Pirate Kingship

Chapter 396 Deep Sea Whale Hunting: Standard Whale Oil Company

[Phantom in the Bottle] suddenly left during the last window of the bridgehead, which was just an insignificant episode for most people in the colonial fleet.

Anyway, everyone has signed the "Wild Development Order" together, just like an invention patent, it has a protection period of at least 20 years.

Latercomers must respect the hard work of these pioneers, and even if they are stronger, they cannot forcibly encroach on the other party's development results.

Even if the pioneers die unexpectedly in the subsequent exploration, the industry and related interests under his name will be inherited by the designated heirs under the fairness of the [Silver Law].

Naturally, there is no worry that the lonely [Sailboat Collector] will cause any more trouble.

Some people continue to build permanent shelters, whale oil workshops, and even colonial towns, while others have already gone out to sea to start the long-awaited whaling business.

They want to try to fill the cargo hold with precious whale oil before the end of the month, so that the logistics support personnel who arrive later can seize the opportunity and get the first pot of gold in the whale oil power revolution.

This kind of wind that can blow up pigs is rare, and anyone who misses it is a fool.

The [Golden Deer] is naturally among them.

They have even gone one step further than others.

Thanks to the "West Wind Express Celestial Circulation Belt No. 1 Post Station" on the Great Bear Islands on the north side of the Celestial Circulation Belt, whaling ships and caravans arrived at the No. 1 Island Whale Song Town early this morning, injecting vitality into this whaling town.

Many equipment and facilities that had just been suspended for a few days were restarted by them.

"Lay down the boats!"

Byron stood on the rear deck of the Golden Deer and gave an order. The sailors immediately used the pulley group to flatten the thick davits and lowered several small boats full of part-time whalers into the sea.

Unlike what many ordinary people imagine, you don't actually need a very large ship when fighting deep-sea monsters like whales.

Using a small two-masted sailboat or even a sloop as a transportation platform, combined with a few rowing boats, is completely sufficient for this job.

However, the small whaling boats would not put the boats on the deck, but would drag them at the stern with ropes.

The three boats immediately locked onto a nearby giant that was nearly 30 meters long and was breathing leisurely.

A group of Deathwing guards paddled quickly, leaving a white water line behind the boats, and quickly surrounded it.

Before they could get close, the honest man Eight Fingers, Phantom Blade Gus, and Blood Red Whiskey Alfred, who had been eager to fight, each held a harpoon, stepped on the bow of the boat with their military boots, and jumped high.


The bow sank down fiercely, stirring up huge water splashes like thunder.

Before the water splashes fell, the three of them had already landed on the back of the giant whale at the same time like a meteor, aiming the harpoon in their hands at the heart and stabbing it hard into its body.

Before the giant whale swung its tail in pain to counterattack, they jumped back into the water in advance, stepped on the crest of the wave in the state of "heart flow", and retreated far away.

"So strong!"


Fighting with this kind of giant beast in close combat always makes the brave sailors excited. Seeing the three people succeed in one strike, the other crew members cheered for them.

No one cares about this feat that ordinary people may risk their lives to complete. For them, the third-level extraordinary people, it is as easy as eating and drinking.

Byron also knows that they just think whaling is a bit new and purely for fun. They will get bored soon.

As for using only the most primitive harpoon hunting instead of the concrete "Tornado Jet Armstrong Spinning Cannon", it is not intentional to show off.

It is because the [Naturalists] and [Prophet] of the Tower Sequence have summarized the corresponding "Whaling Ground Taboos" here:

"1. There is a certain regularity in the arrival of whales. The best whaling season is from May to September every year in the Rift Trench. The number of Mei's Leviathan whales is the largest, and whaling is also the safest during this period.

2. Whalers can only use the most primitive manpower and harpoons to manually hunt whales. Any "whaling artifact" driven by gunpowder or whale oil will cause unknown consequences.

Including but not limited to: the sudden head-breaking wave breaks the whaling ship in half, [Grotesque·Skeleton Whale Fall] launches an endless deep-sea revenge, and [Grotesque·Ghost Whale] sings whale songs and takes away all the living people in a sea area.

3. Stop having sex three days in advance to purify your heart. If possible, it is best to carry a whale Bone amulet, let this sea area mistake you as their own people, can eliminate most of the unexpected risks.

4. When you encounter a whale carcass that has been dead for more than one day, don't get close to it with any mentality of picking up bargains.

Unless you want to take off on the spot, and the flying height will be closer to heaven than everyone else.

5. Attention! Mei's Leviathan whale is definitely not pure white. If you encounter a pure white giant white whale, please flee immediately and never attract its attention in any way.

The thing with the appearance of "white whale" usually only indiscriminately attacks whaling ships within one nautical mile of it. Distance is your only safety line. "

Each island has engraved the taboo on the stone tablet, standing in the most conspicuous position of the dock, so that the whaling ships that come here in the future can see it clearly at first glance.

However, this taboo rule only applies to humans, and those deep-sea families who also come here to hunt whales do not need to be so troublesome.


The giant whale, which had hit three harpoons in a row, panicked and wanted to dive into the deep sea, but the rope on the harpoon was connected to many empty oak barrels, and the end was still connected to the keel of the boat.

The huge buoyancy pulled it at all times, making it unable to escape at all. It could only continue to swim forward, pulling the three boats at high speed on the sea.

Vigorous exercise also speeds up oxygen consumption.

Just a few minutes later, the whale, which had been shot three times, had no choice but to swim up to the surface again for air.

Taking this opportunity, the other harpooners on the three ships rushed to attack again and inserted three more harpoons deeply into it.

Poof! Poof!

A large amount of blood loss and excessive exhaustion made this giant whale swim slower and slower, and the time interval between surfacing to the surface for ventilation became shorter and shorter. Whenever it surfaced, it would be jointly attacked by whalers.

It didn't take long, and after about four or five rounds of attacks, the giant beast fell completely and floated motionless on the water. Its bright red blood stained a large area of ​​​​the sea water.

Even though it is huge, it is still just a mortal thing. If someone seizes its weakness, it can only be killed at the slightest provocation.

A professional whaling ship following the [Golden Deer] immediately followed.

The bearded Captain of Hattings Bay called his crew to start work:

"The boys immediately divided the whale blubber and started refining the oil. Not even a drop of the precious spermaceti oil was wasted. I scraped it all clean."

"Got it, Captain."

Many sailors jumped into the sea with knives in their mouths, swam to the giant beast, and began to cut it up on the spot.

There is a "brain oil device" in the huge head of Leviathan whales.

This is a large and deep cavity, surrounded by fascia and a thick layer of muscle, and filled with precious spermaceti oil, which can store up to 6 tons.

Spermaceti is a translucent liquid with a pale rose color that forms into milky, waxy clumps when exposed to cold air.

It contains the richest source material and contains huge energy.

There is no need for further refining and processing like whale blubber. It is already the best alchemical material.

The less valuable blubber will be cut off and put into wooden barrels, and barrels will be piled into the smelly cabins of whaling ships, which are in extremely poor conditions.

Some of the whale oil is processed on-site while it is freshest, and the whale oil is of the highest quality at this time.

"Open the pot and we'll cook it on site. The Lighthouse Weekly said that only the freshest whale oil can be sold at a high price."

The captain of the whaling ship rubbed his hands excitedly and personally checked every detail to make sure there were no mistakes.

Byron saw that the whaler had built a large furnace with bricks in the middle of the main deck, using several large pots to work at the same time.

In the past, few whaling ships did this. They usually transported the blubber back to the dock for processing.

The main reason is that many crew members are afraid of death. After all, if an accident occurs to the continuously burning furnace, it is likely to ignite the entire wooden whaling ship, and they will not be able to escape on the vast sea.

Moreover, the danger of Leviathan whale oil is not much different from that of gunpowder. Once something goes wrong, it is far more dangerous than ordinary whale oil.

But what does a "small risk" mean in the face of "huge benefits"?

Just be careful.

As a result, a whaling ship becomes a mobile factory, which can complete whaling, cutting, refining, and storage work more efficiently, and naturally earn more wealth.

As long as a few transactions are made back and forth, the life and settlement expenses of everyone on the ship will be enough, and the rest will be earned.

As for who to sell to?

Of course it was the Standard Whale Oil Company, a subsidiary of the Pioneer Colonial Trading Company.

Even if Byron does nothing, at least 10% of the whale oil produced in the Rift Trench will fall into his hands, and he has already laid the industrial foundation for becoming a whale oil tycoon.

If this good opportunity to make a fortune is not seized, [Mithril Dragon] Miss Catherine will probably hang up this prodigal brother and beat him with a cat-nine-tails for three days and three nights.

Witnessing the heated scene in front of him, Tycoon Byron nodded happily:

“Our selling point at Standard Whale Oil Company is standardization.

Establish a set of standard hunting, purchasing, finishing, transportation, and storage processes to ensure that every can of whale oil produced by the company has the same quality!

Only when various industrial categories relying on whale oil thrive will consumers know the value of the word ‘standard’.

When the special leeches used for whale oil extraction come online, the efficiency will be doubled.

Our goal is – the monopolistic whale oil king!

Integrate related similar upstream and downstream companies to form a huge whale oil monopoly trust. By then, as long as I stomp my feet in Whale Song Town, the Old World will be shaken.

Monopolies are not friendly to other countries, but they are good to me. "

After leading the crew to enjoy a whaling addiction, they were about to order to return home. However, when they turned the ship's bow, they accidentally noticed something in the nearby underwater depths that seemed to be attracting them.

"What's wrong, Byron?"

Noticing something strange about him, Violet reached out and pulled his sleeve.

This master craftsman who had been immersed in research was also forcibly pulled out by Byron to relax.

The virtual ship spirit who happened to capture a fifth-level legendary craftsman could share most of her work.

Although he only inherited all the knowledge of [Sailboat Collector], he did not have the agility of a normal human being, which was actually an advantage in Byron's opinion.

Perhaps influenced by the overloaded research task yesterday, after signing the contract with Byron, he turned into a ruthless scientific research machine without self.

In addition to research, he even stopped touching his favorite sailboat.

When Byron placed a [Blue Dragon King] and a [Golden Deer] in front of him, the ship spirit didn't even look at them, and Byron was completely relieved.

With the help of this ship spirit, Violet naturally didn't have to be so busy.

It even took the other party only one day to come up with a preliminary "specific boiling point distillation extraction method" to ensure that the different qualities of whale oil purchased can be separated into finished products of the same standard.

And this invention was naturally also named after Violet.

Byron concentrated and sensed it, and said with some surprise:

"It seems that there are crystal skulls under the water? Yes, there are thirteen crystal skulls."

Now he has a total of seven crystal skulls in his hand: Crystal Skull No. 1 [God of Heaven]; No. 2 [Goddess of Earth]; No. 3 [God of Corn]; No. 5 [God of Sun]; No. 6 [Goddess of Moon]; No. 8 [Quetzalcoatl]; No. 12 [God of North Star].

The remaining six are missing.

The No. 1 skull on Byron's neck can sense the location of other skulls within the territory of the Taya Empire.

Once it leaves the empire, this perception will drop significantly, unless it appears within a few kilometers nearby to accurately sense.

From [The Hundred-Headed Dragon Mother·Tiamat] and [The Sleeping God·Kraken], we know that when the Taya Empire collapsed, many evil cults were fishing in troubled waters.

It is not surprising that they took advantage of the chaos to bring the most precious treasures to the southern continent.

Byron was looking forward to the time when he could gather all thirteen skulls, so that the [Flower Mountain Heaven] in his mind could be truly realized. At that time, it could not only receive souls, but also allow materials to enter and exit.

A heaven on earth comparable to gods!

Carrying a beautiful little world like heaven with you is simply a beautiful thing that every ocean adventurer dares not dream of.

Violet, the [Witch], also sensed it.

"That should be the Rift Trench.

It just so happens that we haven't had time to explore the secrets of those whale people. Whale Song Town is just a whaling town. A considerable part of their property should still be hidden underwater."

After she said this, Byron immediately became excited.

First, he sent the two ravens, Fujin and Wuni, to go down and take a look to confirm that there was no danger that could not be dealt with.

Then he said hello to the others, picked up Violet, the only one who could move freely in the deep sea, and flew up, landing on the big head of the ammonite snail.

They parted the waves and rushed into the deep sea together.

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