Pirate Kingship

Chapter 429 Thief! Who stole my panacea?


"For my love, kill them all!"

"As long as I take their heads back, my sister will definitely agree to marry me! Kill, kill, kill."

The attackers were three teams composed entirely of [Lava Giants]. There were nine people in total including three princes and six guards.

Just when Byron and his group were seen with the naked eye, they all turned into little giants at least three meters tall.

Carrying various gleaming heavy weapons, he walked dozens of meters in one step, like nine unstoppable bolides, burning all the weeds on the way.

Yes, even with their abilities, the only things they can ignore in the Giant Kingdom-like land of Beast Paradise are probably the weeds.

Along the way, thick smoke billowed and flames broke out, surrounding Byron and his party on three sides.

According to the location estimation, the place where these people were transported by Shimen should be only a few kilometers away from them. After entering the trial, they probably didn't waste even a moment before they came to kill them.

There may be others running in other directions.

Seeing this, Atahualpa couldn't help being shocked:

"Are you crazy? Risking your life to kill us at the first level, what good will it do to yourselves?

Moreover, Tequil, Yulapa, and Ataguqiu, haven’t you all accepted my bribes? Aren't you afraid of backlash from the contract? ! "

Under normal circumstances, unless you encounter a madman like the previous king [Dark Sun of Death] Supay who killed all his brothers, the main danger encountered during the coronation ceremony comes from the secret realm.

Even if there is fighting between each other, it will usually be in the final stage of the big brawl. By then, they are already the final enemies and there will be no worries.

Byron proposed to him a match-fixing strategy to buy off those third-level princes that others looked down upon in advance, mainly targeting the final brawl.

It makes absolutely no sense to start risking your life now!

“Your Highness, it’s not that they are crazy, but the Sisters of Joy and Feast under the command of the fourth-order succubus have taken action.

The 'lust' for the succubus has completely taken over their heads, so they are not tempted by the 'greed' in the secret realm.

Just like the principle of meditation, the state of meditation is not to think about nothing, but to think about one thing, and eliminate other distracting thoughts through listening, keeping in mind, visualizing, etc.

Therefore lust both controls and protects them. "

Just as Byron expected, the succubus Tris Ashbel was obviously not willing to be just the mastermind behind the scenes.

Retiring guard captain Xinchiloka early is just the beginning.

Today, I really sneaked in with the second prince and personally activated the backhand that the half-succubi used to implant in some trialists with their hue.

She didn't even want to wait for a trial before she had to kill Byron and Atahualpa who almost exposed her.

I don’t know if there are other means waiting for them later.

"Guards, summoned!"


Violet immediately threw out her six [Gun Gun Demons].

When it landed, it had been combined with the 32-pound field gun and turned into six huge steel monsters.

The dust was flying, and the rubber wheels under their feet were spinning rapidly, allowing them to draw an arc with great dexterity, guarding the three people in the middle.

The fourth-level hero with the protection of the heroic guard is the real complete body, and it is also the beginning of the [Ladder of Glory] gradually leveling the power of [Bloodline Original Code] by relying on the power of the crowd to attribute its power to itself.

For this fourth-level gunsmith who invented the copper-cased fixed-loading ammunition, in addition to gathering the strength of the crowd, he also needs to add one more thing - technology!

Use technology as a lever to leverage power beyond the reach of your own class.

Violet's disaster aura is connected to Byron, and uses his [divine vision] and raven positioning to provide guidance for the six demon spirits.


boom! boom! boom! boom!

Thunder exploded in the dense jungle, and six large-caliber bronze cannons spewed out flames at an unprecedented speed, illuminating the dark forest.

The long chain of shotgun shells around you automatically feeds ammunition, and you can achieve uninterrupted continuous firing without manual reloading.

The blazing metal storms enchanted by [Disaster Curse] and [Gunmaster] formed into one, sweeping across the entire mountain forest centered on them.

Flowers, plants and trees were the first to suffer. Not only weeds, but also trees that were often hugged by several people were riddled with holes in an instant.

Some of the enemies came and charged headlong regardless of their fire elemental bodies, some took out high-level strange shields to resist, and some turned their heavy weapons into windmills.

They all put on a desperate attitude of risking their lives for "love" and kept getting closer step by step.

Next to him, Atahualpa, reminded by Byron, immediately understood the cause and effect, and said with a gloomy face:

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?

Including the three of them, there were 72 brothers who finally accepted my bribe, accounting for 70% of the total.

In particular, according to your instructions, we signed a golden page contract with them to help each other.

If there are other brothers who are controlled and turned against each other like them, even if the binding force of the contract takes effect, there is absolutely nothing that can be done against them.

It doesn't matter if you have money or not, but I'm afraid all the preparations ahead have been wasted! "

Byron smiled calmly:

"How could it be wasted? Have you forgotten that you lent me the money first and then I gave it to the attendants?

In name, it’s the money you gave me, but in essence it’s my investment.

Now it's time to pay back the money. "

He took a step forward, flicked out a golden stock, and shouted:

"Now I demand to sell the three shares I hold, force the separation, and completely clear the warehouse!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and grabbed a group of lava giants fiercely.

Instantly activated the ability of the holy relic "Sell":

"When we go our separate ways, we can ask for the settlement of dividends, form a mystical treasure chest, and forcibly extract the property, knowledge, power, and treasures in the organization to offset the dividends.

The more shares you have, the higher the value of the things you extract!"

The money invested in the princes of each family is only the bribes from the previous few days.

The level of the treasure chest is obviously not as high as when you extracted five magic dragons in Tayapan City, and you can get three fishing hooks of red, gold, and purple.

Only one red fishing hook of the lowest level was obtained from each of them.

Then it was time to test your luck again.

This time, Violet, who had the whitest face, was not allowed to draw, but all were handed over to Atahualpa, who was destined to be entangled with wealth in this life.

The latter did not disappoint Byron either.

After understanding the purpose of the hook, he was overjoyed at Byron's preparation of defeat before victory, and threw out three red hooks with a wave of his hand.




Accompanied by three sounds of the fishing line being tightened, there was a series of screams.


Three pieces of holy gold bones came out of the bodies of the three princes, followed by six other pieces that were much smaller.

Obviously, as soon as they got the bribe, they couldn't wait to integrate it into their own strength.

Now not only was it taken back, but also a high interest was charged.

The aura on his body plummeted, and the spiritual light was dim.

Even with Atahualpa's wealth, he was still smiling with a pile of holy gold in his hand:

"I was worried that giving too much money would have a bad impact, so I only gave them 200,000 pounds of gold each as pocket money.

What I got back today is holy gold. Although the amount is small, the value has doubled. It's really a huge profit!"

Looking at Byron beside him, his eyes lit up.

It's only been seven days, and the rate of return has reached 100%, which is even better than usury!

If it weren't for the fact that the throne is still important, he would have wanted to cooperate with Byron to create a big pig-killing plate and cut a piece of meat from the wealthy dignitaries in his country.

In the periphery, the nine [Lava Giants] who came to kill suddenly encountered such a shocking change. How could they care about the metal storm around them?

The moment they screamed with their heads in their hands, they were mercilessly torn into pieces by Violet.

However, after eliminating three princes, who were also three political enemies in one breath, Byron looked at the [Scarlet Holy Grail] in his hand and his face was not very good.

"What happened? I only collected one-third of the normal amount?

I went to the front line in person during this "palace bloodshed incident", and I only got this much. Where did the remaining two-thirds go?

Could it be that they were all taken away by Therese who was holding the fifth-level ceremony?

You are too greedy. Don't let me meet you in advance. Then don't blame me for using your biggest blood bag to brush!"

On the other side, Therese Ashbel, who had not encountered too many obstacles and had already reached the second level ahead of Byron and his party, also found that nine of the slaves she controlled died at once.

There was no sadness or joy on her face. It would be best if she could kill Byron and his party. If she couldn't kill them, she would continue to kill them later.

Besides, the nobles played dirty, so they didn't need to go to the front line like a warrior. As long as those political enemies died because of their conspiracy and tricks, they could get a share.

But the next moment, after checking the harvest in the [Blood Cup], she was broken just like Byron.

"Why is there only one-third? Why is there so little harvest in the blood cup?

Who stole my panacea?!!"

Therese Ashbel was furious.

Originally, she thought that both the number of participants in this palace power struggle and the level of power were enough for her to be promoted to the fifth-level pseudo-god.

But she unexpectedly found that the harvest was far less than she had imagined, and she couldn't help but feel a little gloomy in her heart.

"Where did the other two-thirds go?"

Obviously, Byron and Therese held the [Scarlet Holy Grail] ceremony at the same time, but they did not split it in half according to their contributions, but each got one-third.

It was as if they were not the only ones snatching the resources of these trialists, but there was a third party that no one had noticed yet!

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