Pirate Kingship

Chapter 400: Survival of the fittest

The southern continent and the west coast of the old continent face a "storm ocean" that no one has been able to conquer so far.

This ocean is vast and the weather conditions are extremely complex. Naturalists have identified it as a dangerous sea area wider than the Sea of ​​Echidna.

Already somewhat deep into the Prosperous Ocean, about a few hundred kilometers away from the west coast of the southern continent, a huge archipelago suddenly emerged from the sea.

The main body consists of 13 small islands and 19 rocks, with a total area of ​​more than 7,500 square kilometers.

It seems that it was formed by the eruption of an undersea volcano. I don’t know how many years have passed, but the dense craters on the island have all turned into large and small clear volcanic lakes.

It shows outsiders a magnificent natural scenery that is rarely seen elsewhere.

There are two adventure ships moored on the edge of a small island in the southeast corner of the archipelago. One of them is the [Jackdaw] with its red sails and particularly obvious features.

Under the bow girder of another ship hangs a dazzling bow statue of a hound. It is the protagonist of this unexpected incident [the Beagle]!

[Eagle Eye] James explained the situation generally to Byron and hung up the communication.

He turned to look at a middle-aged dark wizard next to him who was wearing a black robe and a black crown, and was as thin as a black-feathered starling:

"No sir, my ability [shielding presence] has a limited range of influence. If I want to maintain it for a long time, it can only cover my Jackdaw at most.

Are you sure this can really shield the entire island and avoid enemy detection? "

When the First Colonial War started a few days ago, the Pirate King assigned three battleships to serve as scouts to approach Luoyan City for detection. Due to a strange combination of circumstances, they became the members with the smallest losses in the entire colonial fleet.

After the battle, they did not go to the Sagittarius Islands to join the others. Instead, they immediately disbanded and committed suicide on the spot, headed for the New World, and began the first tentative round of horse racing.

Whale oil technology represents the future, but the actual fertile land represents the present.

[Jackdaw] is not very lucky.

While exploring the old site of Luoyan City, he was involved in a blue hole that suddenly appeared. He accidentally came to the west coast and happened to encounter the fleeing Beagle.

Also affected by them, they could only gather together and run away together.

The pursuers were too strong, and they couldn't defeat them together. They could only temporarily hide in this archipelago with relatively complex terrain.

The third-level great wizard [Mr. No] Louis Williams immediately took action to show James a unique skill.

The ritual black magic [Gestalt] recorded in the Forbidden Book is used:

“Looking in the mirror every day and saying: ‘Who are you?’ for a month, your personality will be completely formatted.

From then on, as long as you activate the spiritual secret words, you can conceptually reshape yourself into any shape you want.

Whatever you think you are, you will become something and have the corresponding functions.

It is a powerful form of spiritual witchcraft, also known as 'real paranoia'.

For example: becoming a chatty starling, a pink caterpillar, or a giant invisibility cloak that covers an island."

This powerful ability also makes [Mr. No] Louis become an extremely adaptable all-rounder.

The price is that you have to play devil's advocate and become a hardcore super player.

No matter what others say, you must try to make yourself comfortable.

Hearing James' question, he shook his head decisively:

“No, no, no, I’m not Mr. No, I’m an invisibility cloak now.

Does the invisibility cloak have a mouth? Don't talk to me. "


James, who had long known his aggressive nature, had no choice but to shut up.

The other party's black magic is somewhat similar to his [Fantasy Treasure House]. While it is more adaptable, it will also obviously become crazier.

If you accidentally confuse your own cognition and really regard yourself as something else, you will never change it back.

The invisibility cloak is quite good, at most it prevents others from discovering him outside.

But if you really think that you are a stone, a weed, or even a toilet brush, then you will have to live or die.

[Eagle Eye] James shook his head and completely gave up on communicating with the first mate.

He was about to go to the captain of the Beagle [Naturalist] Charles and explain to him that he had brought in reinforcements.

Toot toot.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way."

A man with an unkempt beard who looked like a savage rushed out of the forest on the side riding a land sparrow that was taller than a man.

Behind him were a group of giant dragonflies and mosquitoes that were bigger than eagles and were chasing after him.

"Hey, what a big bug! What a big bird!"

Byron, who had just completed synaesthesia, was shocked.

Others are used to this sight.

The biological characteristic of this island, no, it should be said that it is the entire southern continent, is one word: big!

Everything is very large, plants, insects, animals, mushrooms.

Dragonflies with a wingspan of three meters, ground finches taller than ostriches, millipedes larger than four or five carriages put together, and brown bears as small as hills are like entering the kingdom of giants.

I finally know why it was called the "Paradise of Beasts" in the mythical age.

"Musketeers, fire!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sailors on the two boats immediately lined up and fired, repelling the dragonflies and mosquitoes, and rescued the third-level [naturalist] Charles who had secretly gone to do research.

The latter still held the neck of the ground sparrow, and continued to run wildly while cheering:

"Everyone, you can't guess how great a discovery I made this time.

This is obviously the same archipelago not far from each other, but there are as many as fourteen species of ground finches with obvious differences in appearance and size on different islands.

But they all have a common ancestor!

I think this is the niche differentiation caused by the geographical isolation between islands and the different environments on different islands.

In other words, the various creatures in the world may not be created by the [Creator] as the church preaches, and then never change.

Instead, over time, in order to adapt to the environment and different hunting objects, different adaptive changes will occur.

I think if the secrets of these ground finches can be extracted, there will definitely be a major discovery that subverts everyone's cognition!"

When he spoke, a dazzling spiritual glow lit up on his body, and his spirituality rose steadily.

[Naturalist] will gain the core ability [Exploration and Discovery] at the second level. The more unknowns you explore, the higher your spirituality.

At the same time, the rarer the discovery is in the unknown world, the fewer people discover it, and the stronger the ability they get from it.

At the third level, they will write their own [Natural History].

They can use their own knowledge to summon the projections or extraordinary abilities of various known things. The deeper their understanding of these things, the stronger their strength.

At the fourth level, they discover the world, understand the world, extract the truth, research their own original theories, and then publish them so that more people can accept them.

The closer this groundbreaking knowledge is to the truth, the more audiences there are, and the stronger the ability of the naturalist is. When they reach the critical point, they can complete the fourth level promotion.

This third-level [Naturalist] Charles is obviously a blessing in disguise. He made an extraordinary discovery here while escaping, and was the first to receive the gift of the sea of ​​human collective subconsciousness.

A groundbreaking theory seems to be about to emerge.

The sky above seems to be sensing it, and it emits a faint thunder.

"The Beagle is full of weirdos!"

James just thought that this adventure team was all weird, but Byron, who had empathy with James, looked at this naturalist as if he had seen a priceless treasure.

Even the [Sun Crown] that Edward IV specifically asked to take back would be immediately eclipsed by him.

"I have a feeling that this gentleman is going to take off the underwear of the [Creator] Church."

Just about to communicate with him through James' body.

But he found that the thunder in the sky was getting louder and louder, and he couldn't help but look up with everyone else.

It turned out that there were several golden chariots, running wildly from the direction of the west coast of the continent. The chariots seemed to be some kind of burning big birds, with only a vague outline.

It made people feel hot all over.


Several sun chariots ran like meteors across the sky, flying down, and the momentum was simply terrifying.

"Oh no, those extraordinary people from the Sun Empire are chasing us."

The sailors who had suffered a great loss at their hands were in a commotion after seeing the identity of the newcomers.

At this time, they were not sure whether the invisible cloak transformed by [Mr. No], who was not very reliable at ordinary times, could help them block the sight of the pursuers.

Just when they clenched their weapons and were ready to fight to the death when things went wrong.

The sharp-eyed [Eagle Eye] suddenly found that another adventure ship that was obviously in the shape of the Old World appeared on the sea in front.

But it was not the expected reinforcement [Golden Deer], but:

"I know them, that is the fourth-level adventure captain of the Kingdom of Castile, [Plunderer] Francisco Pizarro and his adventure ship [Thirteen Warriors]!

Huh? Did they also steal things from the Sun Empire and are being hunted by others?"

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