Pirate Kingship

Chapter 404 Overseas colonists? Guests of honor in the empire!

In brutal naval battles in which ships are the basic combat unit, the loser often ends up with his entire army annihilated.

If the warship upwind is no match for its opponent, it can escape by "sailing to windward".

However, the leeward warship was unable to catch up in the turbulent water several hundred meters long, and the distance would only get wider and wider. In the end, it could only helplessly watch the enemy's retreating back and jump around.

In the same way, if the battleship in the leeward position is defeated by its opponent, it has no way to escape.

Everyone actually knew that with the mainmast broken and unable to be repaired in a short period of time, the Thirteen Warriors had no escape.

Woo woo woo.

The shrill whine of the pipe organ was continuous, and one of every twenty shells must have exploded, knocking everyone on their backs and sending thick smoke billowing from the ship.

The crew loss rate soon exceeded 60%.

Moreover, the excellent anti-sinking performance of wooden sailboats is only for solid bullets, and is not enough in the face of exploding shells.

Byron even dared to boldly assert that if the timeline is extended back tens or hundreds of years, when explosive bombs become popular, it will definitely be the end of purely wooden sail warships.

"For His Majesty the King, fight to the end! Fight back, fight back!"

Under Pizarro's order, the sailors nailed the royal flag of the Kingdom of Castile, with the golden castle as the main body, to the foremast to show that they would sink with the ship.

This kind of courage and determination is impressive.

The Kingdom of Castile is not a populous country in the Old Continent, but the number of extraordinary beings far exceeds that of other countries.

In addition to its first-mover advantage and massive resource supply, it also obviously has its own training and restraint mechanism, and its control over its direct lineage of extraordinary beings and adventurers far exceeds that of other countries.

While this group of people received a large amount of spices and promotion resources, they also most likely signed a strict contract of prostitution with the royal family.

This should be the case for a series of powerful enemies Byron has encountered: [Conquistador] Cortez, [Infinite Evolver] Balboa, [Two-Face] Smith Brothers, and [Predator] Pizarro. .

Seeing the determination of these people, Byron was not polite to them:

"Raise the blood flag!"

The red blood flag on the [Golden Deer] represents the pirates' plunder and left nothing behind, and is hoisted on the mainmast.

[The Thirteen Warriors] is not an ordinary merchant ship, but an adventure ship, colonial ship and privateer funded by the royal family.

Since he is not a civilian, there is no need to try to get Byron to be lenient.

The Golden Deer relied on its maneuverability to pick out the opponent's blind spots, and with the blessing of "Katyusha", it smashed countless cannonballs like a violent storm.

The battleship battle has progressed to this point, and it is no different from massacre.

It's only a matter of time before the battleship is destroyed.

With victory firmly in hand, Byron continued the bombardment calmly, with no intention of joining forces to harvest wealth.

Compared with the uncertain treasures on the ship, he felt that the lives of the crew were more valuable.

"The only regret is that my spirituality is still a little short of the fourth-level limit, and I have not reached the prerequisite for holding the fourth-level promotion ceremony [Fleet Commander].

We cannot maximize the benefits of this battle. "

A series of promotion ceremonies for the Storm Riders are to examine: personal combat effectiveness of joining gangs; plundering methods for fat sheep; overall quality of adventure and treasure hunting; and command ability of the plundering fleet.

At level four, you need to sacrifice a powerful enemy in a fierce naval battle at the grand fleet level to prove your commanding skills over the pirate fleet.

The promotion ceremony of the Glory Ladder is like a professional title test, except that the examiner responsible for the test is not a living person, but the Silver Law and even the core rules of this world.

“However, today’s [Thirteen Warriors] is just the beginning, and the fun is yet to come.

When it comes to grand fleet-level plundering operations, apart from looking for those fourth-level pirate governors to steal and steal, the most suitable plundering target is the Castilian treasure fleet.

A treasure transport fleet that has won the title of legion makes people excited just thinking about it. "

Just when his thoughts were racing.

Boom——! ! !

With a shocking loud noise, the battleship's gunpowder magazine exploded tragically, and a huge fireball rose into the sky. Countless broken wooden boards, iron cannons, and human bodies rushed up to a height of 100 meters with the impact.

On the surface of the Southern Continent's Ocean of Storms, for the first time, human creations burst into such amazing grand fireworks.

"It's so spectacular! Even if a fourth-level [Son of the Sun] self-destructs, it is impossible to achieve such a terrifying effect.

Although the individual strength of these white-skinned outsiders is not as good as ours, they obviously have their own merits. "

Prince Atahualpa, who witnessed all this in the sky, was greatly shocked and could not help but be dazzled by the huge fireball.

As a [Son of the Sun] whose starting move is also "Boom Boom Boom", when he saw the weapons that could make thunderous noises and dazzling flames on the two foreign sailing ships, he was immediately attracted by them.

Compared with the anticlimactic gunfire ambush in the hot spring city of Cajamarca, this is the correct way to open "Lord of War".

Byron used a wonderful naval battle with noisy gunfire to open a door to a new world for the prince, which would never be closed again.

He turned to look at the Golden Deer and murmured to himself:

"There are records in the empire that we still have a group of people with the same roots and origins in the north of the gyre belt.

This northerner who seems to be very friendly should be easy to talk to.

Didn’t he just say that the Taíno people did not deceive the Quechua people and came to the Southern Continent specifically to help their overseas indigenous brothers?

According to the news from the four great Suyu of the empire, these white-skinned evil guests are appearing more and more, and have caused great damage and extremely bad influence.

Since the homeland of this fellow tribesman is also deeply harassed by these outsiders, we all have a common enemy, so naturally we are friends on the same front.

I wonder if it is enough for me to exchange one ship of his weapons that can thunder?

If not, then I will add another ship? "

The prince, with his eyes shining at the cannons, had no idea that he had just invented a very crazy unit of measurement for gold.

Suddenly, his golden eyes swept across the turbulent sea.


There was another explosion underwater, and the white water column seemed to be a water dragon rising into the sky, pushing a hawksbill turtle shell larger than a human into the sky.

It was the little ammonite snail that had been lying in ambush underwater that found something trying to escape, and immediately waved its tentacles to pull it away.

As a large sea monster with a challenge level corresponding to a battleship, it was not an existence that a single human transcendent of the [Ladder of Glory] sequence could confront head-on.

When it flew to the highest point, a figure also fell out of the turtle shell involuntarily.

It was the [Predator] Pizarro.

At this time, not only was his body charred, but there were also few treasure elves protecting him. The only one that was intact was the [Hawk Turtle Jewelry Box] with the strongest defense.

"Don't even think about running! "

When Atahualpa saw that the culprit who wanted to capture him was about to run away, he burst out with the sun's aura without hesitation and transformed into a five-meter-tall, golden Son of the Sun.

The halo exploded under his feet, as if a bright little sun exploded in the sky, and he rushed over waving the golden camel-headed knife in his hand.

At the same time, Byron on the Golden Deer shouted:

"Mingchao Qianxiang! "

A line of water light turned into a five-meter-long spear in his hand.

The cloak behind him was like a heavy dark cloud that swept up, carrying the wind, rain and lightning.

The two men came to Pizarro almost at the same time.

One swung his sword and chopped!

The other thrust his spear!

Pizarro, who was already exhausted and dizzy after being knocked away by Xiao Snail, had just raised his arms and a strange swift sword with difficulty, and took the defensive posture of [Supreme Art].


Lightning danced wildly in the storm, and a small sun exploded in the sky. .

The violent turbulence broke through the cumulonimbus clouds above, and a golden beam of light suddenly shone on the only two tall figures left in the field.

Similar burly figures, the same bronze skin and short black hair.

The high wind whistled in the sky, blowing their clothes.

The two looked at each other silently, and a hearty smile appeared on their faces at the same time. The friendship of fighting side by side is far more solid than thousands of words.

Let any painter come here and say: "What a magnificent picture of indigenous heroes fighting against colonial invaders together."

On the deck of the Golden Deer, Violet, who majored in painting and sculpture art design, took out the crystal reflexively and put her easel on the deck.

Using alchemy to control the brush, she quickly completed a sketch for them.

Especially Byron was portrayed by her to perfection.

"My Byron is the most handsome in the world! "

She had a feeling that the paintings recording this historic event would be very valuable in the future!

On the other side.

On the small island on the edge of the volcanic archipelago.

"The crisis is over!"

As the captain [Naturalist] Charles finished speaking, a group of sailors finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he continued to announce:

"Compared to Mr. St. Byron, we are indeed not suitable to be pioneers. Scientific research is the strength of our [Beagle].

I decided to stay on this island, study the species on each island, and summarize the epoch-making biological evolution law.

For the great cause of science and the progress of all mankind, I will never go out until I make a major discovery that is enough to be promoted to the fourth-level [Naturalist]!"

The unkempt face was shining with the brilliant brilliance of humanity and great ideals.

But then his thoughts were immediately pierced by [Mr. No] Louis, whose body and face were covered with his big footprints:

"No, no, no, it's not for any ideal, it's just because we are afraid of death.

It's not shameful to be afraid of death, what can't be said directly? "

Charles' old face turned red, and he grabbed his old friend's neck and shook him back and forth, saying angrily:

"Louis, shut up!

How unstable are the returns from adventures?

I relied on the funds I applied for from the York family through the research project to support the [Beagle] up and down.

Moreover, you have not stolen anything less, you have to spit it all out. "

The nitpicking [Mr. No] obviously has a hard mouth even until his death:

"No, no, no, you are slandering me. I only stole 18,000 pounds of "pig feed" in your funding application form, and the rest was stolen by you.

Your research has no results anyway.

What kind of women's anti-wolf stockings, duck-foot guns that can attack four directions at the same time, glasses with wipers, and feed that prevents pigs from growing fat. I am helping you stop the loss in time. "

His crew members also had similar expressions, and they simply didn't believe that this captain, who was usually not very serious, could make any epoch-making great discoveries.

Charles was so angry at his own crew that veins on his forehead bulged, and he could only stiffen his neck and say:

"Can this naturalist's scientific research be called stealing?

That's rationalized spending! If you can't finish spending this quarter, how can you report it next quarter?"

Then there are some difficult-to-understand words like "balance account" and "result conversion rate".

He looked at the wooden lumps in front of him, feeling a bit lonely that no one understood his genius ideas.

Just then, Byron, who had been listening silently, suddenly said:

"Mr. Charles, I think your various research projects have great potential.

I am inviting you on behalf of the Pioneer Navigation Colonial Trading Company. Do you still need sponsors now?"

Hearing this, the former's eyes suddenly sparkled like a whale oil lamp, and he grabbed his hand and said excitedly:

"You really have a good eye!"

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