently.

Kneeling on the ground and kissing the land, tears welled up in his eyes:

"Lord, have mercy, our people will no longer starve to death, and they don't have to commit suicide on their own initiative!"

If believers also have levels.

Then this female great shaman who has been dealing with the land all her life has undoubtedly transformed into a fanatic at this moment.

Byron relied on this technology that was enough to save countless lives to easily push up the contribution of civilization. This major shareholder, emperor, and god deserves the title!

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