Pirate Kingship

Chapter 393 The Taste of a Witch Wait, how is this going to unfold?

a minute ago.

After taking a bath tonight, Violet put on a white silk nightgown similar to Byron's couple's style. She wore a pair of white bare feet with bright blue toes and stepped on a pair of teak slippers. She returned early and was about to be transformed into The laboratory bedroom continues to be busy.

The whale oil technology extracted from Pohnpei's brain was studied and analyzed overnight.

The focus is not on the core of the whale oil revolution, the "Whale Oil Power Furnace", which is not her area of ​​expertise, but on another subject, "Whale Oil Military Technology."

The "Mercury Thunder" research project assigned to her by Byron had encountered resistance, its stability was not up to standard, and there was no result.

Stimulated by Jacqueline's exclusive BGM "Katyusha", she was eager to achieve a breakthrough in another direction.

Create a song that can be paired with this auxiliary battle song to achieve the dreamy effect of "I am invincible in the world with exclusive background music" as Byron said.

Moreover, as a [Gunsmith] who has reached the promotion threshold, Violet may be promoted to the fourth level on the spot once she makes a breakthrough in the military industry.

By the light of a whale oil lamp.

She has long shining silver hair tied back into a cute bun, with tortoiseshell glasses on her nose. Her bright eyes are as cute and harmless as a deer, but the words that come out of her mouth clearly reveal her identity as the "Disaster Witch":

“The technology tree of whale oil technology is divided into many lines just like the sequence of the ladder of glory.

Even though we had the first-mover advantage as the vanguard, our personal energy was limited, so choosing which route to climb became the top priority.

Once you choose the wrong route, decades of hard work may be in vain.

Besides, as long as the military industry is well developed, isn’t my neighbor’s technology also my technology?

Let me say, the new name for Byron in their mouths should also change.

Pioneer of the whale oil power revolution? wrong!

Whale oil pioneer of the military-industrial revolution? right! whee."

Under the bright light, the girl's white nightdress showed a mist-like translucent texture, outlining her body curves into a pleasing and perfect silhouette.

Just quietly admiring her back is a great pleasure.

Suddenly, a sea breeze blew outside the window. The experimental equipment found on the island seemed to be of poor quality, and a test tube clamp suddenly came loose.

Violet was probably too focused and didn't realize it right away. When she came back to her senses, it was too late to help, so she pinched her ears immediately.

At this time, another gust of wind blew in from the window.

"Plop!" Byron, in an almost crawling posture, managed to grab the test tube in his hand before it fell to the ground.


Then he took a deep breath and got up from the ground again.

Then he accidentally discovered that the test tube contained a tube of colorless and transparent liquid with some sparkling clear liquid, which was obviously not dangerous whale oil.

Just as he was about to put it in front of his nose and take a whiff, the [Logbook] showed that it was Violet's whale-girl saliva, and he quickly stopped.

He turned around and saw that there were blood, seawater, and lard brought on the ship in other test tubes on the table. A bottle also contained several mosquitoes and leeches that specialized in liposuction. They were obviously conducting comparative experiments to prepare for painless removal later. Prepare for oil technology.

Seeing the nervous look on his face, Violet put down her little hands holding her ears and smiled:

"You don't think I'm making explosives in my bedroom, do you?

Okay, okay, relax, I am as afraid of death as you are, how could I do such a crazy thing? "

Byron stepped forward and put the test tube back in place, then reached out and scratched the tip of the girl's nose angrily.

He was really scared by those two gangs of "mad scientists".

When I saw the thick pile of research notes on the table, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her work so hard that she forgot all about food and sleep.

He stretched out his arms and gently wrapped them around the girl's waist, which looked slender but was actually as strong as a piece of steel. He looked into her eyes and said with concern:

"My eldest lady, just do the research slowly. Even if you can't do it, we can just go and grab it. What if you are exhausted?

If Mr. [Whale Hunter] saw it, he would think that I was squeezing your labor force.

You don’t have to work so hard, I’m here for everything. "

Looking at Byron's handsome face so close, Violet spit out her pink tongue at him, smiling so that her eyebrows were as crescent-shaped:

“Because the things I like are all expensive, the places I want to go are far away, and the person I love is perfect!

I am three years older than you and two years older than Catherine. I made it clear at the beginning that I would be your sister with Catherine, and that I would protect you with double my hobbies.

But we have been through so many things together but we have always been protected.

However, even if my thighs are not thick enough for you to hold, I don't want to hold you back.

After looking at it, I can’t eat my beauty. I don’t have many other strengths. I am only good at alchemy. How can I do it if I don’t work hard to catch up with you?

I must be promoted to the fourth level Hero Craftsman before you. This time, I will protect you! "

Byron actually wanted to say: "Although your legs are not thick enough, there are many of them. I would prefer all eight legs in black and white." ’

But when their eyes met, I smelled the fresh and pleasant fragrance of gardenia on the girl's body, and suddenly my mouth felt dry and my tongue felt a little stiff.

In the past, due to the blood feud on his back, Byron was not in much mood to fall in love.

Now that the [Blue Dragon King] has been successfully fished out from the belly of the old god, most of the pressure on his body has suddenly gone away.

In this state, it would be abnormal for a great young man of eighteen or nineteen years old with an inhuman body to not have any wild ideas.

It’s almost the same as the [Incompetent One] from the Kingdom of Castile.

Then, he suddenly felt that the little witch in front of him, with whom he had a soul-match and whom he had lived and died with many times, smelled so good, from the inside out.

However, Miss Witch obviously thinks he smells better!

A dark blue tentacle stretched out from under the girl's nightgown, quietly wrapped around his calf, which was as strong as a steel column, and rubbed it gently.


Byron's body suddenly trembled and he couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Violet's starry blue eyes were slightly blurred, and she breathed into his ear in a narrow voice:

"Byron, sister wants to buy you a drink of tequila. Do you want to drink it?"

The latter's mouth was dry and he thought it would be a good time to drink some wine to calm down the fire. He was still looking around blankly:

"Tequila? It's a little strong, and I don't see you have any here. Hmm."

The next moment, Violet's white jade-like arms were wrapped around his neck, she stood on tiptoes, and blocked his mouth with her cherry-colored crystal lips.

Of course there was no tequila in Violet's room, but there was an agave-shaped curse mark on the base of her tongue.

More intoxicating than real wine.

Byron was not slow to react, and he picked up his beloved girl with his backhand, placing his hands under her hips so that she was as tall as him.

The girl looks slender and graceful, but when she is really held in her arms, she can truly understand what it means to be thin where she should be thin, and fat where she should be fat, and it feels wonderful to the touch.

Although Violet's figure has matured unexpectedly after her bloodline sublimated, her height has not changed much and is still only 165cm.

As long as she didn't transform into a "whale girl", she would be more than a head shorter than Byron. When he picked her up and kissed her, her feet suddenly left the ground, her crystal toes couldn't help but straighten, and a pair of teak slippers clicked. "Bata" fell to the ground.

His heartbeat quickened instantly, and he felt as if all the strength in his body was about to be sucked dry by Byron, the Night Demon Prince.

After just a moment, she relied on her [quick words] to turn the tables, making Byron's eyes grow wider and wider.

Because their mouths were too busy, they were reluctant to let each other's first kiss end too quickly, and the spiritual aura blended together.

Violet's confused voice immediately sounded in Byron's heart:

"Byron, isn't your [White Frost] no longer in use?"

Byron was also confused as to why the girl suddenly asked about the unrelated [White Frost] when he was doing business.

"No need, what's wrong?"

The girl twisted her body as if she was uncomfortable:

"The hilt of your sword is hitting me, and it's getting worse and worse."

"There's no hilt."

The two people were confused and parted their lips reluctantly. Under the bright whale oil lamp, there was a shining water line connected to the corners of their lips, and their cheeks couldn't help but blush.

Together they lowered their heads and looked down slowly.


The young couple who just gave each other their first kiss have been together day and night for a long time.

But at most they only hold hands and hug each other, and they are still in a fighting state, without many charming emotions.

This time is obviously very different.

Violet subconsciously exclaimed a little.

But she is worthy of the title of Princess of the Bay People, and is far more courageous than those Shuyuan from a famous family.

Although the flawless white jade cheeks were burning with red glow, not only was he not afraid, but his big bright eyes were also full of eagerness to try.

He raised his head and stared into Byron's eyes, regained his iceberg beauty appearance in front of outsiders, and said seriously:

"Byron, if a sailor wants to perform his duties normally, he needs to master at least fifty different knotting methods in order to quickly repair damaged sail rigging during battle.

On a battlefield where the clouds are overcast and there is no moonlight, it is impossible to turn on the lights, so this skill requires proficiency to the point of disassembling and assembling firearms while blindfolded.

If you don't practice for one day, your skills will be slow; if you don't practice for two days, your kungfu will be halved; if you don't practice for three days, you will become a layman.

We should practice this skill often in the future.

Now, how about starting tonight? "

As he spoke, the tentacles under the skirt not only did not let go of Byron, but instead appeared more and more, wrapped around him tighter and tighter, and slowly slid up his trouser legs.

[Night Devil Prince] Side effects: "You will have a strong temptation to certain humans, non-humans, grotesques, and evil spirits.

Equivalent to a reverse succubus physique, when intimately interacting with a partner of the opposite sex, it will gradually strengthen the other person's life essence.

A series of miraculous effects such as permanent youth, physical strengthening, spiritual growth, etc. appear.

If your partner is not strong-willed, he is very likely to ask for more than you can and have the urge to drain you completely.

All in all, the smell on you smells very nourishing, it’s simply heavenly! "

That’s what the logbook says, and [Witch] Miss Violet obviously feels the same way at this time.

His face was serious, but his blue eyes were sparkling with a hint of charming pink.

Byron swallowed hard, the taste of the witch still lingered on his teeth and cheeks, but the development of things suddenly exceeded his expectations.

"It's so exciting, why do you have to play so big right from the start?"

Although he does not object to getting closer to Violet, or in other words, after confirming the relationship, he still has some special expectations for this day.

But they are going to play so big right from the start? Fifty ways to tie knots? And it seems that he is the one who is tied up by fifty ways. Byron feels that he is not fully prepared.

This is not a tentacle girl, it is clearly a silk cave.

Maybe today he will be sucked alive by the witch sister Violet.

The days of holding his old waist and making "hissing hissing" in his mouth seem to be waving to him.

Just when Byron was a little hesitant about whether he should resist or enjoy it.

Woof! Woof!

Suddenly, two dog barks with a strong wolf flavor came from the shadow.

Byron's face straightened, and he quickly held down Violet's little hand that had begun to touch his strong chest.

"Pause for a moment, an uninvited guest has landed on the island!"

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