Pirate Kingship

Chapter 374: More than half of the shares, double chief priest

The northeast corner of the Bantaan Islands, the holy land of the Bloodthirsty Cult, Shampoo Island.

Ever since Byron was promoted to [Night Devil Prince] a few days ago, he used the excuse of hearing Lilith's mumbling to teach a group of great wizards in the cult all his knowledge of "Genetics" and [Blood Hound].

From the high priest [Leech Lady] down, all the third-level great wizards and apprentices of the great wizards have been studying new knowledge and various fantastic gene combinations day and night.

Even Byron's cheap teacher, who just developed [Ritual Fungus Colony] and wanted to use his spores to turn all the other insect people in the cult into "Cordyceps sinensis" [Insect Swarm] is no exception.

As they delved deeper into this valuable knowledge, they have produced the following during this period:

"Beef mushrooms, Thousand Layer Tripe mushrooms, Golden Tripe mushrooms, Yogurt mushrooms. They are perfect for the hot pot that Byron taught them.

The only drawback is that when these mushrooms scream "Moo~Moo~" and run away, they need to be caught and killed immediately."

"There are also super 'sea, land and air cockroaches' that can run, fly and swim in the sea.

In cities with well-developed drainage systems, they can crawl into thousands of homes through sewers, and even sailboats on the sea cannot escape their clutches."

"The most bizarre thing is that the 'super cold-resistant mosquito' was created by the [Mosquito Mage], which filled the gap of no mosquitoes in the Old World in winter"

However, after they were accidentally struck by lightning several times when they went out, they gradually learned their lesson.

Realizing that this domestication experiment that could accidentally transform the entire world's ecosystem should not be too excessive.

You know, the motto of the wilderness sequence to which these [tamers] belong is:

"I come, I see, I conquer!"

The goal is to conquer oneself, conquer nature, and then step by step turn the vast wilderness world into a humanized world where humans can survive.

Taming wild species and turning them into biological resources that can be used by humans is their job.

So far, the style of the Bloodthirsty Cult has also begun to slowly become normal.

Yesterday, a great wizard [sea louse] whose main body is a "shrinking fish louse" who can replace the tongue of a sea monster and coexist with it invented a fish without bones.

Relying on this invention that is beneficial to humans, his own spirituality has grown a lot.

Others have also realized the core point of biological domestication and transformation - beneficial to humans.

Until today, the laboratories of [Mosquito Mage] and [Leech Lady] finally heard hearty laughter:

"Hahaha, it's done.

A brand new mosquito (leech) was born in my hands. It no longer sucks blood, but can suck fat!

Those noble ladies with fat in their heads will definitely go crazy for it."

Then the two of them rushed out of the laboratory, each holding a creature that was hard to describe in their palms, and couldn't wait to show their research results to others.

The two great wizards used the same research ideas and invented mosquitoes and leeches that can only survive by sucking fat.

Although it sounds like an invention of "eating too much", it is a great progress that there is no thunder on the head after all.

At least using these two things to open a painless slimming beauty salon can definitely make a lot of money.

In addition, if those leeches can suck fat from the body of the Mei's Leviathan whale, even the process of killing whales can be saved.

After sucking the fat, they are put back into the deep sea. When they grow fat, they come back to suck again. The sustainable use of whale oil is endless.

Maybe it is petroleum machinery. Ahem, it is the great beginning of the whale oil industrial revolution.

The high priest [Ms. Leech], who has obviously gained greater spirituality, laughed from ear to ear:

"Haha, with the first success, there will be countless times in the future.

After getting "Genetics", maybe one day I can take over the authority of [Mother of Creation] and create all things with a wave of my hand!

Everyone, a bright future is waiting for us."

Other great wizards came to congratulate after hearing the news:

"Congratulations to the high priest!"

"Under the leadership of the high priest, our Bloodthirsty Cult will surely become the leading secret society among all mankind."

"It is just around the corner to replace the church in the New World"

The Bloodthirsty Cult does not have a fourth level, but the high priest [Ms. Leech] is a third-level animal trainer and a third-level great wizard. She is the strongest and naturally sits on the position of leader.

She also relied on the insect pheromone "leech" on her body to hold a group of male "insect men" tightly.

At this moment, a charming smile hung on her beautiful face:

"The deal with the Kingdom of Hatings is worth it. This time, we can open up a new world, thanks to our No. 17 test subject Byron."

When she said this, she and all the great wizards and low-sequence apprentices on the island were stunned at the same time.

After a while, she continued:

"Where was I just talking about? Oh, it's thanks to our most wise and powerful High Priest [Sea Hunter] Mr. Byron.

Without him, we would not have our present and future!"

Others continued to echo:

"Yes, yes, under the leadership of High Priest Byron, our Bloodthirsty Cult will definitely become the leading secret society among all mankind."

"It is just around the corner to replace the church in the New World"

She actually transplanted the compliments just now to [Ms. Leech] to Byron.

Obviously, the effect of [First Stock] was triggered:

"When the final equity is greater than 50%, the ownership of the power will immediately fall into Byron's hands, regardless of personal will."

Originally, in the cognition of these black wizards, Byron had become a living follower of [Mother of Creation Lilith] in the last promotion ceremony.

Worse than the cultists of the Deep Dive Church and the Rift Monastery who are willing to sacrifice their lives for their old gods, always listening to whispers, it won't take many years for them to become a complete lunatic.

But at this moment, even the cognitive level has been corrected.

In their memory, Byron has also changed from a pathetic experiment to a contemporary high priest of the cult who is willing to dedicate himself to the "Eternal Life Plan" driven by great sentiments.

He is also their spiritual leader and life mentor!

In the experimental record of [Mosquito Mage]: "Eternal Life Plan Experiment No. 17, Baron Byron Tudor of Stromgarde" also disappeared.

In just a blink of an eye, the command of the huge Bloodthirsty Cult and eight great wizards has been named Lancaster.

The Leech Lady who abdicated voluntarily said solemnly:

"The High Priest has gone to the New World to conquer the wilderness, and it is really wrong for us to sit back and enjoy the fruits of his labor at home.

I have decided to lead a team to the New World to serve the High Priest and make beds and warm his feet. Who wants to go with me?"



The Great Wizards immediately echoed each other.

In addition, it was only a few hours later at the Skinning Church's headquarters.

"Hahaha, one person finally survived my appendectomy, one person survived.

The future of surgeons is promising, woo woo woo."

The High Priest of the Church [Murderous Doctor] Robert Liston, looking at the appendicitis patient on the operating table in front of him whose vital signs were gradually recovering, was so happy that he cried.

"I killed three people with one knife, and the shame of the 300% surgical mortality rate can finally be washed away!

Soon, we will be able to successfully create a new profession of [surgeon] in the hospital sequence."

Robert Liston's title is [Murderous Doctor], and he is especially famous for an operation with a mortality rate of 300%.

Twenty years ago, he was not a superhuman, but a mountain doctor of the "bloodletting school" without a license.

However, after witnessing the helpless death of a large number of patients, he began to study how to perform surgery.

Because he could complete an amputation without anesthesia in 28 seconds, he was nicknamed "quick knife hand".

Unfortunately, when he was operating on a patient, he accidentally cut his assistant's wrist because he moved too fast, causing the assistant to bleed to death.

Because the admission ticket was also part of the income of the operation at that time, there were many curious spectators at the scene besides the patients and assistants.

When the accident happened, a spectator who was watching the operation also died of a heart attack on the spot due to shock, and the patient who underwent the operation also died of infection after the operation.

In the end, the operation caused the death of 3 people, and Robert also achieved an unprecedented one-operation triple kill, and a 300% surgical mortality rate that no one has ever broken!

After that, after awakening his spirituality, he was determined to create a new profession of "surgeon".

However, the development and improvement of modern medicine is based on the suffering and even sacrifice of life of countless patients.

After gradually developing and improving the basic disciplines such as anatomy, anesthesiology, asepsis, and nursing, a powerful, complex, and efficient medical system was established.

How could he do it in a short period of time by himself?

He was almost caught when stealing a corpse and had no choice but to live abroad.

Until Byron borrowed the hand of the [Fairy] Rigeler to bring him the four basic disciplines of surgical medicine: anatomy, anesthesiology, asepsis, and surgical nursing.

He finally succeeded in performing the first appendectomy under anesthesia.

And without using any extraordinary abilities, he could expand the enrollment of medical students on a large scale, benefiting all ordinary patients who have no power and cannot afford extraordinary doctors.

For a moment, he was so excited that he could hardly control himself:

"The [Father of Medicine] is indeed the [Father of Medicine]. In his previous life, he must have been the god in charge of surgery in ancient times, and he was born to benefit mankind.

I must learn from the High Priest [Father of Medicine].

Following him and letting him teach me, my medical skills will surely improve by leaps and bounds!"

Obviously, the equity of another force was triggered on the spot.

So, when Byron drove the [Golden Deer] to the battlefield from afar the next day.

He has become the high priest of both the Bloodthirsty Cult and the Skinning Church!

The fishing gear is fully prepared, and now we just need to wait for the wind to rise, the clouds to gather, and the fish to come.

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