Pirate Kingship

Chapter 432 I said: Let it rain, and it rained!

Regardless of the flourishing of various swordsmanship schools, whether you are a pirate, navy, or traditional knight, you must learn swordsmanship when you first start, in order to achieve the prerequisites for employment in their respective extraordinary professions.

But if they really have to leave the sailing ship with complex terrain and crisscrossed cables, and go to a large battlefield where heavy weapons can be deployed, the weapons in their hands will 100% compete with each other.

Even [Sword Master] like Byron is no exception.

Even after comprehending [divine vision], one has reached the state of being able to lift something light while weighing something heavy. He will not confront a strong enemy of the same rank head-on. If someone else holds a heavy weapon, it will only become heavier.

He would never be able to fight with light weapons, except for those Castilian swordsmen who are obsessed with the [Supreme Art].

Using a five-meter lance against a one-foot dagger is the best way Byron can think of to fight against the [Dagger of Cassius].

As long as the dagger cannot stab himself, no matter how powerful the dagger is against the prince, it will be in vain.

Before August's feet landed on the ground to regroup, Byron's feet suddenly hit the ground, air waves exploded under his feet, and his body ran close to the ground.


The whole person was like an elongated javelin, and the surrounding scenery quickly retreated, chasing him and rushing out.

No one at the scene understood the advantages and disadvantages of the [Ladder of Glory] sequence better than him.

Their extraordinary abilities may have been refined over time, but they are still essentially fragile mortals who can be taken away by a bad cold.

If this fourth-level [Sworn Knight] could lead a carefully trained army of heroic guards, he might even have a chance to fight with him.

After all, the coordination of these temporary team of lava giants was too low. They were strangers to begin with. Relying on the dual blessings of the Knight Commander and the Breath of All Things, the increase they obtained was far less than expected.

But now that he dared to take risks alone and lost the initiative due to carelessness, don't blame him for deliberately bullying others.


He exhaled loudly, his eyes turned red, and blazing boiling blood mist erupted from his body, like a large steam engine with full power.

The force started from the feet, the waist and abdomen exerted force simultaneously, and the muscles, bones, and fascia of the whole body became more and more inhuman and twisted into one.

The air exploded.

Holding the tail of the gun tightly with one hand, it's like swinging a long elastic whip, whipping this strange spear from back to front.

Just as he raised his right hand, the straight gun shaft collapsed into a curved bow shape under the terrifying acceleration.

The terrifying kinetic energy is rapidly transmitted through the entire whip-like lance. The kinetic energy is fixed, and the mass of the lance from tail to head is getting smaller and smaller, so the speed will naturally become faster and faster.

In just the blink of an eye, a sharp gun tip broke through the sound barrier. The gun tip cut through the atmosphere at twice the speed of sound and made a harsh roar.

At this moment, August paid a heavy price for his underestimation of the enemy and his lagging intelligence. While his face changed horribly, he could only cross his hands to protect his chest.

He was covered in the invulnerable lion skin of the giant Nemean lion, trying to withstand the blow.

However, the fourth-level [Goddess of Love and Beauty] Freya died under this move. Why should a mortal be an exception?

However, at the moment when life and death were about to be decided, a piercing sense of crisis suddenly struck him from behind.

call out!

A golden line of fire flew towards Byron and hit Byron in the back of his heart.

It was impossible for him to be attacked by anyone in the state of "Naking the God". With control beyond the limits of mortal imagination, his body instantly collapsed and turned into a gambling pie.

The line of fire immediately flew past his left ribs.

It was this accident that slightly deformed the movement of the spear, and gave August a chance to respond. With the extraordinary balance of the doe of Mount Cerunia, he twisted in mid-air to avoid the vital point.

The next moment.


The three haloes formed by [The Twelve Skills of Heroes] were completely torn apart, and although the spear with greatly reduced kinetic energy could not draw his whole body into a blood mist.

But the right hand holding the [Dagger of Cassius] was torn apart by the turbulence carried by the gun tip, and it flew away from the body in an instant.

"No—! Don't let him take the dagger!"

In the interlacing of lightning and light, Byron saw clearly that what had just struck was a shining golden feather arrow.

After grazing his body and shooting deeply into the ground, the arrow tail was still buzzing and trembling.

Behind him, the third prince [Hero's Blood] who was supposed to be restrained by Atahualpa held a large bow and shot the second and third arrows again.

Forcing Byron not to snatch the dagger of Cassius that could kill other princes as well as him.

Atahualpa eagerly waved the golden camel's head sword in his hand and chased after his third brother, but it was not enough to block the opponent's long-range attack.

Apparently he said before: "Everything else is a problem for me, but gold is not a problem."

This is not to be self-effacing, but to describe the facts.

The skills at hand are indeed too weak.

"It's a pity that even though you, a big dog, are both rich and weak, I don't have a big killer weapon like 'Two Kicks' that I can sell to you.

Of course, even if I have it, I can't sell it. I'm not as poor as a rabbit. "

Byron also knew that it was unrealistic to expect Atahualpa to show his power, so he was not disappointed. He stopped chasing Augustus, and his spear danced like a wheel, blocking the flying arrows one by one. .

But a hand of wind element quietly took shape, and it grabbed the [Dagger of Cassius] before August, who rushed at him again regardless of the pain.

Since he offended a Habsburg who was extremely powerful in the Old World, he would be beaten to death on the spot.

Besides, seeing that Atahualpa, the Son of the Sun, was at the bottom of the battle power, Byron might as well let him drag the other two Sons of the Sun to the bottom.

A storm surged in the depths of his eyes, and he spoke loudly:

"I say: Let it rain!"


The wind whistled overhead, and the water vapor above Lake Titicaca immediately condensed, and countless cumulonimbus clouds filled the sky in just a few breaths.

With the fourth crystal skull [Rain God] Chak, Byron could get whatever he wanted.

With a thunderbolt, heavy rain poured down.

But it only fell on the side of the second group fighting in the arena, and the power of all the descendants of the Sun God suddenly decreased significantly.

But the third prince, who had two fourth-level [Sons of the Sun], had a significantly higher degree of power reduction.

In this wave, Atahualpa, the lower horse, replaced the opponent's upper and middle horses in one breath.

It was only a short moment after the start of the war, and the battlefield situation of the second group suddenly reversed.

Byron, the [Sword Saint], got the special attack weapon, and his deterrence was completely different from August.

But he did not kill August first to lift the blockade of the Colosseum, but went straight to the third prince [Hero's Blood] whose face changed drastically, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Bacchus? Hero's Blood? Just be my blood of immortality!

From the moment you took this name, you were destined to have a connection with the [Blood Brew] in our Bloody Mary cup. "

The battle between the eldest prince and the second prince next door also reached a fever pitch.

In addition to his son Luke Kapak, another native with an overly pale face beside [Earthquake Light] also revealed his hidden tricks.

Throwing out two ebony coffins, countless [Resurrected Corpses] with a strong stench broke through the coffin lids and rushed out like a tide.

There was also dark green [Pufferfish Poison] on his body, which transformed into a small snake in the air and swam rapidly, attacking the entire Colosseum indiscriminately.

Even if the corpse has already fallen, it will become a resurrected corpse and join their team in a moment after being poisoned.

As the air circulates and permeates the battlefield, even the battlefield of the next group is affected.

This is actually a black wizard from Voodoo!

"All throw yourself into the arms of my Lord [The Eel King Samadi], quack quack"

Open your mouth, your tongue and mouth are all black like a black mamba, which is particularly creepy.

Obviously he is not an ordinary black wizard from the Bantaan Islands, but from an old god's family along the east coast!

At the beginning, the taboo book of Voodoo, "Voodoo Ritual", was obtained from the ruins by a fourth-level pioneer when exploring the "celestial circulation".

They use fear to force believers to join the religion, and their specialties are voodoo potions, spiritualism, enslaving the dead, driving the dead, and substitute dolls.

Obviously this sect has a long foundation in the southern continent and is also the source of Bantaan Voodoo.

This time, when everyone thought that this "ninety-year-old prince" was not suitable to be the king, only these clans thought that he was the most suitable candidate.

[Abyss Nightmare] Dagon said the reason: "The sun and the storm are the mortal enemies of the deep sea!"

Everyone knows that the eldest prince is an old and reckless man. It is precisely because of his strong limbs and simple mind that he is easier to control, and the clans must support him more.

In the final analysis, they all just want to destroy the Sun Empire and eliminate the enemy of their own old gods.

I don’t know how many resurrected corpses this voodoo black wizard brought. The terrifying corpse tide rushed towards the second prince, the poisonous plague messenger, and the flower fairy like sea water.

The big killer [Time Thief] has no effect on these long-dead resurrected corpses.

However, the three of them looked at each other and made a move, which made the big move of the old god’s clan useless.

They stretched out their hands together and made a gesture of pinching the index finger and thumb together, leaving only a little gap, towards the eldest prince [Earthquake Light] behind the corpse tide.

As expected, the eldest prince, who had been brooding over his life story for his entire life, exploded at the slightest provocation and howled to the sky:

"Ah! I'm going to kill you!"

He transformed into a mythical form that was half-human and half-dragon and weighed dozens of tons. He cut in from behind the corpse tide and plowed a blank passage that led directly to the three people.

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