Pirate Kingship

Chapter 363 Son of the Abyss, Kicks the Iron Plate

The fish-man disease vaccine secretly injected into the pool took effect very quickly.

Byron really couldn't tell which fish was [Eagle Eye] James Kent for a while, but he was the first to recover thanks to his strong resistance as a third-level superhuman.

His skin was pale, but his eyes were red, almost shedding tears of blood.

A few days ago, he led the [Jackdaw] into the cult's lair by mistake, and after "blindly eating fish", he became a big fish at the mercy of others.

Then, during the "Fish Eating Day Festival" for several days, he watched his crew being eaten by these sea dwellers for nearly half.

First mate Claire, navigator Bob, boatswain Peter, and the female [Gourmet] Marika who cooked well

Many crew members, friends, comrades, and juniors who had fought side by side since going to sea were skinned and boned and died tragically in front of James, but he had no way to do anything.

In fact, the reason why he himself had not been eaten was purely because these monsters wanted to keep him to catch Byron, the big fish, and then eat him together.

If the hatred between Byron and the son and daughter of God was only indirectly related, the main leaders of the Deep Dive Church were not here at all, and destroying the Black Tide Town was just a matter of convenience.

Then James had the most direct blood feud.

The hot blood splashed directly on his face, eyes, and heart.

The pain, helplessness, self-blame, shame, and regret that were deeply suppressed in the past three days all turned into a raging rage that burned everything when the reinforcements arrived and lifted the alienation in him.

At the moment of approaching the target, he roared with red eyes:

"Monster, I will make you die miserably!"

In fact, he did not deliberately distinguish which one was the brother and which one was the sister. He directly found the butt closest to him and pulled the trigger.


In the huge burst of fire, a conical spear head carrying a spiral airflow rotated at high speed, splitting the mist of water and fire in the Black Tide Town, and fell on the buttocks of the goddess with scales and a fish tail.

The flesh of carbon-based creatures has its limits.

At the beginning, the two-faced Smith was a chimera chimera with both [Gladiator] and [Coffin Carrier]. Even if he was wearing a hundred beasts armor, he would be rocketed to heaven on the spot after being hit by this move.

The goddess has been concentrating on dealing with the left and right attacks from the [Golden Deer] and [Iron Armored Claw], and has no defense against the "ingredients" around her.

She never knew that a human being could recover after being alienated by the black witchcraft recorded in her own "Luoyan City Textbook".

This is a magical ability that even her father, the Abyss Nightmare Dagon, has never mastered.

So, the high-speed rotating spear head pierced her body fiercely in an instant.

The extremely sharp drill and explosive cyclone did not feel any sluggishness from the crotch to the top of the head, and twisted her whole body into a broken sack.

The main purpose of the [Tornado Jet Armstrong Spin Gun] is to hunt whales. It is too much of a fuss to use it to hit people. It is like killing a chicken with a butcher knife.

After killing someone, even the broken meat and bones are difficult to piece together.

But before [Hawkeye] James showed a sense of relief on his face, the "broken corpse" in front of him suddenly liquefied and exploded.

It turned into a burst of cold rain with a fishy smell and "crackled" down.

There was no flesh and bones in the middle.

James is an experienced and senior adventurer after all.

Although he was blinded by anger for a while, he immediately realized that something unexpected happened when he saw this scene.

Instantly activated the [Fantasy Treasure House] that he built with his imagination and the power of existence, and a blue feathered robe like the one worn by the indigenous shaman wizard was automatically draped over him.

His feet left the ground lightly, and in the blink of an eye, he had already teleported to a distance of 20 meters.

[Level 3 Holy Relic - Thunderbird Feather Clothes]:

"Thunderbird is another name for storm elves, but not all storm elves that are born and die at will are qualified to be called thunderbirds.

Only those that exist for a long time in a specific demon-rich environment and slowly evolve into a superior existence of thunder elemental creatures are truly extraordinary creatures, thunderbirds.

The true form of this holy relic is a feather coat that is worshipped by an indigenous tribe in the Broken Islands all year round.

It is said that it is woven with thunderbird feathers, and as long as you put it on, you can gain unparalleled speed.

In addition, there are matching bone thunderbird masks and thunderbird feather crowns. If you wear all three sets at the same time, you can transform into a thunderbird and dare to fight a fourth-level young dragon."

This is also one of the strongest treasures that James can currently visualize, and it is an accessory for a failed treasure robbery in an indigenous tribe.

At the moment when he decisively escaped.

The raindrops that exploded in the air behind him shrank back to the center and condensed into a translucent ball of water.

Then, like slimes and shapeshifters, it twisted and transformed into another form at a rapid speed, with an octopus head on a human body and a pair of deformed bat wings behind.

The bloodline original book "Luo Yancheng Textbook" that can directly reach the divine realm, like the "Blood Source Tour" of the Thirsty Blood Cult, also has different mythological creature evolution categories in the early stage.

At the low level, the most numerous are the half-human, half-fish, half-frog [Deep Sea Family], which is also the initial form of all members of the Deep Dive Church.

After completing the third bloodline sublimation ceremony to upgrade to the fourth-level mythological creature, there are two main branches.

One is [Nightmare] who is good at dream magic like Jörmungandr, with a jellyfish-like appearance;

The other is [Son of the Abyss] who has a human body with a soft octopus head and can change his own shape at will.

The Son of God, the Goddess and their father Dagon, who are of the same blood, are obviously the latter.

Not only does he have a strong ability to transform, but he can also dissolve all physical attacks with water elements.

This is how he remained intact after being attacked by James.

Gurgle Gurgle

Then the bubbles in the Goddess' body surged, and continued to stretch into a bumpy gourd shape. With a flash of inspiration, he finally turned into a tall, beautiful human woman over two meters tall.

Dressed as an ancient Bay People pirate, he seemed to have very little clothing made of fish scales, and he was not wearing shoes.

His chest was exaggerated, his waist was thin and his legs were long. Under his wheat-colored skin, his smooth muscle lines undulated like water waves.

Especially the exposed lower abdomen, with clear abdominal muscles, and each muscle fiber seemed like steel wire twisted together.

The long halberd in her hand also quietly turned into a double-edged long-handled battle axe like flowing water.

Her pair of blue eyes, which are unique to the Bay people, are exactly the same as those of Byron and Violet.

After turning into a human, although her style is a bit tough, she has changed the ugly appearance of the fishman and is surprisingly beautiful.

It's a pity that the fierce aura on her face destroys the unique beauty of her face like a marble sculpture.

At this moment, looking at [Hawkeye] James who escaped in advance, her eyes are blazing with anger:

"You bastard, I will eat you alive!"

The lethality of that shot is insignificant to her, but the attack method and attack part are things that no female can tolerate.

No matter she is beautiful or ugly!

The [Tidal Aura] on her body burst out like a tide, chasing James who immediately fled to the direction of reinforcements when he saw the situation was not good.


The Son of God Laplace just shouted but didn't stop, and then fell into the siege of two warships again.

In order to defend his father's divine domain and the deep-sea followers he had worked so hard to accumulate, he could only continue to hold on alone.

But relying on his own fourth-order mythical creature essence and the powerful power of Dagon's divine domain, he felt that he could completely defend it even if he was left alone.

As for the Golden Deer

According to the intelligence provided by Jörmungandr, even his sister could kill them all on the ship alone!

James, who was running away in front, couldn't help but feel suspicious after running two steps.

Although he was not a good person, he would never sell out his savior just after being rescued.

Just when he was about to grit his teeth and turn around, desperately trying to splash the monster behind him with blood, he heard Byron's voice coming with the wind:

"Mr. Hawkeye, feel free to come to the Golden Deer to take shelter. Since we dare to come to the New World, we have been prepared."

Although the tone was flat, there was a calmness that everything was under control.

James recalled the first time they met, when he faced the Royal Port Coast Defense Artillery array around Byron with a battle axe, and knew that he was always fully prepared for anything.

Then he drove the Thunderbird Feather Cloak towards the Golden Deer, quickly passed the foremast, and landed on the long and thick mast of the rear main mast that could accommodate dozens of people standing side by side.

The goddess also turned into a stream of light and followed closely, landing lightly on the top mast at the highest point of the foremast.

Looking down at the people on the deck, led by Byron, he suppressed his anger and said coldly:

"【Sea Hunter】Byron Tudor, just as Jörmungandr said, you really came all the way to save your good friend.

They dared to attack our Black Tide Town with only one ship, and used some means I didn't know to break the murloc disease in them.

No wonder Jörmungandr was so determined to kill you, and when he was called away by his father, he was still saying something weird like "regret or not." "

The common language of the Silver Continent was very standard.

Hearing this, [Hawkeye] James couldn't help but have red eyes again, and his mind was full of thoughts:

"In this world, only those who have thunderous means are qualified to be good people.

Although Mr. Byron is evil, his heart is whiter than anyone else.

The last time I went back to support, the deal with the York royal family was already settled.

If I can survive this time, I will sell the Jackdaw and I to Mr. Byron.

The Sea Hunter is justice and a model of morality. Whoever he says to cut must be an evil villain.

Even if he asked me to use this pair of hidden blades to cut White Rose or even the Cardinal Archbishop, the kingdom and the church must be wrong, and I will never frown!"

Byron took in James' expression.

I feel that this [Aura of a Great Good Man] may also be given another name, called the Overlord Color. Uh, it is the aura of the king. The tiger body shook, and the heroes from all directions bowed their heads.

Who doesn't want to make friends with good people?

Then, the goddess swept over James, raised a bloodthirsty and ferocious arc at the corner of her mouth, and hooked her finger at them:

"But, everything is just a futile struggle.

The glimmer of hope before complete despair is the most extreme cruelty in the world.

From the moment you came to Black Tide Town, you were destined to have only one ending, death.

Come together."

Hearing this, Byron and his [Right Hands of the King] looked at each other, their faces a little strange:

"Come together?"

"As you wish."

Then, I heard:

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The bloody aura burst out on the deck, and the sound of bowstrings taut and crossbow arrows breaking through the air rang out one after another.

In addition to [Eagle Eye] James who had been waiting on the main mast.

Led by [Sea Hunter] Byron, Prime Minister [Witch] Violet, Guard [Chameleon] Jacqueline, Knight [Blood Red Whiskey] Alfred, Chariot [Iron Wall] Bruch, Guard [Honest Man] Eight Fingers, Guard [Phantom Blade] Guts.

Nine of the sixteen [King's Right Hand] are of level three or equivalent to level three combat power.

In addition to [Blue Hair] Barbarossa Helding, who was locked in a small dark room and trained for three consecutive days, the shame of the fourth level.

It is enough to sweep any city-state and colony in the Bantaan Islands.

Moreover, these people are not the kind of people in the old continent who have physical shortcomings. They are still pure [Ladder of Glory] extraordinary people of human beings.

Rather, they are the peak forms of divinity and animality, soul and body, stability and strength, which are balanced and do not hinder each other.

The deep-sea clan is a non-human monster, so are they not?

The goddess kicked the iron plate with no deviation, and it was welded with ten steel nails!

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