Pirate Kingship

Chapter 381 Everyone, I have a good idea: chain iron chains!

In the roaring storm, the nightmare projection of Kraken's Touch meandered along the seafloor, dyeing the entire sea area pure black.

It seems that if you are not careful, you will slip and fall into the abyss.

The last time Jörmungandr's plot to sacrifice the International Port failed, there is only one "Kraken Touch" in the material world so far.

When the Taya Empire fell, they took advantage of the situation and sacrificed a large number of people so that they could hold the "birth of the Son of God" ceremony where I gave birth to myself.

And after losing control of the "Iron Nail of Destruction", he wandered around the North Sea all day long, punishing all those who were treacherous, making his reputation as the "North Sea Monster" even louder and louder.

The tentacles that appeared in this nightmare scene were just the most profound nightmare projections in the consciousness of the Lancasters during their lifetime, and their power was obviously much inferior to the original version.

It is difficult to kill, devour, and digest all at once, and make the attacked person completely disappear from the world.

Of course, there are also advantages that the original "Kraken's Touch" cannot compare with, that is, there are people behind the scenes who can adapt to changes.

The leading battleship, in that huge cabin comparable to a palace.

In addition to the fifth-level [Abyss Demon] Dagon, the most powerful [Nightmare] Jörmungandr among the fourth-level mythical creatures held his magic book and said solemnly:

"Without the true Son of God's 'Kraken's Touch', it would be difficult for my Lord's power to fully extend to the material world, and the pulling force would not be comparable to Lancaster's night of destruction.

Moreover, we did not sacrifice the corresponding groups in advance to anchor their group characteristics.

In addition, the scale of the colonial fleet is too large and the composition of the personnel is too complicated. Unlike the direct male members of the Lancaster family, the total number of them is only a dozen, so they cannot be dealt with in the same way as Red Rose.

I think the core killing rules should be changed. "

Everyone else felt that Jormungandr was right and nodded in agreement.

In order to spy on the enemy's situation first-hand in the enemy's headquarters, Byron had already connected to the senses of the goddess Freya at the first opportunity.

Upon hearing this, his heart suddenly moved, and he gave an order to his [Wild Hunt Servant].

Immediately, the [God of Love and Beauty] who charmed the gods suddenly spoke and said his proposal as if nothing had happened:

"Guys, I have a plan.

Due to the rules of the secret realm, there are so many ghost battleships in the shipwreck cemetery that cannot be directly placed in the material world to defend against enemies. It is better for us to graft the nightmare projection into my Lord's stomach.

Since the pulling power of the nightmare projection is not enough, let those ghost battleships, which are like food scraps, help pull the nightmare projection together.

Use iron chains to bind the two parties together so that they can use up each other's strength to help my Lord digest.

Anyway, there are rules in Luoyan City, and all spiritual things can only enter but not exit, unless the other party's strength and anchorage are greater than my lord.

This situation is obviously impossible.

If this is the case, then what are you afraid of?

Jormungandr, didn't you summon the ghost fleet at the International Port last time and let them float from the deep dream to the shallow dream to directly attack the material world?

This time it should be easy with your ability, right? "

The latter was so aroused by the beauty's slightly worshipful and seductive look that his heart skipped a beat.

The charm of the [God of Love and Beauty] comes from its own power and has nothing to do with the hobbies and aesthetics of the person being charmed.

As long as she wanted to, even slimes and paramecia would love her to death.

Although Jörmungandr, who is also at the fourth level, has high resistance, he subconsciously does not want to reject Freya's "small" request.

Besides, there was absolutely no problem with her proposal, and none of the high-ranking sect members present had any objections.

So Jormungandr nodded without thinking:

"I was able to do it by myself last time, so with your help this time it will be no problem."

He saw colorful [Nightmare Aura] blooming in his palm, slapped it on the thick cover of "Luoyan City Textbook", manually adjusted the rules and said:

“Order: Graft Lancaster’s genocide nightmare to Luoyan City.

The core killing rules of Luoyan City: The dreamland is divided into three layers, the shallow layer, the deep layer, and the lost layer. The water surface is the dividing line between the three layers of dreams.

The sea surface is one layer, the water in Luoyan City is one layer, and the bottom layer of the submarine salt pond in the shipwreck cemetery is one layer.

Every time a land creature falls into the water, it will passively fall into a deeper dreamland, until it reaches the dividing line between the Lost Realm and the Sea of ​​Origin, which is where our Lord's true body is. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the nightmare projection from the outside world immediately responded.

Directly under the dark shadow under the water, the scene in Luoyan City suddenly became much clearer.

This shows that Luoyan City, which is half in a dream and half in reality, is closer to reality.

Then one after another, ghost battleships covered in will-o'-the-wisps emerged from the shipwreck cemetery onto the streets of Luoyan City soaked in sea water.

Most of them come from the North Sea and belong to various "treacherous" forces, but a considerable number of them come from the world of the dead at the "edge of the world".

The only exception was the "Thornhead" [Blue Dragon King], which was still left in the shipwreck cemetery.

Jormungandr is not stupid. They caused a huge stir at the International Port last time. How could he let them out to cause trouble again this time?

Even those ghost ships from the world of the dead were the ones he deliberately opened the portal to dreams and the edge of the world to teach the Blue Dragon King a lesson and give them a way to slowly bleed out (Chapter 312).

In addition, they did not forget to leave the few remaining Channel Fleet warships of the York family in the shipwreck graveyard.

Let the Lancasters find something to do, so that they don’t have nowhere to vent their energy and come to make trouble again.

By the way, they also firmly hung an indestructible "iron chain" on the [Blue Dragon King].

In fact, they are essentially the tentacles of the [Sleeping God]. They were born from the power of the old god, and only instincts remained after He fell into sleep.

The characteristic is that they are like turtles, and they will never let go once they bite.

Guaranteed to be strong, even Jörmungandr himself can't let go.

Anyway, with the "iron chain plan" proposed by the goddess, those sailboats on the water can't win the tug-of-war game, and sooner or later they will have a "gastrointestinal day trip" in the stomach of the old god.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

On the stormy sea, the colonial fleet, which had already gained the upper hand and could sooner or later eliminate the army of marine creatures, immediately sounded the alarm bell in the face of such an unknown nightmare.

"Look underwater, what is that?"

A scream suddenly came from a Barbary pirate ship that suffered the heaviest losses and had the fewest personnel in a series of battles.

Other nearby ships saw countless hazy tentacles that seemed to be made of black mist in their spiritual vision, spreading up from the deep sea and drilling into the bodies of everyone on the ship without hindrance.

Even the [Pirate Ten Commandments] on the ship, which was anchored with the Silver Law and connected everyone together, instantly became dim.

A creepy scene then took place.

The crew on the pirate ship lowered their heads, their eyes were dull, and they lined up to the edge of the deck like sleepwalkers, and jumped into the turbulent sea one after another.

Plop! Plop!

It was as if they jumped directly from the ship into another space. Only the sound of entering the water was heard, but there was not even a splash of water.

When all the crew members disappeared, the empty pirate ship suddenly sank and disappeared on the sea.

The tragedy of the stormy night in the Strait of Dover was staged again.

The rules of this wave of nightmare killings were obviously more direct and violent, just a simple tug-of-war game.

As long as you win those ghost ships and the old gods, you can live, and if you lose, you will definitely die.

But even the Lancaster royal family lost at the beginning, how could they win by themselves?

Sure enough, those black tentacles kept emerging from the water, dragging colonial warships one by one into the underwater "stomach of the old gods".

Just like the [Blue Dragon King] at the beginning, all ships had no resistance in this nightmare.

As the pirate ships and crew fell into the shallow dream - the Luoyan City soaked in the sea water, most of them were blown up on the spot, and continued to sink into the sea water and fall into the deep dream - the shipwreck cemetery, becoming a sacrifice to the sleeping god.


The other adventurers and pirates who had not been targeted could not help but gasp when they saw this scene, and subconsciously moved away from the side of the ship.

"I remember, this is the existence beyond the standard, the North Sea giant Kraken!

The Red Rose Lancaster Family of the Kingdom of Hattings and the First Fleet of the Channel Fleet of the White Rose York Family were completely annihilated by it.

This is something that human power cannot fight against at all."

"Old God, this is a certain Old God attacking us!

Where is the Pirate King? Hasn't he dealt with the enemy yet?"

Adventurers wander around the edge of the wilderness all day long, and they are the group of people who know the underwater truth best in this world.

Others don't know what the Old God is, and only refer to it as an existence beyond the standard, but most of them have had some contact with it.

So they are more aware of their horror.

All adventurers have heard a motto from their predecessors when they came overseas:

"We must always remember that the common laws, interests and emotions of mankind are meaningless in the infinitely vast world.

Every step away from the Silver Continent is a step closer to chaos.

When we cross the boundaries of reason and the dam of the soul and enter the boundless unknown world, we must leave our humanity and all common sense behind.

Compared with those ancient beings that spanned the entire human history, we are humble, small and ignorant.

They are natural phenomena in the extraordinary world, and they are also disasters themselves!

Any contact with them is extremely dangerous."

The adventurers had never expected that the map would jump from the Bantaan Islands to the New World in one step, and the danger level in the middle would increase exponentially.

The first battle after arriving in the New World would actually usher in a head-on attack from the super-standard existence of the Old God.

In an instant, the destined death seemed to have descended on everyone's head.

Relying on manpower to wrestle with the Old God?

It's almost the same as pulling the people of a country to play tug-of-war.

If the adventurers hadn't known that even if they escaped now, they could only live two more days at most.

On July 4, the moon began to be full and the power of the Nightmare Triangle was restored. They might fall into the sea of ​​​​source on the spot and die even more miserably than now.

Maybe a large-scale rout has already begun.

"Captain, it's bad, He is coming, He is coming!"


A strong wind with a fishy smell blew around.

Another old acquaintance of Byron, the Butterflyfish, which returned to the colony with the Jackdaw to provide support, also met its own doom.

The blue-haired, 220-centimeter-tall female captain [Ice Witch] Jeanne Sayida saw countless illusory tentacles under the water gradually wrapping around her adventure ship.

Holding back the fear in his heart and the auditory hallucinations in his ears, he activated his ice breath with the strength of a third-level wizard.


But even if the sea water was instantly frozen under the biting cold wave, it had no effect on those tentacles.

There is also a tentacle extending from the "Shipwreck Cemetery" in the deep dreamland. It is extremely thick and much stronger than the other tentacles.

Seeing that the [Butterfly Fish] was about to be dragged into the stomach of the old god along with the previous victims.

When death is imminent, even an inhuman being who practices the forbidden knowledge [Secret Box of Ice] and takes the path of a frost giant cannot help but tremble.

"Am I, Jeanna Sayida, going to die now? God, save me!"

But at this time.

Suddenly a golden light flashed in front of her eyes, like a rising warm sun shooting rapidly from behind the fleet, and the wind and rain in the sky were giving way to it.

It turned out that the [Golden Deer] was carried by a gust of wind, and violently knocked away the adventure ship that was about to be entangled, but instead it was tightly entangled by the tentacles.

"Your Majesty the Governor!!!"

Jeanne Saida's eyes instantly turned red after she saw many intrigues with the [Ice Witch] on the sea, and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

[Sea Hunter] Byron Tudor is a well-known good man, but to be so "good" that he sacrifices himself to serve others is simply inhuman!

Others who witnessed this scene doubted whether they had witnessed the reincarnation of the "Holy Spirit".

But he could only shake his head and sigh:

"Unless the sea hunter really possesses the power of the Holy Spirit, he will just die in vain. What a pity for a good man."

Jormungandr, who was always watching the battlefield, was overjoyed:

"It turned out to be Sea Hunter and his [Golden Deer]? Although it was two days later than I expected, they finally arrived.

However, is this another symptom of the Great Good Man’s disease?

Hahaha, good mistake! I finally caught you. Now let’s see how you die. Just go to the shipwreck cemetery for me! "

Byron, who was a hook, had a calm face. He heard Jörmungandr's wanton laughter through the ears of the goddess, and sneered back in his heart:

"No, I caught you."

He took the initiative to grab the thick tentacle extending from the [Blue Dragon King].

With a wave of his hand, he took a photo of the "New World Development, Trade, Tourism, and Fishing Crowdfunding Project Equity Contract" signed with the names of Edward IV and a group of senior officials of the York Party.

At the same time, after Byron heard the whispers about the "Holy Spirit" from other adventure ships, his heart moved, and an "angel" aperture from [Narukami] exploded above his head, looking up to the sky and roaring:

"O Creator, if you have mercy on all living beings and acknowledge my loyalty to you, please send a miracle for me and the Golden Deer!"

Then, countless densely packed tentacles under the water were caught off guard and were suddenly pulled to stagger.

The onlookers' eyes widened and their mouths all opened in an "O" shape.

"Oh my god!"

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