Pirate Kingship

Chapter 379 King vs. King, Peak Battle

The level of the sea monster's subjugation is linked to the six levels of sailing warships, and the rough standard is that the length of the sea monster's body and the length of the gun deck correspond one to one.

Small species correspond to level 6 and level 5 ships (over 30 meters and under 40 meters); large species correspond to level 4 and level 3 ships (usually 40 meters and 50 meters);

At the level of giant species, it is impossible to defeat it without a level 2 or level 1 battleship or an equivalent rare warship with about 100 guns.

However, it is well known that even the largest level 1 battleship in the world, the holy relic and legendary warship [Holy Trinity], has a main gun deck length of only 60 meters.

A monster with a body size of 60 meters is already the best among the giant sea monsters.

But this giant sea dragon is not only more than 100 meters long, but also seems to carry some kind of powerful dragon veins, and a bunch of black horns grow on its head, as if it is wearing a bone crown.

No one would doubt that the power is the arrival of a real dragon.

Or even if a purebred dragon went to the sea, it might not be able to defeat it.

"Get out of here!"

Ponape, the father of sharks, is a monster compared to ordinary people.

But compared to this 100-meter-long sea dragon with a big mouth that can bite a warship in half horizontally, it is just a small beef ball at best.

Even with the power of its own [false god], it has already detected the attack from underwater in advance, but it can't completely avoid this thunderous bite.


Riding the waves under his feet, he just escaped to the edge of the mouth, and the big mouth suddenly closed.

Ponape hurriedly raised the scepter in his hand that was taller than him, and blocked an irresistible bite force like a landslide.

Then he fell heavily into the sea with this deep-sea king.


[Deep-sea King] has almost reached the extreme of physical strength in this world, and its frontal combat power is far superior to that of its master Barbarossa Hayreddin.

In countless wars in the past, no matter it was a superhuman, a warship or other sea monster, nothing could withstand its bite.

It is the true synonym of death in the sea!

Just when the Barbary pirates on the pirate flagship once again cheered for the power of their own [Deep Sea Hades].


A long whale song that could not be heard by human ears but could not stop echoing in the depths of everyone's heart suddenly came from underwater.

Woo woo woo.

Above the battlefield, the sun that had just appeared suddenly darkened again, and then the wind and clouds gathered, thunder rolled, and the sails of the entire fleet were pulled up on the spot.

Some pirate ships had no time to retract the top sails, and even half of the masts were instantly broken.

As a deep blue divine light shone, the water rolled violently, and there was another behemoth that was not inferior to the sea dragon at all. Suddenly, the waves exploded and jumped out from the bow of the pirate flagship.

"Hua La La" a heavy rain fell in the sky.

Many craftsmen in the fleet who had seen the relevant images in the "Key of Omniscience" in the public library all gasped:

"Mei's Leviathan Giant Whale?!"

"So big!!!"

In the population of Mei's Leviathan Giant Whale, even the size of ordinary individuals is very close to the size of a small sea monster with a body length of 30 meters.

However, because they only eat microscopic creatures such as small fish and shrimps, and use them as a medium to absorb a large amount of source from the source sea outside the world rift and store it in their whale oil.

According to biological common sense, they are not high in the food chain, and their strength must not be much stronger than those herbivores.

But the monster transformed by [Father of Sharks] not only has a body size far beyond that of ordinary Mei's Leviathan Giant Whale, but also reaches the level of 100 meters.

Its mouth is full of terrifying teeth like Megalodon, and there are six scarlet eyes on its head.

It's just that the fins on his body are really messy. Except for a pair of pelvic fins that are relatively symmetrical, there are many deformed fins all over his body.

It makes people wonder if this is a radioactive fish.

Byron, who had been staring at the battlefield, frowned when he saw his appearance:

"Although this [Father of Sharks] seems to have stronger absolute power, his spiritual stability is obviously far inferior to [Demon Nightmare of the Abyss] Dagon.

They are all leaders of the old gods' followers and are both fifth-level pseudo-gods.

The difference between them is that one has the [Mask of Godhead] to anchor the godhood, while the other does not. It cannot anchor an independent group like the Beidiwan people and can only rely on itself for everything.

I don't know where Pohnpei and the members of his Rift Monastery came from. When they were still human, they were natives of the New World, or immigrants from somewhere."

Seeing the appearance of the Father of Sharks, Byron couldn't help but ring a long alarm bell in his heart.

Taking the path of pursuing immortality in the Bloodline Original, even if you are promoted to [Pseudo-God], you can't rest easy. There is still a risk of losing control of your spirituality.

The dark wizards who want to take advantage of the old gods are like a group of herbalists who pick herbs year after year on the edge of a cliff with a rope tied to them.

The balance of power is only temporary, and the vertical downward force of gravity is eternal!

They keep picking herbs to replenish themselves. Once they ignore the safety of the ropes on their bodies, as their bodies become heavier and heavier, the ropes will break one day and they will fall into the abyss.

Not to mention the fifth-level [false gods], even the [old gods] who were once high and mighty can fall from the throne and become a corpse that sleeps forever.

Only the Creator survived.

If you want to live long in this world, a stable [anchor] is always the first priority.

The Father of Sharks naturally didn't know that he had set a negative example again. He opened his huge mouth and rumbled:

"Under the great Leviathan, there can only be one master of the sea, and that is me, the Father of Sharks!

A short-lived species with a lifespan of only a few decades dares to claim to stand in the sky?

It's really as ridiculous as a clown!"

The giant whale that was transformed suddenly swung its tail in mid-air, trying to smash the forecastle built by the Pirate King.

[The Ladder of Glory] wins in stability, but it is weak in absolute power.

Most of the Pirate King's strength lies in that Sea Dragon. Even if he shares the various abilities of his sea monster army, he may suffer a great loss if he goes head-to-head with such a monster.

Fortunately, [Deep Sea Hades] arrived in time and threw the Father of Sharks back into the sea.

The wind was howling overhead, the clouds were hanging low, and the whole sea began to surge violently again.

The two terrifying beasts that were hard to find in the world did not use any fancy supernatural powers, but used the purest violence, entangled and bit each other and fell rapidly into the deep sea.

The aftermath of the battle was transmitted from time to time, causing a large area of ​​nearby sea to tremble slightly, like a series of miniature submarine earthquakes.

At this time, the "working fish" who were recruited by the father of the group of sharks and had to join the battlefield to fight with humans also rushed into the colonial fleet.

When marine creatures attack warships, it is of course most convenient to attack the bottom of the ship.

It's a pity that although they are no longer afraid of dragon dung potions, and the human side did not make any unnecessary moves, they are not completely unprepared.

The working fish just entered the fleet range and ran into the underwater pirate king's [King's Left Hand] Guards Sea Monster Corps.

When humans deal with sea monsters, they can only send out warships. Although they are marine creatures, their individual combat power is still far behind that of sea monsters.


Opening their bloody mouths, they are full of oil.

Sea Monster Corps: "Thanks to nature for the gift, thank you for the seafood buffet given to us by the sea! Hiccup~"

There are too many seafoods, and they have never fought such a battle that is so easy to get full in their lives.

The title special effect of [Ocean Throne] is called: "Command Sea Monsters".

Under normal circumstances, whether it is a trainer or a transcendent of other routes, their own carrying capacity is limited.

Just like Byron at the third level, he can only bear a large sea monster, Ammonite Snail.

But [Ocean Throne] relies on its own title special effect, and its carrying capacity is ten or a hundred times that of others, which is why it can successfully create its own [King's Left Hand] Sea Monster Corps.

Moreover, a king title like Barbaros Hayreddin, who fought his way up from the bottom step by step, is obviously much more powerful than the king title inherited by Byron's uncle [Mad King] Henry VI.

Just the core military force directly controlled in his hands is enough to fight a war of annihilation.

If it was the Ocean Throne that was attacked by the "Touch of the Kraken" on that stormy night in the Strait of Dover, he and the sea monster army might have been able to resist it by force and would not have been dragged into the "Shipwreck Graveyard" at all.

"Boarding, attack from the water!"

The commander of the Rift Monastery could only blow the conch and issue orders.

Order the cannon fodder to drown the stomach of the sea monster army and the ships on the water with a huge number far exceeding that of humans.

The sea surface bulged, and the windless waves rolled up the countless working fish and hit the deck several meters high.

The adventurers and pirates who can get here are all experienced old sea dogs, including third-level and even fourth-level mid-sequence extraordinary people.

While the broadside guns were bombarding the marine creatures on the water, the sailors had already been on the deck ready for battle.

"Musketeers, fire!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The area where the fleet was located was already within the range of the rift seal plug, and the defensive power of the [Ripple Barrier] on the cultist whale people dropped sharply.

Living in the rich demon area and even in the source sea for many years, they were very uncomfortable with this environment.

Even if they had thick skin and flesh, they could not withstand the dense shooting of projectiles, and the special attack weapon fired by the extraordinary people - harpoon.

Almost in an instant, the blood dyed the entire battlefield red.

"Follow me."

"Kill, kill, kill"

The battlefield covered by the rift seal plug was far from the level of the dead demon, at most it was similar to the old continent, and the extraordinary people who were very adapted to it took the lead in the charge.

Waving the well-forged strange swords and knives, they rushed forward and almost suppressed the army of marine creatures with whale people as grassroots officers.

The Rift Order was at a disadvantage in a blink of an eye and began to retreat step by step.

However, the evil cults standing in front of the human colonial fleet were not one but two.

[Abyss Nightmare] Dagon also understood the principle of the lips and teeth being cold, and after [Father of Sharks] Pohnpei took the lead, they did not continue to sit and watch the show.


The southwest of the battlefield where blood and fire intertwined suddenly became foggy, and then reflected a huge city with a strange shape.

It looked cold and damp, completely different from any place in the old continent.

The unprecedented spatial structure and dimensional size made humans feel strongly disgusted at a glance.

The densely packed buildings are all made of huge, slippery green stones that seem to come from the seabed, with dizzyingly high stone carvings, magnificent statues and gorgeous reliefs.

But both the statues and reliefs are engraved with disgusting sticky tentacles, giving people a strong sense of discomfort as if they have fallen into a tentacle nest.

If you stare at it for a little longer, you will have the illusion that the tentacles have drilled into your brain through your mouth, eyes and ears.

At first glance, they thought they had encountered a mirage, but when the gunners on an unknown ship fired a shot at it, they realized that it was not an illusion.

It was the real old god's mansion-Luo Yan City!

In the old god's dream of the nightmare triangle, distance has no meaning to this city.

As long as Dagon, the [Abyss Nightmare] who is the city's guard, wants it, he can make it appear anywhere instantly.

The three parties set out from one corner and reunited on the battlefield in the center.

"Is this the secret place on the new continent mentioned in the intelligence? It can move?"

"We didn't go looking for it, but it came to kill us? Something's wrong!"

The others in the colonial fleet were facing a great enemy, but Byron was like a feast.

This was his first time seeing Luoyan City with his own eyes. Not only did his sanity not drop like the others, but he thought that thing looked delicious.

Violett, who was almost figuring out Byron's fetish, had already prepared a handkerchief and carefully wiped the crystal from his mouth.

Speaking of which, "tentacle fetish" is not entirely a side effect. In some cases, it can be regarded as a mental gain.

It would be a pity if it was eliminated together with the promotion to the fourth level.

However, the most dangerous thing now is not Luoyan City and the corpse of the old god deep in the dream.

It is a dragon-headed battleship that looks small but has an amazing momentum - [Legendary Battleship·Wanmin Dragon Head Ship·Hall of Valor]!

It was just a ship moving forward alone, but the adventurers seemed to see a huge army.

Long ago, most of the Silver Continent was devastated by the Dragon Head Ship of the Bay People. At that time, this ship had already stopped countless children from crying as the [Holy Relic·First Pirate Ship].

Now it has disappeared for hundreds of years and reappeared. Except for Iron Anchor Bay, everyone else has long forgotten its former power.

The nearest pirate ships were about to fire at it.

A pair of bloody eyes on the dragon head of the bow flashed, and a black and red light wave swept across one kilometer in an instant.

The next moment, with the legendary battleship as the center, dozens of pirate ships within a kilometer range slowly gave birth to an illusory dragon head, and then. All rebelled.

They turned their guns automatically and fired at friendly ships!

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